blob: 05d26c8de821a07df64555a1ef9d055776e89ca6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrGLTexture_DEFINED
#define GrGLTexture_DEFINED
#include "GrGpu.h"
#include "GrTexture.h"
#include "GrGLUtil.h"
class GrGLGpu;
class GrGLTexture : public GrTexture {
struct TexParams {
GrGLenum fMinFilter;
GrGLenum fMagFilter;
GrGLenum fWrapS;
GrGLenum fWrapT;
GrGLenum fMaxMipMapLevel;
GrGLenum fSwizzleRGBA[4];
GrGLenum fSRGBDecode;
void invalidate() { memset(this, 0xff, sizeof(TexParams)); }
struct IDDesc {
GrGLTextureInfo fInfo;
GrBackendObjectOwnership fOwnership;
GrGLTexture(GrGLGpu*, SkBudgeted, const GrSurfaceDesc&, const IDDesc&);
GrGLTexture(GrGLGpu*, SkBudgeted, const GrSurfaceDesc&, const IDDesc&,
bool wasMipMapDataProvided);
GrBackendObject getTextureHandle() const override;
void textureParamsModified() override { fTexParams.invalidate(); }
// These functions are used to track the texture parameters associated with the texture.
const TexParams& getCachedTexParams(GrGpu::ResetTimestamp* timestamp) const {
*timestamp = fTexParamsTimestamp;
return fTexParams;
void setCachedTexParams(const TexParams& texParams,
GrGpu::ResetTimestamp timestamp) {
fTexParams = texParams;
fTexParamsTimestamp = timestamp;
GrGLuint textureID() const { return fInfo.fID; }
GrGLenum target() const { return fInfo.fTarget; }
static GrGLTexture* CreateWrapped(GrGLGpu*, const GrSurfaceDesc&, const IDDesc&);
// Constructor for subclasses.
GrGLTexture(GrGLGpu*, const GrSurfaceDesc&, const IDDesc&);
enum Wrapped { kWrapped };
// Constructor for instances wrapping backend objects.
GrGLTexture(GrGLGpu*, Wrapped, const GrSurfaceDesc&, const IDDesc&);
void init(const GrSurfaceDesc&, const IDDesc&);
void onAbandon() override;
void onRelease() override;
void setMemoryBacking(SkTraceMemoryDump* traceMemoryDump,
const SkString& dumpName) const override;
TexParams fTexParams;
GrGpu::ResetTimestamp fTexParamsTimestamp;
// Holds the texture target and ID. A pointer to this may be shared to external clients for
// direct interaction with the GL object.
GrGLTextureInfo fInfo;
GrBackendObjectOwnership fTextureIDOwnership;
typedef GrTexture INHERITED;