blob: 1478279fe26afd6ca30a69ba0060fe3d6f49d6fd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "GrGLProgramBuilder.h"
#include "gl/GrGLGeometryProcessor.h"
#include "gl/GrGLGpu.h"
#include "gl/GrGLPathProcessor.h"
#include "gl/GrGLProgram.h"
#include "gl/GrGLSLPrettyPrint.h"
#include "gl/GrGLUniformHandle.h"
#include "gl/GrGLXferProcessor.h"
#include "GrAutoLocaleSetter.h"
#include "GrCoordTransform.h"
#include "GrGLProgramBuilder.h"
#include "GrTexture.h"
#include "SkRTConf.h"
#include "SkTraceEvent.h"
#define GL_CALL(X) GR_GL_CALL(this->gpu()->glInterface(), X)
#define GL_CALL_RET(R, X) GR_GL_CALL_RET(this->gpu()->glInterface(), R, X)
class GrGLNvprProgramBuilder : public GrGLProgramBuilder {
GrGLNvprProgramBuilder(GrGLGpu* gpu, const DrawArgs& args)
: INHERITED(gpu, args) {}
GrGLProgram* createProgram(GrGLuint programID) override {
// this is just for nvpr es, which has separable varyings that are plugged in after
// building
GrGLPathProcessor* pathProc =
pathProc->resolveSeparableVaryings(fGpu, programID);
return SkNEW_ARGS(GrGLNvprProgram, (fGpu, this->desc(), fUniformHandles, programID,
fXferProcessor, fFragmentProcessors.get()));
typedef GrGLProgramBuilder INHERITED;
const int GrGLProgramBuilder::kVarsPerBlock = 8;
GrGLProgram* GrGLProgramBuilder::CreateProgram(const DrawArgs& args, GrGLGpu* gpu) {
GrAutoLocaleSetter als("C");
// create a builder. This will be handed off to effects so they can use it to add
// uniforms, varyings, textures, etc
SkAutoTDelete<GrGLProgramBuilder> builder(CreateProgramBuilder(args, gpu));
GrGLProgramBuilder* pb = builder.get();
// TODO: Once all stages can handle taking a float or vec4 and correctly handling them we can
// seed correctly here
GrGLSLExpr4 inputColor;
GrGLSLExpr4 inputCoverage;
if (!pb->emitAndInstallProcs(&inputColor, &inputCoverage)) {
return NULL;
return pb->finalize();
GrGLProgramBuilder* GrGLProgramBuilder::CreateProgramBuilder(const DrawArgs& args,
GrGLGpu* gpu) {
if (args.fPrimitiveProcessor->isPathRendering()) {
SkASSERT(gpu->glCaps().shaderCaps()->pathRenderingSupport() &&
!args.fPrimitiveProcessor->willUseGeoShader() &&
args.fPrimitiveProcessor->numAttribs() == 0);
return SkNEW_ARGS(GrGLNvprProgramBuilder, (gpu, args));
} else {
return SkNEW_ARGS(GrGLProgramBuilder, (gpu, args));
GrGLProgramBuilder::GrGLProgramBuilder(GrGLGpu* gpu, const DrawArgs& args)
: fVS(this)
, fGS(this)
, fFS(this, args.fDesc->header().fFragPosKey)
, fOutOfStage(true)
, fStageIndex(-1)
, fGeometryProcessor(NULL)
, fXferProcessor(NULL)
, fArgs(args)
, fGpu(gpu)
, fUniforms(kVarsPerBlock) {
void GrGLProgramBuilder::addVarying(const char* name,
GrGLVarying* varying,
GrSLPrecision fsPrecision) {
if (varying->vsVarying()) {
fVS.addVarying(name, varying);
if (this->primitiveProcessor().willUseGeoShader()) {
fGS.addVarying(name, varying);
if (varying->fsVarying()) {
fFS.addVarying(varying, fsPrecision);
void GrGLProgramBuilder::addPassThroughAttribute(const GrPrimitiveProcessor::Attribute* input,
const char* output) {
GrSLType type = GrVertexAttribTypeToSLType(input->fType);
GrGLVertToFrag v(type);
this->addVarying(input->fName, &v);
fVS.codeAppendf("%s = %s;", v.vsOut(), input->fName);
fFS.codeAppendf("%s = %s;", output, v.fsIn());
void GrGLProgramBuilder::nameVariable(SkString* out, char prefix, const char* name) {
if ('\0' == prefix) {
*out = name;
} else {
out->printf("%c%s", prefix, name);
if (!fOutOfStage) {
if (out->endsWith('_')) {
// Names containing "__" are reserved.
