blob: 3b06c3a52312fa77982324c03483260d9a872b73 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "GrDashingEffect.h"
#include "gl/GrGLEffect.h"
#include "gl/GrGLSL.h"
#include "GrContext.h"
#include "GrCoordTransform.h"
#include "GrDrawTargetCaps.h"
#include "GrEffect.h"
#include "GrTBackendEffectFactory.h"
#include "SkGr.h"
static void calc_dash_scaling(SkScalar* parallelScale, SkScalar* perpScale,
const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, const SkPoint pts[2]) {
SkVector vecSrc = pts[1] - pts[0];
SkScalar magSrc = vecSrc.length();
SkScalar invSrc = magSrc ? SkScalarInvert(magSrc) : 0;
SkVector vecSrcPerp;
viewMatrix.mapVectors(&vecSrc, 1);
viewMatrix.mapVectors(&vecSrcPerp, 1);
// parallelScale tells how much to scale along the line parallel to the dash line
// perpScale tells how much to scale in the direction perpendicular to the dash line
*parallelScale = vecSrc.length();
*perpScale = vecSrcPerp.length();
// calculates the rotation needed to aligned pts to the x axis with pts[0] < pts[1]
// Stores the rotation matrix in rotMatrix, and the mapped points in ptsRot
static void align_to_x_axis(const SkPoint pts[2], SkMatrix* rotMatrix, SkPoint ptsRot[2] = NULL) {
SkVector vec = pts[1] - pts[0];
SkScalar mag = vec.length();
SkScalar inv = mag ? SkScalarInvert(mag) : 0;
rotMatrix->setSinCos(-vec.fY, vec.fX, pts[0].fX, pts[0].fY);
if (ptsRot) {
rotMatrix->mapPoints(ptsRot, pts, 2);
// correction for numerical issues if map doesn't make ptsRot exactly horizontal
ptsRot[1].fY = pts[0].fY;
// Assumes phase < sum of all intervals
static SkScalar calc_start_adjustment(const SkPathEffect::DashInfo& info) {
SkASSERT(info.fPhase < info.fIntervals[0] + info.fIntervals[1]);
if (info.fPhase >= info.fIntervals[0] && info.fPhase != 0) {
SkScalar srcIntervalLen = info.fIntervals[0] + info.fIntervals[1];
return srcIntervalLen - info.fPhase;
return 0;
static SkScalar calc_end_adjustment(const SkPathEffect::DashInfo& info, const SkPoint pts[2], SkScalar* endingInt) {
if (pts[1].fX <= pts[0].fX) {
return 0;
SkScalar srcIntervalLen = info.fIntervals[0] + info.fIntervals[1];
SkScalar totalLen = pts[1].fX - pts[0].fX;
SkScalar temp = SkScalarDiv(totalLen, srcIntervalLen);
SkScalar numFullIntervals = SkScalarFloorToScalar(temp);
*endingInt = totalLen - numFullIntervals * srcIntervalLen + info.fPhase;
temp = SkScalarDiv(*endingInt, srcIntervalLen);
*endingInt = *endingInt - SkScalarFloorToScalar(temp) * srcIntervalLen;
if (0 == *endingInt) {
*endingInt = srcIntervalLen;
if (*endingInt > info.fIntervals[0]) {
if (0 == info.fIntervals[0]) {
*endingInt -= 0.01f; // make sure we capture the last zero size pnt (used if has caps)
return *endingInt - info.fIntervals[0];
return 0;
bool GrDashingEffect::DrawDashLine(const SkPoint pts[2], const SkPaint& paint, GrContext* context) {
if (context->getRenderTarget()->isMultisampled()) {
return false;
const SkMatrix& viewMatrix = context->getMatrix();
if (!viewMatrix.preservesRightAngles()) {
