blob: 2e80fd3162e811766c3b416c5f3e34402ef39dc9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/sksl/SkSLAnalysis.h"
#include "include/private/SkSLModifiers.h"
#include "include/private/SkSLProgramElement.h"
#include "include/private/SkSLSampleUsage.h"
#include "include/private/SkSLStatement.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLCompiler.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLErrorReporter.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLExpression.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLProgram.h"
// ProgramElements
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLExtension.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFunctionDefinition.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLInterfaceBlock.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLVarDeclarations.h"
// Statements
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLBlock.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLBreakStatement.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLContinueStatement.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLDiscardStatement.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLDoStatement.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLExpressionStatement.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLForStatement.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLIfStatement.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLNop.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLReturnStatement.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLSwitchStatement.h"
// Expressions
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLBinaryExpression.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLBoolLiteral.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLConstructor.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLConstructorDiagonalMatrix.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLConstructorMatrixResize.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLExternalFunctionCall.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLExternalFunctionReference.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFieldAccess.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFloatLiteral.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFunctionCall.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFunctionReference.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLIndexExpression.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLInlineMarker.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLIntLiteral.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLPostfixExpression.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLPrefixExpression.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLSetting.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLSwizzle.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLTernaryExpression.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLTypeReference.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLVariableReference.h"
namespace SkSL {
namespace {
static bool is_sample_call_to_fp(const FunctionCall& fc, const Variable& fp) {
const FunctionDeclaration& f = fc.function();
return f.intrinsicKind() == k_sample_IntrinsicKind && fc.arguments().size() >= 1 &&
fc.arguments()[0]->is<VariableReference>() &&
fc.arguments()[0]->as<VariableReference>().variable() == &fp;
// Visitor that determines the merged SampleUsage for a given child 'fp' in the program.
class MergeSampleUsageVisitor : public ProgramVisitor {
MergeSampleUsageVisitor(const Context& context, const Variable& fp, bool writesToSampleCoords)
: fContext(context), fFP(fp), fWritesToSampleCoords(writesToSampleCoords) {}
SampleUsage visit(const Program& program) {
fUsage = SampleUsage(); // reset to none
return fUsage;
int elidedSampleCoordCount() const { return fElidedSampleCoordCount; }
const Context& fContext;
const Variable& fFP;
const bool fWritesToSampleCoords;
SampleUsage fUsage;
int fElidedSampleCoordCount = 0;
bool visitExpression(const Expression& e) override {
// Looking for sample(fp, ...)
if (<FunctionCall>()) {
const FunctionCall& fc =<FunctionCall>();
if (is_sample_call_to_fp(fc, fFP)) {
// Determine the type of call at this site, and merge it with the accumulated state
if (fc.arguments().size() >= 2) {
const Expression* coords = fc.arguments()[1].get();
if (coords->type() == *fContext.fTypes.fFloat2) {
// If the coords are a direct reference to the program's sample-coords,
// and those coords are never modified, we can conservatively turn this
// into PassThrough sampling. In all other cases, we consider it Explicit.
if (!fWritesToSampleCoords && coords->is<VariableReference>() &&
.fLayout.fBuiltin == SK_MAIN_COORDS_BUILTIN) {
} else {
} else {
// sample(fp, half4 inputColor) -> PassThrough
} else {
// sample(fp) -> PassThrough
// NOTE: we don't return true here just because we found a sample call. We need to
// process the entire program and merge across all encountered calls.
return INHERITED::visitExpression(e);
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
// Visitor that searches through the program for references to a particular builtin variable
class BuiltinVariableVisitor : public ProgramVisitor {
BuiltinVariableVisitor(int builtin) : fBuiltin(builtin) {}
bool visitExpression(const Expression& e) override {
if (<VariableReference>()) {
const VariableReference& var =<VariableReference>();
return var.variable()->modifiers().fLayout.fBuiltin == fBuiltin;
return INHERITED::visitExpression(e);
int fBuiltin;
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
// Visitor that searches for calls to sample() from a function other than main()
class SampleOutsideMainVisitor : public ProgramVisitor {
SampleOutsideMainVisitor() {}
bool visitExpression(const Expression& e) override {
if (<FunctionCall>()) {
const FunctionDeclaration& f =<FunctionCall>().function();
if (f.intrinsicKind() == k_sample_IntrinsicKind) {
return true;
return INHERITED::visitExpression(e);
bool visitProgramElement(const ProgramElement& p) override {
return<FunctionDefinition>() &&
!<FunctionDefinition>().declaration().isMain() &&
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
// Visitor that counts the number of nodes visited
class NodeCountVisitor : public ProgramVisitor {
NodeCountVisitor(int limit) : fLimit(limit) {}
int visit(const Statement& s) {
return fCount;
bool visitExpression(const Expression& e) override {
return (fCount >= fLimit) || INHERITED::visitExpression(e);
bool visitProgramElement(const ProgramElement& p) override {
return (fCount >= fLimit) || INHERITED::visitProgramElement(p);
bool visitStatement(const Statement& s) override {
return (fCount >= fLimit) || INHERITED::visitStatement(s);
int fCount = 0;
int fLimit;
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
class ProgramUsageVisitor : public ProgramVisitor {
ProgramUsageVisitor(ProgramUsage* usage, int delta) : fUsage(usage), fDelta(delta) {}
bool visitProgramElement(const ProgramElement& pe) override {
if (<FunctionDefinition>()) {
for (const Variable* param :<FunctionDefinition>().declaration().parameters()) {
// Ensure function-parameter variables exist in the variable usage map. They aren't
// otherwise declared, but ProgramUsage::get() should be able to find them, even if
// they are unread and unwritten.
