blob: 245d6d8281777c727bb60b39a11c214ceed93a48 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "InstancedRendering.h"
#include "GrCaps.h"
#include "GrOpFlushState.h"
#include "GrPipeline.h"
#include "GrResourceProvider.h"
#include "instanced/InstanceProcessor.h"
namespace gr_instanced {
InstancedRendering::InstancedRendering(GrGpu* gpu)
: fGpu(SkRef(gpu)),
fDrawPool(1024, 1024) {
std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp> InstancedRendering::recordRect(const SkRect& rect,
const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, GrColor color,
GrAA aa,
const GrInstancedPipelineInfo& info,
GrAAType* aaType) {
return this->recordShape(ShapeType::kRect, rect, viewMatrix, color, rect, aa, info, aaType);
std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp> InstancedRendering::recordRect(const SkRect& rect,
const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, GrColor color,
const SkRect& localRect, GrAA aa,
const GrInstancedPipelineInfo& info,
GrAAType* aaType) {
return this->recordShape(ShapeType::kRect, rect, viewMatrix, color, localRect, aa, info,
std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp> InstancedRendering::recordRect(const SkRect& rect,
const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, GrColor color,
const SkMatrix& localMatrix, GrAA aa,
const GrInstancedPipelineInfo& info,
GrAAType* aaType) {
if (localMatrix.hasPerspective()) {
return nullptr; // Perspective is not yet supported in the local matrix.
if (std::unique_ptr<Op> op = this->recordShape(ShapeType::kRect, rect, viewMatrix, color, rect,
aa, info, aaType)) {
op->getSingleInstance().fInfo |= kLocalMatrix_InfoFlag;
op->appendParamsTexel(localMatrix.getScaleX(), localMatrix.getSkewX(),
op->appendParamsTexel(localMatrix.getSkewY(), localMatrix.getScaleY(),
op->fInfo.fHasLocalMatrix = true;
return std::move(op);
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp> InstancedRendering::recordOval(const SkRect& oval,
const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, GrColor color,
GrAA aa,
const GrInstancedPipelineInfo& info,
GrAAType* aaType) {
return this->recordShape(ShapeType::kOval, oval, viewMatrix, color, oval, aa, info, aaType);
std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp> InstancedRendering::recordRRect(const SkRRect& rrect,
const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, GrColor color,
GrAA aa,
const GrInstancedPipelineInfo& info,
GrAAType* aaType) {
if (std::unique_ptr<Op> op =
this->recordShape(GetRRectShapeType(rrect), rrect.rect(), viewMatrix, color,
rrect.rect(), aa, info, aaType)) {
return std::move(op);
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp> InstancedRendering::recordDRRect(
const SkRRect& outer, const SkRRect& inner, const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, GrColor color,
GrAA aa, const GrInstancedPipelineInfo& info, GrAAType* aaType) {
if (inner.getType() > SkRRect::kSimple_Type) {
return nullptr; // Complex inner round rects are not yet supported.
if (SkRRect::kEmpty_Type == inner.getType()) {
return this->recordRRect(outer, viewMatrix, color, aa, info, aaType);
if (std::unique_ptr<Op> op =
this->recordShape(GetRRectShapeType(outer), outer.rect(), viewMatrix, color,
outer.rect(), aa, info, aaType)) {
ShapeType innerShapeType = GetRRectShapeType(inner);
op->fInfo.fInnerShapeTypes |= GetShapeFlag(innerShapeType);
op->getSingleInstance().fInfo |= ((int)innerShapeType << kInnerShapeType_InfoBit);
op->appendParamsTexel(inner.rect().asScalars(), 4);
return std::move(op);
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<InstancedRendering::Op> InstancedRendering::recordShape(
ShapeType type, const SkRect& bounds, const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, GrColor color,
const SkRect& localRect, GrAA aa, const GrInstancedPipelineInfo& info, GrAAType* aaType) {
SkASSERT(State::kRecordingDraws == fState);
if (info.fIsRenderingToFloat && fGpu->caps()->avoidInstancedDrawsToFPTargets()) {
return nullptr;
AntialiasMode antialiasMode;
if (!this->selectAntialiasMode(viewMatrix, aa, info, aaType, &antialiasMode)) {
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<Op> op = this->makeOp();
op->fInfo.fAntialiasMode = antialiasMode;
op->fInfo.fShapeTypes = GetShapeFlag(type);
op->fInfo.fCannotDiscard = !info.fCanDiscard;
Instance& instance = op->getSingleInstance();
instance.fInfo = (int)type << kShapeType_InfoBit;
Op::HasAABloat aaBloat = (antialiasMode == AntialiasMode::kCoverage) ? Op::HasAABloat::kYes
: Op::HasAABloat::kNo;
Op::IsZeroArea zeroArea = (bounds.isEmpty()) ? Op::IsZeroArea::kYes : Op::IsZeroArea::kNo;
// The instanced shape renderer draws rectangles of [-1, -1, +1, +1], so we find the matrix that
// will map this rectangle to the same device coordinates as "viewMatrix * bounds".
