blob: 4d9daaef7f19f7a20f843a6ebb7507862cb146e5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "GrVkCaps.h"
#include "GrBackendSurface.h"
#include "GrRenderTargetProxy.h"
#include "GrShaderCaps.h"
#include "GrVkUtil.h"
#include "vk/GrVkBackendContext.h"
#include "vk/GrVkInterface.h"
GrVkCaps::GrVkCaps(const GrContextOptions& contextOptions, const GrVkInterface* vkInterface,
VkPhysicalDevice physDev, uint32_t featureFlags, uint32_t extensionFlags)
: INHERITED(contextOptions) {
fCanUseGLSLForShaderModule = false;
fMustDoCopiesFromOrigin = false;
fSupportsCopiesAsDraws = false;
fMustSubmitCommandsBeforeCopyOp = false;
fMustSleepOnTearDown = false;
fNewCBOnPipelineChange = false;
* GrDrawTargetCaps fields
fMipMapSupport = true; // always available in Vulkan
fSRGBSupport = true; // always available in Vulkan
fSRGBDecodeDisableSupport = true; // always available in Vulkan
fNPOTTextureTileSupport = true; // always available in Vulkan
fDiscardRenderTargetSupport = true;
fReuseScratchTextures = true; //TODO: figure this out
fGpuTracingSupport = false; //TODO: figure this out
fOversizedStencilSupport = false; //TODO: figure this out
fInstanceAttribSupport = true;
fBlacklistCoverageCounting = true; // blacklisting ccpr until we work through a few issues.
fFenceSyncSupport = true; // always available in Vulkan
fCrossContextTextureSupport = false;
fMapBufferFlags = kNone_MapFlags; //TODO: figure this out
fBufferMapThreshold = SK_MaxS32; //TODO: figure this out
fMaxRenderTargetSize = 4096; // minimum required by spec
fMaxTextureSize = 4096; // minimum required by spec
fShaderCaps.reset(new GrShaderCaps(contextOptions));
this->init(contextOptions, vkInterface, physDev, featureFlags, extensionFlags);
bool GrVkCaps::initDescForDstCopy(const GrRenderTargetProxy* src, GrSurfaceDesc* desc,
bool* rectsMustMatch, bool* disallowSubrect) const {
// Vk doesn't use rectsMustMatch or disallowSubrect. Always return false.
*rectsMustMatch = false;
*disallowSubrect = false;
// We can always succeed here with either a CopyImage (none msaa src) or ResolveImage (msaa).
// For CopyImage we can make a simple texture, for ResolveImage we require the dst to be a
// render target as well.
desc->fOrigin = src->origin();
desc->fConfig = src->config();
if (src->numColorSamples() > 1 || (src->asTextureProxy() && this->supportsCopiesAsDraws())) {
desc->fFlags = kRenderTarget_GrSurfaceFlag;
} else {
// Just going to use CopyImage here
desc->fFlags = kNone_GrSurfaceFlags;
return true;
void GrVkCaps::init(const GrContextOptions& contextOptions, const GrVkInterface* vkInterface,
VkPhysicalDevice physDev, uint32_t featureFlags, uint32_t extensionFlags) {
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties properties;
GR_VK_CALL(vkInterface, GetPhysicalDeviceProperties(physDev, &properties));
VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties memoryProperties;
GR_VK_CALL(vkInterface, GetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties(physDev, &memoryProperties));
this->initGrCaps(properties, memoryProperties, featureFlags);
this->initShaderCaps(properties, featureFlags);
this->initConfigTable(vkInterface, physDev, properties);
this->initStencilFormat(vkInterface, physDev);
if (SkToBool(extensionFlags & kNV_glsl_shader_GrVkExtensionFlag)) {
// Currently disabling this feature since it does not play well with validation layers which
// expect a SPIR-V shader
// fCanUseGLSLForShaderModule = true;
if (kQualcomm_VkVendor == properties.vendorID) {
fMustDoCopiesFromOrigin = true;
if (kNvidia_VkVendor == properties.vendorID) {
fMustSubmitCommandsBeforeCopyOp = true;
if (kQualcomm_VkVendor != properties.vendorID) {
fSupportsCopiesAsDraws = true;
if (fSupportsCopiesAsDraws) {
fCrossContextTextureSupport = true;
#if defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN)
if (kNvidia_VkVendor == properties.vendorID) {
fMustSleepOnTearDown = true;