} else if (<InterfaceBlock>()) {
// Ensure interface-block variables exist in the variable usage map.
return INHERITED::visitProgramElement(pe);
bool visitStatement(const Statement& s) override {
if (<VarDeclaration>()) {
// Add all declared variables to the usage map (even if never otherwise accessed).
const VarDeclaration& vd =<VarDeclaration>();
ProgramUsage::VariableCounts& counts = fUsage->fVariableCounts[&vd.var()];
counts.fDeclared += fDelta;
SkASSERT(counts.fDeclared >= 0);
if (vd.value()) {
// The initial-value expression, when present, counts as a write.
counts.fWrite += fDelta;
return INHERITED::visitStatement(s);
bool visitExpression(const Expression& e) override {
if (<FunctionCall>()) {
const FunctionDeclaration* f = &<FunctionCall>().function();
fUsage->fCallCounts[f] += fDelta;
SkASSERT(fUsage->fCallCounts[f] >= 0);
} else if (<VariableReference>()) {
const VariableReference& ref =<VariableReference>();
ProgramUsage::VariableCounts& counts = fUsage->fVariableCounts[ref.variable()];
switch (ref.refKind()) {
case VariableRefKind::kRead:
counts.fRead += fDelta;
case VariableRefKind::kWrite:
counts.fWrite += fDelta;
case VariableRefKind::kReadWrite:
case VariableRefKind::kPointer:
counts.fRead += fDelta;
counts.fWrite += fDelta;
SkASSERT(counts.fRead >= 0 && counts.fWrite >= 0);
return INHERITED::visitExpression(e);
using ProgramVisitor::visitProgramElement;
using ProgramVisitor::visitStatement;
ProgramUsage* fUsage;
int fDelta;
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
class VariableWriteVisitor : public ProgramVisitor {
VariableWriteVisitor(const Variable* var)
: fVar(var) {}
bool visit(const Statement& s) {
return this->visitStatement(s);
bool visitExpression(const Expression& e) override {
if (<VariableReference>()) {
const VariableReference& ref =<VariableReference>();
if (ref.variable() == fVar &&
(ref.refKind() == VariableReference::RefKind::kWrite ||
ref.refKind() == VariableReference::RefKind::kReadWrite ||
ref.refKind() == VariableReference::RefKind::kPointer)) {
return true;
return INHERITED::visitExpression(e);
const Variable* fVar;
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
// If a caller doesn't care about errors, we can use this trivial reporter that just counts up.
class TrivialErrorReporter : public ErrorReporter {
void handleError(const char*, dsl::PositionInfo*) override { ++fErrorCount; }
int errorCount() override { return fErrorCount; }
void setErrorCount(int c) override { fErrorCount = c; }
int fErrorCount = 0;
// This isn't actually using ProgramVisitor, because it only considers a subset of the fields for
// any given expression kind. For instance, when indexing an array (e.g. `x[1]`), we only want to
// know if the base (`x`) is assignable; the index expression (`1`) doesn't need to be.
class IsAssignableVisitor {
IsAssignableVisitor(ErrorReporter* errors) : fErrors(errors) {}
bool visit(Expression& expr, Analysis::AssignmentInfo* info) {
int oldErrorCount = fErrors->errorCount();
if (info) {
info->fAssignedVar = fAssignedVar;
return fErrors->errorCount() == oldErrorCount;
void visitExpression(Expression& expr) {
switch (expr.kind()) {
case Expression::Kind::kVariableReference: {
VariableReference& varRef =<VariableReference>();
const Variable* var = varRef.variable();
if (var->modifiers().fFlags & (Modifiers::kConst_Flag | Modifiers::kUniform_Flag)) {
"cannot modify immutable variable '" + var->name() + "'");
} else {
SkASSERT(fAssignedVar == nullptr);
fAssignedVar = &varRef;
case Expression::Kind::kFieldAccess:
case Expression::Kind::kSwizzle: {
const Swizzle& swizzle =<Swizzle>();
case Expression::Kind::kIndex:
fErrors->error(expr.fOffset, "cannot assign to this expression");
void checkSwizzleWrite(const Swizzle& swizzle) {
int bits = 0;
for (int8_t idx : swizzle.components()) {
SkASSERT(idx >= SwizzleComponent::X && idx <= SwizzleComponent::W);
int bit = 1 << idx;
if (bits & bit) {
"cannot write to the same swizzle field more than once");
bits |= bit;
ErrorReporter* fErrors;
VariableReference* fAssignedVar = nullptr;
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
class SwitchCaseContainsExit : public ProgramVisitor {
SwitchCaseContainsExit(bool conditionalExits) : fConditionalExits(conditionalExits) {}
bool visitStatement(const Statement& stmt) override {
switch (stmt.kind()) {
case Statement::Kind::kBlock:
case Statement::Kind::kSwitchCase:
return INHERITED::visitStatement(stmt);
case Statement::Kind::kReturn:
// Returns are an early exit regardless of the surrounding control structures.
return fConditionalExits ? fInConditional : !fInConditional;
case Statement::Kind::kContinue:
// Continues are an early exit from switches, but not loops.
return !fInLoop &&
(fConditionalExits ? fInConditional : !fInConditional);
case Statement::Kind::kBreak:
// Breaks cannot escape from switches or loops.
return !fInLoop && !fInSwitch &&
(fConditionalExits ? fInConditional : !fInConditional);
case Statement::Kind::kIf: {
bool result = INHERITED::visitStatement(stmt);
return result;
case Statement::Kind::kFor:
case Statement::Kind::kDo: {
// Loops are treated as conditionals because a loop could potentially execute zero
// times. We don't have a straightforward way to determine that a loop definitely
// executes at least once.
bool result = INHERITED::visitStatement(stmt);
return result;
case Statement::Kind::kSwitch: {
bool result = INHERITED::visitStatement(stmt);
return result;
return false;
bool fConditionalExits = false;
int fInConditional = 0;
int fInLoop = 0;
int fInSwitch = 0;
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
class ReturnsOnAllPathsVisitor : public ProgramVisitor {
bool visitExpression(const Expression& expr) override {
// We can avoid processing expressions entirely.
return false;
bool visitStatement(const Statement& stmt) override {
switch (stmt.kind()) {
// Returns, breaks, or continues will stop the scan, so only one of these should ever be
// true.
case Statement::Kind::kReturn:
fFoundReturn = true;
return true;
case Statement::Kind::kBreak:
fFoundBreak = true;
return true;
case Statement::Kind::kContinue:
fFoundContinue = true;
return true;
case Statement::Kind::kIf: {
const IfStatement& i =<IfStatement>();
ReturnsOnAllPathsVisitor trueVisitor;
ReturnsOnAllPathsVisitor falseVisitor;
if (i.ifFalse()) {
// If either branch leads to a break or continue, we report the entire if as
// containing a break or continue, since we don't know which side will be reached.
fFoundBreak = (trueVisitor.fFoundBreak || falseVisitor.fFoundBreak);
fFoundContinue = (trueVisitor.fFoundContinue || falseVisitor.fFoundContinue);
// On the other hand, we only want to report returns that definitely happen, so we
// require those to be found on both sides.
fFoundReturn = (trueVisitor.fFoundReturn && falseVisitor.fFoundReturn);
return fFoundBreak || fFoundContinue || fFoundReturn;
case Statement::Kind::kFor: {
const ForStatement& f =<ForStatement>();
// We assume a for/while loop runs for at least one iteration; this isn't strictly
// guaranteed, but it's better to be slightly over-permissive here than to fail on
// reasonable code.
ReturnsOnAllPathsVisitor forVisitor;
// A for loop that contains a break or continue is safe; it won't exit the entire
// function, just the loop. So we disregard those signals.
fFoundReturn = forVisitor.fFoundReturn;
return fFoundReturn;
case Statement::Kind::kDo: {
const DoStatement& d =<DoStatement>();
// Do-while blocks are always entered at least once.
ReturnsOnAllPathsVisitor doVisitor;
// A do-while loop that contains a break or continue is safe; it won't exit the
// entire function, just the loop. So we disregard those signals.
fFoundReturn = doVisitor.fFoundReturn;
return fFoundReturn;
case Statement::Kind::kBlock:
// Blocks are definitely entered and don't imply any additional control flow.
// If the block contains a break, continue or return, we want to keep that.
return INHERITED::visitStatement(stmt);
case Statement::Kind::kSwitch: {
// Switches are the most complex control flow we need to deal with; fortunately we
// already have good primitives for dissecting them. We need to verify that:
// - a default case exists, so that every possible input value is covered
// - every switch-case either (a) returns unconditionally, or
// (b) falls through to another case that does
const SwitchStatement& s =<SwitchStatement>();
bool foundDefault = false;
bool fellThrough = false;
for (const std::unique_ptr<Statement>& stmt : s.cases()) {
// The default case is indicated by a null value. A switch without a default
// case cannot definitively return, as its value might not be in the cases list.
const SwitchCase& sc = stmt->as<SwitchCase>();
if (!sc.value()) {
foundDefault = true;
// Scan this switch-case for any exit (break, continue or return).
ReturnsOnAllPathsVisitor caseVisitor;
// If we found a break or continue, whether conditional or not, this switch case
// can't be called an unconditional return. Switches absorb breaks but not
// continues.
if (caseVisitor.fFoundContinue) {
fFoundContinue = true;
return false;
if (caseVisitor.fFoundBreak) {
return false;
// We just confirmed that there weren't any breaks or continues. If we didn't
// find an unconditional return either, the switch is considered fallen-through.
// (There might be a conditional return, but that doesn't count.)
fellThrough = !caseVisitor.fFoundReturn;
// If we didn't find a default case, or the very last case fell through, this switch
// doesn't meet our criteria.
if (fellThrough || !foundDefault) {
return false;
// We scanned the entire switch, found a default case, and every section either fell
// through or contained an unconditional return.
fFoundReturn = true;
return true;
case Statement::Kind::kSwitchCase:
// Recurse into the switch-case.
return INHERITED::visitStatement(stmt);
case Statement::Kind::kDiscard:
case Statement::Kind::kExpression:
case Statement::Kind::kInlineMarker:
case Statement::Kind::kNop:
case Statement::Kind::kVarDeclaration:
// None of these statements could contain a return.
return false;
bool fFoundReturn = false;
bool fFoundBreak = false;
bool fFoundContinue = false;
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
} // namespace
// Analysis
SampleUsage Analysis::GetSampleUsage(const Program& program,
const Variable& fp,
bool writesToSampleCoords,
int* elidedSampleCoordCount) {
MergeSampleUsageVisitor visitor(*program.fContext, fp, writesToSampleCoords);
SampleUsage result = visitor.visit(program);
if (elidedSampleCoordCount) {
*elidedSampleCoordCount += visitor.elidedSampleCoordCount();
return result;
bool Analysis::ReferencesBuiltin(const Program& program, int builtin) {
BuiltinVariableVisitor visitor(builtin);
return visitor.visit(program);
bool Analysis::ReferencesSampleCoords(const Program& program) {
return Analysis::ReferencesBuiltin(program, SK_MAIN_COORDS_BUILTIN);
bool Analysis::ReferencesFragCoords(const Program& program) {
return Analysis::ReferencesBuiltin(program, SK_FRAGCOORD_BUILTIN);
bool Analysis::CallsSampleOutsideMain(const Program& program) {
SampleOutsideMainVisitor visitor;
return visitor.visit(program);
bool Analysis::DetectStaticRecursion(SkSpan<std::unique_ptr<ProgramElement>> programElements,
ErrorReporter& errors) {
using Function = const FunctionDeclaration;
using CallSet = std::unordered_set<Function*>;
using CallGraph = std::unordered_map<Function*, CallSet>;
class CallGraphVisitor : public ProgramVisitor {
CallGraphVisitor(CallGraph* calls) : fCallGraph(calls), fCurrentFunctionCalls(nullptr) {}
bool visitExpression(const Expression& e) override {
if (<FunctionCall>()) {
return INHERITED::visitExpression(e);
bool visitProgramElement(const ProgramElement& p) override {
if (<FunctionDefinition>()) {
Function* fn = &<FunctionDefinition>().declaration();
SkASSERT(fCallGraph->count(fn) == 0);
SkASSERT(fCurrentFunctionCalls == nullptr);
CallSet currentFunctionCalls;
fCurrentFunctionCalls = &currentFunctionCalls;
fCurrentFunctionCalls = nullptr;
fCallGraph->insert({fn, std::move(currentFunctionCalls)});
return false;
CallGraph* fCallGraph;
CallSet* fCurrentFunctionCalls;
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
CallGraph callGraph;
CallGraphVisitor visitor{&callGraph};
for (const auto& pe : programElements) {
class CycleFinder {
CycleFinder(CallGraph* calls) : fCallGraph(calls) {}
bool containsCycle() {
for (const auto& [caller, callees] : *fCallGraph) {
if (this->dfsHelper(caller)) {
return true;
return false;
const std::vector<Function*>& cycle() const { return fStack; }
bool dfsHelper(Function* fn) {
SkASSERT(std::find(fStack.begin(), fStack.end(), fn) == fStack.end());
const CallSet& calls = (*fCallGraph)[fn];
for (Function* calledFn : calls) {
auto it = std::find(fStack.begin(), fStack.end(), calledFn);
if (it != fStack.end()) {
// Cycle detected. It includes the functions from 'it' to the end of fStack
fStack.erase(fStack.begin(), it);
return true;
if (this->dfsHelper(calledFn)) {
return true;
return false;
CallGraph* fCallGraph;
std::vector<Function*> fStack;
CycleFinder cycleFinder{&callGraph};
if (cycleFinder.containsCycle()) {
// Get the description of each function participating in the cycle
std::vector<String> fnNames;
for (Function* fn : cycleFinder.cycle()) {
// Find the lexicographically first function description, so we generate stable errors
std::vector<String>::iterator cycleStart = std::min_element(fnNames.begin(), fnNames.end());
ptrdiff_t startIndex = std::distance(fnNames.begin(), cycleStart);
// Construct a list of the functions participating in the cycle (including the "start"
// at both the beginning and end):
String cycleDescription;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= fnNames.size(); ++i) {
cycleDescription += "\n\t" + fnNames[(i + startIndex) % fnNames.size()];