return false;
const SkPathEffect* pe = paint.getPathEffect();
SkPathEffect::DashInfo info;
SkPathEffect::DashType dashType = pe->asADash(&info);
// Must be a dash effect with 2 intervals (1 on and 1 off)
if (SkPathEffect::kDash_DashType != dashType || 2 != info.fCount) {
return false;
SkPaint::Cap cap = paint.getStrokeCap();
// Current we do don't handle Round or Square cap dashes
if (SkPaint::kRound_Cap == cap) {
return false;
SkScalar srcStrokeWidth = paint.getStrokeWidth();
// Get all info about the dash effect
SkAutoTArray<SkScalar> intervals(info.fCount);
info.fIntervals = intervals.get();
// the phase should be normalized to be [0, sum of all intervals)
SkASSERT(info.fPhase >= 0 && info.fPhase < info.fIntervals[0] + info.fIntervals[1]);
SkMatrix coordTrans;
// Rotate the src pts so they are aligned horizontally with pts[0].fX < pts[1].fX
SkMatrix srcRotInv;
SkPoint ptsRot[2];
if (pts[0].fY != pts[1].fY || pts[0].fX > pts[1].fX) {
align_to_x_axis(pts, &coordTrans, ptsRot);
if(!coordTrans.invert(&srcRotInv)) {
return false;
} else {
memcpy(ptsRot, pts, 2 * sizeof(SkPoint));
GrPaint grPaint;
SkPaint2GrPaintShader(context, paint, true, &grPaint);
bool useAA = paint.isAntiAlias();
// Scale corrections of intervals and stroke from view matrix
SkScalar parallelScale;
SkScalar perpScale;
calc_dash_scaling(&parallelScale, &perpScale, viewMatrix, ptsRot);
bool hasCap = SkPaint::kSquare_Cap == cap && 0 != srcStrokeWidth;
// We always want to at least stroke out half a pixel on each side in device space
// so 0.5f / perpScale gives us this min in src space
SkScalar halfStroke = SkMaxScalar(srcStrokeWidth * 0.5f, 0.5f / perpScale);
SkScalar xStroke;
if (!hasCap) {
xStroke = 0.f;
} else {
xStroke = halfStroke;
// If we are using AA, check to see if we are drawing a partial dash at the start. If so
// draw it separately here and adjust our start point accordingly
if (useAA) {
if (info.fPhase > 0 && info.fPhase < info.fIntervals[0]) {
SkPoint startPts[2];
startPts[0] = ptsRot[0];
startPts[1].fY = startPts[0].fY;
startPts[1].fX = SkMinScalar(startPts[0].fX + info.fIntervals[0] - info.fPhase,
SkRect startRect;
startRect.set(startPts, 2);
startRect.outset(xStroke, halfStroke);
context->drawRect(grPaint, startRect, NULL, &srcRotInv);
ptsRot[0].fX += info.fIntervals[0] + info.fIntervals[1] - info.fPhase;
info.fPhase = 0;
// adjustments for start and end of bounding rect so we only draw dash intervals
// contained in the original line segment.
SkScalar startAdj = calc_start_adjustment(info);
SkScalar endingInterval = 0;
SkScalar endAdj = calc_end_adjustment(info, ptsRot, &endingInterval);
if (ptsRot[0].fX + startAdj >= ptsRot[1].fX - endAdj) {
// Nothing left to draw so just return
return true;
// If we are using AA, check to see if we are drawing a partial dash at then end. If so
// draw it separately here and adjust our end point accordingly
if (useAA) {
// If we adjusted the end then we will not be drawing a partial dash at the end.
