blob: b3cd2d2bf3c7132c728193c88fcc605e7c1ac783 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Things are easiest for everyone if these source paths are absolute.
_tests = get_path_info("../tests", "abspath")
sksl_fp_error_tests = [
sksl_fp_tests = [
sksl_error_tests = [
sksl_glsl_tests = [
sksl_metal_tests = [
sksl_spirv_tests = [
sksl_shared_tests = [
sksl_inliner_tests = [
sksl_blend_tests = [
sksl_settings_tests = [
# Tests in sksl_fp_tests_sources will be compiled with --settings on, and are expected to generate
# a .cpp and a .h output file.
sksl_fp_tests_sources = sksl_fp_error_tests + sksl_fp_tests
# Tests in sksl_glsl_tests_sources will be compiled with --settings on, and are expected to generate
# a .glsl output file.
sksl_glsl_tests_sources =
sksl_error_tests + sksl_glsl_tests + sksl_inliner_tests + sksl_shared_tests
# Tests in sksl_glsl_settings_tests_sources will be compiled twice, once with --settings and once
# using --nosettings. In the latter mode, StandaloneSettings is appended to the output filename.
sksl_glsl_settings_tests_sources = sksl_blend_tests + sksl_settings_tests
# Tests in sksl_metal_tests_sources will be compiled with --settings on, and are expected to
# generate a .metal output file.
sksl_metal_tests_sources =
sksl_metal_tests + sksl_blend_tests + sksl_shared_tests
# Tests in sksl_spirv_tests_sources will be compiled with --settings on, and are expected to
# generate a .asm.(frag|vert|geom) output file.
sksl_spirv_tests_sources =
sksl_blend_tests + sksl_shared_tests + sksl_spirv_tests