blob: c1050a0cd48d1c373bdedb95b7089bd0d199818e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/sksl/SkSLAnalysis.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLConstantFolder.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLContext.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLProgramSettings.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLBoolLiteral.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLConstructorCompound.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFloatLiteral.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFunctionCall.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLIntLiteral.h"
#include "include/sksl/DSLCore.h"
#include "src/core/SkMatrixInvert.h"
namespace SkSL {
static bool has_compile_time_constant_arguments(const ExpressionArray& arguments) {
for (const std::unique_ptr<Expression>& arg : arguments) {
const Expression* expr = ConstantFolder::GetConstantValueForVariable(*arg);
if (!expr->isCompileTimeConstant()) {
return false;
return true;
static double as_double(const Expression* expr) {
if (expr) {
if (expr->is<IntLiteral>()) {
return (double)expr->as<IntLiteral>().value();
if (expr->is<FloatLiteral>()) {
return (double)expr->as<FloatLiteral>().value();
if (expr->is<BoolLiteral>()) {
return (double)expr->as<BoolLiteral>().value();
SkDEBUGFAILF("unexpected expression kind %d", (int)expr->kind());
return 0.0;
template <typename T>
static void type_check_expression(const Expression& expr);
template <>
void type_check_expression<float>(const Expression& expr) {
template <>
[[maybe_unused]] void type_check_expression<SKSL_INT>(const Expression& expr) {
template <>
void type_check_expression<bool>(const Expression& expr) {
template <typename T>
static std::unique_ptr<Expression> make_literal(int offset, double value, const Type* type) {
return Literal<T>::Make(offset, (T)value, type);
using CoalesceFn = double (*)(double, double, double);
using FinalizeFn = double (*)(double);
using MakeLiteralFn = std::unique_ptr<Expression> (*)(int, double, const Type*);
static std::unique_ptr<Expression> coalesce_n_way_vector(const Expression* arg0,
const Expression* arg1,
double startingState,
CoalesceFn coalesce,
FinalizeFn finalize,
MakeLiteralFn makeLiteral) {
// Takes up to two vector or scalar arguments and coalesces them in sequence:
// scalar = startingState;
// scalar = coalesce(scalar, arg0.x, arg1.x);
// scalar = coalesce(scalar, arg0.y, arg1.y);
// scalar = coalesce(scalar, arg0.z, arg1.z);
// scalar = coalesce(scalar, arg0.w, arg1.w);
// scalar = finalize(scalar);
// If an argument is null, zero is passed to the coalesce function. If the arguments are a mix
// of scalars and vectors, the scalars is interpreted as a vector containing the same value for
// every component.
int offset = arg0->fOffset;
arg0 = ConstantFolder::GetConstantValueForVariable(*arg0);
const Type& vecType = arg0->type().isVector() ? arg0->type() :
(arg1 && arg1->type().isVector()) ? arg1->type() :
SkASSERT(arg0->type().componentType() == vecType.componentType());
if (arg1) {
arg1 = ConstantFolder::GetConstantValueForVariable(*arg1);
SkASSERT(arg1->type().componentType() == vecType.componentType());
double value = startingState;
int arg0Index = 0;
int arg1Index = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < vecType.columns(); ++index) {
const Expression* arg0Subexpr = arg0->getConstantSubexpression(arg0Index);
arg0Index += arg0->type().isVector() ? 1 : 0;
const Expression* arg1Subexpr = nullptr;
if (arg1) {
arg1Subexpr = arg1->getConstantSubexpression(arg1Index);
arg1Index += arg1->type().isVector() ? 1 : 0;
value = coalesce(value, as_double(arg0Subexpr), as_double(arg1Subexpr));
// If coalescing the intrinsic yields a non-finite value, do not optimize.
