blob: 9372aa16caaf72f39069b68bef5b7aeb422e4afc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrVkRenderTarget_DEFINED
#define GrVkRenderTarget_DEFINED
#include "src/gpu/GrRenderTarget.h"
#include "src/gpu/vk/GrVkImage.h"
#include "include/gpu/vk/GrVkTypes.h"
#include "src/gpu/vk/GrVkRenderPass.h"
#include "src/gpu/vk/GrVkResourceProvider.h"
class GrVkCommandBuffer;
class GrVkFramebuffer;
class GrVkGpu;
class GrVkImageView;
class GrVkSecondaryCommandBuffer;
class GrVkStencilAttachment;
struct GrVkImageInfo;
// Windows gives bogus warnings about inheriting asTexture/asRenderTarget via dominance.
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4250)
class GrVkRenderTarget: public GrRenderTarget, public virtual GrVkImage {
static sk_sp<GrVkRenderTarget> MakeWrappedRenderTarget(GrVkGpu*, const GrSurfaceDesc&,
int sampleCnt, const GrVkImageInfo&,
static sk_sp<GrVkRenderTarget> MakeSecondaryCBRenderTarget(GrVkGpu*, const GrSurfaceDesc&,
const GrVkDrawableInfo& vkInfo);
~GrVkRenderTarget() override;
GrBackendFormat backendFormat() const override { return this->getBackendFormat(); }
const GrVkFramebuffer* framebuffer() const { return fFramebuffer; }
const GrVkImageView* colorAttachmentView() const { return fColorAttachmentView; }
const GrVkResource* msaaImageResource() const {
if (fMSAAImage) {
return fMSAAImage->fResource;
return nullptr;
GrVkImage* msaaImage() { return fMSAAImage.get(); }
const GrVkImageView* resolveAttachmentView() const { return fResolveAttachmentView; }
const GrVkResource* stencilImageResource() const;
const GrVkImageView* stencilAttachmentView() const;
const GrVkRenderPass* simpleRenderPass() const { return fCachedSimpleRenderPass; }
GrVkResourceProvider::CompatibleRPHandle compatibleRenderPassHandle() const {
return fCompatibleRPHandle;
const GrVkRenderPass* externalRenderPass() const {
// We use the cached simple render pass to hold the external render pass.
return fCachedSimpleRenderPass;
bool wrapsSecondaryCommandBuffer() const { return fSecondaryCommandBuffer != VK_NULL_HANDLE; }
VkCommandBuffer getExternalSecondaryCommandBuffer() const {
return fSecondaryCommandBuffer;
bool canAttemptStencilAttachment() const override {
// We don't know the status of the stencil attachment for wrapped external secondary command
// buffers so we just assume we don't have one.
return !this->wrapsSecondaryCommandBuffer();
GrBackendRenderTarget getBackendRenderTarget() const override;
void getAttachmentsDescriptor(GrVkRenderPass::AttachmentsDescriptor* desc,
GrVkRenderPass::AttachmentFlags* flags) const;
void addResources(GrVkCommandBuffer& commandBuffer) const;
GrVkRenderTarget(GrVkGpu* gpu,
const GrSurfaceDesc& desc,
int sampleCnt,
const GrVkImageInfo& info,
sk_sp<GrVkImageLayout> layout,
const GrVkImageInfo& msaaInfo,
sk_sp<GrVkImageLayout> msaaLayout,
const GrVkImageView* colorAttachmentView,
const GrVkImageView* resolveAttachmentView,
GrVkRenderTarget(GrVkGpu* gpu,
const GrSurfaceDesc& desc,
const GrVkImageInfo& info,
sk_sp<GrVkImageLayout> layout,
const GrVkImageView* colorAttachmentView,
GrVkGpu* getVkGpu() const;
void onAbandon() override;
void onRelease() override;
// This accounts for the texture's memory and any MSAA renderbuffer's memory.
size_t onGpuMemorySize() const override {
int numColorSamples = this->numSamples();
if (numColorSamples > 1) {
// Add one to account for the resolved VkImage.
numColorSamples += 1;
const GrCaps& caps = *this->getGpu()->caps();
return GrSurface::ComputeSize(caps, this->backendFormat(), this->dimensions(),
numColorSamples, GrMipMapped::kNo);
void createFramebuffer(GrVkGpu* gpu);
const GrVkImageView* fColorAttachmentView;
std::unique_ptr<GrVkImage> fMSAAImage;
const GrVkImageView* fResolveAttachmentView;
GrVkRenderTarget(GrVkGpu* gpu,
const GrSurfaceDesc& desc,
int sampleCnt,
const GrVkImageInfo& info,
sk_sp<GrVkImageLayout> layout,
const GrVkImageInfo& msaaInfo,
sk_sp<GrVkImageLayout> msaaLayout,
const GrVkImageView* colorAttachmentView,
const GrVkImageView* resolveAttachmentView);
GrVkRenderTarget(GrVkGpu* gpu,
const GrSurfaceDesc& desc,
const GrVkImageInfo& info,
sk_sp<GrVkImageLayout> layout,
const GrVkImageView* colorAttachmentView);
GrVkRenderTarget(GrVkGpu* gpu,
const GrSurfaceDesc& desc,
const GrVkImageInfo& info,
sk_sp<GrVkImageLayout> layout,
const GrVkRenderPass* renderPass,
VkCommandBuffer secondaryCommandBuffer);
bool completeStencilAttachment() override;
// In Vulkan we call the release proc after we are finished with the underlying
// GrVkImage::Resource object (which occurs after the GPU has finished all work on it).
void onSetRelease(sk_sp<GrRefCntedCallback> releaseHelper) override {
// Forward the release proc on to GrVkImage
void releaseInternalObjects();
void abandonInternalObjects();
const GrVkFramebuffer* fFramebuffer;
// This is a cached pointer to a simple render pass. The render target should unref it
// once it is done with it.
const GrVkRenderPass* fCachedSimpleRenderPass;
// This is a handle to be used to quickly get compatible GrVkRenderPasses for this render target
GrVkResourceProvider::CompatibleRPHandle fCompatibleRPHandle;
// If this render target wraps an external VkCommandBuffer, then this handle will be that
// VkCommandBuffer and not VK_NULL_HANDLE. In this case the render target will not be backed by
// an actual VkImage and will thus be limited in terms of what it can be used for.
VkCommandBuffer fSecondaryCommandBuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;