blob: 0d142840021d7db9dac20a20bfec0f37a2813914 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/core/SkGpuBlurUtils.h"
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "include/private/GrRecordingContext.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrCaps.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrRecordingContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrRenderTargetContext.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrRenderTargetContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/effects/GrGaussianConvolutionFragmentProcessor.h"
#include "src/gpu/effects/GrMatrixConvolutionEffect.h"
#include "src/gpu/SkGr.h"
#define MAX_BLUR_SIGMA 4.0f
using Direction = GrGaussianConvolutionFragmentProcessor::Direction;
static int sigma_radius(float sigma) {
SkASSERT(sigma >= 0);
return static_cast<int>(ceilf(sigma * 3.0f));
* Draws 'rtcRect' into 'renderTargetContext' evaluating a 1D Gaussian over 'srcView'. The src rect
* is 'rtcRect' offset by 'rtcToSrcOffset'. 'mode' and 'bounds' are applied to the src coords.
static void convolve_gaussian_1d(GrRenderTargetContext* renderTargetContext,
GrSurfaceProxyView srcView,
const SkIRect srcSubset,
SkIVector rtcToSrcOffset,
const SkIRect& rtcRect,
SkAlphaType srcAlphaType,
Direction direction,
int radius,
float sigma,
SkTileMode mode) {
GrPaint paint;
auto wm = SkTileModeToWrapMode(mode);
auto srcRect = rtcRect.makeOffset(rtcToSrcOffset);
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> conv(GrGaussianConvolutionFragmentProcessor::Make(
std::move(srcView), srcAlphaType, direction, radius, sigma, wm, srcSubset, &srcRect,
renderTargetContext->fillRectToRect(nullptr, std::move(paint), GrAA::kNo, SkMatrix::I(),
SkRect::Make(rtcRect), SkRect::Make(srcRect));
static std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> convolve_gaussian_2d(GrRecordingContext* context,
GrSurfaceProxyView srcView,
GrColorType srcColorType,
const SkIRect& srcBounds,
const SkIRect& dstBounds,
int radiusX,
int radiusY,
SkScalar sigmaX,
SkScalar sigmaY,
SkTileMode mode,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> finalCS,
SkBackingFit dstFit) {
auto renderTargetContext = GrRenderTargetContext::Make(
context, srcColorType, std::move(finalCS), dstFit, dstBounds.size(), 1,
GrMipMapped::kNo, srcView.proxy()->isProtected(), srcView.origin());
if (!renderTargetContext) {
return nullptr;
SkISize size = SkISize::Make(2 * radiusX + 1, 2 * radiusY + 1);
SkIPoint kernelOffset = SkIPoint::Make(radiusX, radiusY);
GrPaint paint;
auto wm = SkTileModeToWrapMode(mode);
auto conv = GrMatrixConvolutionEffect::MakeGaussian(context, std::move(srcView), srcBounds,
size, 1.0, 0.0, kernelOffset, wm, true,
sigmaX, sigmaY,
// 'dstBounds' is actually in 'srcView' proxy space. It represents the blurred area from src
// space that we want to capture in the new RTC at {0, 0}. Hence, we use its size as the rect to
// draw and it directly as the local rect.
renderTargetContext->fillRectToRect(nullptr, std::move(paint), GrAA::kNo, SkMatrix::I(),
SkRect::Make(dstBounds.size()), SkRect::Make(dstBounds));
return renderTargetContext;
static std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> convolve_gaussian(GrRecordingContext* context,
GrSurfaceProxyView srcView,
GrColorType srcColorType,
SkAlphaType srcAlphaType,
SkIRect srcBounds,
SkIRect dstBounds,
Direction direction,
int radius,
float sigma,
SkTileMode mode,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> finalCS,
SkBackingFit fit) {
// Logically we're creating an infinite blur of 'srcBounds' of 'srcView' with 'mode' tiling
// and then capturing the 'dstBounds' portion in a new RTC where the top left of 'dstBounds' is
// at {0, 0} in the new RTC.
auto dstRenderTargetContext = GrRenderTargetContext::Make(
context, srcColorType, std::move(finalCS), fit, dstBounds.size(), 1, GrMipMapped::kNo,
srcView.proxy()->isProtected(), srcView.origin());
if (!dstRenderTargetContext) {
return nullptr;
// This represents the translation from 'dstRenderTargetContext' coords to 'srcView' coords.