// If we didn't adjust the end point then we just need to make sure the ending
// dash isn't a full dash
if (0 == endAdj && endingInterval != info.fIntervals[0]) {
SkPoint endPts[2];
endPts[1] = ptsRot[1];
endPts[0].fY = endPts[1].fY;
endPts[0].fX = endPts[1].fX - endingInterval;
SkRect endRect;
endRect.set(endPts, 2);
endRect.outset(xStroke, halfStroke);
context->drawRect(grPaint, endRect, NULL, &srcRotInv);
ptsRot[1].fX -= endingInterval + info.fIntervals[1];
if (ptsRot[0].fX >= ptsRot[1].fX) {
// Nothing left to draw so just return
return true;
SkPoint devicePts[2];
viewMatrix.mapPoints(devicePts, ptsRot, 2);
info.fIntervals[0] *= parallelScale;
info.fIntervals[1] *= parallelScale;
info.fPhase *= parallelScale;
SkScalar strokeWidth = srcStrokeWidth * perpScale;
if ((strokeWidth < 1.f && !useAA) || 0.f == strokeWidth) {
strokeWidth = 1.f;
// Set up coordTransform for device space transforms
// We rotate the dashed line such that it is horizontal with the start point at smaller x
// then we translate the start point to the origin
if (devicePts[0].fY != devicePts[1].fY || devicePts[0].fX > devicePts[1].fX) {
SkMatrix rot;
align_to_x_axis(devicePts, &rot);
coordTrans.postTranslate(-devicePts[0].fX, -devicePts[0].fY);
coordTrans.postTranslate(info.fIntervals[1] * 0.5f + info.fPhase, 0);
if (SkPaint::kSquare_Cap == cap && 0 != srcStrokeWidth) {
// add cap to on interveal and remove from off interval
info.fIntervals[0] += strokeWidth;
info.fIntervals[1] -= strokeWidth;
if (info.fIntervals[1] > 0.f) {
GrEffectEdgeType edgeType= useAA ? kFillAA_GrEffectEdgeType :
GrDashingEffect::Create(edgeType, info, coordTrans, strokeWidth))->unref();
SkRect rect;
bool bloat = useAA && info.fIntervals[1] > 0.f;
SkScalar bloatX = bloat ? 0.5f / parallelScale : 0.f;
SkScalar bloatY = bloat ? 0.5f / perpScale : 0.f;
ptsRot[0].fX += startAdj;
ptsRot[1].fX -= endAdj;
if (!hasCap) {
xStroke = 0.f;
} else {
xStroke = halfStroke;
rect.set(ptsRot, 2);
rect.outset(bloatX + xStroke, bloatY + halfStroke);
context->drawRect(grPaint, rect, NULL, &srcRotInv);
return true;
class GLDashingLineEffect;
class DashingLineEffect : public GrEffect {
typedef SkPathEffect::DashInfo DashInfo;
* The effect calculates the coverage for the case of a horizontal line in device space.
* The matrix that is passed in should be able to convert a line in source space to a
* horizontal line in device space. Additionally, the coord transform matrix should translate
* the the start of line to origin, and the shift it along the positive x-axis by the phase
* and half the off interval.