#elif defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_ANDROID)
if (kImagination_VkVendor == properties.vendorID) {
fMustSleepOnTearDown = true;
int get_max_sample_count(VkSampleCountFlags flags) {
if (!(flags & VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_2_BIT)) {
return 0;
if (!(flags & VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_4_BIT)) {
return 2;
if (!(flags & VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_8_BIT)) {
return 4;
if (!(flags & VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_16_BIT)) {
return 8;
if (!(flags & VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_32_BIT)) {
return 16;
if (!(flags & VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_64_BIT)) {
return 32;
return 64;
void GrVkCaps::initGrCaps(const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties& properties,
const VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties& memoryProperties,
uint32_t featureFlags) {
// So GPUs, like AMD, are reporting MAX_INT support vertex attributes. In general, there is no
// need for us ever to support that amount, and it makes tests which tests all the vertex
// attribs timeout looping over that many. For now, we'll cap this at 64 max and can raise it if
// we ever find that need.
static const uint32_t kMaxVertexAttributes = 64;
fMaxVertexAttributes = SkTMin(properties.limits.maxVertexInputAttributes, kMaxVertexAttributes);
// AMD advertises support for MAX_UINT vertex input attributes, but in reality only supports 32.
if (kAMD_VkVendor == properties.vendorID) {
fMaxVertexAttributes = SkTMin(fMaxVertexAttributes, 32);
// We could actually query and get a max size for each config, however maxImageDimension2D will
// give the minimum max size across all configs. So for simplicity we will use that for now.
fMaxRenderTargetSize = SkTMin(properties.limits.maxImageDimension2D, (uint32_t)INT_MAX);
fMaxTextureSize = SkTMin(properties.limits.maxImageDimension2D, (uint32_t)INT_MAX);
// Assuming since we will always map in the end to upload the data we might as well just map
// from the get go. There is no hard data to suggest this is faster or slower.
fBufferMapThreshold = 0;
fMapBufferFlags = kCanMap_MapFlag | kSubset_MapFlag;
fOversizedStencilSupport = true;
fSampleShadingSupport = SkToBool(featureFlags & kSampleRateShading_GrVkFeatureFlag);
// AMD seems to have issues binding new VkPipelines inside a secondary command buffer.
// Current workaround is to use a different secondary command buffer for each new VkPipeline.
if (kAMD_VkVendor == properties.vendorID) {
fNewCBOnPipelineChange = true;
#if defined(SK_CPU_X86)
if (kImagination_VkVendor == properties.vendorID) {
fSRGBSupport = false;
void GrVkCaps::initShaderCaps(const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties& properties, uint32_t featureFlags) {
GrShaderCaps* shaderCaps = fShaderCaps.get();
shaderCaps->fVersionDeclString = "#version 330\n";
// fConfigOutputSwizzle will default to RGBA so we only need to set it for alpha only config.
for (int i = 0; i < kGrPixelConfigCnt; ++i) {
GrPixelConfig config = static_cast<GrPixelConfig>(i);
// Vulkan doesn't support a single channel format stored in alpha.
if (GrPixelConfigIsAlphaOnly(config) &&
kAlpha_8_as_Alpha_GrPixelConfig != config) {
shaderCaps->fConfigTextureSwizzle[i] = GrSwizzle::RRRR();
shaderCaps->fConfigOutputSwizzle[i] = GrSwizzle::AAAA();
} else {
if (kGray_8_GrPixelConfig == config ||
kGray_8_as_Red_GrPixelConfig == config) {
shaderCaps->fConfigTextureSwizzle[i] = GrSwizzle::RRRA();
} else if (kRGBA_4444_GrPixelConfig == config) {
// The vulkan spec does not require R4G4B4A4 to be supported for texturing so we
// store the data in a B4G4R4A4 texture and then swizzle it when doing texture reads
// or writing to outputs. Since we're not actually changing the data at all, the
// only extra work is the swizzle in the shader for all operations.
