blob: 0301f76fa9b4d59ce7fe38d83ae5985c0e88a9e6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrReducedClip_DEFINED
#define GrReducedClip_DEFINED
#include "src/core/SkClipStack.h"
#include "src/core/SkTLList.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrFragmentProcessor.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrWindowRectangles.h"
class GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer;
class GrRecordingContext;
class GrSurfaceDrawContext;
* This class takes a clip stack and produces a reduced set of elements that are equivalent to
* applying that full stack within a specified query rectangle.
class GrReducedClip {
using Element = SkClipStack::Element;
using ElementList = SkTLList<SkClipStack::Element, 16>;
GrReducedClip(const SkClipStack&, const SkRect& queryBounds, const GrCaps* caps,
int maxWindowRectangles = 0, int maxAnalyticElements = 0,
int maxCCPRClipPaths = 0);
enum class InitialState : bool {
InitialState initialState() const { return fInitialState; }
* If hasScissor() is true, the clip mask is not valid outside this rect and the caller must
* enforce this scissor during draw.
const SkIRect& scissor() const { SkASSERT(fHasScissor); return fScissor; }
int left() const { return this->scissor().left(); }
int top() const { return this->scissor().top(); }
int width() const { return this->scissor().width(); }
int height() const { return this->scissor().height(); }
* Indicates whether scissor() is defined. It will always be defined if the maskElements() are
* nonempty.
bool hasScissor() const { return fHasScissor; }
* Indicates if there is a clip shader, representing the merge of all shader elements of the
* original stack.
bool hasShader() const { return SkToBool(fShader); }
sk_sp<SkShader> shader() const { SkASSERT(fShader); return fShader; }
* If nonempty, the clip mask is not valid inside these windows and the caller must clip them
* out using the window rectangles GPU extension.
const GrWindowRectangles& windowRectangles() const { return fWindowRects; }
* An ordered list of clip elements that could not be skipped or implemented by other means. If
* nonempty, the caller must create an alpha and/or stencil mask for these elements and apply it
* during draw.
const ElementList& maskElements() const { return fMaskElements; }
* If maskElements() are nonempty, uniquely identifies the region of the clip mask that falls
* inside of scissor().
* NOTE: since clip elements might fall outside the query bounds, different regions of the same
* clip stack might have more or less restrictive IDs.
* FIXME: this prevents us from reusing a sub-rect of a perfectly good mask when that rect has
* been assigned a less restrictive ID.
uint32_t maskGenID() const { SkASSERT(!fMaskElements.isEmpty()); return fMaskGenID; }
* Indicates whether antialiasing is required to process any of the mask elements.
bool maskRequiresAA() const { SkASSERT(!fMaskElements.isEmpty()); return fMaskRequiresAA; }
bool drawAlphaClipMask(GrSurfaceDrawContext*) const;
bool drawStencilClipMask(GrRecordingContext*, GrSurfaceDrawContext*) const;
int numAnalyticElements() const;
* Called once the client knows the ID of the opsTask that the clip FPs will operate in. This
* method finishes any outstanding work that was waiting for the opsTask ID, then detaches and
* returns this class's list of FPs that complete the clip.
* NOTE: this must be called AFTER producing the clip mask (if any) because draw calls on
* the render target context, surface allocations, and even switching render targets (pre MDB)
* may cause flushes or otherwise change which opsTask the actual draw is going into.
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> finishAndDetachAnalyticElements(
GrRecordingContext*, const SkMatrixProvider& matrixProvider,
SkTArray<SkPath>* pathsForClipAtlas);
void walkStack(const SkClipStack&, const SkRect& queryBounds);
enum class ClipResult {
// Intersects the clip with the element's interior, regardless of inverse fill type.
// NOTE: do not call for elements followed by ops that can grow the clip.
ClipResult clipInsideElement(const Element*);
// Intersects the clip with the element's exterior, regardless of inverse fill type.
// NOTE: do not call for elements followed by ops that can grow the clip.
ClipResult clipOutsideElement(const Element*);
void addWindowRectangle(const SkRect& elementInteriorRect, bool elementIsAA);
enum class Invert : bool {
kNo = false,
kYes = true
static GrClipEdgeType GetClipEdgeType(Invert, GrAA);
ClipResult addAnalyticRect(const SkRect& deviceSpaceRect, Invert, GrAA);
ClipResult addAnalyticRRect(const SkRRect& deviceSpaceRRect, Invert, GrAA);
ClipResult addAnalyticPath(const SkPath& deviceSpacePath, Invert, GrAA);
void makeEmpty();
const GrCaps* fCaps;
const int fMaxWindowRectangles;
const int fMaxAnalyticElements;
const int fMaxCCPRClipPaths;
InitialState fInitialState;
SkIRect fScissor;
bool fHasScissor = false;
SkRect fAAClipRect;
uint32_t fAAClipRectGenID = SK_InvalidGenID; // the GenID that the mask will have if the AA
// clip-rect is included
GrWindowRectangles fWindowRects;
ElementList fMaskElements;
uint32_t fMaskGenID = SK_InvalidGenID;
bool fMaskRequiresAA = false;
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> fAnalyticFP;
int fNumAnalyticElements = 0;
SkSTArray<4, SkPath> fCCPRClipPaths; // Converted to FPs once we have an opsTask ID for CCPR.
// Will be the combination of all kShader elements or null if there's no clip shader.
// Does not count against the analytic FP limit.
sk_sp<SkShader> fShader;