blob: af848702539972ffba373207635b4f5bdcebccb6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkOpCoincidence_DEFINED
#define SkOpCoincidence_DEFINED
#include "SkTDArray.h"
#include "SkOpTAllocator.h"
#include "SkOpSpan.h"
#include "SkPathOpsTypes.h"
class SkOpPtT;
class SkOpSpanBase;
class SkCoincidentSpans {
const SkOpPtT* coinPtTEnd() const { return fCoinPtTEnd; }
const SkOpPtT* coinPtTStart() const { return fCoinPtTStart; }
// These return non-const pointers so that, as copies, they can be added
// to a new span pair
SkOpPtT* coinPtTEndWritable() const { return const_cast<SkOpPtT*>(fCoinPtTEnd); }
SkOpPtT* coinPtTStartWritable() const { return const_cast<SkOpPtT*>(fCoinPtTStart); }
bool collapsed(const SkOpPtT* ) const;
bool contains(const SkOpPtT* s, const SkOpPtT* e) const;
void correctEnds();
void correctOneEnd(const SkOpPtT* (SkCoincidentSpans::* getEnd)() const,
void (SkCoincidentSpans::* setEnd)(const SkOpPtT* ptT) );
void debugCorrectEnds(SkPathOpsDebug::GlitchLog* log) const;
void debugCorrectOneEnd(SkPathOpsDebug::GlitchLog* log,
const SkOpPtT* (SkCoincidentSpans::* getEnd)() const,
void (SkCoincidentSpans::* setEnd)(const SkOpPtT* ptT) const) const;
bool debugExpand(SkPathOpsDebug::GlitchLog* log) const;
const char* debugID() const {
return fGlobalState->debugCoinDictEntry().fFunctionName;
return nullptr;
void debugShow() const;
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
void debugStartCheck(const SkOpSpanBase* outer, const SkOpSpanBase* over,
const SkOpGlobalState* debugState) const;
void dump() const;
bool expand();
bool extend(const SkOpPtT* coinPtTStart, const SkOpPtT* coinPtTEnd,
const SkOpPtT* oppPtTStart, const SkOpPtT* oppPtTEnd);
bool flipped() const { return fOppPtTStart->fT > fOppPtTEnd->fT; }
SkDEBUGCODE(SkOpGlobalState* globalState() { return fGlobalState; })
void init(SkDEBUGCODE(SkOpGlobalState* globalState)) {
sk_bzero(this, sizeof(*this));
SkDEBUGCODE(fGlobalState = globalState);
SkCoincidentSpans* next() { return fNext; }
const SkCoincidentSpans* next() const { return fNext; }
SkCoincidentSpans** nextPtr() { return &fNext; }
const SkOpPtT* oppPtTStart() const { return fOppPtTStart; }
const SkOpPtT* oppPtTEnd() const { return fOppPtTEnd; }
// These return non-const pointers so that, as copies, they can be added
// to a new span pair
SkOpPtT* oppPtTStartWritable() const { return const_cast<SkOpPtT*>(fOppPtTStart); }
SkOpPtT* oppPtTEndWritable() const { return const_cast<SkOpPtT*>(fOppPtTEnd); }
bool ordered(bool* result) const;
void set(SkCoincidentSpans* next, const SkOpPtT* coinPtTStart, const SkOpPtT* coinPtTEnd,
const SkOpPtT* oppPtTStart, const SkOpPtT* oppPtTEnd);
void setCoinPtTEnd(const SkOpPtT* ptT) {
SkOPASSERT(ptT == ptT->span()->ptT());
SkASSERT(!fCoinPtTStart || ptT->fT != fCoinPtTStart->fT);
SkASSERT(!fCoinPtTStart || fCoinPtTStart->segment() == ptT->segment());
fCoinPtTEnd = ptT;
void setCoinPtTStart(const SkOpPtT* ptT) {
SkASSERT(ptT == ptT->span()->ptT());
SkOPASSERT(!fCoinPtTEnd || ptT->fT != fCoinPtTEnd->fT);
SkASSERT(!fCoinPtTEnd || fCoinPtTEnd->segment() == ptT->segment());
fCoinPtTStart = ptT;
void setEnds(const SkOpPtT* coinPtTEnd, const SkOpPtT* oppPtTEnd) {