shaderCaps->fConfigTextureSwizzle[i] = GrSwizzle::BGRA();
shaderCaps->fConfigOutputSwizzle[i] = GrSwizzle::BGRA();
} else {
shaderCaps->fConfigTextureSwizzle[i] = GrSwizzle::RGBA();
if (kImagination_VkVendor == properties.vendorID) {
shaderCaps->fAtan2ImplementedAsAtanYOverX = true;
// Vulkan is based off ES 3.0 so the following should all be supported
shaderCaps->fUsesPrecisionModifiers = true;
shaderCaps->fFlatInterpolationSupport = true;
// Flat interpolation appears to be slow on Qualcomm GPUs. This was tested in GL and is assumed
// to be true with Vulkan as well.
shaderCaps->fPreferFlatInterpolation = kQualcomm_VkVendor != properties.vendorID;
// GrShaderCaps
shaderCaps->fShaderDerivativeSupport = true;
shaderCaps->fGeometryShaderSupport = SkToBool(featureFlags & kGeometryShader_GrVkFeatureFlag);
shaderCaps->fGSInvocationsSupport = shaderCaps->fGeometryShaderSupport;
shaderCaps->fDualSourceBlendingSupport = SkToBool(featureFlags & kDualSrcBlend_GrVkFeatureFlag);
if (kAMD_VkVendor == properties.vendorID) {
// Currently DualSourceBlending is not working on AMD. vkCreateGraphicsPipeline fails when
// using a draw with dual source. Looking into whether it is driver bug or issue with our
// SPIR-V. Bug skia:6405
shaderCaps->fDualSourceBlendingSupport = false;
shaderCaps->fIntegerSupport = true;
shaderCaps->fTexelBufferSupport = true;
shaderCaps->fTexelFetchSupport = true;
shaderCaps->fVertexIDSupport = true;
// Assume the minimum precisions mandated by the SPIR-V spec.
shaderCaps->fFloatIs32Bits = true;
shaderCaps->fHalfIs32Bits = false;
shaderCaps->fMaxVertexSamplers =
shaderCaps->fMaxGeometrySamplers =
shaderCaps->fMaxFragmentSamplers = SkTMin(
shaderCaps->fMaxCombinedSamplers = SkTMin(
bool stencil_format_supported(const GrVkInterface* interface,
VkPhysicalDevice physDev,
VkFormat format) {
VkFormatProperties props;
memset(&props, 0, sizeof(VkFormatProperties));
GR_VK_CALL(interface, GetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties(physDev, format, &props));
return SkToBool(VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT & props.optimalTilingFeatures);
void GrVkCaps::initStencilFormat(const GrVkInterface* interface, VkPhysicalDevice physDev) {
// List of legal stencil formats (though perhaps not supported on
// the particular gpu/driver) from most preferred to least. We are guaranteed to have either
// can optionally have 24 unused bits at the end so we assume the total bits is 64.
static const StencilFormat
// internal Format stencil bits total bits packed?