if (!std::isfinite(value)) {
return nullptr;
if (finalize) {
value = finalize(value);
return makeLiteral(offset, value, &arg0->type().componentType());
template <typename T>
static std::unique_ptr<Expression> coalesce_vector(const ExpressionArray& arguments,
double startingState,
CoalesceFn coalesce,
FinalizeFn finalize) {
SkASSERT(arguments.size() == 1);
return coalesce_n_way_vector(arguments[0].get(), /*arg1=*/nullptr,
(double)startingState, coalesce, finalize, make_literal<T>);
template <typename T>
static std::unique_ptr<Expression> coalesce_pairwise_vectors(const ExpressionArray& arguments,
double startingState,
CoalesceFn coalesce,
FinalizeFn finalize) {
SkASSERT(arguments.size() == 2);
return coalesce_n_way_vector(arguments[0].get(), arguments[1].get(),
(double)startingState, coalesce, finalize, make_literal<T>);
using CompareFn = bool (*)(double, double);
static std::unique_ptr<Expression> optimize_comparison(const Context& context,
const ExpressionArray& arguments,
CompareFn compare) {
SkASSERT(arguments.size() == 2);
const Expression* left = ConstantFolder::GetConstantValueForVariable(*arguments[0]);
const Expression* right = ConstantFolder::GetConstantValueForVariable(*arguments[1]);
const Type& type = left->type();
SkASSERT(type == right->type());
ExpressionArray array;
for (int index = 0; index < type.columns(); ++index) {
const Expression* leftSubexpr = left->getConstantSubexpression(index);
const Expression* rightSubexpr = right->getConstantSubexpression(index);
bool value = compare(as_double(leftSubexpr), as_double(rightSubexpr));
array.push_back(BoolLiteral::Make(context, leftSubexpr->fOffset, value));
const Type& bvecType = context.fTypes.fBool->toCompound(context, type.columns(), /*rows=*/1);
return ConstructorCompound::Make(context, left->fOffset, bvecType, std::move(array));
template <typename T0, typename T1 = T0, typename T2 = T0>
static std::unique_ptr<Expression> evaluate_n_way_intrinsic_of_type(
const Context& context,
const Expression* arg0,
const Expression* arg1,
const Expression* arg2,
const std::function<T0(T0, T1, T2)>& eval) {
// Takes up to three arguments and evaluates all of them, left-to-right, in tandem.
// Equivalent to constructing a new compound value containing the results from:
// eval(arg0.x, arg1.x, arg2.x),
// eval(arg0.y, arg1.y, arg2.y),
// eval(arg0.z, arg1.z, arg2.z),
// eval(arg0.w, arg1.w, arg2.w)
// If an argument is null, zero is passed to the evaluation function. If the arguments are a mix
// of scalars and compounds, scalars are interpreted as a compound containing the same value for
// every component.
arg0 = ConstantFolder::GetConstantValueForVariable(*arg0);
const Type& compoundType = !arg0->type().isScalar() ? arg0->type() :
(arg1 && !arg1->type().isScalar()) ? arg1->type() :
(arg2 && !arg2->type().isScalar()) ? arg2->type() :
const Type& type = compoundType.componentType();
SkASSERT(arg0->type().componentType() == type);
if (arg1) {
arg1 = ConstantFolder::GetConstantValueForVariable(*arg1);
if (arg2) {
arg2 = ConstantFolder::GetConstantValueForVariable(*arg2);
ExpressionArray array;
int arg0Index = 0;
int arg1Index = 0;
int arg2Index = 0;
int slots = compoundType.slotCount();
for (int index = 0; index < slots; ++index) {
const Expression* arg0Subexpr = arg0->getConstantSubexpression(arg0Index);
arg0Index += arg0->type().isScalar() ? 0 : 1;
const Expression* arg1Subexpr = nullptr;
if (arg1) {
arg1Subexpr = arg1->getConstantSubexpression(arg1Index);
arg1Index += arg1->type().isScalar() ? 0 : 1;
const Expression* arg2Subexpr = nullptr;
if (arg2) {
arg2Subexpr = arg2->getConstantSubexpression(arg2Index);
arg2Index += arg2->type().isScalar() ? 0 : 1;
T0 value = eval(arg0Subexpr->as<Literal<T0>>().value(),
arg1Subexpr ? arg1Subexpr->as<Literal<T1>>().value() : T1{},
arg2Subexpr ? arg2Subexpr->as<Literal<T2>>().value() : T2{});
if constexpr (std::is_floating_point<T0>::value) {
// If evaluation of the intrinsic yields a non-finite value, do not optimize.