auto rtcToSrcOffset = dstBounds.topLeft();
auto srcBackingBounds = SkIRect::MakeSize(srcView.proxy()->backingStoreDimensions());
// We've implemented splitting the dst bounds up into areas that do and do not need to
// use shader based tiling but only for some modes...
bool canSplit = mode == SkTileMode::kDecal || mode == SkTileMode::kClamp;
// ...but it's not worth doing the splitting if we'll get HW tiling instead of shader tiling.
bool canHWTile =
srcBounds.contains(srcBackingBounds) &&
!(mode == SkTileMode::kDecal && !context->priv().caps()->clampToBorderSupport());
// TODO: Should we also consider size here? If the area where we can avoid shader tiling is
// small this is probably a deoptimization.
if (!canSplit || canHWTile) {
auto dstRect = SkIRect::MakeSize(dstBounds.size());
convolve_gaussian_1d(dstRenderTargetContext.get(), std::move(srcView), srcBounds,
rtcToSrcOffset, dstRect, srcAlphaType, direction, radius, sigma, mode);
return dstRenderTargetContext;
// 'left' and 'right' are the sub rects of 'srcBounds' where 'mode' must be enforced.
// 'mid' is the area where we can ignore the mode because the kernel does not reach to the
// edge of 'srcBounds'.
SkIRect mid, left, right;
// 'top' and 'bottom' are areas of 'dstBounds' that are entirely above/below 'srcBounds'.
// These are areas that we can simply clear in the dst in kDecal mode. If 'srcBounds'
// straddles the top edge of 'dstBounds' then 'top' will be inverted and we will skip
// processing for the rect. Similar for 'bottom'. The positional/directional labels above refer
// to the Direction::kX case and one should think of these as 'left' and 'right' for
// Direction::kY.
SkIRect top, bottom;
if (Direction::kX == direction) {
top = {dstBounds.left(), , dstBounds.right(), };
bottom = {dstBounds.left(), srcBounds.bottom(), dstBounds.right(), dstBounds.bottom()};
// Inset for sub-rect of 'srcBounds' where the x-dir kernel doesn't reach the edges, clipped
// vertically to dstBounds.
int midA = std::max( , );
int midB = std::min(srcBounds.bottom(), dstBounds.bottom());
mid = {srcBounds.left() + radius, midA, srcBounds.right() - radius, midB};
if (mid.isEmpty()) {
// There is no middle where the bounds can be ignored. Make the left span the whole
// width of dst and we will not draw mid or right.
left = {dstBounds.left(),, dstBounds.right(), mid.bottom()};
} else {
left = {dstBounds.left(),, mid.left() , mid.bottom()};
right = {mid.right(),, dstBounds.right(), mid.bottom()};
} else {
// This is the same as the x direction code if you turn your head 90 degrees CCW. Swap x and
// y and swap top/bottom with left/right.
top = {dstBounds.left(),, srcBounds.left() , dstBounds.bottom()};
bottom = {srcBounds.right(),, dstBounds.right(), dstBounds.bottom()};
int midA = std::max(srcBounds.left() , dstBounds.left() );
int midB = std::min(srcBounds.right(), dstBounds.right());
mid = {midA, + radius, midB, srcBounds.bottom() - radius};
if (mid.isEmpty()) {
left = {mid.left(),, mid.right(), dstBounds.bottom()};
} else {
left = {mid.left(),, mid.right(), };
right = {mid.left(), mid.bottom() , mid.right(), dstBounds.bottom()};
auto convolve = [&](SkIRect rect) {
// Transform rect into the render target's coord system.
convolve_gaussian_1d(dstRenderTargetContext.get(), srcView, srcBounds, rtcToSrcOffset, rect,
srcAlphaType, direction, radius, sigma, mode);
auto clear = [&](SkIRect rect) {
// Transform rect into the render target's coord system.
dstRenderTargetContext->priv().clearAtLeast(rect, SK_PMColor4fTRANSPARENT);
if (!top.isEmpty()) {
if (mode == SkTileMode::kDecal) {
} else {
if (!bottom.isEmpty()) {
if (mode == SkTileMode::kDecal) {
} else {
if (mid.isEmpty()) {
} else {
return dstRenderTargetContext;
// Expand the contents of 'srcRenderTargetContext' to fit in 'dstII'. At this point, we are
// expanding an intermediate image, so there's no need to account for a proxy offset from the
// original input.
