blob: 76415cf62b9456fa50008da2b72be8b1605b2fe2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/private/SkImageInfoPriv.h"
#include "include/private/SkMacros.h"
#include "src/core/SkArenaAlloc.h"
#include "src/core/SkBlendModePriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkBlenderBase.h"
#include "src/core/SkColorFilterBase.h"
#include "src/core/SkColorSpacePriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkColorSpaceXformSteps.h"
#include "src/core/SkCoreBlitters.h"
#include "src/core/SkLRUCache.h"
#include "src/core/SkMatrixProvider.h"
#include "src/core/SkOpts.h"
#include "src/core/SkPaintPriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkVM.h"
#include "src/core/SkVMBlitter.h"
#include "src/shaders/SkColorFilterShader.h"
#include <cinttypes>
namespace {
// Uniforms set by the Blitter itself,
// rather than by the Shader, which follow this struct in the skvm::Uniforms buffer.
struct BlitterUniforms {
int right; // First device x + blit run length n, used to get device x coordinate.
int y; // Device y coordinate.
static_assert(SkIsAlign4(sizeof(BlitterUniforms)), "");
static constexpr int kBlitterUniformsCount = sizeof(BlitterUniforms) / 4;
static skvm::Coord device_coord(skvm::Builder* p, skvm::Uniforms* uniforms) {
skvm::I32 dx = p->uniform32(uniforms->base, offsetof(BlitterUniforms, right))
- p->index(),
dy = p->uniform32(uniforms->base, offsetof(BlitterUniforms, y));
return {
to_F32(dx) + 0.5f,
to_F32(dy) + 0.5f,
struct NoopColorFilter : public SkColorFilterBase {
skvm::Color onProgram(skvm::Builder*, skvm::Color c,
const SkColorInfo&, skvm::Uniforms*, SkArenaAlloc*) const override {
return c;
bool onAppendStages(const SkStageRec&, bool) const override { return true; }
// Only created here, should never be flattened / unflattened.
Factory getFactory() const override { return nullptr; }
const char* getTypeName() const override { return "NoopColorFilter"; }
struct SpriteShader : public SkShaderBase {
explicit SpriteShader(SkPixmap sprite) : fSprite(sprite) {}
SkPixmap fSprite;
// Only created here temporarily... never serialized.
Factory getFactory() const override { return nullptr; }
const char* getTypeName() const override { return "SpriteShader"; }
bool isOpaque() const override { return fSprite.isOpaque(); }
skvm::Color onProgram(skvm::Builder* p,
skvm::Coord /*device*/, skvm::Coord /*local*/, skvm::Color /*paint*/,
const SkMatrixProvider&, const SkMatrix* /*localM*/,
const SkColorInfo& dst,
skvm::Uniforms* uniforms, SkArenaAlloc*) const override {
const SkColorType ct = fSprite.colorType();
skvm::PixelFormat fmt = skvm::SkColorType_to_PixelFormat(ct);
skvm::Color c = p->load(fmt, p->varying(SkColorTypeBytesPerPixel(ct)));
return SkColorSpaceXformSteps{fSprite, dst}.program(p, uniforms, c);
struct DitherShader : public SkShaderBase {
explicit DitherShader(sk_sp<SkShader> shader) : fShader(std::move(shader)) {}
sk_sp<SkShader> fShader;
// Only created here temporarily... never serialized.
Factory getFactory() const override { return nullptr; }
const char* getTypeName() const override { return "DitherShader"; }
bool isOpaque() const override { return fShader->isOpaque(); }
skvm::Color onProgram(skvm::Builder* p,
skvm::Coord device, skvm::Coord local, skvm::Color paint,
const SkMatrixProvider& matrices, const SkMatrix* localM,
const SkColorInfo& dst,
skvm::Uniforms* uniforms, SkArenaAlloc* alloc) const override {
// Run our wrapped shader.
skvm::Color c = as_SB(fShader)->program(p, device,local, paint,
matrices,localM, dst, uniforms,alloc);
if (!c) {
return {};
float rate = 0.0f;
switch (dst.colorType()) {
case kARGB_4444_SkColorType: rate = 1/15.0f; break;
case kRGB_565_SkColorType: rate = 1/63.0f; break;
case kGray_8_SkColorType:
case kRGB_888x_SkColorType:
case kRGBA_8888_SkColorType:
case kBGRA_8888_SkColorType: rate = 1/255.0f; break;
case kRGB_101010x_SkColorType:
case kRGBA_1010102_SkColorType:
case kBGR_101010x_SkColorType:
case kBGRA_1010102_SkColorType: rate = 1/1023.0f; break;
case kUnknown_SkColorType:
case kAlpha_8_SkColorType:
case kRGBA_F16_SkColorType:
case kRGBA_F16Norm_SkColorType:
case kRGBA_F32_SkColorType:
case kR8G8_unorm_SkColorType:
case kA16_float_SkColorType:
case kA16_unorm_SkColorType:
case kR16G16_float_SkColorType:
case kR16G16_unorm_SkColorType:
case kR16G16B16A16_unorm_SkColorType: return c;
// See SkRasterPipeline dither stage.
// This is 8x8 ordered dithering. From here we'll only need dx and dx^dy.
skvm::I32 X = trunc(device.x - 0.5f),
Y = X ^ trunc(device.y - 0.5f);
// If X's low bits are abc and Y's def, M is fcebda,
// 6 bits producing all values [0,63] shuffled over an 8x8 grid.
skvm::I32 M = shl(Y & 1, 5)
| shl(X & 1, 4)
| shl(Y & 2, 2)
| shl(X & 2, 1)
| shr(Y & 4, 1)
| shr(X & 4, 2);
// Scale to [0,1) by /64, then to (-0.5,0.5) using 63/128 (~0.492) as 0.5-ε,
// and finally scale all that by rate. We keep dither strength strictly
// within ±0.5 to not change exact values like 0 or 1.
// rate could be a uniform, but since it's based on the destination SkColorType,
// we can bake it in without hurting the cache hit rate.
float scale = rate * ( 2/128.0f),
bias = rate * (-63/128.0f);
skvm::F32 dither = to_F32(M) * scale + bias;
c.r += dither;
c.g += dither;
c.b += dither;
c.r = clamp(c.r, 0.0f, c.a);
c.g = clamp(c.g, 0.0f, c.a);
c.b = clamp(c.b, 0.0f, c.a);
return c;
// This is similar to using SkShaders::Color(paint.getColor4f(), nullptr),
// but uses the blitter-provided paint color uniforms instead of pushing its own.
struct PaintColorShader : public SkShaderBase {
explicit PaintColorShader(bool isOpaque) : fIsOpaque(isOpaque) {}
const bool fIsOpaque;
// Only created here temporarily... never serialized.
Factory getFactory() const override { return nullptr; }
const char* getTypeName() const override { return "PaintColorShader"; }
bool isOpaque() const override { return fIsOpaque; }
skvm::Color onProgram(skvm::Builder*,
skvm::Coord, skvm::Coord, skvm::Color paint,
const SkMatrixProvider&, const SkMatrix*, const SkColorInfo&,
skvm::Uniforms*, SkArenaAlloc*) const override {
// Incoming `paint` is unpremul in the destination color space,
// so we just need to premul it.
return premul(paint);
} // namespace
bool SkVMBlitter::Key::operator==(const Key& that) const {
return this->shader == that.shader
&& this->clip == that.clip
&& this->blender == that.blender
&& this->colorSpace == that.colorSpace
&& this->colorType == that.colorType
&& this->alphaType == that.alphaType
&& this->coverage == that.coverage;
SkVMBlitter::Key SkVMBlitter::Key::withCoverage(Coverage c) const {
Key k = *this;
k.coverage = SkToU8(c);
return k;
SkVMBlitter::Params SkVMBlitter::Params::withCoverage(Coverage c) const {
Params p = *this;
p.coverage = c;
return p;
SkVMBlitter::Params SkVMBlitter::EffectiveParams(const SkPixmap& device,
const SkPixmap* sprite,
SkPaint paint,
const SkMatrixProvider& matrices,
sk_sp<SkShader> clip) {
// Sprites take priority over any shader. (There's rarely one set, and it's meaningless.)