static GrEffectRef* Create(GrEffectEdgeType edgeType, const DashInfo& info,
const SkMatrix& matrix, SkScalar strokeWidth);
virtual ~DashingLineEffect();
static const char* Name() { return "DashingEffect"; }
GrEffectEdgeType getEdgeType() const { return fEdgeType; }
const SkRect& getRect() const { return fRect; }
SkScalar getIntervalLength() const { return fIntervalLength; }
typedef GLDashingLineEffect GLEffect;
virtual void getConstantColorComponents(GrColor* color, uint32_t* validFlags) const SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual const GrBackendEffectFactory& getFactory() const SK_OVERRIDE;
DashingLineEffect(GrEffectEdgeType edgeType, const DashInfo& info, const SkMatrix& matrix,
SkScalar strokeWidth);
virtual bool onIsEqual(const GrEffect& other) const SK_OVERRIDE;
GrEffectEdgeType fEdgeType;
GrCoordTransform fCoordTransform;
SkRect fRect;
SkScalar fIntervalLength;
typedef GrEffect INHERITED;
class GLDashingLineEffect : public GrGLEffect {
GLDashingLineEffect(const GrBackendEffectFactory&, const GrDrawEffect&);
virtual void emitCode(GrGLShaderBuilder* builder,
const GrDrawEffect& drawEffect,
EffectKey key,
const char* outputColor,
const char* inputColor,
const TransformedCoordsArray&,
const TextureSamplerArray&) SK_OVERRIDE;
static inline EffectKey GenKey(const GrDrawEffect&, const GrGLCaps&);
virtual void setData(const GrGLUniformManager&, const GrDrawEffect&) SK_OVERRIDE;
GrGLUniformManager::UniformHandle fRectUniform;
GrGLUniformManager::UniformHandle fIntervalUniform;
SkRect fPrevRect;
SkScalar fPrevIntervalLength;
typedef GrGLEffect INHERITED;
GLDashingLineEffect::GLDashingLineEffect(const GrBackendEffectFactory& factory,
const GrDrawEffect& drawEffect)
: INHERITED (factory) {
fPrevRect.fLeft = SK_ScalarNaN;
fPrevIntervalLength = SK_ScalarMax;
void GLDashingLineEffect::emitCode(GrGLShaderBuilder* builder,
const GrDrawEffect& drawEffect,
EffectKey key,
const char* outputColor,
const char* inputColor,
const TransformedCoordsArray& coords,
const TextureSamplerArray& samplers) {
const DashingLineEffect& de = drawEffect.castEffect<DashingLineEffect>();
const char *rectName;
// The rect uniform's xyzw refer to (left + 0.5, top + 0.5, right - 0.5, bottom - 0.5),
// respectively.
fRectUniform = builder->addUniform(GrGLShaderBuilder::kFragment_Visibility,
const char *intervalName;
// The interval uniform's refers to the total length of the interval (on + off)
fIntervalUniform = builder->addUniform(GrGLShaderBuilder::kFragment_Visibility,
// transforms all points so that we can compare them to our test rect
builder->fsCodeAppendf("\t\tfloat xShifted = %s.x - floor(%s.x / %s) * %s;\n",
coords[0].c_str(), coords[0].c_str(), intervalName, intervalName);
builder->fsCodeAppendf("\t\tvec2 fragPosShifted = vec2(xShifted, %s.y);\n", coords[0].c_str());
if (GrEffectEdgeTypeIsAA(de.getEdgeType())) {
// The amount of coverage removed in x and y by the edges is computed as a pair of negative
// numbers, xSub and ySub.
builder->fsCodeAppend("\t\tfloat xSub, ySub;\n");
builder->fsCodeAppendf("\t\txSub = min(fragPosShifted.x - %s.x, 0.0);\n", rectName);
builder->fsCodeAppendf("\t\txSub += min(%s.z - fragPosShifted.x, 0.0);\n", rectName);
builder->fsCodeAppendf("\t\tySub = min(fragPosShifted.y - %s.y, 0.0);\n", rectName);
builder->fsCodeAppendf("\t\tySub += min(%s.w - fragPosShifted.y, 0.0);\n", rectName);
// Now compute coverage in x and y and multiply them to get the fraction of the pixel
// covered.
