blob: 97881240b18dacfb36ef60e27d1bf7c20085cefc [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef Sk4x_DEFINED
#define Sk4x_DEFINED
#include "SkTypes.h"
// First we'll let Clang try its best with whatever instructions are available.
// Otherwise fall back on portable code. This really should be a last resort.
#define SK4X_PREAMBLE 1
#if defined(__clang__)
#include "Sk4x_clang.h"
#include "Sk4x_portable.h"
template <typename T> class Sk4x;
typedef Sk4x<int> Sk4i;
typedef Sk4x<float> Sk4f;
template <typename T> class Sk4x {
Sk4x(); // Uninitialized; use Sk4x(0,0,0,0) for zero.
Sk4x(T, T, T, T);
explicit Sk4x(const T[4]);
Sk4x(const Sk4x&);
Sk4x& operator=(const Sk4x&);
void set(T, T, T, T);
void store(T[4]) const;
template <typename Dst> Dst reinterpret() const;
template <typename Dst> Dst cast() const;
bool allTrue() const;
bool anyTrue() const;
Sk4x bitNot() const;
Sk4x bitAnd(const Sk4x&) const;
Sk4x bitOr (const Sk4x&) const;
Sk4i equal(const Sk4x&) const;
Sk4i notEqual(const Sk4x&) const;
Sk4i lessThan(const Sk4x&) const;
Sk4i greaterThan(const Sk4x&) const;
Sk4i lessThanEqual(const Sk4x&) const;
Sk4i greaterThanEqual(const Sk4x&) const;
Sk4x add(const Sk4x&) const;
Sk4x subtract(const Sk4x&) const;
Sk4x multiply(const Sk4x&) const;
Sk4x divide(const Sk4x&) const;
static Sk4x Min(const Sk4x& a, const Sk4x& b);
static Sk4x Max(const Sk4x& a, const Sk4x& b);
// Swizzles follow OpenCL xyzw convention.
Sk4x zwxy() const;
// When there's a second argument, it's abcd.
static Sk4x XYAB(const Sk4x& xyzw, const Sk4x& abcd);
static Sk4x ZWCD(const Sk4x& xyzw, const Sk4x& abcd);
// It's handy to have Sk4f and Sk4i be mutual friends.
template <typename S> friend class Sk4x;
#define SK4X_PRIVATE 1
#if defined(__clang__)
#include "Sk4x_clang.h"
#include "Sk4x_portable.h"
#if defined(__clang__)
#include "Sk4x_clang.h"
#include "Sk4x_portable.h"
// TODO ideas for enterprising coders:
// 1) Add Sk4x_gcc.h? __builtin_shuffle is fairly new, which is a pain.
// 2) Sk4x_sse.h would be good for Windows, and could possibly beat _clang / _gcc
// (e.g. they can't generate _mm_movemask_ps for allTrue/anyTrue).
// 3) Sk4x_neon.h might be a good idea if _clang / _gcc aren't good enough on ARM.