if (sprite) {
// Normal blitters will have already folded color filters into their shader,
// but we may still need to do that here for SpriteShaders.
if (paint.getColorFilter()) {
SkPaintPriv::RemoveColorFilter(&paint, device.colorSpace());
// If there's no explicit shader, the paint color is the shader,
// but if there is a shader, it's modulated by the paint alpha.
sk_sp<SkShader> shader = paint.refShader();
if (!shader) {
shader = sk_make_sp<PaintColorShader>(paint.getColor4f().isOpaque());
} else if (paint.getAlphaf() < 1.0f) {
shader = sk_make_sp<SkColorFilterShader>(std::move(shader),
// Add dither to the end of the shader pipeline if requested and needed.
if (paint.isDither() && !as_SB(shader)->isConstant()) {
shader = sk_make_sp<DitherShader>(std::move(shader));
// Add the blender.
sk_sp<SkBlender> blender = paint.refBlender();
if (!blender) {
blender = SkBlender::Mode(SkBlendMode::kSrcOver);
// The most common blend mode is SrcOver, and it can be strength-reduced
// _greatly_ to Src mode when the shader is opaque.
// In general all the information we use to make decisions here need to
// be reflected in Params and Key to make program caching sound, and it
// might appear that shader->isOpaque() is a property of the shader's
// uniforms than its fundamental program structure and so unsafe to use.
// Opacity is such a powerful property that SkShaderBase::program()
// forces opacity for any shader subclass that claims isOpaque(), so
// the opaque bit is strongly guaranteed to be part of the program and
// not just a property of the uniforms. The shader program hash includes
// this information, making it safe to use anywhere in the blitter codegen.
if (as_BB(blender)->asBlendMode() == SkBlendMode::kSrcOver && shader->isOpaque()) {
blender = SkBlender::Mode(SkBlendMode::kSrc);
SkColor4f paintColor = paint.getColor4f();
SkColorSpaceXformSteps{sk_srgb_singleton(), kUnpremul_SkAlphaType,
device.colorSpace(), kUnpremul_SkAlphaType}
return {
{ device.colorType(), device.alphaType(), device.refColorSpace() },
Coverage::Full, // Placeholder... withCoverage() will change as needed.
skvm::Color SkVMBlitter::DstColor(skvm::Builder* p, const Params& params) {
skvm::PixelFormat dstFormat = skvm::SkColorType_to_PixelFormat(params.dst.colorType());
skvm::Ptr dst_ptr = p->varying(SkColorTypeBytesPerPixel(params.dst.colorType()));
return p->load(dstFormat, dst_ptr);
void SkVMBlitter::BuildProgram(skvm::Builder* p, const Params& params,
skvm::Uniforms* uniforms, SkArenaAlloc* alloc) {
// First two arguments are always uniforms and the destination buffer.
uniforms->base = p->uniform();
skvm::Ptr dst_ptr = p->varying(SkColorTypeBytesPerPixel(params.dst.colorType()));
// A SpriteShader (in this file) may next use one argument as its varying source.
// Subsequent arguments depend on params.coverage:
// - Full: (no more arguments)
// - Mask3D: mul varying, add varying, 8-bit coverage varying
// - MaskA8: 8-bit coverage varying
// - MaskLCD16: 565 coverage varying
// - UniformF: float coverage uniform
skvm::Coord device = device_coord(p, uniforms);
skvm::Color paint = p->uniformColor(params.paint, uniforms);
// See note about arguments above: a SpriteShader will call p->arg() once during program().