if (!std::isfinite(value)) {
return nullptr;
array.push_back(Literal<T0>::Make(arg0Subexpr->fOffset, value, &type));
return ConstructorCompound::Make(context, arg0->fOffset, compoundType, std::move(array));
template <typename T>
static std::unique_ptr<Expression> evaluate_intrinsic(const Context& context,
const ExpressionArray& arguments,
const std::function<T(T)>& eval) {
SkASSERT(arguments.size() == 1);
if constexpr (std::is_same<T, bool>::value) {
if constexpr (std::is_same<T, float>::value) {
if constexpr (std::is_same<T, SKSL_INT>::value) {
return evaluate_n_way_intrinsic_of_type<T, T, T>(
context, arguments.front().get(), /*arg1=*/nullptr, /*arg2=*/nullptr,
[&eval](T a, T, T) { return eval(a); });
template <typename FN>
static std::unique_ptr<Expression> evaluate_intrinsic_numeric(const Context& context,
const ExpressionArray& arguments,
const FN& eval) {
SkASSERT(arguments.size() == 1);
const Type& type = arguments.front()->type().componentType();
if (type.isFloat()) {
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments, eval);
if (type.isInteger()) {
return evaluate_intrinsic<SKSL_INT>(context, arguments, eval);
SkDEBUGFAILF("unsupported type %s", type.description().c_str());
return nullptr;
template <typename FN>
static std::unique_ptr<Expression> evaluate_pairwise_intrinsic(const Context& context,
const ExpressionArray& arguments,
const FN& eval) {
SkASSERT(arguments.size() == 2);
const Type& type = arguments.front()->type().componentType();
if (type.isFloat()) {
return evaluate_n_way_intrinsic_of_type<float, float, float>(
context, arguments[0].get(), arguments[1].get(), /*arg2=*/nullptr,
[&eval](float a, float b, float) { return eval(a, b); });
if (type.isInteger()) {
return evaluate_n_way_intrinsic_of_type<SKSL_INT, SKSL_INT, SKSL_INT>(
context, arguments[0].get(), arguments[1].get(), /*arg2=*/nullptr,
[&eval](SKSL_INT a, SKSL_INT b, SKSL_INT) { return eval(a, b); });
SkDEBUGFAILF("unsupported type %s", type.description().c_str());
return nullptr;
template <typename FN>
static std::unique_ptr<Expression> evaluate_3_way_intrinsic(const Context& context,
const ExpressionArray& arguments,
const FN& eval) {
SkASSERT(arguments.size() == 3);
const Type& type = arguments.front()->type().componentType();
if (type.isFloat()) {
return evaluate_n_way_intrinsic_of_type<float, float, float>(
context, arguments[0].get(), arguments[1].get(), arguments[2].get(), eval);
if (type.isInteger()) {
return evaluate_n_way_intrinsic_of_type<SKSL_INT, SKSL_INT, SKSL_INT>(
context, arguments[0].get(), arguments[1].get(), arguments[2].get(), eval);
SkDEBUGFAILF("unsupported type %s", type.description().c_str());
return nullptr;
// Helper functions for optimizing all of our intrinsics.
namespace Intrinsics {
double coalesce_length(double a, double b, double) { return a + (b * b); }
double finalize_length(double a) { return std::sqrt(a); }
double coalesce_distance(double a, double b, double c) { b -= c; return a + (b * b); }
double finalize_distance(double a) { return std::sqrt(a); }
double coalesce_dot(double a, double b, double c) { return a + (b * c); }
double coalesce_any(double a, double b, double) { return a || b; }
double coalesce_all(double a, double b, double) { return a && b; }
bool compare_lessThan(double a, double b) { return a < b; }
bool compare_lessThanEqual(double a, double b) { return a <= b; }
bool compare_greaterThan(double a, double b) { return a > b; }
bool compare_greaterThanEqual(double a, double b) { return a >= b; }
bool compare_equal(double a, double b) { return a == b; }
bool compare_notEqual(double a, double b) { return a != b; }
static std::unique_ptr<Expression> optimize_intrinsic_call(const Context& context,
IntrinsicKind intrinsic,
const ExpressionArray& arguments) {
using namespace SkSL::dsl;
switch (intrinsic) {
// 8.1 : Angle and Trigonometry Functions
case k_radians_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return a * 0.0174532925; });
case k_degrees_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return a * 57.2957795; });
case k_sin_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return std::sin(a); });
case k_cos_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return std::cos(a); });
case k_tan_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return std::tan(a); });
case k_asin_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return std::asin(a); });
case k_acos_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return std::acos(a); });