float sx = 0.5f * bounds.width();
float sy = 0.5f * bounds.height();
float tx = sx + bounds.fLeft;
float ty = sy + bounds.fTop;
if (!viewMatrix.hasPerspective()) {
float* m = instance.fShapeMatrix2x3;
m[0] = viewMatrix.getScaleX() * sx;
m[1] = viewMatrix.getSkewX() * sy;
m[2] = viewMatrix.getTranslateX() +
viewMatrix.getScaleX() * tx + viewMatrix.getSkewX() * ty;
m[3] = viewMatrix.getSkewY() * sx;
m[4] = viewMatrix.getScaleY() * sy;
m[5] = viewMatrix.getTranslateY() +
viewMatrix.getSkewY() * tx + viewMatrix.getScaleY() * ty;
// Since 'm' is a 2x3 matrix that maps the rect [-1, +1] into the shape's device-space quad,
// it's quite simple to find the bounding rectangle:
float devBoundsHalfWidth = fabsf(m[0]) + fabsf(m[1]);
float devBoundsHalfHeight = fabsf(m[3]) + fabsf(m[4]);
SkRect opBounds;
opBounds.fLeft = m[2] - devBoundsHalfWidth;
opBounds.fRight = m[2] + devBoundsHalfWidth;
opBounds.fTop = m[5] - devBoundsHalfHeight;
opBounds.fBottom = m[5] + devBoundsHalfHeight;
op->setBounds(opBounds, aaBloat, zeroArea);
// TODO: Is this worth the CPU overhead?
op->fInfo.fNonSquare =
fabsf(devBoundsHalfHeight - devBoundsHalfWidth) > 0.5f || // Early out.
fabs(m[0] * m[3] + m[1] * m[4]) > 1e-3f || // Skew?
fabs(m[0] * m[0] + m[1] * m[1] - m[3] * m[3] - m[4] * m[4]) >
1e-2f; // Diff. lengths?
} else {
SkMatrix shapeMatrix(viewMatrix);
shapeMatrix.preTranslate(tx, ty);
shapeMatrix.preScale(sx, sy);
instance.fInfo |= kPerspective_InfoFlag;
float* m = instance.fShapeMatrix2x3;
m[0] = SkScalarToFloat(shapeMatrix.getScaleX());
m[1] = SkScalarToFloat(shapeMatrix.getSkewX());
m[2] = SkScalarToFloat(shapeMatrix.getTranslateX());
m[3] = SkScalarToFloat(shapeMatrix.getSkewY());
m[4] = SkScalarToFloat(shapeMatrix.getScaleY());
m[5] = SkScalarToFloat(shapeMatrix.getTranslateY());
// Send the perspective column as a param.
op->appendParamsTexel(shapeMatrix[SkMatrix::kMPersp0], shapeMatrix[SkMatrix::kMPersp1],
op->fInfo.fHasPerspective = true;
op->setBounds(bounds, aaBloat, zeroArea);
op->fInfo.fNonSquare = true;
instance.fColor = color;
const float* rectAsFloats = localRect.asScalars(); // Ensure SkScalar == float.
memcpy(&instance.fLocalRect, rectAsFloats, 4 * sizeof(float));
op->fPixelLoad = op->bounds().height() * op->bounds().width();
return op;
inline bool InstancedRendering::selectAntialiasMode(const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, GrAA aa,
const GrInstancedPipelineInfo& info,
GrAAType* aaType,
AntialiasMode* antialiasMode) {
SkASSERT(!info.fColorDisabled || info.fDrawingShapeToStencil);
SkASSERT(!info.fIsMixedSampled || info.fIsMultisampled);
SkASSERT(GrCaps::InstancedSupport::kNone != fGpu->caps()->instancedSupport());
if (!info.fIsMultisampled || fGpu->caps()->multisampleDisableSupport()) {
if (GrAA::kNo == aa) {
if (info.fDrawingShapeToStencil && !info.fCanDiscard) {
// We can't draw to the stencil buffer without discard (or sample mask if MSAA).