skvm::Color src = as_SB(params.shader)->program(p, device, /*local=*/device, paint,
params.matrices, /*localM=*/nullptr,
params.dst, uniforms, alloc);
if (params.coverage == Coverage::Mask3D) {
skvm::F32 M = from_unorm(8, p->load8(p->varying<uint8_t>())),
A = from_unorm(8, p->load8(p->varying<uint8_t>()));
src.r = min(src.r * M + A, src.a);
src.g = min(src.g * M + A, src.a);
src.b = min(src.b * M + A, src.a);
// If we can determine this we can skip a fair bit of clamping!
bool src_in_gamut = false;
// Normalized premul formats can surprisingly represent some out-of-gamut
// values (e.g. r=0xff, a=0xee fits in unorm8 but r = 1.07), but most code
// working with normalized premul colors is not prepared to handle r,g,b > a.
// So we clamp the shader to gamut here before blending and coverage.
// In addition, GL clamps all its color channels to limits of the format just
// before the blend step (~here). To match that auto-clamp, we clamp alpha to
// [0,1] too, just in case someone gave us an out of range alpha.
if (!src_in_gamut
&& params.dst.alphaType() == kPremul_SkAlphaType
&& SkColorTypeIsNormalized(params.dst.colorType())) {
src.a = clamp(src.a, 0.0f, 1.0f);
src.r = clamp(src.r, 0.0f, src.a);
src.g = clamp(src.g, 0.0f, src.a);
src.b = clamp(src.b, 0.0f, src.a);
src_in_gamut = true;
// Load the destination color.
skvm::PixelFormat dstFormat = skvm::SkColorType_to_PixelFormat(params.dst.colorType());
skvm::Color dst = p->load(dstFormat, dst_ptr);
if (params.dst.isOpaque()) {
// When a destination is known opaque, we may assume it both starts and stays fully
// opaque, ignoring any math that disagrees. This sometimes trims a little work.
dst.a = p->splat(1.0f);
} else if (params.dst.alphaType() == kUnpremul_SkAlphaType) {
// All our blending works in terms of premul.
dst = premul(dst);
// Load coverage.
skvm::Color cov;
switch (params.coverage) {
case Coverage::Full:
cov.r = cov.g = cov.b = cov.a = p->splat(1.0f);
case Coverage::UniformF:
cov.r = cov.g = cov.b = cov.a = p->uniformF(p->uniform(), 0);
case Coverage::Mask3D:
case Coverage::MaskA8:
cov.r = cov.g = cov.b = cov.a = from_unorm(8, p->load8(p->varying<uint8_t>()));
case Coverage::MaskLCD16: {
skvm::PixelFormat fmt = skvm::SkColorType_to_PixelFormat(kRGB_565_SkColorType);
cov = p->load(fmt, p->varying<uint16_t>());
cov.a = select(src.a < dst.a, min(cov.r, min(cov.g, cov.b)),
max(cov.r, max(cov.g, cov.b)));
} break;
if (params.clip) {
skvm::Color clip = as_SB(params.clip)->program(p, device, /*local=*/device, paint,
params.matrices, /*localM=*/nullptr,
params.dst, uniforms, alloc);
cov.r *= clip.a; // We use the alpha channel of clip for all four.
cov.g *= clip.a;
cov.b *= clip.a;
cov.a *= clip.a;
const SkBlenderBase* blender = as_BB(params.blender);
const auto as_blendmode = blender->asBlendMode();
// The math for some blend modes lets us fold coverage into src before the blend, which is
// simpler than the canonical post-blend lerp().
bool applyPostBlendCoverage = true;
if (as_blendmode &&
params.coverage == Coverage::MaskLCD16)) {
applyPostBlendCoverage = false;
src.r *= cov.r;
src.g *= cov.g;
src.b *= cov.b;
src.a *= cov.a;
// Apply our blend function to the computed color.
src = blender->program(p, src, dst, params.dst, uniforms, alloc);
if (applyPostBlendCoverage) {
src.r = lerp(dst.r, src.r, cov.r);
src.g = lerp(dst.g, src.g, cov.g);
src.b = lerp(dst.b, src.b, cov.b);
src.a = lerp(dst.a, src.a, cov.a);
if (params.dst.isOpaque()) {
// (See the note above when loading the destination color.)
src.a = p->splat(1.0f);
} else if (params.dst.alphaType() == kUnpremul_SkAlphaType) {
src = unpremul(src);
// Clamp to fit destination color format if needed.
if (as_blendmode && src_in_gamut) {
// An in-gamut src blended with an in-gamut dst should stay in gamut.
