blob: c4f4be8bf9ed504be1f997e024f172b55a32bf1b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrTextBlob_DEFINED
#define GrTextBlob_DEFINED
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include "include/core/SkPoint3.h"
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "src/core/SkGlyphRunPainter.h"
#include "src/core/SkIPoint16.h"
#include "src/core/SkMaskFilterBase.h"
#include "src/core/SkOpts.h"
#include "src/core/SkRectPriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkStrikeSpec.h"
#include "src/core/SkTInternalLList.h"
#include "src/core/SkTLazy.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrColor.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrSubRunAllocator.h"
#include "src/gpu/ops/GrOp.h"
class GrAtlasManager;
class GrAtlasTextOp;
class GrDeferredUploadTarget;
class GrGlyph;
class GrMeshDrawTarget;
class GrStrikeCache;
class GrSubRun;
class SkMatrixProvider;
class SkSurfaceProps;
class SkTextBlob;
class SkTextBlobRunIterator;
// -- GrAtlasSubRun --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GrAtlasSubRun is the API that GrAtlasTextOp uses to generate vertex data for drawing.
// There are three different ways GrAtlasSubRun is specialized.
// * DirectMaskSubRun - this is by far the most common type of SubRun. The mask pixels are
// in 1:1 correspondence with the pixels on the device. The destination rectangles in this
// SubRun are in device space. This SubRun handles color glyphs.
// * TransformedMaskSubRun - handles glyph where the image in the atlas needs to be
// transformed to the screen. It is usually used for large color glyph which can't be
// drawn with paths or scaled distance fields. The destination rectangles are in source
// space.
// * SDFTSubRun - scaled distance field text handles largish single color glyphs that still
// can fit in the atlas; the sizes between direct SubRun, and path SubRun. The destination
class GrAtlasSubRun;
using GrAtlasSubRunOwner = std::unique_ptr<GrAtlasSubRun, GrSubRunAllocator::Destroyer>;
class GrAtlasSubRun {
static constexpr int kVerticesPerGlyph = 4;
virtual ~GrAtlasSubRun() = default;
virtual size_t vertexStride(const SkMatrix& drawMatrix) const = 0;
virtual int glyphCount() const = 0;
#if SK_GPU_V1
virtual std::tuple<const GrClip*, GrOp::Owner>
const GrClip*,
const SkMatrixProvider& viewMatrix,
const SkGlyphRunList&,
const SkPaint&,
GrAtlasSubRunOwner subRun) const = 0;
virtual void fillVertexData(
void* vertexDst, int offset, int count,
GrColor color, const SkMatrix& positionMatrix,
SkIRect clip) const = 0;
virtual void testingOnly_packedGlyphIDToGrGlyph(GrStrikeCache* cache) = 0;
// This call is not thread safe. It should only be called from GrDrawOp::onPrepare which
// is single threaded.
virtual std::tuple<bool, int> regenerateAtlas(
int begin, int end, GrMeshDrawTarget* target) const = 0;
// -- GrSubRun -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GrSubRun is the API the GrTextBlob uses for the SubRun.
// There are several types of SubRun, which can be broken into five classes:
// * PathSubRun - handle very large single color glyphs using paths to render the glyph.
// * DirectMaskSubRun - handle the majority of the glyphs where the cache entry's pixels are in
// 1:1 correspondence to the device pixels.
// * TransformedMaskSubRun - handle large bitmap/argb glyphs that need to be scaled to the screen.
// * SDFTSubRun - use signed distance fields to draw largish glyphs to the screen.
// * GrAtlasSubRun - this is an abstract class used for atlas drawing.
class GrSubRun;
using GrSubRunOwner = std::unique_ptr<GrSubRun, GrSubRunAllocator::Destroyer>;
class GrSubRun {
virtual ~GrSubRun() = default;
#if SK_GPU_V1
// Produce GPU ops for this subRun.
virtual void draw(const GrClip*,
const SkMatrixProvider& viewMatrix,
const SkGlyphRunList&,
const SkPaint&,
skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext*) const = 0;
// Given an already cached subRun, can this subRun handle this combination paint, matrix, and
// position.
virtual bool canReuse(const SkPaint& paint, const SkMatrix& drawMatrix) const = 0;
// Return the underlying atlas SubRun if it exists. Otherwise, return nullptr.