gS8 = { VK_FORMAT_S8_UINT, 8, 8, false },
gD24S8 = { VK_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT, 8, 32, true },
gD32S8 = { VK_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT_S8_UINT, 8, 64, true };
if (stencil_format_supported(interface, physDev, VK_FORMAT_S8_UINT)) {
fPreferedStencilFormat = gS8;
} else if (stencil_format_supported(interface, physDev, VK_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT)) {
fPreferedStencilFormat = gD24S8;
} else {
SkASSERT(stencil_format_supported(interface, physDev, VK_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT_S8_UINT));
fPreferedStencilFormat = gD32S8;
void GrVkCaps::initConfigTable(const GrVkInterface* interface, VkPhysicalDevice physDev,
const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties& properties) {
for (int i = 0; i < kGrPixelConfigCnt; ++i) {
VkFormat format;
if (GrPixelConfigToVkFormat(static_cast<GrPixelConfig>(i), &format)) {
if (!GrPixelConfigIsSRGB(static_cast<GrPixelConfig>(i)) || fSRGBSupport) {
fConfigTable[i].init(interface, physDev, properties, format);
void GrVkCaps::ConfigInfo::InitConfigFlags(VkFormatFeatureFlags vkFlags, uint16_t* flags) {
*flags = *flags | kTextureable_Flag;
// Ganesh assumes that all renderable surfaces are also texturable
*flags = *flags | kRenderable_Flag;
*flags = *flags | kBlitSrc_Flag;
*flags = *flags | kBlitDst_Flag;
void GrVkCaps::ConfigInfo::initSampleCounts(const GrVkInterface* interface,
VkPhysicalDevice physDev,
const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties& physProps,
VkFormat format) {
VkImageCreateFlags createFlags = GrVkFormatIsSRGB(format, nullptr)
VkImageFormatProperties properties;
GR_VK_CALL(interface, GetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties(physDev,
VkSampleCountFlags flags = properties.sampleCounts;
if (flags & VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT) {
if (kImagination_VkVendor == physProps.vendorID) {
// MSAA does not work on imagination
if (flags & VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_2_BIT) {
if (flags & VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_4_BIT) {
if (flags & VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_8_BIT) {
if (flags & VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_16_BIT) {
if (flags & VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_32_BIT) {
if (flags & VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_64_BIT) {
void GrVkCaps::ConfigInfo::init(const GrVkInterface* interface,
VkPhysicalDevice physDev,
const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties& properties,
VkFormat format) {
VkFormatProperties props;
memset(&props, 0, sizeof(VkFormatProperties));
GR_VK_CALL(interface, GetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties(physDev, format, &props));
InitConfigFlags(props.linearTilingFeatures, &fLinearFlags);
InitConfigFlags(props.optimalTilingFeatures, &fOptimalFlags);
if (fOptimalFlags & kRenderable_Flag) {
this->initSampleCounts(interface, physDev, properties, format);
int GrVkCaps::getSampleCount(int requestedCount, GrPixelConfig config) const {
int count = fConfigTable[config].fColorSampleCounts.count();
if (!count || !this->isConfigRenderable(config, true)) {
return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (fConfigTable[config].fColorSampleCounts[i] >= requestedCount) {
return fConfigTable[config].fColorSampleCounts[i];
return fConfigTable[config].fColorSampleCounts[count-1];
bool validate_image_info(const GrVkImageInfo* imageInfo, SkColorType ct, GrPixelConfig* config) {
if (!imageInfo) {
return false;
VkFormat format = imageInfo->fFormat;
*config = kUnknown_GrPixelConfig;
switch (ct) {
case kUnknown_SkColorType:
return false;
case kAlpha_8_SkColorType:
if (VK_FORMAT_R8_UNORM == format) {
*config = kAlpha_8_as_Red_GrPixelConfig;
case kRGB_565_SkColorType:
if (VK_FORMAT_R5G6B5_UNORM_PACK16 == format) {
*config = kRGB_565_GrPixelConfig;
case kARGB_4444_SkColorType:
if (VK_FORMAT_B4G4R4A4_UNORM_PACK16 == format) {
*config = kRGBA_4444_GrPixelConfig;
case kRGBA_8888_SkColorType:
if (VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM == format) {
*config = kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
} else if (VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB == format) {
*config = kSRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
case kBGRA_8888_SkColorType:
if (VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM == format) {
*config = kBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
} else if (VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB == format) {
*config = kSBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
case kGray_8_SkColorType:
if (VK_FORMAT_R8_UNORM == format) {
*config = kGray_8_as_Red_GrPixelConfig;
case kRGBA_F16_SkColorType:
if (VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT == format) {
*config = kRGBA_half_GrPixelConfig;
return kUnknown_GrPixelConfig != *config;
bool GrVkCaps::validateBackendTexture(const GrBackendTexture& tex, SkColorType ct,
GrPixelConfig* config) const {
return validate_image_info(tex.getVkImageInfo(), ct, config);
bool GrVkCaps::validateBackendRenderTarget(const GrBackendRenderTarget& rt, SkColorType ct,
GrPixelConfig* config) const {
return validate_image_info(rt.getVkImageInfo(), ct, config);