static std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> reexpand(GrRecordingContext* context,
std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> src,
const SkRect& srcBounds,
SkISize dstSize,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace,
SkBackingFit fit) {
GrSurfaceProxyView srcView = src->readSurfaceView();
if (!srcView.asTextureProxy()) {
return nullptr;
GrColorType srcColorType = src->colorInfo().colorType();
SkAlphaType srcAlphaType = src->colorInfo().alphaType();
src.reset(); // no longer needed
auto dstRenderTargetContext = GrRenderTargetContext::Make(
context, srcColorType, std::move(colorSpace), fit, dstSize, 1, GrMipMapped::kNo,
srcView.proxy()->isProtected(), srcView.origin());
if (!dstRenderTargetContext) {
return nullptr;
GrPaint paint;
auto fp = GrTextureEffect::MakeSubset(std::move(srcView), srcAlphaType, SkMatrix::I(),
GrSamplerState::Filter::kBilerp, srcBounds, srcBounds,
dstRenderTargetContext->fillRectToRect(nullptr, std::move(paint), GrAA::kNo, SkMatrix::I(),
SkRect::Make(dstSize), srcBounds);
return dstRenderTargetContext;
static std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> two_pass_gaussian(GrRecordingContext* context,
GrSurfaceProxyView srcView,
GrColorType srcColorType,
SkAlphaType srcAlphaType,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace,
SkIRect srcBounds,
SkIRect dstBounds,
float sigmaX,
float sigmaY,
int radiusX,
int radiusY,
SkTileMode mode,
SkBackingFit fit) {
SkASSERT(sigmaX || sigmaY);
std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> dstRenderTargetContext;
if (sigmaX > 0.0f) {
SkBackingFit xFit = sigmaY > 0 ? SkBackingFit::kApprox : fit;
// Expand the dstBounds vertically to produce necessary content for the y-pass. Then we will
// clip these in a tile-mode dependent way to ensure the tile-mode gets implemented
// correctly. However, if we're not going to do a y-pass then we must use the original
// dstBounds without clipping to produce the correct output size.
SkIRect xPassDstBounds = dstBounds;
if (sigmaY) {
xPassDstBounds.outset(0, radiusY);
if (mode == SkTileMode::kRepeat || mode == SkTileMode::kMirror) {
int srcH = srcBounds.height();
int srcTop =;
if (mode == SkTileMode::kMirror) {
srcTop -= srcH;
srcH *= 2;
float floatH = srcH;
// First row above the dst rect where we should restart the tile mode.
int n = sk_float_floor2int_no_saturate(( - srcTop)/floatH);
int topClip = srcTop + n*srcH;
// First row above below the dst rect where we should restart the tile mode.
n = sk_float_ceil2int_no_saturate(
(xPassDstBounds.bottom() - srcBounds.bottom())/floatH);
int bottomClip = srcBounds.bottom() + n*srcH;
xPassDstBounds.fTop = std::max(, topClip);
xPassDstBounds.fBottom = std::min(xPassDstBounds.bottom(), bottomClip);
} else {
if (xPassDstBounds.fBottom <= {
if (mode == SkTileMode::kDecal) {
return nullptr;
xPassDstBounds.fTop =;
xPassDstBounds.fBottom = xPassDstBounds.fTop + 1;
} else if (xPassDstBounds.fTop >= srcBounds.bottom()) {
if (mode == SkTileMode::kDecal) {
return nullptr;
xPassDstBounds.fBottom = srcBounds.bottom();
xPassDstBounds.fTop = xPassDstBounds.fBottom - 1;
} else {
xPassDstBounds.fTop = std::max(xPassDstBounds.fTop,;
xPassDstBounds.fBottom = std::min(xPassDstBounds.fBottom, srcBounds.bottom());
int leftSrcEdge = srcBounds.fLeft - radiusX ;
int rightSrcEdge = srcBounds.fRight + radiusX;
if (mode == SkTileMode::kClamp) {
// In clamp the column just outside the src bounds has the same value as the
// column just inside, unlike decal.