// * Don't use this API. It is only to support testing.
virtual GrAtlasSubRun* testingOnly_atlasSubRun() = 0;
GrSubRunOwner fNext;
struct GrSubRunList {
class Iterator {
using value_type = GrSubRun;
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = value_type*;
using reference = value_type&;
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
Iterator(GrSubRun* subRun) : fPtr{subRun} { }
Iterator& operator++() { fPtr = fPtr->fNext.get(); return *this; }
Iterator operator++(int) { Iterator tmp(*this); operator++(); return tmp; }
bool operator==(const Iterator& rhs) const { return fPtr == rhs.fPtr; }
bool operator!=(const Iterator& rhs) const { return fPtr != rhs.fPtr; }
reference operator*() { return *fPtr; }
GrSubRun* fPtr;
void append(GrSubRunOwner subRun) {
GrSubRunOwner* newTail = &subRun->fNext;
*fTail = std::move(subRun);
fTail = newTail;
bool isEmpty() const { return fHead == nullptr; }
Iterator begin() { return Iterator{ fHead.get()}; }
Iterator end() { return Iterator{nullptr}; }
Iterator begin() const { return Iterator{ fHead.get()}; }
Iterator end() const { return Iterator{nullptr}; }
GrSubRun& front() const {return *fHead; }
GrSubRunOwner fHead{nullptr};
GrSubRunOwner* fTail{&fHead};
// A GrTextBlob contains a fully processed SkTextBlob, suitable for nearly immediate drawing
// on the GPU. These are initially created with valid positions and colors, but invalid
// texture coordinates.
// A GrTextBlob contains a number of SubRuns that are created in the blob's arena. Each SubRun
// tracks its own GrGlyph* and vertex data. The memory is organized in the arena in the following
// way so that the pointers for the GrGlyph* and vertex data are known before creating the SubRun.
// GrGlyph*... | vertexData... | SubRun | GrGlyph*... | vertexData... | SubRun etc.
// In these classes, I'm trying to follow the convention about matrices and origins.
// * draw Matrix|Origin - describes the current draw command.
// * initial Matrix - describes the combined initial matrix and origin the GrTextBlob was created
// with.
class GrTextBlob final : public SkNVRefCnt<GrTextBlob>, public SkGlyphRunPainterInterface {
// Key is not used as part of a hash map, so the hash is never taken. It's only used in a
// list search using operator =().
struct Key {
static std::tuple<bool, Key> Make(const SkGlyphRunList& glyphRunList,
const SkPaint& paint,
const SkSurfaceProps& surfaceProps,
const GrColorInfo& colorInfo,
const SkMatrix& drawMatrix,
const GrSDFTControl& control);
uint32_t fUniqueID;
// Color may affect the gamma of the mask we generate, but in a fairly limited way.
// Each color is assigned to on of a fixed number of buckets based on its
// luminance. For each luminance bucket there is a "canonical color" that
// represents the bucket. This functionality is currently only supported for A8
SkColor fCanonicalColor;
SkScalar fFrameWidth;
SkScalar fMiterLimit;
SkPixelGeometry fPixelGeometry;
SkMaskFilterBase::BlurRec fBlurRec;
uint32_t fScalerContextFlags;
SkMatrix fDrawMatrix;
// Below here fields are of size 1 byte.
uint8_t fSetOfDrawingTypes;
bool fHasBlur;
SkPaint::Style fStyle;
SkPaint::Join fJoin;
bool operator==(const Key& other) const;
// Make a GrTextBlob and its sub runs.
