blob: 710ee8820647282d003e49e92f72f5c8da93901f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrCCPRCoverageOpsBuilder_DEFINED
#define GrCCPRCoverageOpsBuilder_DEFINED
#include "GrBuffer.h"
#include "SkRefCnt.h"
#include "SkRect.h"
#include "ccpr/GrCCPRCoverageProcessor.h"
class GrCCPRCoverageOp;
class GrDrawOp;
class GrOnFlushResourceProvider;
class GrResourceProvider;
class SkMatrix;
class SkPath;
struct SkDCubic;
enum class SkCubicType;
* This class produces GrDrawOps that render coverage count masks and atlases. A path is added to
* the current op in two steps:
* 1) parsePath(ScissorMode, viewMatrix, path, &devBounds, &devBounds45);
* <client decides where to put the mask within an atlas, if wanted>
* 2) saveParsedPath(offsetX, offsetY, clipBounds);
* The client can then produce a GrDrawOp for all currently saved paths by calling either
* createIntermediateOp() or finalize().
class GrCCPRCoverageOpsBuilder {
// Indicates whether a path should enforce a scissor clip when rendering its mask. (Specified
// as an int because these values get used directly as indices into arrays.)
enum class ScissorMode : int {
kNonScissored = 0,
kScissored = 1
static constexpr int kNumScissorModes = 2;
struct MaxPrimitives {
int fMaxTriangles = 0;
int fMaxQuadratics = 0;
int fMaxCubics = 0;
void operator+=(const MaxPrimitives&);
int sum() const;
struct MaxBufferItems {
int fMaxFanPoints = 0;
int fMaxControlPoints = 0;
MaxPrimitives fMaxPrimitives[kNumScissorModes];
int fMaxPaths = 0;
void operator+=(const MaxBufferItems&);
void countPathItems(ScissorMode, const SkPath&);
GrCCPRCoverageOpsBuilder() : fScissorBatches(512) {
SkDEBUGCODE(fPointsData = nullptr;)
SkDEBUGCODE(fInstanceData = nullptr;)
bool init(GrOnFlushResourceProvider*, const MaxBufferItems&);
// Parses an SkPath into a temporary staging area. The path will not yet be included in the next
// Op until there is a matching call to saveParsedPath.
// Returns two tight bounding boxes: device space and "45 degree" (| 1 -1 | * devCoords) space.
// | 1 1 |
void parsePath(ScissorMode, const SkMatrix&, const SkPath&, SkRect* devBounds,
SkRect* devBounds45);
// Commits the currently-parsed path from the staging area to the GPU buffers and next Op.
// Accepts an optional post-device-space translate for placement in an atlas.
void saveParsedPath(const SkIRect& clippedDevIBounds,
int16_t atlasOffsetX, int16_t atlasOffsetY);
// Flushes all currently-saved paths to a GrDrawOp and leaves the GPU buffers open to accept
// new paths (e.g. for when an atlas runs out of space).
// NOTE: if there is a parsed path in the staging area, it will not be included. But the client
// may still call saveParsedPath to include it in a future Op.
std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp> SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT createIntermediateOp(SkISize drawBounds);
// Flushes the remaining saved paths to a final GrDrawOp and closes off the GPU buffers. This
// must be called before attempting to draw any Ops produced by this class.
std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp> SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT finalize(SkISize drawBounds);
class CoverageOp;
using PrimitiveInstance = GrCCPRCoverageProcessor::PrimitiveInstance;
struct PrimitiveTallies {
int fTriangles;
int fQuadratics;
int fSerpentines;
int fLoops;
PrimitiveTallies operator+(const PrimitiveTallies&) const;
PrimitiveTallies operator-(const PrimitiveTallies&) const;
int sum() const;
struct ScissorBatch {
PrimitiveTallies fInstanceCounts;
SkIRect fScissor;
void startContour(const SkPoint& anchorPoint);
void fanTo(const SkPoint& pt);
void quadraticTo(SkPoint controlPt, SkPoint endPt);
void cubicTo(SkPoint controlPt1, SkPoint controlPt2, SkPoint endPt);
void emitCubicSegment(SkCubicType, const SkDCubic&, const SkPoint& ts0, const SkPoint& ts1);
void closeContour();
void emitHierarchicalFan(int32_t indices[], int count);
SkDEBUGCODE(void validate();)
ScissorMode fCurrScissorMode;
PrimitiveTallies fCurrPathIndices;
int32_t fCurrContourStartIdx;
SkPoint fCurrAnchorPoint;
SkPoint fCurrFanPoint;
sk_sp<GrBuffer> fPointsBuffer;
SkPoint* fPointsData;
int32_t fFanPtsIdx;
int32_t fControlPtsIdx;
SkDEBUGCODE(int fMaxFanPoints;)
SkDEBUGCODE(int fMaxControlPoints;)
sk_sp<GrBuffer> fInstanceBuffer;
PrimitiveInstance* fInstanceData;
PrimitiveTallies fBaseInstances[kNumScissorModes];
PrimitiveTallies fInstanceIndices[kNumScissorModes];
SkTArray<ScissorBatch> fScissorBatches;
inline void GrCCPRCoverageOpsBuilder::MaxBufferItems::operator+=(const MaxBufferItems& b) {
fMaxFanPoints += b.fMaxFanPoints;
fMaxControlPoints += b.fMaxControlPoints;
fMaxPrimitives[0] += b.fMaxPrimitives[0];
fMaxPrimitives[1] += b.fMaxPrimitives[1];
fMaxPaths += b.fMaxPaths;
inline void GrCCPRCoverageOpsBuilder::MaxPrimitives::operator+=(const MaxPrimitives& b) {
fMaxTriangles += b.fMaxTriangles;
fMaxQuadratics += b.fMaxQuadratics;
fMaxCubics += b.fMaxCubics;
inline int GrCCPRCoverageOpsBuilder::MaxPrimitives::sum() const {
return fMaxTriangles + fMaxQuadratics + fMaxCubics;