out->appendf("_Stage%d", fStageIndex);
GrGLProgramDataManager::UniformHandle GrGLProgramBuilder::addUniformArray(
uint32_t visibility,
GrSLType type,
GrSLPrecision precision,
const char* name,
int count,
const char** outName) {
SkASSERT(name && strlen(name));
SkDEBUGCODE(static const uint32_t kVisibilityMask = kVertex_Visibility | kFragment_Visibility);
SkASSERT(0 == (~kVisibilityMask & visibility));
SkASSERT(0 != visibility);
SkASSERT(kDefault_GrSLPrecision == precision || GrSLTypeIsFloatType(type));
UniformInfo& uni = fUniforms.push_back();
// TODO this is a bit hacky, lets think of a better way. Basically we need to be able to use
// the uniform view matrix name in the GP, and the GP is immutable so it has to tell the PB
// exactly what name it wants to use for the uniform view matrix. If we prefix anythings, then
// the names will mismatch. I think the correct solution is to have all GPs which need the
// uniform view matrix, they should upload the view matrix in their setData along with regular
// uniforms.
char prefix = 'u';
if ('u' == name[0]) {
prefix = '\0';
this->nameVariable(uni.fVariable.accessName(), prefix, name);
uni.fVisibility = visibility;
if (outName) {
*outName = uni.fVariable.c_str();
return GrGLProgramDataManager::UniformHandle::CreateFromUniformIndex(fUniforms.count() - 1);
void GrGLProgramBuilder::appendUniformDecls(ShaderVisibility visibility,
SkString* out) const {
for (int i = 0; i < fUniforms.count(); ++i) {
if (fUniforms[i].fVisibility & visibility) {
fUniforms[i].fVariable.appendDecl(this->ctxInfo(), out);
const GrGLContextInfo& GrGLProgramBuilder::ctxInfo() const {
return fGpu->ctxInfo();
bool GrGLProgramBuilder::emitAndInstallProcs(GrGLSLExpr4* inputColor, GrGLSLExpr4* inputCoverage) {
// First we loop over all of the installed processors and collect coord transforms. These will
// be sent to the GrGLPrimitiveProcessor in its emitCode function
const GrPrimitiveProcessor& primProc = this->primitiveProcessor();
int totalTextures = primProc.numTextures();
const int maxTextureUnits = fGpu->glCaps().maxFragmentTextureUnits();
SkSTArray<8, GrGLProcessor::TransformedCoordsArray> outCoords;
for (int i = 0; i < this->pipeline().numFragmentStages(); i++) {
const GrFragmentProcessor* processor = this->pipeline().getFragmentStage(i).processor();
SkSTArray<2, const GrCoordTransform*, true>& procCoords = fCoordTransforms.push_back();
for (int t = 0; t < processor->numTransforms(); t++) {
totalTextures += processor->numTextures();
if (totalTextures >= maxTextureUnits) {
GrCapsDebugf(fGpu->caps(), "Program would use too many texture units\n");
return false;
this->emitAndInstallProc(primProc, inputColor, inputCoverage);
int numProcs = this->pipeline().numFragmentStages();
this->emitAndInstallFragProcs(0, this->pipeline().numColorFragmentStages(), inputColor);
this->emitAndInstallFragProcs(this->pipeline().numColorFragmentStages(), numProcs,
this->emitAndInstallXferProc(*this->pipeline().getXferProcessor(), *inputColor, *inputCoverage);
return true;
void GrGLProgramBuilder::emitAndInstallFragProcs(int procOffset,
int numProcs,
GrGLSLExpr4* inOut) {
for (int e = procOffset; e < numProcs; ++e) {
GrGLSLExpr4 output;
const GrPendingFragmentStage& stage = this->pipeline().getFragmentStage(e);
this->emitAndInstallProc(stage, e, *inOut, &output);
*inOut = output;
void GrGLProgramBuilder::nameExpression(GrGLSLExpr4* output, const char* baseName) {
// create var to hold stage result. If we already have a valid output name, just use that
// otherwise create a new mangled one. This name is only valid if we are reordering stages
// and have to tell stage exactly where to put its output.
