blob: dabf77ab206b3c310a81abd6579f4dd5df3d0c2a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrDrawingManager_DEFINED
#define GrDrawingManager_DEFINED
#include "GrBufferAllocPool.h"
#include "GrDeferredUpload.h"
#include "GrPathRenderer.h"
#include "GrPathRendererChain.h"
#include "GrResourceCache.h"
#include "SkSurface.h"
#include "SkTArray.h"
#include "text/GrTextContext.h"
class GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer;
class GrOnFlushCallbackObject;
class GrOpFlushState;
class GrRecordingContext;
class GrRenderTargetContext;
class GrRenderTargetProxy;
class GrRenderTargetOpList;
class GrSoftwarePathRenderer;
class GrTextureContext;
class GrTextureOpList;
class SkDeferredDisplayList;
// The GrDrawingManager allocates a new GrRenderTargetContext for each GrRenderTarget
// but all of them still land in the same GrOpList!
// In the future this class will allocate a new GrRenderTargetContext for
// each GrRenderTarget/GrOpList and manage the DAG.
class GrDrawingManager {
void freeGpuResources();
sk_sp<GrRenderTargetContext> makeRenderTargetContext(sk_sp<GrSurfaceProxy>,
const SkSurfaceProps*,
bool managedOpList = true);
sk_sp<GrTextureContext> makeTextureContext(sk_sp<GrSurfaceProxy>, sk_sp<SkColorSpace>);
// The caller automatically gets a ref on the returned opList. It must
// be balanced by an unref call.
// A managed opList is controlled by the drawing manager (i.e., sorted & flushed with the
// other). An unmanaged one is created and used by the onFlushCallback.
sk_sp<GrRenderTargetOpList> newRTOpList(GrRenderTargetProxy* rtp, bool managedOpList);
sk_sp<GrTextureOpList> newTextureOpList(GrTextureProxy* textureProxy);
GrRecordingContext* getContext() { return fContext; }
GrTextContext* getTextContext();
GrPathRenderer* getPathRenderer(const GrPathRenderer::CanDrawPathArgs& args,
bool allowSW,
GrPathRendererChain::DrawType drawType,
GrPathRenderer::StencilSupport* stencilSupport = nullptr);
GrPathRenderer* getSoftwarePathRenderer();
// Returns a direct pointer to the coverage counting path renderer, or null if it is not
// supported and turned on.
GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer* getCoverageCountingPathRenderer();
void flushIfNecessary();
static bool ProgramUnitTest(GrContext* context, int maxStages, int maxLevels);
GrSemaphoresSubmitted prepareSurfaceForExternalIO(GrSurfaceProxy*,
SkSurface::BackendSurfaceAccess access,
SkSurface::FlushFlags flags,
int numSemaphores,
GrBackendSemaphore backendSemaphores[]);
void addOnFlushCallbackObject(GrOnFlushCallbackObject*);
void testingOnly_removeOnFlushCallbackObject(GrOnFlushCallbackObject*);
void moveOpListsToDDL(SkDeferredDisplayList* ddl);
void copyOpListsFromDDL(const SkDeferredDisplayList*, GrRenderTargetProxy* newDest);
// This class encapsulates maintenance and manipulation of the drawing manager's DAG of opLists.
class OpListDAG {
OpListDAG(bool explicitlyAllocating, GrContextOptions::Enable sortOpLists);
// Currently, when explicitly allocating resources, this call will topologically sort the
// opLists.
// MDB TODO: remove once incremental opList sorting is enabled
void prepForFlush();
void closeAll(const GrCaps* caps);
// A yucky combination of closeAll and reset
void cleanup(const GrCaps* caps);
void gatherIDs(SkSTArray<8, uint32_t, true>* idArray) const;
void reset();
// These calls forceably remove an opList from the DAG. They are problematic bc they just
// remove the opList but don't cleanup any refering pointers (i.e., dependency pointers
// in the DAG). They work right now bc they are only called at flush time, after the
// topological sort is complete (so the dangling pointers aren't used).
void removeOpList(int index);
void removeOpLists(int startIndex, int stopIndex);
bool empty() const { return fOpLists.empty(); }
int numOpLists() const { return fOpLists.count(); }
GrOpList* opList(int index) { return fOpLists[index].get(); }
const GrOpList* opList(int index) const { return fOpLists[index].get(); }
GrOpList* back() { return fOpLists.back().get(); }
const GrOpList* back() const { return fOpLists.back().get(); }
void add(sk_sp<GrOpList>);
void add(const SkTArray<sk_sp<GrOpList>>&);
void swap(SkTArray<sk_sp<GrOpList>>* opLists);
bool sortingOpLists() const { return fSortOpLists; }
SkTArray<sk_sp<GrOpList>> fOpLists;
bool fSortOpLists;
GrDrawingManager(GrRecordingContext*, const GrPathRendererChain::Options&,
const GrTextContext::Options&,
bool explicitlyAllocating, GrContextOptions::Enable sortRenderTargets,
GrContextOptions::Enable reduceOpListSplitting);
bool wasAbandoned() const;
void cleanup();
// return true if any opLists were actually executed; false otherwise
bool executeOpLists(int startIndex, int stopIndex, GrOpFlushState*, int* numOpListsExecuted);
GrSemaphoresSubmitted flush(GrSurfaceProxy* proxy,
SkSurface::BackendSurfaceAccess access,
SkSurface::FlushFlags flags,
int numSemaphores,
GrBackendSemaphore backendSemaphores[]);
SkDEBUGCODE(void validate() const);
friend class GrContext; // access to: flush & cleanup
friend class GrContextPriv; // access to: flush
friend class GrOnFlushResourceProvider; // this is just a shallow wrapper around this class
friend class GrRecordingContext; // access to: ctor
friend class SkImage; // for access to: flush
static const int kNumPixelGeometries = 5; // The different pixel geometries
static const int kNumDFTOptions = 2; // DFT or no DFT
GrRecordingContext* fContext;
GrPathRendererChain::Options fOptionsForPathRendererChain;
GrTextContext::Options fOptionsForTextContext;
// This cache is used by both the vertex and index pools. It reuses memory across multiple
// flushes.
sk_sp<GrBufferAllocPool::CpuBufferCache> fCpuBufferCache;
GrOpList* fActiveOpList = nullptr;
// These are the IDs of the opLists currently being flushed (in internalFlush)
SkSTArray<8, uint32_t, true> fFlushingOpListIDs;
// These are the new opLists generated by the onFlush CBs
SkSTArray<8, sk_sp<GrOpList>> fOnFlushCBOpLists;
std::unique_ptr<GrTextContext> fTextContext;
std::unique_ptr<GrPathRendererChain> fPathRendererChain;
sk_sp<GrSoftwarePathRenderer> fSoftwarePathRenderer;
GrTokenTracker fTokenTracker;
bool fFlushing;
bool fReduceOpListSplitting;
SkTArray<GrOnFlushCallbackObject*> fOnFlushCBObjects;