// Go back to the original data to find the offset of the cycle start's declaration
Function* cycleStartFn = cycleFinder.cycle()[startIndex];
"potential recursion (function call cycle) not allowed:" + cycleDescription);
return true;
return false;
int Analysis::NodeCountUpToLimit(const FunctionDefinition& function, int limit) {
return NodeCountVisitor{limit}.visit(*function.body());
bool Analysis::SwitchCaseContainsUnconditionalExit(Statement& stmt) {
return SwitchCaseContainsExit{/*conditionalExits=*/false}.visitStatement(stmt);
bool Analysis::SwitchCaseContainsConditionalExit(Statement& stmt) {
return SwitchCaseContainsExit{/*conditionalExits=*/true}.visitStatement(stmt);
std::unique_ptr<ProgramUsage> Analysis::GetUsage(const Program& program) {
auto usage = std::make_unique<ProgramUsage>();
ProgramUsageVisitor addRefs(usage.get(), /*delta=*/+1);
return usage;
std::unique_ptr<ProgramUsage> Analysis::GetUsage(const LoadedModule& module) {
auto usage = std::make_unique<ProgramUsage>();
ProgramUsageVisitor addRefs(usage.get(), /*delta=*/+1);
for (const auto& element : module.fElements) {
return usage;
ProgramUsage::VariableCounts ProgramUsage::get(const Variable& v) const {
const VariableCounts* counts = fVariableCounts.find(&v);
return *counts;
bool ProgramUsage::isDead(const Variable& v) const {
const Modifiers& modifiers = v.modifiers();
VariableCounts counts = this->get(v);
if (( != Variable::Storage::kLocal && counts.fRead) ||
(modifiers.fFlags &
(Modifiers::kIn_Flag | Modifiers::kOut_Flag | Modifiers::kUniform_Flag))) {
return false;
// Consider the variable dead if it's never read and never written (besides the initial-value).
return !counts.fRead && (counts.fWrite <= (v.initialValue() ? 1 : 0));
int ProgramUsage::get(const FunctionDeclaration& f) const {
const int* count = fCallCounts.find(&f);
return count ? *count : 0;
void ProgramUsage::add(const Expression* expr) {
ProgramUsageVisitor addRefs(this, /*delta=*/+1);
void ProgramUsage::add(const Statement* stmt) {
ProgramUsageVisitor addRefs(this, /*delta=*/+1);
void ProgramUsage::add(const ProgramElement& element) {
ProgramUsageVisitor addRefs(this, /*delta=*/+1);
void ProgramUsage::remove(const Expression* expr) {
ProgramUsageVisitor subRefs(this, /*delta=*/-1);
void ProgramUsage::remove(const Statement* stmt) {
ProgramUsageVisitor subRefs(this, /*delta=*/-1);
void ProgramUsage::remove(const ProgramElement& element) {
ProgramUsageVisitor subRefs(this, /*delta=*/-1);
bool Analysis::StatementWritesToVariable(const Statement& stmt, const Variable& var) {
return VariableWriteVisitor(&var).visit(stmt);
bool Analysis::IsAssignable(Expression& expr, AssignmentInfo* info, ErrorReporter* errors) {
TrivialErrorReporter trivialErrors;
return IsAssignableVisitor{errors ? errors : &trivialErrors}.visit(expr, info);
void Analysis::UpdateRefKind(Expression* expr, VariableRefKind refKind) {
class RefKindWriter : public ProgramWriter {
RefKindWriter(VariableReference::RefKind refKind) : fRefKind(refKind) {}
bool visitExpression(Expression& expr) override {
if (<VariableReference>()) {<VariableReference>().setRefKind(fRefKind);
return INHERITED::visitExpression(expr);
VariableReference::RefKind fRefKind;
using INHERITED = ProgramWriter;
bool Analysis::MakeAssignmentExpr(Expression* expr,
VariableReference::RefKind kind,
ErrorReporter* errors) {
Analysis::AssignmentInfo info;
if (!Analysis::IsAssignable(*expr, &info, errors)) {
return false;
if (!info.fAssignedVar) {
errors->error(expr->fOffset, "can't assign to expression '" + expr->description() + "'");
return false;
return true;
bool Analysis::IsTrivialExpression(const Expression& expr) {
return<IntLiteral>() ||<FloatLiteral>() ||<BoolLiteral>() ||<VariableReference>() ||
(<Swizzle>() &&
IsTrivialExpression(*<Swizzle>().base())) ||
(<FieldAccess>() &&
IsTrivialExpression(*<FieldAccess>().base())) ||
(expr.isAnyConstructor() &&
expr.asAnyConstructor().argumentSpan().size() == 1 &&
IsTrivialExpression(*expr.asAnyConstructor().argumentSpan().front())) ||
(expr.isAnyConstructor() &&
expr.isConstantOrUniform()) ||
(<IndexExpression>() &&<IndexExpression>().index()->is<IntLiteral>() &&
bool Analysis::IsSameExpressionTree(const Expression& left, const Expression& right) {
if (left.kind() != right.kind() || left.type() != right.type()) {
return false;
// This isn't a fully exhaustive list of expressions by any stretch of the imagination; for
// instance, `x[y+1] = x[y+1]` isn't detected because we don't look at BinaryExpressions.