// Being in-gamut implies all channels are in [0,1], so no need to clamp.
// We allow one ulp error above 1.0f, and about that much (~1.2e-7) below 0.
skvm::F32 lo = pun_to_F32(p->splat(0xb400'0000)),
hi = pun_to_F32(p->splat(0x3f80'0001));
assert_true(src.r == clamp(src.r, lo, hi), src.r);
assert_true(src.g == clamp(src.g, lo, hi), src.g);
assert_true(src.b == clamp(src.b, lo, hi), src.b);
assert_true(src.a == clamp(src.a, lo, hi), src.a);
} else if (SkColorTypeIsNormalized(params.dst.colorType())) {
src = clamp01(src);
// Write it out!
store(dstFormat, dst_ptr, src);
// If BuildProgram() can't build this program, CacheKey() sets *ok to false.
SkVMBlitter::Key SkVMBlitter::CacheKey(
const Params& params, skvm::Uniforms* uniforms, SkArenaAlloc* alloc, bool* ok) {
// Take care to match buildProgram()'s reuse of the paint color uniforms.
skvm::Uniform r = uniforms->pushF(params.paint.fR),
g = uniforms->pushF(params.paint.fG),
b = uniforms->pushF(params.paint.fB),
a = uniforms->pushF(params.paint.fA);
auto hash_shader = [&](skvm::Builder& p, const sk_sp<SkShader>& shader,
skvm::Color* outColor) {
const SkShaderBase* sb = as_SB(shader);
skvm::Coord device = device_coord(&p, uniforms);
skvm::Color paint = {
uint64_t hash = 0;
*outColor = sb->program(&p, device, /*local=*/device, paint, params.matrices,
/*localM=*/nullptr, params.dst, uniforms, alloc);
if (*outColor) {
hash = p.hash();
// p.hash() folds in all instructions to produce r,g,b,a but does not know
// precisely which value we'll treat as which channel. Imagine the shader
// called std::swap(*r,*b)... it draws differently, but p.hash() is unchanged.
// We'll fold the hash of their IDs in order to disambiguate.
const skvm::Val outputs[] = {
hash ^= SkOpts::hash(outputs, sizeof(outputs));
} else {
*ok = false;
return hash;
// Use this builder for shader, clip and blender, so that color objects that pass
// from one to the other all 'make sense' -- i.e. have the same builder and/or have
// meaningful values for the hash.
// Question: better if we just pass in mock uniform colors, so we don't need to
// explicitly use the output color from one stage as input to another?
skvm::Builder p;
// Calculate a hash for the color shader.
skvm::Color src;
uint64_t shaderHash = hash_shader(p, params.shader, &src);
// Calculate a hash for the clip shader, if one exists.
uint64_t clipHash = 0;
if (params.clip) {
skvm::Color cov;
clipHash = hash_shader(p, params.clip, &cov);
if (clipHash == 0) {
clipHash = 1;
// Calculate a hash for the blender.
uint64_t blendHash = 0;
if (auto bm = as_BB(params.blender)->asBlendMode()) {
blendHash = static_cast<uint8_t>(bm.value());
} else if (*ok) {
const SkBlenderBase* blender = as_BB(params.blender);
skvm::Color dst = DstColor(&p, params);
skvm::Color outColor = blender->program(&p, src, dst, params.dst, uniforms, alloc);
if (outColor) {
blendHash = p.hash();
// Like in `hash_shader` above, we must fold the color component IDs into our hash.