void setOppPtTEnd(const SkOpPtT* ptT) {
SkOPASSERT(ptT == ptT->span()->ptT());
SkOPASSERT(!fOppPtTStart || ptT->fT != fOppPtTStart->fT);
SkASSERT(!fOppPtTStart || fOppPtTStart->segment() == ptT->segment());
fOppPtTEnd = ptT;
void setOppPtTStart(const SkOpPtT* ptT) {
SkOPASSERT(ptT == ptT->span()->ptT());
SkOPASSERT(!fOppPtTEnd || ptT->fT != fOppPtTEnd->fT);
SkASSERT(!fOppPtTEnd || fOppPtTEnd->segment() == ptT->segment());
fOppPtTStart = ptT;
void setStarts(const SkOpPtT* coinPtTStart, const SkOpPtT* oppPtTStart) {
void setNext(SkCoincidentSpans* next) { fNext = next; }
SkCoincidentSpans* fNext;
const SkOpPtT* fCoinPtTStart;
const SkOpPtT* fCoinPtTEnd;
const SkOpPtT* fOppPtTStart;
const SkOpPtT* fOppPtTEnd;
SkDEBUGCODE(SkOpGlobalState* fGlobalState);
class SkOpCoincidence {
SkOpCoincidence(SkOpGlobalState* globalState)
: fHead(nullptr)
, fTop(nullptr)
, fGlobalState(globalState)
, fContinue(false)
, fSpanDeleted(false)
, fPtAllocated(false)
, fCoinExtended(false)
, fSpanMerged(false) {
void add(SkOpPtT* coinPtTStart, SkOpPtT* coinPtTEnd, SkOpPtT* oppPtTStart,
SkOpPtT* oppPtTEnd);
bool addMissing(bool* added DEBUG_COIN_DECLARE_PARAMS());
bool contains(const SkOpPtT* coinPtTStart, const SkOpPtT* coinPtTEnd,
const SkOpPtT* oppPtTStart, const SkOpPtT* oppPtTEnd) const;
void debugAddEndMovedSpans(SkPathOpsDebug::GlitchLog* log) const;
void debugAddExpanded(SkPathOpsDebug::GlitchLog* ) const;
void debugAddMissing(SkPathOpsDebug::GlitchLog* , bool* added) const;
void debugAddOrOverlap(SkPathOpsDebug::GlitchLog* log,
const SkOpSegment* coinSeg, const SkOpSegment* oppSeg,
double coinTs, double coinTe, double oppTs, double oppTe,
bool* added) const;
const SkOpAngle* debugAngle(int id) const {
return SkDEBUGRELEASE(fGlobalState->debugAngle(id), nullptr);
void debugCheckBetween() const;
void debugCheckValid(SkPathOpsDebug::GlitchLog* log) const;
SkOpContour* debugContour(int id) const {
return SkDEBUGRELEASE(fGlobalState->debugContour(id), nullptr);
void debugCorrectEnds(SkPathOpsDebug::GlitchLog* log) const;
bool debugExpand(SkPathOpsDebug::GlitchLog* ) const;
void debugMark(SkPathOpsDebug::GlitchLog* ) const;
void debugMarkCollapsed(SkPathOpsDebug::GlitchLog* ,
const SkCoincidentSpans* coin, const SkOpPtT* test) const;
void debugMarkCollapsed(SkPathOpsDebug::GlitchLog* , const SkOpPtT* test) const;
const SkOpPtT* debugPtT(int id) const {
return SkDEBUGRELEASE(fGlobalState->debugPtT(id), nullptr);
const SkOpSegment* debugSegment(int id) const {
return SkDEBUGRELEASE(fGlobalState->debugSegment(id), nullptr);
void debugRelease(SkPathOpsDebug::GlitchLog* , const SkCoincidentSpans* ,
const SkCoincidentSpans* ) const;
void debugRelease(SkPathOpsDebug::GlitchLog* , const SkOpSegment* ) const;
void debugShowCoincidence() const;
const SkOpSpanBase* debugSpan(int id) const {
return SkDEBUGRELEASE(fGlobalState->debugSpan(id), nullptr);
void debugValidate() const;
void dump() const;
bool extend(const SkOpPtT* coinPtTStart, const SkOpPtT* coinPtTEnd, const SkOpPtT* oppPtTStart,
const SkOpPtT* oppPtTEnd);
bool findOverlaps(SkOpCoincidence* DEBUG_COIN_DECLARE_PARAMS()) const;
void fixUp(SkOpPtT* deleted, const SkOpPtT* kept);