return false;
*antialiasMode = AntialiasMode::kNone;
*aaType = GrAAType::kNone;
return true;
if (info.canUseCoverageAA() && viewMatrix.preservesRightAngles()) {
*antialiasMode = AntialiasMode::kCoverage;
*aaType = GrAAType::kCoverage;
return true;
if (info.fIsMultisampled &&
fGpu->caps()->instancedSupport() >= GrCaps::InstancedSupport::kMultisampled) {
if (!info.fIsMixedSampled || info.fColorDisabled) {
*antialiasMode = AntialiasMode::kMSAA;
*aaType = GrAAType::kMSAA;
return true;
if (fGpu->caps()->instancedSupport() >= GrCaps::InstancedSupport::kMixedSampled) {
*antialiasMode = AntialiasMode::kMixedSamples;
*aaType = GrAAType::kMixedSamples;
return true;
return false;
InstancedRendering::Op::Op(uint32_t classID, InstancedRendering* ir)
, fInstancedRendering(ir)
, fIsTracked(false)
, fNumDraws(1)
, fNumChangesInGeometry(0) {
fHeadDraw = fTailDraw = fInstancedRendering->fDrawPool.allocate();
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
fHeadDraw->fGeometry = {-1, 0};
fHeadDraw->fNext = nullptr;
InstancedRendering::Op::~Op() {
if (fIsTracked) {
Draw* draw = fHeadDraw;
while (draw) {
Draw* next = draw->fNext;
draw = next;
void InstancedRendering::Op::appendRRectParams(const SkRRect& rrect) {
switch (rrect.getType()) {
case SkRRect::kSimple_Type: {
const SkVector& radii = rrect.getSimpleRadii();
this->appendParamsTexel(radii.x(), radii.y(), rrect.width(), rrect.height());
case SkRRect::kNinePatch_Type: {
float twoOverW = 2 / rrect.width();
float twoOverH = 2 / rrect.height();
const SkVector& radiiTL = rrect.radii(SkRRect::kUpperLeft_Corner);
const SkVector& radiiBR = rrect.radii(SkRRect::kLowerRight_Corner);
this->appendParamsTexel(radiiTL.x() * twoOverW, radiiBR.x() * twoOverW,
radiiTL.y() * twoOverH, radiiBR.y() * twoOverH);
case SkRRect::kComplex_Type: {
* The x and y radii of each arc are stored in separate vectors,
* in the following order:
* __x1 _ _ _ x3__
* y1 | | y2
* | |
* y3 |__ _ _ _ __| y4
* x2 x4
float twoOverW = 2 / rrect.width();
float twoOverH = 2 / rrect.height();
const SkVector& radiiTL = rrect.radii(SkRRect::kUpperLeft_Corner);
const SkVector& radiiTR = rrect.radii(SkRRect::kUpperRight_Corner);
const SkVector& radiiBR = rrect.radii(SkRRect::kLowerRight_Corner);
const SkVector& radiiBL = rrect.radii(SkRRect::kLowerLeft_Corner);
this->appendParamsTexel(radiiTL.x() * twoOverW, radiiBL.x() * twoOverW,
radiiTR.x() * twoOverW, radiiBR.x() * twoOverW);
this->appendParamsTexel(radiiTL.y() * twoOverH, radiiTR.y() * twoOverH,
radiiBL.y() * twoOverH, radiiBR.y() * twoOverH);
default: return;
void InstancedRendering::Op::appendParamsTexel(const SkScalar* vals, int count) {
SkASSERT(count <= 4 && count >= 0);
const float* valsAsFloats = vals; // Ensure SkScalar == float.
memcpy(&fParams.push_back(), valsAsFloats, count * sizeof(float));
fInfo.fHasParams = true;
void InstancedRendering::Op::appendParamsTexel(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkScalar z, SkScalar w) {
ParamsTexel& texel = fParams.push_back();
texel.fX = SkScalarToFloat(x);
texel.fY = SkScalarToFloat(y);
texel.fZ = SkScalarToFloat(z);
texel.fW = SkScalarToFloat(w);
fInfo.fHasParams = true;
void InstancedRendering::Op::appendParamsTexel(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkScalar z) {
ParamsTexel& texel = fParams.push_back();
texel.fX = SkScalarToFloat(x);
texel.fY = SkScalarToFloat(y);
texel.fZ = SkScalarToFloat(z);
fInfo.fHasParams = true;
void InstancedRendering::Op::getFragmentProcessorAnalysisInputs(
FragmentProcessorAnalysisInputs* input) const {
if (AntialiasMode::kCoverage == fInfo.fAntialiasMode ||
(AntialiasMode::kNone == fInfo.fAntialiasMode &&
!fInfo.isSimpleRects() && fInfo.fCannotDiscard)) {
} else {
void InstancedRendering::Op::applyPipelineOptimizations(
const GrPipelineOptimizations& optimizations) {
Draw& draw = this->getSingleDraw(); // This will assert if we have > 1 command.
