blob: 0ce45dc1ffb708eb19dea2fbeeed06901140c295 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "bookmaker.h"
#include "SkOSFile.h"
#include "SkOSPath.h"
static void debug_out(int len, const char* data) {
// convenient place to intercept arbitrary output
SkDebugf("%.*s", len, data);
bool ParserCommon::parseFile(const char* fileOrPath, const char* suffix, OneFile oneFile) {
if (!sk_isdir(fileOrPath)) {
if (!this->parseFromFile(fileOrPath)) {
SkDebugf("failed to parse %s\n", fileOrPath);
return false;
} else if (OneFile::kNo == oneFile) {
SkOSFile::Iter it(fileOrPath, suffix);
for (SkString file;; ) {
SkString p = SkOSPath::Join(fileOrPath, file.c_str());
const char* hunk = p.c_str();
if (!SkStrEndsWith(hunk, suffix)) {
if (!this->parseFromFile(hunk)) {
SkDebugf("failed to parse %s\n", hunk);
return false;
return true;
bool ParserCommon::parseStatus(const char* statusFile, const char* suffix, StatusFilter filter) {
StatusIter iter(statusFile, suffix, filter);
if (iter.empty()) {
return false;
for (string file;; ) {
SkString p = SkOSPath::Join(iter.baseDir().c_str(), file.c_str());
const char* hunk = p.c_str();
if (!this->parseFromFile(hunk)) {
SkDebugf("failed to parse %s\n", hunk);
return false;
return true;
bool ParserCommon::parseSetup(const char* path) {
sk_sp<SkData> data = SkData::MakeFromFileName(path);
if (nullptr == data.get()) {
SkDebugf("%s missing\n", path);
return false;
const char* rawText = (const char*) data->data();
bool hasCR = false;
size_t dataSize = data->size();
for (size_t index = 0; index < dataSize; ++index) {
if ('\r' == rawText[index]) {
hasCR = true;
string name(path);
if (hasCR) {
vector<char> lfOnly;
for (size_t index = 0; index < dataSize; ++index) {
char ch = rawText[index];
if ('\r' == rawText[index]) {
ch = '\n';
if ('\n' == rawText[index + 1]) {
fLFOnly[name] = lfOnly;
dataSize = lfOnly.size();
rawText = &fLFOnly[name].front();
fRawData[name] = data;
fStart = rawText;
fLine = rawText;
fChar = rawText;
fEnd = rawText + dataSize;
fFileName = string(path);
fLineCount = 1;
return true;
void ParserCommon::writeBlockIndent(int size, const char* data) {
while (size && ' ' >= data[size - 1]) {
bool newLine = false;
while (size) {
while (size && ' ' > data[0]) {
if (!size) {
if (newLine) {
TextParser parser(fFileName, data, data + size, fLineCount);
const char* lineEnd = parser.strnchr('\n', data + size);
int len = lineEnd ? (int) (lineEnd - data) : size;
if (fDebugOut) {
debug_out(len, data);
fprintf(fOut, "%.*s", len, data);
size -= len;
data += len;
newLine = true;
bool ParserCommon::writeBlockTrim(int size, const char* data) {
if (fOutdentNext) {
fIndent -= 4;
fOutdentNext = false;
while (size && ' ' >= data[0]) {
while (size && ' ' >= data[size - 1]) {
if (size <= 0) {
fLastChar = '\0';
return false;
SkASSERT(size < 16000);
if (size > 3 && !strncmp("#end", data, 4)) {
fMaxLF = 1;
if (this->leadingPunctuation(data, (size_t) size)) {
fPendingSpace = 0;
if (fDebugOut) {
debug_out(size, data);
fprintf(fOut, "%.*s", size, data);
fWroteSomething = true;
int added = 0;
fLastChar = data[size - 1];
while (size > 0 && '\n' != data[--size]) {
fColumn = size ? added : fColumn + added;
fSpaces = 0;
fLinefeeds = 0;
fMaxLF = added > 2 && !strncmp("#if", &data[size + (size > 0)], 3) ? 1 : 2;
if (fOutdentNext) {
fIndent -= 4;
fOutdentNext = false;
return true;
void ParserCommon::writePending() {
fPendingLF = SkTMin(fPendingLF, fMaxLF);
bool wroteLF = false;
while (fLinefeeds < fPendingLF) {
if (fDebugOut) {
fprintf(fOut, "\n");
wroteLF = true;
fPendingLF = 0;
if (wroteLF) {
SkASSERT(0 == fColumn);
SkASSERT(fIndent >= fSpaces);
if (fDebugOut) {
SkDebugf("%*s", fIndent - fSpaces, "");
fprintf(fOut, "%*s", fIndent - fSpaces, "");
fColumn = fIndent;
fSpaces = fIndent;
for (int index = 0; index < fPendingSpace; ++index) {
if (fDebugOut) {
SkDebugf(" ");
fprintf(fOut, " ");
fPendingSpace = 0;
void ParserCommon::writeString(const char* str) {
const size_t len = strlen(str);
SkASSERT(len > 0);
SkASSERT(' ' < str[0]);
fLastChar = str[len - 1];
SkASSERT(' ' < fLastChar);
SkASSERT(!strchr(str, '\n'));
if (this->leadingPunctuation(str, strlen(str))) {
fPendingSpace = 0;
if (fDebugOut) {
debug_out((int) strlen(str), str);
fprintf(fOut, "%s", str);
fColumn += len;
fSpaces = 0;
fLinefeeds = 0;
fMaxLF = 2;
const char* ParserCommon::ReadToBuffer(string filename, int* size) {
FILE* file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");
if (!file) {
return nullptr;
fseek(file, 0L, SEEK_END);
*size = (int) ftell(file);
char* buffer = new char[*size];
memset(buffer, ' ', *size);
SkAssertResult(*size == (int)fread(buffer, 1, *size, file));
return buffer;
bool ParserCommon::writtenFileDiffers(string filename, string readname) {
int writtenSize, readSize;
const char* written = ReadToBuffer(filename, &writtenSize);
if (!written) {
return true;
const char* read = ReadToBuffer(readname, &readSize);
if (!read) {
delete[] written;
return true;
#if 0 // enable for debugging this
int smaller = SkTMin(writtenSize, readSize);
for (int index = 0; index < smaller; ++index) {
if (written[index] != read[index]) {
SkDebugf("%.*s\n", 40, &written[index]);
SkDebugf("%.*s\n", 40, &read[index]);
if (readSize != writtenSize) {
return true;
bool result = !!memcmp(written, read, writtenSize);
delete[] written;
delete[] read;
return result;
StatusIter::StatusIter(const char* statusFile, const char* suffix, StatusFilter filter)
: fSuffix(suffix)
, fFilter(filter) {
if (!this->parseFromFile(statusFile)) {
static const char* block_names[] = {
string StatusIter::baseDir() {
SkASSERT(fStack.size() > 2);
string dir;
for (unsigned index = 2; index < fStack.size(); ++index) {
dir += fStack[index].fName;
if (index < fStack.size() - 1) {
dir += SkOSPath::SEPARATOR;
return dir;
// FIXME: need to compare fBlockName against fFilter
// need to compare fSuffix against next value returned
bool StatusIter::next(string* str) {
JsonStatus* status;
do {
do {
if (fStack.empty()) {
return false;
status = &fStack.back();
if (status->fIter != status->fObject.end()) {
} while (true);
if (1 == fStack.size()) {
do {
StatusFilter blockType = StatusFilter::kUnknown;
for (unsigned index = 0; index < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(block_names); ++index) {
if (status->fIter.key().asString() == block_names[index]) {
blockType = (StatusFilter) index;
if (blockType <= fFilter) {
} while (status->fIter != status->fObject.end());
if (status->fIter == status->fObject.end()) {
if (!status->fObject.isArray()) {
SkASSERT(status->fIter != status->fObject.end());
JsonStatus block = {
status = &(&fStack.back())[-1];
status = &fStack.back();
*str = status->fIter->asString();
if (str->length() - strlen(fSuffix) == str->find(fSuffix)) {
return true;
} while (true);
return true;
bool StatusIter::parseFromFile(const char* path) {
sk_sp<SkData> json(SkData::MakeFromFileName(path));
if (!json) {
SkDebugf("file %s:\n", path);
return this->reportError<bool>("file not readable");
Json::Reader reader;
const char* data = (const char*)json->data();
if (!reader.parse(data, data+json->size(), fRoot)) {
SkDebugf("file %s:\n", path);
return this->reportError<bool>("file not parsable");
JsonStatus block = { fRoot, fRoot.begin(), "" };
return true;
void StatusIter::reset() {