blob: e46afb74e26f39c27d776374b6b4afd264176883 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrRingBuffer_DEFINED
#define GrRingBuffer_DEFINED
#include "src/gpu/GrGpuBuffer.h"
#include "include/private/SkSpinlock.h"
* A wrapper for a GPU buffer that allocates slices in a continuous ring.
* It's assumed that suballocate and startSubmit are always called in the same thread,
* and that finishSubmit could be called in a separate thread.
class GrRingBuffer : public SkRefCnt {
GrRingBuffer(sk_sp<GrGpuBuffer> buffer, size_t size, size_t alignment)
: fBuffer(std::move(buffer))
, fTotalSize(size)
, fAlignment(alignment)
, fHead(0)
, fTail(0)
, fGenID(0) {
// We increment fHead and fTail without bound and let overflow handle any wrapping.
// Because of this, size needs to be a power of two.
struct Slice {
sk_sp<GrGpuBuffer> fBuffer;
size_t fOffset;
Slice suballocate(size_t size);
class SubmitData {
GrGpuBuffer* buffer() const { return fBuffer.get(); }
friend class GrRingBuffer;
sk_sp<GrGpuBuffer> fBuffer;
size_t fLastHead;
size_t fGenID;
// Backends should call startSubmit() at submit time, and finishSubmit() when the
// command buffer/list finishes.
SubmitData startSubmit();
void finishSubmit(const SubmitData&);
size_t size() const { return fTotalSize; }
virtual sk_sp<GrGpuBuffer> createBuffer(size_t size) = 0;
size_t getAllocationOffset(size_t size);
sk_sp<GrGpuBuffer> fBuffer;
size_t fTotalSize;
size_t fAlignment;
size_t fHead SK_GUARDED_BY(fMutex); // where we start allocating
size_t fTail SK_GUARDED_BY(fMutex); // where we start deallocating
uint64_t fGenID SK_GUARDED_BY(fMutex); // incremented when createBuffer is called
SkSpinlock fMutex;