case k_atan_IntrinsicKind:
if (arguments.size() == 1) {
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(
context, arguments, [](float a) { return std::atan(a); });
} else {
SkASSERT(arguments.size() == 2);
return evaluate_pairwise_intrinsic(
context, arguments, [](auto a, auto b) { return std::atan2(a, b); });
// 8.2 : Exponential Functions
case k_pow_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_pairwise_intrinsic(context, arguments,
[](auto x, auto y) { return std::pow(x, y); });
case k_exp_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return std::exp(a); });
case k_log_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return std::log(a); });
case k_exp2_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return std::exp2(a); });
case k_log2_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return std::log2(a); });
case k_sqrt_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return std::sqrt(a); });
case k_inversesqrt_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return 1 / std::sqrt(a); });
// 8.3 : Common Functions
case k_abs_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic_numeric(context, arguments,
[](auto a) { return std::abs(a); });
case k_sign_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic_numeric(context, arguments,
[](auto a) { return (a > 0) - (a < 0); });
case k_floor_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return std::floor(a); });
case k_ceil_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return std::ceil(a); });
case k_fract_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return a - std::floor(a); });
case k_mod_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_pairwise_intrinsic(
context, arguments, [](auto x, auto y) { return x - y * std::floor(x / y); });
case k_min_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_pairwise_intrinsic(context, arguments,
[](auto a, auto b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; });
case k_max_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_pairwise_intrinsic(context, arguments,
[](auto a, auto b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; });
case k_clamp_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_3_way_intrinsic(context, arguments,
[](auto x, auto l, auto h) { return (x < l) ? l : (x > h) ? h : x; });
case k_saturate_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return (a < 0) ? 0 : (a > 1) ? 1 : a; });
case k_mix_IntrinsicKind:
if (arguments[2]->type().componentType().isBoolean()) {
const SkSL::Type& numericType = arguments[0]->type().componentType();
const auto eval = [](auto x, auto y, bool a) { return a ? y : x; };
if (numericType.isFloat()) {
return evaluate_n_way_intrinsic_of_type<float, float, bool>(
context, arguments[0].get(), arguments[1].get(), arguments[2].get(), eval);
} else if (numericType.isInteger()) {
return evaluate_n_way_intrinsic_of_type<SKSL_INT, SKSL_INT, bool>(
context, arguments[0].get(), arguments[1].get(), arguments[2].get(), eval);
} else if (numericType.isBoolean()) {
return evaluate_n_way_intrinsic_of_type<bool, bool, bool>(
context, arguments[0].get(), arguments[1].get(), arguments[2].get(), eval);
SkDEBUGFAILF("unsupported type %s", numericType.description().c_str());
return nullptr;
} else {
return evaluate_3_way_intrinsic(context, arguments,
[](auto x, auto y, auto a) { return x * (1 - a) + y * a; });
case k_step_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_pairwise_intrinsic(context, arguments,
[](auto e, auto x) { return (x < e) ? 0 : 1; });
case k_smoothstep_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_3_way_intrinsic(context, arguments, [](auto edge0, auto edge1, auto x) {
auto t = (x - edge0) / (edge1 - edge0);
t = (t < 0) ? 0 : (t > 1) ? 1 : t;
return t * t * (3.0 - 2.0 * t);
// 8.4 : Geometric Functions
case k_length_IntrinsicKind:
return coalesce_vector<float>(arguments, /*startingState=*/0,
case k_distance_IntrinsicKind:
return coalesce_pairwise_vectors<float>(arguments, /*startingState=*/0,
case k_dot_IntrinsicKind:
return coalesce_pairwise_vectors<float>(arguments, /*startingState=*/0,
case k_cross_IntrinsicKind: {
auto Value = [&](int a, int n) -> float {
return arguments[a]->getConstantSubexpression(n)->as<FloatLiteral>().value();
auto X = [&](int n) -> float { return Value(0, n); };
auto Y = [&](int n) -> float { return Value(1, n); };
SkASSERT(arguments[0]->type().columns() == 3); // the vec2 form is not a real intrinsic
return DSLType::Construct(&arguments[0]->type(),