// Since this is intended to be used for optimization purposes, handling the common cases is
// sufficient.
switch (left.kind()) {
case Expression::Kind::kIntLiteral:
return<IntLiteral>().value() ==<IntLiteral>().value();
case Expression::Kind::kFloatLiteral:
return<FloatLiteral>().value() ==<FloatLiteral>().value();
case Expression::Kind::kBoolLiteral:
return<BoolLiteral>().value() ==<BoolLiteral>().value();
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorArray:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorCompound:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorCompoundCast:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorDiagonalMatrix:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorMatrixResize:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorScalarCast:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorStruct:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorSplat: {
if (left.kind() != right.kind()) {
return false;
const AnyConstructor& leftCtor = left.asAnyConstructor();
const AnyConstructor& rightCtor = right.asAnyConstructor();
const auto leftSpan = leftCtor.argumentSpan();
const auto rightSpan = rightCtor.argumentSpan();
if (leftSpan.size() != rightSpan.size()) {
return false;
for (size_t index = 0; index < leftSpan.size(); ++index) {
if (!IsSameExpressionTree(*leftSpan[index], *rightSpan[index])) {
return false;
return true;
case Expression::Kind::kFieldAccess:
return<FieldAccess>().fieldIndex() ==<FieldAccess>().fieldIndex() &&
case Expression::Kind::kIndex:
return IsSameExpressionTree(*<IndexExpression>().index(),
*<IndexExpression>().index()) &&
case Expression::Kind::kSwizzle:
return<Swizzle>().components() ==<Swizzle>().components() &&
IsSameExpressionTree(*<Swizzle>().base(), *<Swizzle>().base());
case Expression::Kind::kVariableReference:
return<VariableReference>().variable() ==<VariableReference>().variable();
return false;
static bool get_constant_value(const Expression& expr, double* val) {
const Expression* valExpr = expr.getConstantSubexpression(0);
if (!valExpr) {
return false;
if (valExpr->is<IntLiteral>()) {
*val = static_cast<double>(valExpr->as<IntLiteral>().value());
return true;
if (valExpr->is<FloatLiteral>()) {
*val = static_cast<double>(valExpr->as<FloatLiteral>().value());
return true;
SkDEBUGFAILF("unexpected constant type (%s)", expr.type().description().c_str());
return false;
static const char* invalid_for_ES2(int offset,
const Statement* loopInitializer,
const Expression* loopTest,
const Expression* loopNext,
const Statement* loopStatement,
Analysis::UnrollableLoopInfo& loopInfo) {
// init_declaration has the form: type_specifier identifier = constant_expression
if (!loopInitializer) {
return "missing init declaration";
if (!loopInitializer->is<VarDeclaration>()) {
return "invalid init declaration";
const VarDeclaration& initDecl = loopInitializer->as<VarDeclaration>();
if (!initDecl.baseType().isNumber()) {
return "invalid type for loop index";
if (initDecl.arraySize() != 0) {
return "invalid type for loop index";
if (!initDecl.value()) {
return "missing loop index initializer";
if (!get_constant_value(*initDecl.value(), &loopInfo.fStart)) {
return "loop index initializer must be a constant expression";
loopInfo.fIndex = &initDecl.var();
auto is_loop_index = [&](const std::unique_ptr<Expression>& expr) {
return expr->is<VariableReference>() &&
expr->as<VariableReference>().variable() == loopInfo.fIndex;
// condition has the form: loop_index relational_operator constant_expression
if (!loopTest) {
return "missing condition";
if (!loopTest->is<BinaryExpression>()) {
return "invalid condition";
const BinaryExpression& cond = loopTest->as<BinaryExpression>();
if (!is_loop_index(cond.left())) {
return "expected loop index on left hand side of condition";
// relational_operator is one of: > >= < <= == or !=
switch (cond.getOperator().kind()) {
case Token::Kind::TK_GT:
case Token::Kind::TK_GTEQ:
case Token::Kind::TK_LT:
case Token::Kind::TK_LTEQ:
case Token::Kind::TK_EQEQ:
case Token::Kind::TK_NEQ:
return "invalid relational operator";
double loopEnd = 0;
if (!get_constant_value(*cond.right(), &loopEnd)) {
return "loop index must be compared with a constant expression";
// expression has one of the following forms:
// loop_index++
// loop_index--
// loop_index += constant_expression
// loop_index -= constant_expression
// The spec doesn't mention prefix increment and decrement, but there is some consensus that
// it's an oversight, so we allow those as well.
