blob: 69126e23c13fab7da7096a1e6b9fa707e85c3ffa [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLExpression.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLStatement.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLSymbolTable.h"
namespace SkSL {
* A 'for' statement.
struct ForStatement : public Statement {
static constexpr Kind kStatementKind = kFor_Kind;
ForStatement(int offset, std::unique_ptr<Statement> initializer,
std::unique_ptr<Expression> test, std::unique_ptr<Expression> next,
std::unique_ptr<Statement> statement, std::shared_ptr<SymbolTable> symbols)
: INHERITED(offset, kStatementKind)
, fSymbols(symbols)
, fInitializer(std::move(initializer))
, fTest(std::move(test))
, fNext(std::move(next))
, fStatement(std::move(statement)) {}
std::unique_ptr<Statement> clone() const override {
return std::unique_ptr<Statement>(new ForStatement(fOffset,
fInitializer ? fInitializer->clone() : nullptr,
fTest ? fTest->clone() : nullptr,
fNext ? fNext->clone() : nullptr,
String description() const override {
String result("for (");
if (fInitializer) {
result += fInitializer->description();
} else {
result += ";";
result += " ";
if (fTest) {
result += fTest->description();
result += "; ";
if (fNext) {
result += fNext->description();
result += ") " + fStatement->description();
return result;
// it's important to keep fSymbols defined first (and thus destroyed last) because destroying
// the other fields can update symbol reference counts
const std::shared_ptr<SymbolTable> fSymbols;
std::unique_ptr<Statement> fInitializer;
std::unique_ptr<Expression> fTest;
std::unique_ptr<Expression> fNext;
std::unique_ptr<Statement> fStatement;
typedef Statement INHERITED;
} // namespace SkSL