X(1) * Y(2) - Y(1) * X(2),
X(2) * Y(0) - Y(2) * X(0),
X(0) * Y(1) - Y(0) * X(1)).release();
case k_normalize_IntrinsicKind: {
auto Vec = [&] { return DSLExpression{arguments[0]->clone()}; };
return (Vec() / Length(Vec())).release();
case k_faceforward_IntrinsicKind: {
auto N = [&] { return DSLExpression{arguments[0]->clone()}; };
auto I = [&] { return DSLExpression{arguments[1]->clone()}; };
auto NRef = [&] { return DSLExpression{arguments[2]->clone()}; };
return (N() * Select(Dot(NRef(), I()) < 0, 1, -1)).release();
case k_reflect_IntrinsicKind: {
auto I = [&] { return DSLExpression{arguments[0]->clone()}; };
auto N = [&] { return DSLExpression{arguments[1]->clone()}; };
return (I() - 2.0 * Dot(N(), I()) * N()).release();
case k_refract_IntrinsicKind: {
auto I = [&] { return DSLExpression{arguments[0]->clone()}; };
auto N = [&] { return DSLExpression{arguments[1]->clone()}; };
auto Eta = [&] { return DSLExpression{arguments[2]->clone()}; };
std::unique_ptr<Expression> k =
(1 - Pow(Eta(), 2) * (1 - Pow(Dot(N(), I()), 2))).release();
if (!k->is<FloatLiteral>()) {
return nullptr;
float kValue = k->as<FloatLiteral>().value();
return ((kValue < 0) ?
(0 * I()) :
(Eta() * I() - (Eta() * Dot(N(), I()) + std::sqrt(kValue)) * N())).release();
// 8.5 : Matrix Functions
case k_matrixCompMult_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_pairwise_intrinsic(context, arguments,
[](auto x, auto y) { return x * y; });
// Not supported until GLSL 1.40. Poly-filled by SkSL:
case k_inverse_IntrinsicKind: {
auto M = [&](int c, int r) -> float {
int index = (arguments[0]->type().rows() * c) + r;
return arguments[0]->getConstantSubexpression(index)->as<FloatLiteral>().value();
// Our matrix inverse is adapted from the logic in GLSLCodeGenerator::writeInverseHack.
switch (arguments[0]->type().slotCount()) {
case 4: {
float mat2[4] = {M(0, 0), M(0, 1),
M(1, 0), M(1, 1)};
if (!SkInvert2x2Matrix(mat2, mat2)) {
return nullptr;
return DSLType::Construct(&arguments[0]->type(),
mat2[0], mat2[1],
mat2[2], mat2[3]).release();
case 9: {
float mat3[9] = {M(0, 0), M(0, 1), M(0, 2),
M(1, 0), M(1, 1), M(1, 2),
M(2, 0), M(2, 1), M(2, 2)};
if (!SkInvert3x3Matrix(mat3, mat3)) {
return nullptr;
return DSLType::Construct(&arguments[0]->type(),
mat3[0], mat3[1], mat3[2],
mat3[3], mat3[4], mat3[5],
mat3[6], mat3[7], mat3[8]).release();
case 16: {
float mat4[16] = {M(0, 0), M(0, 1), M(0, 2), M(0, 3),
M(1, 0), M(1, 1), M(1, 2), M(1, 3),
M(2, 0), M(2, 1), M(2, 2), M(2, 3),
M(3, 0), M(3, 1), M(3, 2), M(3, 3)};
if (!SkInvert4x4Matrix(mat4, mat4)) {
return nullptr;
return DSLType::Construct(&arguments[0]->type(),
mat4[0], mat4[1], mat4[2], mat4[3],
mat4[4], mat4[5], mat4[6], mat4[7],
mat4[8], mat4[9], mat4[10], mat4[11],
mat4[12], mat4[13], mat4[14], mat4[15]).release();
SkDEBUGFAILF("unsupported type %s", arguments[0]->type().description().c_str());
return nullptr;
// 8.6 : Vector Relational Functions
case k_lessThan_IntrinsicKind:
return optimize_comparison(context, arguments, Intrinsics::compare_lessThan);
case k_lessThanEqual_IntrinsicKind:
return optimize_comparison(context, arguments, Intrinsics::compare_lessThanEqual);
case k_greaterThan_IntrinsicKind:
return optimize_comparison(context, arguments, Intrinsics::compare_greaterThan);
case k_greaterThanEqual_IntrinsicKind:
return optimize_comparison(context, arguments, Intrinsics::compare_greaterThanEqual);
case k_equal_IntrinsicKind:
return optimize_comparison(context, arguments, Intrinsics::compare_equal);
case k_notEqual_IntrinsicKind:
return optimize_comparison(context, arguments, Intrinsics::compare_notEqual);
case k_any_IntrinsicKind:
return coalesce_vector<bool>(arguments, /*startingState=*/false,
case k_all_IntrinsicKind:
return coalesce_vector<bool>(arguments, /*startingState=*/true,
case k_not_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<bool>(context, arguments, [](bool a) { return !a; });
// Additional intrinsics not required by GLSL ES2:
case k_sinh_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return std::sinh(a); });
case k_cosh_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return std::cosh(a); });
case k_tanh_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return std::tanh(a); });
case k_trunc_IntrinsicKind:
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return std::trunc(a); });
case k_round_IntrinsicKind: // GLSL `round` documents its rounding mode as unspecified
case k_roundEven_IntrinsicKind: // and is allowed to behave identically to `roundEven`.
