blob: 77d8e55c0575411fc21bb726ed7923c73eea66ef [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "src/sksl/SkSLASTFile.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLAnalysis.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLContext.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLInliner.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLParsedModule.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLProgram.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLSymbolTable.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrShaderVar.h"
class SkBitSet;
class SkSLCompileBench;
namespace SkSL {
namespace dsl {
class DSLCore;
class DSLWriter;
class ExternalFunction;
class FunctionDeclaration;
class IRGenerator;
class IRIntrinsicMap;
class ProgramUsage;
struct LoadedModule {
ProgramKind fKind;
std::shared_ptr<SymbolTable> fSymbols;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ProgramElement>> fElements;
* Main compiler entry point. This is a traditional compiler design which first parses the .sksl
* file into an abstract syntax tree (a tree of ASTNodes), then performs semantic analysis to
* produce a Program (a tree of IRNodes), then feeds the Program into a CodeGenerator to produce
* compiled output.
* See the README for information about SkSL.
class SK_API Compiler {
static constexpr const char FRAGCOLOR_NAME[] = "sk_FragColor";
static constexpr const char RTADJUST_NAME[] = "sk_RTAdjust";
static constexpr const char PERVERTEX_NAME[] = "sk_PerVertex";
static constexpr const char POISON_TAG[] = "<POISON>";
* Gets a float4 that adjusts the position from Skia device coords to normalized device coords,
* used to populate sk_RTAdjust. Assuming the transformed position, pos, is a homogeneous
* float4, the vec, v, is applied as such:
* float4((pos.xy * v.xz) + sk_Position.ww * v.yw, 0, pos.w);
static std::array<float, 4> GetRTAdjustVector(SkISize rtDims, bool flipY) {
std::array<float, 4> result;
result[0] = 2.f/rtDims.width();
result[2] = 2.f/rtDims.height();
result[1] = -1.f;
result[3] = -1.f;
if (flipY) {
result[2] = -result[2];
result[3] = -result[3];
return result;
* Uniform values by the compiler to implement origin-neutral dFdy, sk_Clockwise, and
* sk_FragCoord.
static std::array<float, 2> GetRTFlipVector(int rtHeight, bool flipY) {
std::array<float, 2> result;
result[0] = flipY ? rtHeight : 0.f;
result[1] = flipY ? -1.f : 1.f;
return result;
struct OptimizationContext {
// nodes we have already reported errors for and should not error on again
std::unordered_set<const IRNode*> fSilences;
// true if we have updated the CFG during this pass
bool fUpdated = false;
// true if we need to completely regenerate the CFG
bool fNeedsRescan = false;
// Metadata about function and variable usage within the program
ProgramUsage* fUsage = nullptr;
// Nodes which we can't throw away until the end of optimization
StatementArray fOwnedStatements;
Compiler(const ShaderCapsClass* caps);
Compiler(const Compiler&) = delete;
Compiler& operator=(const Compiler&) = delete;
* Allows optimization settings to be unilaterally overridden. This is meant to allow tools like
* Viewer or Nanobench to override the compiler's ProgramSettings and ShaderCaps for debugging.
enum class OverrideFlag {
static void EnableOptimizer(OverrideFlag flag) { sOptimizer = flag; }
static void EnableInliner(OverrideFlag flag) { sInliner = flag; }
* If fExternalFunctions is supplied in the settings, those values are registered in the symbol
* table of the Program, but ownership is *not* transferred. It is up to the caller to keep them
* alive.