leftSrcEdge += 1;
rightSrcEdge -= 1;
if (xPassDstBounds.fRight <= leftSrcEdge) {
if (mode == SkTileMode::kDecal) {
return nullptr;
xPassDstBounds.fLeft = xPassDstBounds.fRight - 1;
} else {
xPassDstBounds.fLeft = std::max(xPassDstBounds.fLeft, leftSrcEdge);
if (xPassDstBounds.fLeft >= rightSrcEdge) {
if (mode == SkTileMode::kDecal) {
return nullptr;
xPassDstBounds.fRight = xPassDstBounds.fLeft + 1;
} else {
xPassDstBounds.fRight = std::min(xPassDstBounds.fRight, rightSrcEdge);
dstRenderTargetContext = convolve_gaussian(
context, std::move(srcView), srcColorType, srcAlphaType, srcBounds, xPassDstBounds,
Direction::kX, radiusX, sigmaX, mode, colorSpace, xFit);
if (!dstRenderTargetContext) {
return nullptr;
srcView = dstRenderTargetContext->readSurfaceView();
SkIVector newDstBoundsOffset = dstBounds.topLeft() - xPassDstBounds.topLeft();
dstBounds = SkIRect::MakeSize(dstBounds.size()).makeOffset(newDstBoundsOffset);
srcBounds = SkIRect::MakeSize(xPassDstBounds.size());
if (sigmaY == 0.0f) {
return dstRenderTargetContext;
return convolve_gaussian(context, std::move(srcView), srcColorType, srcAlphaType, srcBounds,
dstBounds, Direction::kY, radiusY, sigmaY, mode, colorSpace, fit);
namespace SkGpuBlurUtils {
std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> LegacyGaussianBlur(GrRecordingContext* context,
GrSurfaceProxyView srcView,
GrColorType srcColorType,
SkAlphaType srcAlphaType,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace,
const SkIRect& dstBounds,
const SkIRect& srcBounds,
float sigmaX,
float sigmaY,
SkTileMode mode,
SkBackingFit fit);
std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> GaussianBlur(GrRecordingContext* context,
GrSurfaceProxyView srcView,
GrColorType srcColorType,
SkAlphaType srcAlphaType,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace,
SkIRect dstBounds,
SkIRect srcBounds,
float sigmaX,
float sigmaY,
SkTileMode mode,
SkBackingFit fit) {
return LegacyGaussianBlur(context, srcView, srcColorType, srcAlphaType, std::move(colorSpace),
dstBounds, srcBounds, sigmaX, sigmaY, mode, fit);
TRACE_EVENT2("skia.gpu", "GaussianBlur", "sigmaX", sigmaX, "sigmaY", sigmaY);
if (!srcView.asTextureProxy()) {
return nullptr;
int maxRenderTargetSize = context->priv().caps()->maxRenderTargetSize();
if (dstBounds.width() > maxRenderTargetSize || dstBounds.height() > maxRenderTargetSize) {
return nullptr;
// Attempt to reduce the srcBounds in order to detect that we can set the sigmas to zero or
// to reduce the amount of work to rescale the source if sigmas are large. TODO: Could consider
// how to minimize the required source bounds for repeat/mirror modes.
if (mode == SkTileMode::kClamp || mode == SkTileMode::kDecal) {
int radiusX = sigma_radius(sigmaX);
int radiusY = sigma_radius(sigmaY);
SkIRect reach = dstBounds.makeOutset(radiusX, radiusY);
SkIRect intersection;
if (!intersection.intersect(reach, srcBounds)) {
if (mode == SkTileMode::kDecal) {
return nullptr;
} else {
if (reach.fLeft >= srcBounds.fRight) {
srcBounds.fLeft = srcBounds.fRight - 1;
} else if (reach.fRight <= srcBounds.fLeft) {
srcBounds.fRight = srcBounds.fLeft + 1;
if (reach.fTop >= srcBounds.fBottom) {
srcBounds.fTop = srcBounds.fBottom - 1;
} else if (reach.fBottom <= srcBounds.fTop) {
srcBounds.fBottom = srcBounds.fTop + 1;
} else {
srcBounds = intersection;
if (mode != SkTileMode::kDecal) {
// All non-decal tile modes are equivalent for one pixel width/height src and amount to a
// single color value repeated at each column/row. Applying the normalized kernel to that
// column/row yields that same color. So no blurring is necessary.
if (srcBounds.width() == 1) {
sigmaX = 0.f;
if (srcBounds.height() == 1) {
sigmaY = 0.f;
// If we determined that there is no blurring necessary in either direction then just do a
// a draw that applies the tile mode.