static sk_sp<GrTextBlob> Make(const SkGlyphRunList& glyphRunList,
const SkPaint& paint,
const SkMatrix& drawMatrix,
const GrSDFTControl& control,
SkGlyphRunListPainter* painter);
~GrTextBlob() override;
// Change memory management to handle the data after GrTextBlob, but in the same allocation
// of memory. Only allow placement new.
void operator delete(void* p);
void* operator new(size_t);
void* operator new(size_t, void* p);
const Key& key() { return fKey; }
void addKey(const Key& key);
bool hasPerspective() const;
const SkMatrix& initialMatrix() const { return fInitialMatrix; }
std::tuple<SkScalar, SkScalar> scaleBounds() const {
return {fMaxMinScale, fMinMaxScale};
bool canReuse(const SkPaint& paint, const SkMatrix& drawMatrix) const;
const Key& key() const;
size_t size() const;
const GrSubRunList& subRunList() const {
return fSubRunList;
GrTextBlob(int allocSize, const SkMatrix& drawMatrix, SkColor initialLuminance);
template<typename AddSingleMaskFormat>
void addMultiMaskFormat(
AddSingleMaskFormat addSingle,
const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& drawables,
const SkStrikeSpec& strikeSpec);
#if SK_GPU_V1
// Methods to satisfy SkGlyphRunPainterInterface
void processDeviceMasks(const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& drawables,
const SkStrikeSpec& strikeSpec) override;
void processSourcePaths(const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& drawables,
const SkFont& runFont,
const SkStrikeSpec& strikeSpec) override;
void processSourceSDFT(const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& drawables,
const SkStrikeSpec& strikeSpec,
const SkFont& runFont,
SkScalar minScale,
SkScalar maxScale) override;
void processSourceMasks(const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& drawables,
const SkStrikeSpec& strikeSpec) override;
#endif // SK_GPU_V1
// The allocator must come first because it needs to be destroyed last. Other fields of this
// structure may have pointers into it.
GrSubRunAllocator fAlloc;
// Owner and list of the SubRun.
GrSubRunList fSubRunList;
// Overall size of this struct plus vertices and glyphs at the end.
const int fSize;
// The initial view matrix combined with the initial origin. Used to determine if a cached
// subRun can be used in this draw situation.
const SkMatrix fInitialMatrix;
const SkColor fInitialLuminance;
Key fKey;
// We can reuse distance field text, but only if the new view matrix would not result in
// a mip change. Because there can be multiple runs in a blob, we track the overall
// maximum minimum scale, and minimum maximum scale, we can support before we need to regen
SkScalar fMaxMinScale{-SK_ScalarMax};
SkScalar fMinMaxScale{SK_ScalarMax};
bool fSomeGlyphsExcluded{false};
#if SK_GPU_V1
class GrSubRunNoCachePainter : public SkGlyphRunPainterInterface {
const GrClip*,
const SkMatrixProvider& viewMatrix,
const SkGlyphRunList&,
const SkPaint&);
void processDeviceMasks(const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& drawables,
const SkStrikeSpec& strikeSpec) override;
void processSourceMasks(const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& drawables,
const SkStrikeSpec& strikeSpec) override;
void processSourcePaths(const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& drawables,
const SkFont& runFont, const SkStrikeSpec& strikeSpec) override;
void processSourceSDFT(const SkZip<SkGlyphVariant, SkPoint>& drawables,
const SkStrikeSpec& strikeSpec, const SkFont& runFont,
SkScalar minScale, SkScalar maxScale) override;
// Draw passes ownership of the sub run to the op.
void draw(GrAtlasSubRunOwner subRun);
skgpu::v1::SurfaceDrawContext* const fSDC;
GrSubRunAllocator* const fAlloc;
const GrClip* const fClip;
const SkMatrixProvider& fViewMatrix;
const SkGlyphRunList& fGlyphRunList;
const SkPaint& fPaint;
#endif // SK_GPU_V1
#endif // GrTextBlob_DEFINED