SkString outName;
if (output->isValid()) {
outName = output->c_str();
} else {
this->nameVariable(&outName, '\0', baseName);
fFS.codeAppendf("vec4 %s;", outName.c_str());
*output = outName;
// TODO Processors cannot output zeros because an empty string is all 1s
// the fix is to allow effects to take the GrGLSLExpr4 directly
void GrGLProgramBuilder::emitAndInstallProc(const GrPendingFragmentStage& proc,
int index,
const GrGLSLExpr4& input,
GrGLSLExpr4* output) {
// Program builders have a bit of state we need to clear with each effect
AutoStageAdvance adv(this);
this->nameExpression(output, "output");
// Enclose custom code in a block to avoid namespace conflicts
SkString openBrace;
openBrace.printf("{ // Stage %d, %s\n", fStageIndex,;
this->emitAndInstallProc(proc, index, output->c_str(), input.isOnes() ? NULL : input.c_str());
void GrGLProgramBuilder::emitAndInstallProc(const GrPrimitiveProcessor& proc,
GrGLSLExpr4* outputColor,
GrGLSLExpr4* outputCoverage) {
// Program builders have a bit of state we need to clear with each effect
AutoStageAdvance adv(this);
this->nameExpression(outputColor, "outputColor");
this->nameExpression(outputCoverage, "outputCoverage");
// Enclose custom code in a block to avoid namespace conflicts
SkString openBrace;
openBrace.printf("{ // Stage %d, %s\n", fStageIndex,;
this->emitAndInstallProc(proc, outputColor->c_str(), outputCoverage->c_str());
void GrGLProgramBuilder::emitAndInstallProc(const GrPendingFragmentStage& fs,
int index,
const char* outColor,
const char* inColor) {
GrGLInstalledFragProc* ifp = SkNEW(GrGLInstalledFragProc);
const GrFragmentProcessor& fp = *fs.processor();
SkSTArray<4, GrGLProcessor::TextureSampler> samplers(fp.numTextures());
this->emitSamplers(fp, &samplers, ifp);
ifp->fGLProc->emitCode(this, fp, outColor, inColor, fOutCoords[index], samplers);
// We have to check that effects and the code they emit are consistent, ie if an effect
// asks for dst color, then the emit code needs to follow suit
void GrGLProgramBuilder::emitAndInstallProc(const GrPrimitiveProcessor& gp,
const char* outColor,
const char* outCoverage) {
fGeometryProcessor = SkNEW(GrGLInstalledGeoProc);
const GrBatchTracker& bt = this->batchTracker();
fGeometryProcessor->fGLProc.reset(gp.createGLInstance(bt, *fGpu->glCaps().glslCaps()));
SkSTArray<4, GrGLProcessor::TextureSampler> samplers(gp.numTextures());
this->emitSamplers(gp, &samplers, fGeometryProcessor);
GrGLGeometryProcessor::EmitArgs args(this, gp, bt, outColor, outCoverage, samplers,
fCoordTransforms, &fOutCoords);
// We have to check that effects and the code they emit are consistent, ie if an effect
// asks for dst color, then the emit code needs to follow suit
void GrGLProgramBuilder::emitAndInstallXferProc(const GrXferProcessor& xp,
const GrGLSLExpr4& colorIn,
const GrGLSLExpr4& coverageIn) {
// Program builders have a bit of state we need to clear with each effect
AutoStageAdvance adv(this);
fXferProcessor = SkNEW(GrGLInstalledXferProc);
// Enable dual source secondary output if we have one
if (xp.hasSecondaryOutput()) {
if (this->ctxInfo().caps()->glslCaps()->mustDeclareFragmentShaderOutput()) {
SkString openBrace;
openBrace.printf("{ // Xfer Processor: %s\n",;
SkSTArray<4, GrGLProcessor::TextureSampler> samplers(xp.numTextures());
this->emitSamplers(xp, &samplers, fXferProcessor);
GrGLXferProcessor::EmitArgs args(this, xp, colorIn.c_str(), coverageIn.c_str(),
fFS.getSecondaryColorOutputName(), samplers);
// We have to check that effects and the code they emit are consistent, ie if an effect
// asks for dst color, then the emit code needs to follow suit
void GrGLProgramBuilder::verify(const GrPrimitiveProcessor& gp) {
SkASSERT(fFS.hasReadFragmentPosition() == gp.willReadFragmentPosition());
