blob: 0ad4179add90af5f36cfad4d8fca1be913f05967 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "GrStrokeInfo.h"
#include "GrResourceKey.h"
#include "SkDashPathPriv.h"
bool GrStrokeInfo::applyDashToPath(SkPath* dst, GrStrokeInfo* dstStrokeInfo,
const SkPath& src) const {
if (this->isDashed()) {
SkPathEffect::DashInfo info;
info.fIntervals = fIntervals.get();
info.fCount = fIntervals.count();
info.fPhase = fDashPhase;
GrStrokeInfo filteredStroke(*this, false);
if (SkDashPath::FilterDashPath(dst, src, &filteredStroke, NULL, info)) {
*dstStrokeInfo = filteredStroke;
return true;
return false;
void GrStrokeInfo::asUniqueKeyFragment(uint32_t* data) const {
const int kSkScalarData32Cnt = sizeof(SkScalar) / sizeof(uint32_t);
enum {
kStyleBits = 2,
kJoinBits = 2,
kCapBits = 32 - kStyleBits - kJoinBits,
kJoinShift = kStyleBits,
kCapShift = kJoinShift + kJoinBits,
SK_COMPILE_ASSERT(SkStrokeRec::kStyleCount <= (1 << kStyleBits), style_shift_will_be_wrong);
SK_COMPILE_ASSERT(SkPaint::kJoinCount <= (1 << kJoinBits), cap_shift_will_be_wrong);
SK_COMPILE_ASSERT(SkPaint::kCapCount <= (1 << kCapBits), cap_does_not_fit);
uint32_t styleKey = this->getStyle();
if (this->needToApply()) {
styleKey |= this->getJoin() << kJoinShift;
styleKey |= this->getCap() << kCapShift;
int i = 0;
data[i++] = styleKey;
// Memcpy the scalar fields. Does not "reinterpret_cast<SkScalar&>(data[i]) = ..." due to
// scalars having more strict alignment requirements than what data can guarantee. The
// compiler should optimize memcpys to assignments.
SkScalar scalar;
scalar = this->getMiter();
memcpy(&data[i], &scalar, sizeof(scalar));
i += kSkScalarData32Cnt;
scalar = this->getWidth();
memcpy(&data[i], &scalar, sizeof(scalar));
i += kSkScalarData32Cnt;
if (this->isDashed()) {
SkScalar phase = this->getDashPhase();
memcpy(&data[i], &phase, sizeof(phase));
i += kSkScalarData32Cnt;
int32_t count = this->getDashCount() & static_cast<int32_t>(~1);
SkASSERT(count == this->getDashCount());
const SkScalar* intervals = this->getDashIntervals();
int intervalByteCnt = count * sizeof(SkScalar);
memcpy(&data[i], intervals, intervalByteCnt);
// Enable the line below if fields are added after dashing.
SkDEBUGCODE(i += kSkScalarData32Cnt * count);
SkASSERT(this->computeUniqueKeyFragmentData32Cnt() == i);