blob: 5eaa37870294ff1099d624fe65298ea87fd13bc2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/sksl/SkSLIRGenerator.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLExpression.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFloatLiteral.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLIntLiteral.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLPrefixExpression.h"
namespace SkSL {
* Represents the construction of a compound type, such as "float2(x, y)".
* Vector constructors will always consist of either exactly 1 scalar, or a collection of vectors
* and scalars totalling exactly the right number of scalar components.
* Matrix constructors will always consist of either exactly 1 scalar, exactly 1 matrix, or a
* collection of vectors and scalars totalling exactly the right number of scalar components.
struct Constructor : public Expression {
static constexpr Kind kExpressionKind = kConstructor_Kind;
Constructor(int offset, const Type& type, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expression>> arguments)
: INHERITED(offset, kExpressionKind, type)
, fArguments(std::move(arguments)) {}
std::unique_ptr<Expression> constantPropagate(const IRGenerator& irGenerator,
const DefinitionMap& definitions) override {
if (fArguments.size() == 1 && fArguments[0]->fKind == Expression::kIntLiteral_Kind) {
if (fType.isFloat()) {
// promote float(1) to 1.0
int64_t intValue = fArguments[0]->as<IntLiteral>().fValue;
return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new FloatLiteral(irGenerator.fContext,
} else if (fType.isInteger()) {
// promote uint(1) to 1u
int64_t intValue = fArguments[0]->as<IntLiteral>().fValue;
return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new IntLiteral(fOffset,
return nullptr;
bool hasProperty(Property property) const override {
for (const auto& arg : fArguments) {
if (arg->hasProperty(property)) {
return true;
return false;
std::unique_ptr<Expression> clone() const override {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expression>> cloned;
for (const auto& arg : fArguments) {
return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new Constructor(fOffset, fType, std::move(cloned)));
String description() const override {
String result = fType.description() + "(";
String separator;
for (size_t i = 0; i < fArguments.size(); i++) {
result += separator;
result += fArguments[i]->description();
separator = ", ";
result += ")";
return result;
bool isCompileTimeConstant() const override {
for (size_t i = 0; i < fArguments.size(); i++) {
if (!fArguments[i]->isCompileTimeConstant()) {
return false;
return true;
bool isConstantOrUniform() const override {
for (size_t i = 0; i < fArguments.size(); i++) {
if (!fArguments[i]->isConstantOrUniform()) {
return false;
return true;
bool compareConstant(const Context& context, const Expression& other) const override {
SkASSERT(other.fKind == Expression::kConstructor_Kind && other.fType == fType);
Constructor& c = (Constructor&) other;
if (c.fType.kind() == Type::kVector_Kind) {
bool isFloat = c.fType.columns() > 1 ? c.fType.componentType().isFloat()
: c.fType.isFloat();
for (int i = 0; i < fType.columns(); i++) {
if (isFloat) {
if (this->getFVecComponent(i) != c.getFVecComponent(i)) {
return false;
} else if (this->getIVecComponent(i) != c.getIVecComponent(i)) {
return false;
return true;
// shouldn't be possible to have a constant constructor that isn't a vector or matrix;
// a constant scalar constructor should have been collapsed down to the appropriate
// literal
SkASSERT(fType.kind() == Type::kMatrix_Kind);
for (int col = 0; col < fType.columns(); col++) {
for (int row = 0; row < fType.rows(); row++) {
if (getMatComponent(col, row) != c.getMatComponent(col, row)) {
return false;
return true;
template <typename type>
type getVecComponent(int index) const {
SkASSERT(fType.kind() == Type::kVector_Kind);
if (fArguments.size() == 1 && fArguments[0]->fType.kind() == Type::kScalar_Kind) {
// This constructor just wraps a scalar. Propagate out the value.
if (std::is_floating_point<type>::value) {
return fArguments[0]->getConstantFloat();
} else {
return fArguments[0]->getConstantInt();
// Walk through all the constructor arguments until we reach the index we're searching for.