builder->fsCodeAppendf("\t\tfloat alpha = (1.0 + max(xSub, -1.0)) * (1.0 + max(ySub, -1.0));\n");
} else {
// Assuming the bounding geometry is tight so no need to check y values
builder->fsCodeAppendf("\t\tfloat alpha = 1.0;\n");
builder->fsCodeAppendf("\t\talpha *= (fragPosShifted.x - %s.x) > -0.5 ? 1.0 : 0.0;\n", rectName);
builder->fsCodeAppendf("\t\talpha *= (%s.z - fragPosShifted.x) >= -0.5 ? 1.0 : 0.0;\n", rectName);
builder->fsCodeAppendf("\t\t%s = %s;\n", outputColor,
(GrGLSLExpr4(inputColor) * GrGLSLExpr1("alpha")).c_str());
void GLDashingLineEffect::setData(const GrGLUniformManager& uman, const GrDrawEffect& drawEffect) {
const DashingLineEffect& de = drawEffect.castEffect<DashingLineEffect>();
const SkRect& rect = de.getRect();
SkScalar intervalLength = de.getIntervalLength();
if (rect != fPrevRect || intervalLength != fPrevIntervalLength) {
uman.set4f(fRectUniform, rect.fLeft + 0.5f, rect.fTop + 0.5f,
rect.fRight - 0.5f, rect.fBottom - 0.5f);
uman.set1f(fIntervalUniform, intervalLength);
fPrevRect = rect;
fPrevIntervalLength = intervalLength;
GrGLEffect::EffectKey GLDashingLineEffect::GenKey(const GrDrawEffect& drawEffect,
const GrGLCaps&) {
const DashingLineEffect& de = drawEffect.castEffect<DashingLineEffect>();
return de.getEdgeType();
GrEffectRef* DashingLineEffect::Create(GrEffectEdgeType edgeType, const DashInfo& info,
const SkMatrix& matrix, SkScalar strokeWidth) {
if (info.fCount != 2) {
return NULL;
return CreateEffectRef(AutoEffectUnref(SkNEW_ARGS(DashingLineEffect,
(edgeType, info, matrix, strokeWidth))));
DashingLineEffect::~DashingLineEffect() {}
void DashingLineEffect::getConstantColorComponents(GrColor* color, uint32_t* validFlags) const {
*validFlags = 0;
const GrBackendEffectFactory& DashingLineEffect::getFactory() const {
return GrTBackendEffectFactory<DashingLineEffect>::getInstance();
DashingLineEffect::DashingLineEffect(GrEffectEdgeType edgeType, const DashInfo& info,
const SkMatrix& matrix, SkScalar strokeWidth)
: fEdgeType(edgeType)
, fCoordTransform(kLocal_GrCoordSet, matrix) {
SkScalar onLen = info.fIntervals[0];
SkScalar offLen = info.fIntervals[1];
SkScalar halfOffLen = SkScalarHalf(offLen);
SkScalar halfStroke = SkScalarHalf(strokeWidth);
fIntervalLength = onLen + offLen;
fRect.set(halfOffLen, -halfStroke, halfOffLen + onLen, halfStroke);
bool DashingLineEffect::onIsEqual(const GrEffect& other) const {
const DashingLineEffect& de = CastEffect<DashingLineEffect>(other);
return (fEdgeType == de.fEdgeType &&
fCoordTransform == de.fCoordTransform &&
fRect == de.fRect &&
fIntervalLength == de.fIntervalLength);
GrEffectRef* DashingLineEffect::TestCreate(SkRandom* random,
const GrDrawTargetCaps& caps,
GrTexture*[]) {
GrEffectRef* effect;
SkMatrix m;
GrEffectEdgeType edgeType = static_cast<GrEffectEdgeType>(random->nextULessThan(
SkScalar strokeWidth = random->nextRangeScalar(0, 100.f);
DashInfo info;
info.fCount = 2;
SkAutoTArray<SkScalar> intervals(info.fCount);
info.fIntervals = intervals.get();
info.fIntervals[0] = random->nextRangeScalar(0, 10.f);
info.fIntervals[1] = random->nextRangeScalar(0, 10.f);
info.fPhase = random->nextRangeScalar(0, info.fIntervals[0] + info.fIntervals[1]);
effect = DashingLineEffect::Create(edgeType, info, m, strokeWidth);
return effect;
GrEffectRef* GrDashingEffect::Create(GrEffectEdgeType edgeType, const SkPathEffect::DashInfo& info,
const SkMatrix& matrix, SkScalar strokeWidth) {
return DashingLineEffect::Create(edgeType, info, matrix, strokeWidth);