const skvm::Val outputs[] = {,,,
blendHash ^= SkOpts::hash(outputs, sizeof(outputs));
} else {
*ok = false;
if (blendHash == 0) {
blendHash = 1;
return {
params.dst.colorSpace() ? params.dst.colorSpace()->hash() : 0,
SkVMBlitter::SkVMBlitter(const SkPixmap& device,
const SkPaint& paint,
const SkPixmap* sprite,
SkIPoint spriteOffset,
const SkMatrixProvider& matrices,
sk_sp<SkShader> clip,
bool* ok)
: fDevice(device), fSprite(sprite ? *sprite : SkPixmap{})
, fSpriteOffset(spriteOffset)
, fUniforms(skvm::UPtr{{0}}, kBlitterUniformsCount)
, fParams(EffectiveParams(device, sprite, paint, matrices, std::move(clip)))
, fKey(CacheKey(fParams, &fUniforms, &fAlloc, ok)) {}
SkVMBlitter::~SkVMBlitter() {
if (SkLRUCache<Key, skvm::Program>* cache = TryAcquireProgramCache()) {
auto cache_program = [&](skvm::Program&& program, Coverage coverage) {
if (!program.empty()) {
cache->insert_or_update(fKey.withCoverage(coverage), std::move(program));
cache_program(std::move(fBlitH), Coverage::Full);
cache_program(std::move(fBlitAntiH), Coverage::UniformF);
cache_program(std::move(fBlitMaskA8), Coverage::MaskA8);
cache_program(std::move(fBlitMask3D), Coverage::Mask3D);
cache_program(std::move(fBlitMaskLCD16), Coverage::MaskLCD16);
SkLRUCache<SkVMBlitter::Key, skvm::Program>* SkVMBlitter::TryAcquireProgramCache() {
#if 1 && defined(SKVM_JIT)
thread_local static SkLRUCache<Key, skvm::Program> cache{64};
return &cache;
// iOS in particular does not support thread_local until iOS 9.0.
// On the other hand, we'll never be able to JIT there anyway.
// It's probably fine to not cache any interpreted programs, anywhere.
return nullptr;
SkString SkVMBlitter::DebugName(const Key& key) {
return SkStringPrintf("Shader-%" PRIx64 "_Clip-%" PRIx64 "_Blender-%" PRIx64
"_CS-%" PRIx64 "_CT-%d_AT-%d_Cov-%d",
void SkVMBlitter::ReleaseProgramCache() {}
skvm::Program SkVMBlitter::buildProgram(Coverage coverage) {
Key key = fKey.withCoverage(coverage);
skvm::Program p;
if (SkLRUCache<Key, skvm::Program>* cache = TryAcquireProgramCache()) {
if (skvm::Program* found = cache->find(key)) {
p = std::move(*found);
if (!p.empty()) {
return p;
// We don't really _need_ to rebuild fUniforms here.
// It's just more natural to have effects unconditionally emit them,
// and more natural to rebuild fUniforms than to emit them into a temporary buffer.
// fUniforms should reuse the exact same memory, so this is very cheap.