SkOpGlobalState* globalState() {
return fGlobalState;
const SkOpGlobalState* globalState() const {
return fGlobalState;
bool isEmpty() const {
return !fHead && !fTop;
void markCollapsed(SkOpPtT* );
static bool Ordered(const SkOpPtT* coinPtTStart, const SkOpPtT* oppPtTStart) {
return Ordered(coinPtTStart->segment(), oppPtTStart->segment());
static bool Ordered(const SkOpSegment* coin, const SkOpSegment* opp);
void release(const SkOpSegment* );
void releaseDeleted();
void add(const SkOpPtT* coinPtTStart, const SkOpPtT* coinPtTEnd, const SkOpPtT* oppPtTStart,
const SkOpPtT* oppPtTEnd) {
this->add(const_cast<SkOpPtT*>(coinPtTStart), const_cast<SkOpPtT*>(coinPtTEnd),
const_cast<SkOpPtT*>(oppPtTStart), const_cast<SkOpPtT*>(oppPtTEnd));
bool addEndMovedSpans(const SkOpSpan* base, const SkOpSpanBase* testSpan);
bool addEndMovedSpans(const SkOpPtT* ptT);
bool addIfMissing(const SkOpPtT* over1s, const SkOpPtT* over2s,
double tStart, double tEnd, SkOpSegment* coinSeg, SkOpSegment* oppSeg,
bool* added
SkDEBUGPARAMS(const SkOpPtT* over1e) SkDEBUGPARAMS(const SkOpPtT* over2e));
bool addOrOverlap(SkOpSegment* coinSeg, SkOpSegment* oppSeg,
double coinTs, double coinTe, double oppTs, double oppTe, bool* added);
bool addOverlap(const SkOpSegment* seg1, const SkOpSegment* seg1o,
const SkOpSegment* seg2, const SkOpSegment* seg2o,
const SkOpPtT* overS, const SkOpPtT* overE);
bool checkOverlap(SkCoincidentSpans* check,
const SkOpSegment* coinSeg, const SkOpSegment* oppSeg,
double coinTs, double coinTe, double oppTs, double oppTe,
SkTDArray<SkCoincidentSpans*>* overlaps) const;
bool contains(const SkOpSegment* seg, const SkOpSegment* opp, double oppT) const;
bool contains(const SkCoincidentSpans* coin, const SkOpSegment* seg,
const SkOpSegment* opp, double oppT) const;
void debugAddIfMissing(SkPathOpsDebug::GlitchLog* ,
const SkCoincidentSpans* outer, const SkOpPtT* over1s,
const SkOpPtT* over1e) const;
void debugAddIfMissing(SkPathOpsDebug::GlitchLog* ,
const SkOpPtT* over1s, const SkOpPtT* over2s,
double tStart, double tEnd,
const SkOpSegment* coinSeg, const SkOpSegment* oppSeg, bool* added,
const SkOpPtT* over1e, const SkOpPtT* over2e) const;
void debugAddEndMovedSpans(SkPathOpsDebug::GlitchLog* ,
const SkOpSpan* base, const SkOpSpanBase* testSpan) const;
void debugAddEndMovedSpans(SkPathOpsDebug::GlitchLog* ,
const SkOpPtT* ptT) const;
void fixUp(SkCoincidentSpans* coin, SkOpPtT* deleted, const SkOpPtT* kept);
void markCollapsed(SkCoincidentSpans* head, SkOpPtT* test);
bool overlap(const SkOpPtT* coinStart1, const SkOpPtT* coinEnd1,
const SkOpPtT* coinStart2, const SkOpPtT* coinEnd2,
double* overS, double* overE) const;
bool release(SkCoincidentSpans* coin, SkCoincidentSpans* );
void releaseDeleted(SkCoincidentSpans* );
void restoreHead();
// return coinPtT->segment()->t mapped from overS->fT <= t <= overE->fT
static double TRange(const SkOpPtT* overS, double t, const SkOpSegment* coinPtT
SkDEBUGPARAMS(const SkOpPtT* overE));
SkCoincidentSpans* fHead;
SkCoincidentSpans* fTop;
SkOpGlobalState* fGlobalState;
bool fContinue;
bool fSpanDeleted;
bool fPtAllocated;
bool fCoinExtended;
bool fSpanMerged;