void GrGLProgramBuilder::verify(const GrXferProcessor& xp) {
SkASSERT(fFS.hasReadDstColor() == xp.willReadDstColor());
void GrGLProgramBuilder::verify(const GrFragmentProcessor& fp) {
SkASSERT(fFS.hasReadFragmentPosition() == fp.willReadFragmentPosition());
template <class Proc>
void GrGLProgramBuilder::emitSamplers(const GrProcessor& processor,
GrGLProcessor::TextureSamplerArray* outSamplers,
GrGLInstalledProc<Proc>* ip) {
int numTextures = processor.numTextures();
SkString name;
for (int t = 0; t < numTextures; ++t) {
name.printf("Sampler%d", t);
ip->fSamplers[t].fUniform = this->addUniform(GrGLProgramBuilder::kFragment_Visibility,
kSampler2D_GrSLType, kDefault_GrSLPrecision,
SkNEW_APPEND_TO_TARRAY(outSamplers, GrGLProcessor::TextureSampler,
(ip->fSamplers[t].fUniform, processor.textureAccess(t)));
GrGLProgram* GrGLProgramBuilder::finalize() {
// verify we can get a program id
GrGLuint programID;
GL_CALL_RET(programID, CreateProgram());
if (0 == programID) {
return NULL;
// compile shaders and bind attributes / uniforms
SkTDArray<GrGLuint> shadersToDelete;
if (!fVS.compileAndAttachShaders(programID, &shadersToDelete)) {
this->cleanupProgram(programID, shadersToDelete);
return NULL;
// NVPR actually requires a vertex shader to compile
bool useNvpr = primitiveProcessor().isPathRendering();
if (!useNvpr) {
if (!fFS.compileAndAttachShaders(programID, &shadersToDelete)) {
this->cleanupProgram(programID, shadersToDelete);
return NULL;
bool usingBindUniform = fGpu->glInterface()->fFunctions.fBindUniformLocation != NULL;
if (usingBindUniform) {
// Calling GetProgramiv is expensive in Chromium. Assume success in release builds.
bool checkLinked = !fGpu->ctxInfo().isChromium();
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
checkLinked = true;
if (checkLinked) {
if (!usingBindUniform) {
return this->createProgram(programID);
void GrGLProgramBuilder::bindUniformLocations(GrGLuint programID) {
int count = fUniforms.count();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
GL_CALL(BindUniformLocation(programID, i, fUniforms[i].fVariable.c_str()));
fUniforms[i].fLocation = i;
bool GrGLProgramBuilder::checkLinkStatus(GrGLuint programID) {
GrGLint linked = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;
GL_CALL(GetProgramiv(programID, GR_GL_LINK_STATUS, &linked));
if (!linked) {
GrGLint infoLen = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;
GL_CALL(GetProgramiv(programID, GR_GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLen));
SkAutoMalloc log(sizeof(char)*(infoLen+1)); // outside if for debugger
if (infoLen > 0) {
// retrieve length even though we don't need it to workaround
// bug in chrome cmd buffer param validation.
GrGLsizei length = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;
SkDebugf("%s", (char*)log.get());
SkDEBUGFAIL("Error linking program");
programID = 0;
return SkToBool(linked);
void GrGLProgramBuilder::resolveUniformLocations(GrGLuint programID) {
int count = fUniforms.count();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
GrGLint location;
GL_CALL_RET(location, GetUniformLocation(programID, fUniforms[i].fVariable.c_str()));
fUniforms[i].fLocation = location;
void GrGLProgramBuilder::cleanupProgram(GrGLuint programID, const SkTDArray<GrGLuint>& shaderIDs) {
void GrGLProgramBuilder::cleanupShaders(const SkTDArray<GrGLuint>& shaderIDs) {
for (int i = 0; i < shaderIDs.count(); ++i) {
GrGLProgram* GrGLProgramBuilder::createProgram(GrGLuint programID) {
return SkNEW_ARGS(GrGLProgram, (fGpu, this->desc(), fUniformHandles, programID, fUniforms,
fGeometryProcessor, fXferProcessor, fFragmentProcessors.get()));
GrGLInstalledFragProcs::~GrGLInstalledFragProcs() {
int numProcs = fProcs.count();
for (int e = 0; e < numProcs; ++e) {