blob: 903b227891ef18d65209e1c4337c4a44a7b3f78e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrOptDrawState_DEFINED
#define GrOptDrawState_DEFINED
#include "GrColor.h"
#include "GrGpu.h"
#include "GrPendingFragmentStage.h"
#include "GrProgramDesc.h"
#include "GrStencil.h"
#include "GrTypesPriv.h"
#include "SkMatrix.h"
#include "SkRefCnt.h"
class GrDeviceCoordTexture;
class GrDrawState;
* Class that holds an optimized version of a GrDrawState. It is meant to be an immutable class,
* and contains all data needed to set the state for a gpu draw.
class GrOptDrawState : public SkRefCnt {
typedef GrClipMaskManager::ScissorState ScissorState;
* Returns a snapshot of the current optimized state. The GrOptDrawState is reffed and ownership
* is given to the caller.
static GrOptDrawState* Create(const GrDrawState& drawState,
const ScissorState&,
const GrDeviceCoordTexture* dstCopy,
GrGpu::DrawType drawType);
bool operator== (const GrOptDrawState& that) const;
bool operator!= (const GrOptDrawState& that) const { return !(*this == that); }
/// @name Vertex Attributes
enum {
kMaxVertexAttribCnt = kLast_GrVertexAttribBinding + 4,
const GrVertexAttrib* getVertexAttribs() const { return fVAPtr; }
int getVertexAttribCount() const { return fVACount; }
size_t getVertexStride() const { return fVAStride; }
/// @}
/// @name Color
GrColor getColor() const { return fColor; }
/// @}
/// @name Coverage
uint8_t getCoverage() const { return fCoverage; }
GrColor getCoverageColor() const {
return GrColorPackRGBA(fCoverage, fCoverage, fCoverage, fCoverage);
/// @}
/// @name Effect Stages
/// Each stage hosts a GrProcessor. The effect produces an output color or coverage in the
/// fragment shader. Its inputs are the output from the previous stage as well as some variables
/// available to it in the fragment and vertex shader (e.g. the vertex position, the dst color,
/// the fragment position, local coordinates).
/// The stages are divided into two sets, color-computing and coverage-computing. The final
/// color stage produces the final pixel color. The coverage-computing stages function exactly
/// as the color-computing but the output of the final coverage stage is treated as a fractional
/// pixel coverage rather than as input to the src/dst color blend step.
/// The input color to the first color-stage is either the constant color or interpolated
/// per-vertex colors. The input to the first coverage stage is either a constant coverage
/// (usually full-coverage) or interpolated per-vertex coverage.
int numColorStages() const { return fNumColorStages; }
int numCoverageStages() const { return fFragmentStages.count() - fNumColorStages; }
int numFragmentStages() const { return fFragmentStages.count(); }
int numTotalStages() const {
return this->numFragmentStages() + (this->hasGeometryProcessor() ? 1 : 0);
bool hasGeometryProcessor() const { return SkToBool(fGeometryProcessor.get()); }
const GrGeometryProcessor* getGeometryProcessor() const { return fGeometryProcessor.get(); }
const GrPendingFragmentStage& getColorStage(int idx) const {
SkASSERT(idx < this->numColorStages());
return fFragmentStages[idx];
const GrPendingFragmentStage& getCoverageStage(int idx) const {
SkASSERT(idx < this->numCoverageStages());
return fFragmentStages[fNumColorStages + idx];
const GrPendingFragmentStage& getFragmentStage(int idx) const {
return fFragmentStages[idx];
/// @}
/// @name Blending
GrBlendCoeff getSrcBlendCoeff() const { return fSrcBlend; }
GrBlendCoeff getDstBlendCoeff() const { return fDstBlend; }
* Retrieves the last value set by setBlendConstant()
* @return the blending constant value
GrColor getBlendConstant() const { return fBlendConstant; }
/// @}
/// @name View Matrix
* Retrieves the current view matrix
* @return the current view matrix.
const SkMatrix& getViewMatrix() const { return fViewMatrix; }
/// @}
/// @name Render Target
* Retrieves the currently set render-target.
* @return The currently set render target.
GrRenderTarget* getRenderTarget() const { return fRenderTarget.get(); }
/// @}
/// @name Stencil
const GrStencilSettings& getStencil() const { return fStencilSettings; }
/// @}
/// @name ScissorState
const ScissorState& getScissorState() const { return fScissorState; }
/// @}
/// @name State Flags
bool isDitherState() const { return 0 != (fFlagBits & kDither_StateBit); }
bool isHWAntialiasState() const { return 0 != (fFlagBits & kHWAntialias_StateBit); }
bool isColorWriteDisabled() const { return 0 != (fFlagBits & kNoColorWrites_StateBit); }
bool isCoverageDrawing() const { return 0 != (fFlagBits & kCoverageDrawing_StateBit); }
/// @}
/// @name Face Culling
enum DrawFace {
kInvalid_DrawFace = -1,
* Gets whether the target is drawing clockwise, counterclockwise,
* or both faces.
* @return the current draw face(s).