if (!sigmaX && !sigmaY) {
auto result = GrRenderTargetContext::Make(context, srcColorType, std::move(colorSpace), fit,
GrSamplerState sampler(SkTileModeToWrapMode(mode), GrSamplerState::Filter::kNearest);
auto fp = GrTextureEffect::MakeSubset(std::move(srcView), srcAlphaType, SkMatrix::I(),
sampler, SkRect::Make(srcBounds),
SkRect::Make(dstBounds), *context->priv().caps());
GrPaint paint;
result->drawRect(nullptr, std::move(paint), GrAA::kNo, SkMatrix::I(),
return result;
if (sigmaX <= MAX_BLUR_SIGMA && sigmaY <= MAX_BLUR_SIGMA) {
int radiusX = sigma_radius(sigmaX);
int radiusY = sigma_radius(sigmaY);
SkASSERT(radiusX <= GrGaussianConvolutionFragmentProcessor::kMaxKernelRadius);
SkASSERT(radiusY <= GrGaussianConvolutionFragmentProcessor::kMaxKernelRadius);
// For really small blurs (certainly no wider than 5x5 on desktop GPUs) it is faster to just
// launch a single non separable kernel vs two launches.
const int kernelSize = (2 * radiusX + 1) * (2 * radiusY + 1);
if (sigmaX > 0 && sigmaY > 0 && kernelSize <= GrMatrixConvolutionEffect::kMaxUniformSize) {
// Apply the proxy offset to src bounds and offset directly
return convolve_gaussian_2d(context, std::move(srcView), srcColorType, srcBounds,
dstBounds, radiusX, radiusY, sigmaX, sigmaY, mode,
std::move(colorSpace), fit);
return two_pass_gaussian(context, std::move(srcView), srcColorType, srcAlphaType,
std::move(colorSpace), srcBounds, dstBounds, sigmaX, sigmaY,
radiusX, radiusY, mode, fit);
float scaleX = sigmaX > MAX_BLUR_SIGMA ? MAX_BLUR_SIGMA/sigmaX : 1.f;
float scaleY = sigmaY > MAX_BLUR_SIGMA ? MAX_BLUR_SIGMA/sigmaY : 1.f;
// We round down here so that when we recalculate sigmas we know they will be below
SkISize rescaledSize = {sk_float_floor2int(srcBounds.width() *scaleX),
if (rescaledSize.isEmpty()) {
// TODO: Handle this degenerate case.
return nullptr;
// Compute the sigmas using the actual scale factors used once we integerized the rescaledSize.
scaleX = static_cast<float>(rescaledSize.width()) /srcBounds.width();
scaleY = static_cast<float>(rescaledSize.height())/srcBounds.height();
sigmaX *= scaleX;
sigmaY *= scaleY;
auto srcCtx = GrSurfaceContext::Make(context, srcView, srcColorType, srcAlphaType, colorSpace);
GrImageInfo rescaledII(srcColorType, srcAlphaType, colorSpace, rescaledSize);
srcCtx = srcCtx->rescale(rescaledII, srcCtx->origin(), srcBounds, SkSurface::RescaleGamma::kSrc,
if (!srcCtx) {
return nullptr;
srcView = srcCtx->readSurfaceView();
// Drop the context so we don't hold the proxy longer than necessary.
// Compute the dst bounds in the scaled down space. First move the origin to be at the top
// left since we trimmed off everything above and to the left of the original src bounds during
// the rescale.
SkRect scaledDstBounds = SkRect::Make(dstBounds.makeOffset(-srcBounds.topLeft()));
scaledDstBounds.fLeft *= scaleX;
scaledDstBounds.fTop *= scaleY;
scaledDstBounds.fRight *= scaleX;
scaledDstBounds.fBottom *= scaleY;
// Turn the scaled down dst bounds into an integer pixel rect.
auto scaledDstBoundsI = scaledDstBounds.roundOut();
auto rtc = GaussianBlur(context, std::move(srcView), srcColorType, srcAlphaType, colorSpace,
scaledDstBoundsI, SkIRect::MakeSize(rescaledSize), sigmaX, sigmaY, mode,
if (!rtc) {
return nullptr;
// We rounded out the integer scaled dst bounds. Select the fractional dst bounds from the
// integer dimension blurred result when we scale back up.
return reexpand(context, std::move(rtc), scaledDstBounds, dstBounds.size(),
std::move(colorSpace), fit);