return evaluate_intrinsic<float>(context, arguments,
[](float a) { return std::round(a / 2) * 2; });
return nullptr;
bool FunctionCall::hasProperty(Property property) const {
if (property == Property::kSideEffects &&
(this->function().modifiers().fFlags & Modifiers::kHasSideEffects_Flag)) {
return true;
for (const auto& arg : this->arguments()) {
if (arg->hasProperty(property)) {
return true;
return false;
std::unique_ptr<Expression> FunctionCall::clone() const {
ExpressionArray cloned;
for (const std::unique_ptr<Expression>& arg : this->arguments()) {
return std::make_unique<FunctionCall>(
fOffset, &this->type(), &this->function(), std::move(cloned));
String FunctionCall::description() const {
String result = String(this->function().name()) + "(";
String separator;
for (const std::unique_ptr<Expression>& arg : this->arguments()) {
result += separator;
result += arg->description();
separator = ", ";
result += ")";
return result;
std::unique_ptr<Expression> FunctionCall::Convert(const Context& context,
int offset,
const FunctionDeclaration& function,
ExpressionArray arguments) {
// Reject function calls with the wrong number of arguments.
if (function.parameters().size() != arguments.size()) {
String msg = "call to '" + + "' expected " +
to_string((int)function.parameters().size()) + " argument";
if (function.parameters().size() != 1) {
msg += "s";
msg += ", but found " + to_string(arguments.count());
context.fErrors.error(offset, msg);
return nullptr;
// Resolve generic types.
FunctionDeclaration::ParamTypes types;
const Type* returnType;
if (!function.determineFinalTypes(arguments, &types, &returnType)) {
String msg = "no match for " + + "(";
String separator;
for (const std::unique_ptr<Expression>& arg : arguments) {
msg += separator;
msg += arg->type().displayName();
separator = ", ";
msg += ")";
context.fErrors.error(offset, msg);
return nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++) {
// Coerce each argument to the proper type.
arguments[i] = types[i]->coerceExpression(std::move(arguments[i]), context);
if (!arguments[i]) {
return nullptr;
// Update the refKind on out-parameters, and ensure that they are actually assignable.
const Modifiers& paramModifiers = function.parameters()[i]->modifiers();
if (paramModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kOut_Flag) {
const VariableRefKind refKind = paramModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kIn_Flag
? VariableReference::RefKind::kReadWrite
: VariableReference::RefKind::kPointer;
if (!Analysis::MakeAssignmentExpr(arguments[i].get(), refKind, &context.fErrors)) {
return nullptr;
return Make(context, offset, returnType, function, std::move(arguments));
std::unique_ptr<Expression> FunctionCall::Make(const Context& context,
int offset,
const Type* returnType,
const FunctionDeclaration& function,
ExpressionArray arguments) {
SkASSERT(function.parameters().size() == arguments.size());
if (context.fConfig->fSettings.fOptimize) {
// We might be able to optimize built-in intrinsics.
if (function.isIntrinsic() && has_compile_time_constant_arguments(arguments)) {
// The function is an intrinsic and all inputs are compile-time constants. Optimize it.
if (std::unique_ptr<Expression> expr =
optimize_intrinsic_call(context, function.intrinsicKind(), arguments)) {
return expr;
return std::make_unique<FunctionCall>(offset, returnType, &function, std::move(arguments));
} // namespace SkSL