SkDEBUGCODE(size_t prev = fUniforms.buf.size();)
skvm::Builder builder;
BuildProgram(&builder, fParams.withCoverage(coverage), &fUniforms, &fAlloc);
SkASSERTF(fUniforms.buf.size() == prev,
"%zu, prev was %zu", fUniforms.buf.size(), prev);
skvm::Program program = builder.done(DebugName(key).c_str());
if (false) {
static std::atomic<int> missed{0},
if (!program.hasJIT()) {
SkDebugf("\ncouldn't JIT %s\n", DebugName(key).c_str());
if (0 == total++) {
atexit([]{ SkDebugf("SkVMBlitter compiled %d programs, %d without JIT.\n",
total.load(), missed.load()); });
return program;
void SkVMBlitter::updateUniforms(int right, int y) {
BlitterUniforms uniforms{right, y};
memcpy(, &uniforms, sizeof(BlitterUniforms));
const void* SkVMBlitter::isSprite(int x, int y) const {
if (fSprite.colorType() != kUnknown_SkColorType) {
return fSprite.addr(x - fSpriteOffset.x(),
y - fSpriteOffset.y());
return nullptr;
void SkVMBlitter::blitH(int x, int y, int w) {
if (fBlitH.empty()) {
fBlitH = this->buildProgram(Coverage::Full);
this->updateUniforms(x+w, y);
if (const void* sprite = this->isSprite(x,y)) {
fBlitH.eval(w,, fDevice.addr(x,y), sprite);
} else {
fBlitH.eval(w,, fDevice.addr(x,y));
void SkVMBlitter::blitAntiH(int x, int y, const SkAlpha cov[], const int16_t runs[]) {
if (fBlitAntiH.empty()) {
fBlitAntiH = this->buildProgram(Coverage::UniformF);
for (int16_t run = *runs; run > 0; run = *runs) {
this->updateUniforms(x+run, y);
const float covF = *cov * (1/255.0f);
if (const void* sprite = this->isSprite(x,y)) {
fBlitAntiH.eval(run,, fDevice.addr(x,y), sprite, &covF);
} else {
fBlitAntiH.eval(run,, fDevice.addr(x,y), &covF);
x += run;
runs += run;
cov += run;
void SkVMBlitter::blitMask(const SkMask& mask, const SkIRect& clip) {
if (mask.fFormat == SkMask::kBW_Format) {
return SkBlitter::blitMask(mask, clip);
const skvm::Program* program = nullptr;
switch (mask.fFormat) {
default: SkUNREACHABLE; // ARGB and SDF masks shouldn't make it here.
case SkMask::k3D_Format:
if (fBlitMask3D.empty()) {
fBlitMask3D = this->buildProgram(Coverage::Mask3D);
program = &fBlitMask3D;
case SkMask::kA8_Format:
if (fBlitMaskA8.empty()) {
fBlitMaskA8 = this->buildProgram(Coverage::MaskA8);
program = &fBlitMaskA8;
case SkMask::kLCD16_Format:
if (fBlitMaskLCD16.empty()) {
fBlitMaskLCD16 = this->buildProgram(Coverage::MaskLCD16);
program = &fBlitMaskLCD16;
if (program) {
for (int y =; y < clip.bottom(); y++) {
int x = clip.left(),
w = clip.width();
void* dptr = fDevice.writable_addr(x,y);
auto mptr = (const uint8_t*)mask.getAddr(x,y);
if (program == &fBlitMask3D) {
size_t plane = mask.computeImageSize();
if (const void* sprite = this->isSprite(x,y)) {
program->eval(w,, dptr, sprite, mptr + 1*plane
, mptr + 2*plane
, mptr + 0*plane);
} else {
program->eval(w,, dptr, mptr + 1*plane
, mptr + 2*plane
, mptr + 0*plane);
} else {
if (const void* sprite = this->isSprite(x,y)) {
program->eval(w,, dptr, sprite, mptr);
} else {
program->eval(w,, dptr, mptr);
SkVMBlitter* SkVMBlitter::Make(const SkPixmap& device,
const SkPaint& paint,
const SkMatrixProvider& matrices,
SkArenaAlloc* alloc,
sk_sp<SkShader> clip) {
bool ok = true;
SkVMBlitter* blitter = alloc->make<SkVMBlitter>(
device, paint, /*sprite=*/nullptr, SkIPoint{0,0}, matrices, std::move(clip), &ok);
return ok ? blitter : nullptr;
SkVMBlitter* SkVMBlitter::Make(const SkPixmap& device,
const SkPaint& paint,
const SkPixmap& sprite,
int left, int top,
SkArenaAlloc* alloc,
sk_sp<SkShader> clip) {
if (paint.getMaskFilter()) {
// TODO: SkVM support for mask filters? definitely possible!
return nullptr;
bool ok = true;
auto blitter = alloc->make<SkVMBlitter>(
device, paint, &sprite, SkIPoint{left,top},
SkSimpleMatrixProvider{SkMatrix{}}, std::move(clip), &ok);
return ok ? blitter : nullptr;