if (kRect_ShapeFlag == fInfo.fShapeTypes) {
draw.fGeometry = InstanceProcessor::GetIndexRangeForRect(fInfo.fAntialiasMode);
} else if (kOval_ShapeFlag == fInfo.fShapeTypes) {
draw.fGeometry = InstanceProcessor::GetIndexRangeForOval(fInfo.fAntialiasMode,
} else {
draw.fGeometry = InstanceProcessor::GetIndexRangeForRRect(fInfo.fAntialiasMode);
if (!fParams.empty()) {
SkASSERT(fInstancedRendering->fParams.count() < (int)kParamsIdx_InfoMask); // TODO: cleaner.
this->getSingleInstance().fInfo |= fInstancedRendering->fParams.count();
fInstancedRendering->fParams.push_back_n(fParams.count(), fParams.begin());
GrColor overrideColor;
if (optimizations.getOverrideColorIfSet(&overrideColor)) {
SkASSERT(State::kRecordingDraws == fInstancedRendering->fState);
this->getSingleInstance().fColor = overrideColor;
fInfo.fUsesLocalCoords = optimizations.readsLocalCoords();
fInfo.fCannotTweakAlphaForCoverage = !optimizations.canTweakAlphaForCoverage();
fIsTracked = true;
bool InstancedRendering::Op::onCombineIfPossible(GrOp* other, const GrCaps& caps) {
Op* that = static_cast<Op*>(other);
SkASSERT(fInstancedRendering == that->fInstancedRendering);
if (!OpInfo::CanCombine(fInfo, that->fInfo) ||
!GrPipeline::CanCombine(*this->pipeline(), this->bounds(), *that->pipeline(),
that->bounds(), caps)) {
return false;
OpInfo combinedInfo = fInfo | that->fInfo;
if (!combinedInfo.isSimpleRects()) {
// This threshold was chosen with the "shapes_mixed" bench on a MacBook with Intel graphics.
// There seems to be a wide range where it doesn't matter if we combine or not. What matters
// is that the itty bitty rects combine with other shapes and the giant ones don't.
constexpr SkScalar kMaxPixelsToGeneralizeRects = 256 * 256;
if (fInfo.isSimpleRects() && fPixelLoad > kMaxPixelsToGeneralizeRects) {
return false;
if (that->fInfo.isSimpleRects() && that->fPixelLoad > kMaxPixelsToGeneralizeRects) {
return false;
fInfo = combinedInfo;
fPixelLoad += that->fPixelLoad;
// Adopt the other op's draws.
fNumDraws += that->fNumDraws;
fNumChangesInGeometry += that->fNumChangesInGeometry;
if (fTailDraw->fGeometry != that->fHeadDraw->fGeometry) {
fTailDraw->fNext = that->fHeadDraw;
fTailDraw = that->fTailDraw;
that->fHeadDraw = that->fTailDraw = nullptr;
return true;
void InstancedRendering::beginFlush(GrResourceProvider* rp) {
SkASSERT(State::kRecordingDraws == fState);
fState = State::kFlushing;
if (fTrackedOps.isEmpty()) {
if (!fVertexBuffer) {
if (!fVertexBuffer) {
if (!fIndexBuffer) {
if (!fIndexBuffer) {
if (!fParams.empty()) {
fParamsBuffer.reset(rp->createBuffer(fParams.count() * sizeof(ParamsTexel),
kTexel_GrBufferType, kDynamic_GrAccessPattern,
GrResourceProvider::kNoPendingIO_Flag |
if (!fParamsBuffer) {
void InstancedRendering::Op::onExecute(GrOpFlushState* state, const SkRect& bounds) {
SkASSERT(State::kFlushing == fInstancedRendering->fState);
SkASSERT(state->gpu() == fInstancedRendering->gpu());
if (GrXferBarrierType barrierType = this->pipeline()->xferBarrierType(*state->gpu()->caps())) {
state->gpu()->xferBarrier(this->pipeline()->getRenderTarget(), barrierType);
InstanceProcessor instProc(fInfo, fInstancedRendering->fParamsBuffer.get());
fInstancedRendering->onDraw(*this->pipeline(), instProc, this);
void InstancedRendering::endFlush() {
// The caller is expected to delete all tracked ops (i.e. ops whose applyPipelineOptimizations
// method has been called) before ending the flush.
fState = State::kRecordingDraws;
// Hold on to the shape coords and index buffers.
void InstancedRendering::resetGpuResources(ResetType resetType) {