blob: e6e676d6ccc5b7aa7c563e227d7d75aea2c64874 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrPorterDuffXferProcessor_DEFINED
#define GrPorterDuffXferProcessor_DEFINED
#include "GrTypes.h"
#include "GrXferProcessor.h"
#include "SkBlendMode.h"
class GrProcOptInfo;
// See the comment above GrXPFactory's definition about this warning suppression.
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang)
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wnon-virtual-dtor"
class GrPorterDuffXPFactory : public GrXPFactory {
static const GrXPFactory* Get(SkBlendMode blendMode);
/** Because src-over is so common we special case it for performance reasons. If this returns
null then the SimpleSrcOverXP() below should be used. */
static GrXferProcessor* CreateSrcOverXferProcessor(const GrCaps& caps,
const GrPipelineAnalysis&,
bool hasMixedSamples,
const GrXferProcessor::DstTexture*);
/** Returns a simple non-LCD porter duff blend XP with no optimizations or coverage. */
static sk_sp<GrXferProcessor> CreateNoCoverageXP(SkBlendMode);
/** This XP implements non-LCD src-over using hw blend with no optimizations. It is returned
by reference because it is global and its ref-cnting methods are not thread safe. */
static const GrXferProcessor& SimpleSrcOverXP();
static bool WillSrcOverReadDst(const GrProcOptInfo& colorInput,
const GrProcOptInfo& coverageInput);
static bool IsSrcOverPreCoverageBlendedColorConstant(const GrProcOptInfo& colorInput,
GrColor* color);
static bool SrcOverWillNeedDstTexture(const GrCaps&, const GrPipelineAnalysis&);
constexpr GrPorterDuffXPFactory(SkBlendMode);
bool willReadsDst(const GrProcOptInfo&, const GrProcOptInfo&) const override;
GrXferProcessor* onCreateXferProcessor(const GrCaps& caps,
const GrPipelineAnalysis&,
bool hasMixedSamples,
const DstTexture*) const override;
bool willReadDstInShader(const GrCaps&, ColorType, CoverageType) const override;
static void TestGetXPOutputTypes(const GrXferProcessor*, int* outPrimary, int* outSecondary);
SkBlendMode fBlendMode;
friend class GrPorterDuffTest; // for TestGetXPOutputTypes()
typedef GrXPFactory INHERITED;
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang)
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop