blob: 4adc68120bef224dc7870f8db8eb358a0062a39e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "CurveIntersection.h"
#include "Intersections.h"
#include "IntersectionUtilities.h"
#include "LineIntersection.h"
class QuadraticIntersections : public Intersections {
QuadraticIntersections(const Quadratic& q1, const Quadratic& q2, Intersections& i)
: quad1(q1)
, quad2(q2)
, intersections(i)
, depth(0)
, splits(0) {
bool intersect() {
double minT1, minT2, maxT1, maxT2;
if (!bezier_clip(quad2, quad1, minT1, maxT1)) {
return false;
if (!bezier_clip(quad1, quad2, minT2, maxT2)) {
return false;
int split;
if (maxT1 - minT1 < maxT2 - minT2) {
minT2 = 0;
maxT2 = 1;
split = maxT1 - minT1 > tClipLimit;
} else {
minT1 = 0;
maxT1 = 1;
split = (maxT2 - minT2 > tClipLimit) << 1;
return chop(minT1, maxT1, minT2, maxT2, split);
bool intersect(double minT1, double maxT1, double minT2, double maxT2) {
Quadratic smaller, larger;
// FIXME: carry last subdivide and reduceOrder result with quad
sub_divide(quad1, minT1, maxT1, intersections.swapped() ? larger : smaller);
sub_divide(quad2, minT2, maxT2, intersections.swapped() ? smaller : larger);
Quadratic smallResult;
if (reduceOrder(smaller, smallResult) <= 2) {
Quadratic largeResult;
if (reduceOrder(larger, largeResult) <= 2) {
double smallT[2], largeT[2];
const _Line& smallLine = (const _Line&) smallResult;
const _Line& largeLine = (const _Line&) largeResult;
// FIXME: this doesn't detect or deal with coincident lines
if (!::intersect(smallLine, largeLine, smallT, largeT)) {
return false;
if (intersections.swapped()) {
smallT[0] = interp(minT2, maxT2, smallT[0]);
largeT[0] = interp(minT1, maxT1, largeT[0]);
} else {
smallT[0] = interp(minT1, maxT1, smallT[0]);
largeT[0] = interp(minT2, maxT2, largeT[0]);
intersections.add(smallT[0], largeT[0]);
return true;
double minT, maxT;
if (!bezier_clip(smaller, larger, minT, maxT)) {
if (minT == maxT) {
if (intersections.swapped()) {
minT1 = (minT1 + maxT1) / 2;
minT2 = interp(minT2, maxT2, minT);
} else {
minT1 = interp(minT1, maxT1, minT);
minT2 = (minT2 + maxT2) / 2;
intersections.add(minT1, minT2);
return true;
return false;
int split;
if (intersections.swapped()) {
double newMinT1 = interp(minT1, maxT1, minT);
double newMaxT1 = interp(minT1, maxT1, maxT);
split = (newMaxT1 - newMinT1 > (maxT1 - minT1) * tClipLimit) << 1;
#define VERBOSE 0
printf("%s d=%d s=%d new1=(%g,%g) old1=(%g,%g) split=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, depth,
splits, newMinT1, newMaxT1, minT1, maxT1, split);
minT1 = newMinT1;
maxT1 = newMaxT1;
} else {
double newMinT2 = interp(minT2, maxT2, minT);
double newMaxT2 = interp(minT2, maxT2, maxT);
split = newMaxT2 - newMinT2 > (maxT2 - minT2) * tClipLimit;
printf("%s d=%d s=%d new2=(%g,%g) old2=(%g,%g) split=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, depth,
splits, newMinT2, newMaxT2, minT2, maxT2, split);
minT2 = newMinT2;
maxT2 = newMaxT2;
return chop(minT1, maxT1, minT2, maxT2, split);
bool chop(double minT1, double maxT1, double minT2, double maxT2, int split) {
if (split) {
if (split & 2) {
double middle1 = (maxT1 + minT1) / 2;
intersect(minT1, middle1, minT2, maxT2);
intersect(middle1, maxT1, minT2, maxT2);
} else {
double middle2 = (maxT2 + minT2) / 2;
intersect(minT1, maxT1, minT2, middle2);
intersect(minT1, maxT1, middle2, maxT2);
return intersections.intersected();
bool result = intersect(minT1, maxT1, minT2, maxT2);
return result;
static const double tClipLimit = 0.8; // see Multiple intersections
const Quadratic& quad1;
const Quadratic& quad2;
Intersections& intersections;
int depth;
int splits;
bool intersect(const Quadratic& q1, const Quadratic& q2, Intersections& i) {
if (implicit_matches(q1, q2)) {
// FIXME: compute T values
// compute the intersections of the ends to find the coincident span
bool useVertical = fabs(q1[0].x - q1[2].x) < fabs(q1[0].y - q1[2].y);
double t;
if ((t = axialIntersect(q1, q2[0], useVertical)) >= 0) {
i.fT[0][0] = t;
i.fT[1][0] = 0;
if ((t = axialIntersect(q1, q2[2], useVertical)) >= 0) {
i.fT[0][i.fUsed] = t;
i.fT[1][i.fUsed] = 1;
useVertical = fabs(q2[0].x - q2[2].x) < fabs(q2[0].y - q2[2].y);
if ((t = axialIntersect(q2, q1[0], useVertical)) >= 0) {
i.fT[0][i.fUsed] = 0;
i.fT[1][i.fUsed] = t;
if ((t = axialIntersect(q2, q1[2], useVertical)) >= 0) {
i.fT[0][i.fUsed] = 1;
i.fT[1][i.fUsed] = t;
assert(i.fUsed <= 2);
return i.fUsed > 0;
QuadraticIntersections q(q1, q2, i);
return q.intersect();
// Another approach is to start with the implicit form of one curve and solve
// by substituting in the parametric form of the other.
// The downside of this approach is that early rejects are difficult to come by.
given x^4 + ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d
the resolvent cubic is x^3 - 2bx^2 + (b^2 + ac - 4d)x + (c^2 + a^2d - abc)
use the cubic formula (CubicRoots.cpp) to find the radical expressions t1, t2, and t3.
(x - r1 r2) (x - r3 r4) = x^2 - (t2 + t3 - t1) / 2 x + d
s = r1*r2 = ((t2 + t3 - t1) + sqrt((t2 + t3 - t1)^2 - 16*d)) / 4
t = r3*r4 = ((t2 + t3 - t1) - sqrt((t2 + t3 - t1)^2 - 16*d)) / 4
u = r1+r2 = (-a + sqrt(a^2 - 4*t1)) / 2
v = r3+r4 = (-a - sqrt(a^2 - 4*t1)) / 2
r1 = (u + sqrt(u^2 - 4*s)) / 2
r2 = (u - sqrt(u^2 - 4*s)) / 2
r3 = (v + sqrt(v^2 - 4*t)) / 2
r4 = (v - sqrt(v^2 - 4*t)) / 2
/* square root of complex number
Algebraic formula
When the number is expressed using Cartesian coordinates the following formula
can be used for the principal square root:[5][6]
sqrt(x + iy) = sqrt((r + x) / 2) +/- i*sqrt((r - x) / 2)
where the sign of the imaginary part of the root is taken to be same as the sign
of the imaginary part of the original number, and
r = abs(x + iy) = sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
is the absolute value or modulus of the original number. The real part of the
principal value is always non-negative.
The other square root is simply –1 times the principal square root; in other
words, the two square roots of a number sum to 0.