std::unique_ptr<Program> convertProgram(
ProgramKind kind,
String text,
Program::Settings settings);
bool toSPIRV(Program& program, OutputStream& out);
bool toSPIRV(Program& program, String* out);
bool toGLSL(Program& program, OutputStream& out);
bool toGLSL(Program& program, String* out);
bool toHLSL(Program& program, String* out);
bool toMetal(Program& program, OutputStream& out);
bool toMetal(Program& program, String* out);
void handleError(skstd::string_view msg, PositionInfo pos);
String errorText(bool showCount = true);
ErrorReporter& errorReporter() { return *fContext->fErrors; }
int errorCount() const { return fContext->fErrors->errorCount(); }
void writeErrorCount();
void resetErrors() {
Context& context() {
return *fContext;
// When SKSL_STANDALONE, fPath is used. (fData, fSize) will be (nullptr, 0)
// When !SKSL_STANDALONE, fData and fSize are used. fPath will be nullptr.
struct ModuleData {
const char* fPath;
const uint8_t* fData;
size_t fSize;
static ModuleData MakeModulePath(const char* path) {
return ModuleData{path, /*fData=*/nullptr, /*fSize=*/0};
static ModuleData MakeModuleData(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
return ModuleData{/*fPath=*/nullptr, data, size};
LoadedModule loadModule(ProgramKind kind, ModuleData data, std::shared_ptr<SymbolTable> base,
bool dehydrate);
ParsedModule parseModule(ProgramKind kind, ModuleData data, const ParsedModule& base);
IRGenerator& irGenerator() {
return *fIRGenerator;
const ParsedModule& moduleForProgramKind(ProgramKind kind);
class CompilerErrorReporter : public ErrorReporter {
CompilerErrorReporter(Compiler* compiler)
: fCompiler(*compiler) {}
void handleError(skstd::string_view msg, PositionInfo pos) override {
fCompiler.handleError(msg, pos);
Compiler& fCompiler;
const ParsedModule& loadGPUModule();
const ParsedModule& loadFragmentModule();
const ParsedModule& loadVertexModule();
const ParsedModule& loadPublicModule();
const ParsedModule& loadRuntimeShaderModule();
std::shared_ptr<SymbolTable> makeRootSymbolTable();
std::shared_ptr<SymbolTable> makePrivateSymbolTable(std::shared_ptr<SymbolTable> parent);
/** Optimize every function in the program. */
bool optimize(Program& program);
/** Performs final checks to confirm that a fully-assembled/optimized is valid. */
bool finalize(Program& program);
/** Optimize the module. */
bool optimize(LoadedModule& module);
/** Eliminates unused functions from a Program, according to the stats in ProgramUsage. */
bool removeDeadFunctions(Program& program, ProgramUsage* usage);
/** Eliminates unreferenced variables from a Program, according to the stats in ProgramUsage. */
bool removeDeadGlobalVariables(Program& program, ProgramUsage* usage);
bool removeDeadLocalVariables(Program& program, ProgramUsage* usage);
/** Eliminates unreachable statements from a Program. */
void removeUnreachableCode(Program& program, ProgramUsage* usage);
/** Flattens out function calls when it is safe to do so. */
bool runInliner(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ProgramElement>>& elements,
std::shared_ptr<SymbolTable> symbols,
ProgramUsage* usage);
Position position(int offset);
CompilerErrorReporter fErrorReporter;
std::shared_ptr<Context> fContext;
ParsedModule fRootModule; // Core types
ParsedModule fPrivateModule; // [Root] + Internal types
ParsedModule fGPUModule; // [Private] + GPU intrinsics, helper functions
ParsedModule fVertexModule; // [GPU] + Vertex stage decls
ParsedModule fFragmentModule; // [GPU] + Fragment stage decls
ParsedModule fPublicModule; // [Root] + Public features
ParsedModule fRuntimeShaderModule; // [Public] + Runtime shader decls
// holds ModifiersPools belonging to the core includes for lifetime purposes
ModifiersPool fCoreModifiers;
Mangler fMangler;
Inliner fInliner;
std::unique_ptr<IRGenerator> fIRGenerator;
String fErrorText;
static OverrideFlag sOptimizer;
static OverrideFlag sInliner;
friend class AutoSource;
friend class ::SkSLCompileBench;
friend class DSLParser;
friend class dsl::DSLCore;
friend class dsl::DSLWriter;
} // namespace SkSL