int current = 0;
for (const std::unique_ptr<Expression>& arg : fArguments) {
if (current > index) {
// Somehow, we went past the argument we're looking for. Bail.
if (arg->fType.kind() == Type::kScalar_Kind) {
if (index == current) {
// We're on the proper argument, and it's a scalar; fetch it.
if (std::is_floating_point<type>::value) {
return arg->getConstantFloat();
} else {
return arg->getConstantInt();
switch (arg->fKind) {
case kConstructor_Kind: {
const Constructor& constructor = static_cast<const Constructor&>(*arg);
if (current + constructor.fType.columns() > index) {
// We've found a constructor that overlaps the proper argument. Descend into
// it, honoring the type.
if (constructor.fType.componentType().isFloat()) {
return type(constructor.getVecComponent<SKSL_FLOAT>(index - current));
} else {
return type(constructor.getVecComponent<SKSL_INT>(index - current));
case kPrefix_Kind: {
const PrefixExpression& prefix = static_cast<const PrefixExpression&>(*arg);
if (current + prefix.fType.columns() > index) {
// We found a prefix operator that contains the proper argument. Descend
// into it. We only support for constant propagation of the unary minus, so
// we shouldn't see any other tokens here.
SkASSERT(prefix.fOperator == Token::Kind::TK_MINUS);
// We expect the - prefix to always be attached to a constructor.
SkASSERT(prefix.fOperand->fKind == kConstructor_Kind);
const Constructor& constructor =
static_cast<const Constructor&>(*prefix.fOperand);
// Descend into this constructor, honoring the type.
if (constructor.fType.componentType().isFloat()) {
return -type(constructor.getVecComponent<SKSL_FLOAT>(index - current));
} else {
return -type(constructor.getVecComponent<SKSL_INT>(index - current));
default: {
SkDEBUGFAILF("unexpected component %d { %s } in %s\n",
index, arg->description().c_str(), description().c_str());
current += arg->fType.columns();
SkDEBUGFAILF("failed to find vector component %d in %s\n", index, description().c_str());
return -1;
SKSL_FLOAT getFVecComponent(int n) const override {
return this->getVecComponent<SKSL_FLOAT>(n);
* For a literal vector expression, return the integer value of the n'th vector component. It is
* an error to call this method on an expression which is not a literal vector.
SKSL_INT getIVecComponent(int n) const override {
return this->getVecComponent<SKSL_INT>(n);
SKSL_FLOAT getMatComponent(int col, int row) const override {
SkASSERT(fType.kind() == Type::kMatrix_Kind);
SkASSERT(col < fType.columns() && row < fType.rows());
if (fArguments.size() == 1) {
if (fArguments[0]->fType.kind() == Type::kScalar_Kind) {
// single scalar argument, so matrix is of the form:
// x 0 0
// 0 x 0
// 0 0 x
// return x if col == row
return col == row ? fArguments[0]->getConstantFloat() : 0.0;
if (fArguments[0]->fType.kind() == Type::kMatrix_Kind) {
SkASSERT(fArguments[0]->fKind == Expression::kConstructor_Kind);
// single matrix argument. make sure we're within the argument's bounds.
const Type& argType = ((Constructor&) *fArguments[0]).fType;
if (col < argType.columns() && row < argType.rows()) {
// within bounds, defer to argument
return ((Constructor&) *fArguments[0]).getMatComponent(col, row);
// out of bounds
return 0.0;
int currentIndex = 0;
int targetIndex = col * fType.rows() + row;
for (const auto& arg : fArguments) {
SkASSERT(targetIndex >= currentIndex);
SkASSERT(arg->fType.rows() == 1);
if (currentIndex + arg->fType.columns() > targetIndex) {
if (arg->fType.columns() == 1) {
return arg->getConstantFloat();
} else {
return arg->getFVecComponent(targetIndex - currentIndex);
currentIndex += arg->fType.columns();
ABORT("can't happen, matrix component out of bounds");
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expression>> fArguments;
using INHERITED = Expression;
} // namespace SkSL