DrawFace getDrawFace() const { return fDrawFace; }
/// @}
const GrProgramDesc& programDesc() const { return fDesc; }
// This is lifted from GrDrawState. This should be revised and made specific to this class/
enum StateBits {
* Perform dithering. TODO: Re-evaluate whether we need this bit
kDither_StateBit = 0x01,
* Perform HW anti-aliasing. This means either HW FSAA, if supported by the render target,
* or smooth-line rendering if a line primitive is drawn and line smoothing is supported by
* the 3D API.
kHWAntialias_StateBit = 0x02,
* Draws will respect the clip, otherwise the clip is ignored.
kClip_StateBit = 0x04,
* Disables writing to the color buffer. Useful when performing stencil
* operations.
kNoColorWrites_StateBit = 0x08,
* Usually coverage is applied after color blending. The color is blended using the coeffs
* specified by setBlendFunc(). The blended color is then combined with dst using coeffs
* of src_coverage, 1-src_coverage. Sometimes we are explicitly drawing a coverage mask. In
* this case there is no distinction between coverage and color and the caller needs direct
* control over the blend coeffs. When set, there will be a single blend step controlled by
* setBlendFunc() which will use coverage*color as the src color.
kCoverageDrawing_StateBit = 0x10
* Optimizations for blending / coverage to that can be applied based on the current state.
enum BlendOptFlags {
* No optimization
kNone_BlendOpt = 0,
* Don't draw at all
kSkipDraw_BlendOptFlag = 0x1,
* The coverage value does not have to be computed separately from alpha, the the output
* color can be the modulation of the two.
kCoverageAsAlpha_BlendOptFlag = 0x2,
* Instead of emitting a src color, emit coverage in the alpha channel and r,g,b are
* "don't cares".
kEmitCoverage_BlendOptFlag = 0x4,
* Emit transparent black instead of the src color, no need to compute coverage.
kEmitTransBlack_BlendOptFlag = 0x8,
* Constructs and optimized drawState out of a GrRODrawState.
GrOptDrawState(const GrDrawState& drawState, BlendOptFlags blendOptFlags,
GrBlendCoeff optSrcCoeff, GrBlendCoeff optDstCoeff,
GrGpu*, const ScissorState&, const GrDeviceCoordTexture* dstCopy,
* Loops through all the color stage effects to check if the stage will ignore color input or
* always output a constant color. In the ignore color input case we can ignore all previous
* stages. In the constant color case, we can ignore all previous stages and
* the current one and set the state color to the constant color.
void computeEffectiveColorStages(const GrDrawState& ds, GrProgramDesc::DescInfo*,
int* firstColorStageIdx, uint8_t* fixFunctionVAToRemove);
* Loops through all the coverage stage effects to check if the stage will ignore color input.
* If a coverage stage will ignore input, then we can ignore all coverage stages before it. We
* loop to determine the first effective coverage stage.
void computeEffectiveCoverageStages(const GrDrawState& ds, GrProgramDesc::DescInfo* descInfo,
int* firstCoverageStageIdx);
* This function takes in a flag and removes the corresponding fixed function vertex attributes.
* The flags are in the same order as GrVertexAttribBinding array. If bit i of removeVAFlags is
* set, then vertex attributes with binding (GrVertexAttribute)i will be removed.
void removeFixedFunctionVertexAttribs(uint8_t removeVAFlags, GrProgramDesc::DescInfo*);
* Alter the OptDrawState (adjusting stages, vertex attribs, flags, etc.) based on the
* BlendOptFlags.
void adjustFromBlendOpts(const GrDrawState& ds, GrProgramDesc::DescInfo*,
int* firstColorStageIdx, int* firstCoverageStageIdx,
uint8_t* fixedFunctionVAToRemove);
* Loop over the effect stages to determine various info like what data they will read and what
* shaders they require.
void getStageStats(const GrDrawState& ds, int firstColorStageIdx, int firstCoverageStageIdx,
* Calculates the primary and secondary output types of the shader. For certain output types
* the function may adjust the blend coefficients. After this function is called the src and dst
* blend coeffs will represent those used by backend API.
void setOutputStateInfo(const GrDrawState& ds, const GrDrawTargetCaps&,
typedef GrPendingIOResource<GrRenderTarget, kWrite_GrIOType> RenderTarget;
typedef SkSTArray<8, GrPendingFragmentStage> FragmentStageArray;
typedef GrPendingProgramElement<const GrGeometryProcessor> ProgramGeometryProcessor;
RenderTarget fRenderTarget;
ScissorState fScissorState;
GrColor fColor;
SkMatrix fViewMatrix;
GrColor fBlendConstant;
uint32_t fFlagBits;
const GrVertexAttrib* fVAPtr;
int fVACount;
size_t fVAStride;
GrStencilSettings fStencilSettings;
uint8_t fCoverage;
DrawFace fDrawFace;
GrBlendCoeff fSrcBlend;
GrBlendCoeff fDstBlend;
ProgramGeometryProcessor fGeometryProcessor;
FragmentStageArray fFragmentStages;
// This function is equivalent to the offset into fFragmentStages where coverage stages begin.
int fNumColorStages;
SkAutoSTArray<4, GrVertexAttrib> fOptVA;
BlendOptFlags fBlendOptFlags;
GrProgramDesc fDesc;
typedef SkRefCnt INHERITED;