if (!loopNext) {
return "missing loop expression";
switch (loopNext->kind()) {
case Expression::Kind::kBinary: {
const BinaryExpression& next = loopNext->as<BinaryExpression>();
if (!is_loop_index(next.left())) {
return "expected loop index in loop expression";
if (!get_constant_value(*next.right(), &loopInfo.fDelta)) {
return "loop index must be modified by a constant expression";
switch (next.getOperator().kind()) {
case Token::Kind::TK_PLUSEQ: break;
case Token::Kind::TK_MINUSEQ: loopInfo.fDelta = -loopInfo.fDelta; break;
return "invalid operator in loop expression";
} break;
case Expression::Kind::kPrefix: {
const PrefixExpression& next = loopNext->as<PrefixExpression>();
if (!is_loop_index(next.operand())) {
return "expected loop index in loop expression";
switch (next.getOperator().kind()) {
case Token::Kind::TK_PLUSPLUS: loopInfo.fDelta = 1; break;
case Token::Kind::TK_MINUSMINUS: loopInfo.fDelta = -1; break;
return "invalid operator in loop expression";
} break;
case Expression::Kind::kPostfix: {
const PostfixExpression& next = loopNext->as<PostfixExpression>();
if (!is_loop_index(next.operand())) {
return "expected loop index in loop expression";
switch (next.getOperator().kind()) {
case Token::Kind::TK_PLUSPLUS: loopInfo.fDelta = 1; break;
case Token::Kind::TK_MINUSMINUS: loopInfo.fDelta = -1; break;
return "invalid operator in loop expression";
} break;
return "invalid loop expression";
// Within the body of the loop, the loop index is not statically assigned to, nor is it used as
// argument to a function 'out' or 'inout' parameter.
if (Analysis::StatementWritesToVariable(*loopStatement, initDecl.var())) {
return "loop index must not be modified within body of the loop";
// Finally, compute the iteration count, based on the bounds, and the termination operator.
constexpr int kMaxUnrollableLoopLength = 128;
loopInfo.fCount = 0;
double val = loopInfo.fStart;
auto evalCond = [&]() {
switch (cond.getOperator().kind()) {
case Token::Kind::TK_GT: return val > loopEnd;
case Token::Kind::TK_GTEQ: return val >= loopEnd;
case Token::Kind::TK_LT: return val < loopEnd;
case Token::Kind::TK_LTEQ: return val <= loopEnd;
case Token::Kind::TK_EQEQ: return val == loopEnd;
case Token::Kind::TK_NEQ: return val != loopEnd;
for (loopInfo.fCount = 0; loopInfo.fCount <= kMaxUnrollableLoopLength; ++loopInfo.fCount) {
if (!evalCond()) {
val += loopInfo.fDelta;
if (loopInfo.fCount > kMaxUnrollableLoopLength) {
return "loop must guarantee termination in fewer iterations";
return nullptr; // All checks pass
bool Analysis::ForLoopIsValidForES2(int offset,
const Statement* loopInitializer,
const Expression* loopTest,
const Expression* loopNext,
const Statement* loopStatement,
Analysis::UnrollableLoopInfo* outLoopInfo,
ErrorReporter* errors) {
UnrollableLoopInfo ignored,
*loopInfo = outLoopInfo ? outLoopInfo : &ignored;
if (const char* msg = invalid_for_ES2(
offset, loopInitializer, loopTest, loopNext, loopStatement, *loopInfo)) {
if (errors) {
errors->error(offset, msg);
return false;
return true;
// Checks for ES2 constant-expression rules, and (optionally) constant-index-expression rules
// (if loopIndices is non-nullptr)
class ConstantExpressionVisitor : public ProgramVisitor {
ConstantExpressionVisitor(const std::set<const Variable*>* loopIndices)
: fLoopIndices(loopIndices) {}
bool visitExpression(const Expression& e) override {
// A constant-(index)-expression is one of...
switch (e.kind()) {
// ... a literal value
case Expression::Kind::kBoolLiteral:
case Expression::Kind::kIntLiteral:
case Expression::Kind::kFloatLiteral:
return false;
// ... settings can appear in fragment processors; they will resolve when compiled
case Expression::Kind::kSetting:
return false;
// ... a global or local variable qualified as 'const', excluding function parameters.
// ... loop indices as defined in section 4. [constant-index-expression]
case Expression::Kind::kVariableReference: {
const Variable* v =<VariableReference>().variable();
if ((v->storage() == Variable::Storage::kGlobal ||
v->storage() == Variable::Storage::kLocal) &&
(v->modifiers().fFlags & Modifiers::kConst_Flag)) {
return false;
return !fLoopIndices || fLoopIndices->find(v) == fLoopIndices->end();
// ... expressions composed of both of the above
case Expression::Kind::kBinary:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorArray:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorCompound:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorCompoundCast:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorDiagonalMatrix:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorMatrixResize:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorScalarCast:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorSplat:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorStruct:
case Expression::Kind::kFieldAccess:
case Expression::Kind::kIndex:
case Expression::Kind::kPrefix:
case Expression::Kind::kPostfix:
case Expression::Kind::kSwizzle:
case Expression::Kind::kTernary:
return INHERITED::visitExpression(e);
// These are completely disallowed in SkSL constant-(index)-expressions. GLSL allows
// calls to built-in functions where the arguments are all constant-expressions, but
// we don't guarantee that behavior. (
case Expression::Kind::kExternalFunctionCall:
case Expression::Kind::kFunctionCall:
return true;
case Expression::Kind::kPoison:
return true;
// These should never appear in final IR
case Expression::Kind::kExternalFunctionReference:
case Expression::Kind::kFunctionReference:
case Expression::Kind::kTypeReference:
SkDEBUGFAIL("Unexpected expression type");
return true;
const std::set<const Variable*>* fLoopIndices;
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
class ES2IndexingVisitor : public ProgramVisitor {
ES2IndexingVisitor(ErrorReporter& errors) : fErrors(errors) {}
bool visitStatement(const Statement& s) override {
if (<ForStatement>()) {
const ForStatement& f =<ForStatement>();
SkASSERT(f.initializer() && f.initializer()->is<VarDeclaration>());
const Variable* var = &f.initializer()->as<VarDeclaration>().var();
auto [iter, inserted] = fLoopIndices.insert(var);
bool result = this->visitStatement(*f.statement());
return result;
return INHERITED::visitStatement(s);
bool visitExpression(const Expression& e) override {
if (<IndexExpression>()) {
const IndexExpression& i =<IndexExpression>();
ConstantExpressionVisitor indexerInvalid(&fLoopIndices);
if (indexerInvalid.visitExpression(*i.index())) {
fErrors.error(i.fOffset, "index expression must be constant");
return true;
return INHERITED::visitExpression(e);
using ProgramVisitor::visitProgramElement;
ErrorReporter& fErrors;
std::set<const Variable*> fLoopIndices;
using INHERITED = ProgramVisitor;
void Analysis::ValidateIndexingForES2(const ProgramElement& pe, ErrorReporter& errors) {
ES2IndexingVisitor visitor(errors);
bool Analysis::IsConstantExpression(const Expression& expr) {
ConstantExpressionVisitor visitor(/*loopIndices=*/nullptr);
return !visitor.visitExpression(expr);
bool Analysis::CanExitWithoutReturningValue(const FunctionDeclaration& funcDecl,
const Statement& body) {
if (funcDecl.returnType().isVoid()) {
return false;
ReturnsOnAllPathsVisitor visitor;
return !visitor.fFoundReturn;
// ProgramVisitor
bool ProgramVisitor::visit(const Program& program) {
for (const ProgramElement* pe : program.elements()) {
if (this->visitProgramElement(*pe)) {
return true;
return false;
template <typename T> bool TProgramVisitor<T>::visitExpression(typename T::Expression& e) {
switch (e.kind()) {
case Expression::Kind::kBoolLiteral:
case Expression::Kind::kExternalFunctionReference:
case Expression::Kind::kFloatLiteral:
case Expression::Kind::kFunctionReference:
case Expression::Kind::kIntLiteral:
case Expression::Kind::kPoison:
case Expression::Kind::kSetting:
case Expression::Kind::kTypeReference:
case Expression::Kind::kVariableReference:
// Leaf expressions return false
return false;
case Expression::Kind::kBinary: {
auto& b = e.template as<BinaryExpression>();
return (b.left() && this->visitExpressionPtr(b.left())) ||
(b.right() && this->visitExpressionPtr(b.right()));
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorArray:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorCompound:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorCompoundCast:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorDiagonalMatrix:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorMatrixResize:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorScalarCast:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorSplat:
case Expression::Kind::kConstructorStruct: {
auto& c = e.asAnyConstructor();
for (auto& arg : c.argumentSpan()) {
if (this->visitExpressionPtr(arg)) { return true; }
return false;
case Expression::Kind::kExternalFunctionCall: {
auto& c = e.template as<ExternalFunctionCall>();
for (auto& arg : c.arguments()) {
if (this->visitExpressionPtr(arg)) { return true; }
return false;
case Expression::Kind::kFieldAccess:
return this->visitExpressionPtr(e.template as<FieldAccess>().base());
case Expression::Kind::kFunctionCall: {
auto& c = e.template as<FunctionCall>();
for (auto& arg : c.arguments()) {
if (arg && this->visitExpressionPtr(arg)) { return true; }
return false;
case Expression::Kind::kIndex: {
auto& i = e.template as<IndexExpression>();
return this->visitExpressionPtr(i.base()) || this->visitExpressionPtr(i.index());
case Expression::Kind::kPostfix:
return this->visitExpressionPtr(e.template as<PostfixExpression>().operand());
case Expression::Kind::kPrefix:
return this->visitExpressionPtr(e.template as<PrefixExpression>().operand());
case Expression::Kind::kSwizzle: {
auto& s = e.template as<Swizzle>();
return s.base() && this->visitExpressionPtr(s.base());
case Expression::Kind::kTernary: {
auto& t = e.template as<TernaryExpression>();
return this->visitExpressionPtr(t.test()) ||
(t.ifTrue() && this->visitExpressionPtr(t.ifTrue())) ||
(t.ifFalse() && this->visitExpressionPtr(t.ifFalse()));
template <typename T> bool TProgramVisitor<T>::visitStatement(typename T::Statement& s) {
switch (s.kind()) {
case Statement::Kind::kBreak:
case Statement::Kind::kContinue:
case Statement::Kind::kDiscard:
case Statement::Kind::kInlineMarker:
case Statement::Kind::kNop:
// Leaf statements just return false
return false;
case Statement::Kind::kBlock:
for (auto& stmt : s.template as<Block>().children()) {
if (stmt && this->visitStatementPtr(stmt)) {
return true;
return false;
case Statement::Kind::kSwitchCase: {
auto& sc = s.template as<SwitchCase>();
if (sc.value() && this->visitExpressionPtr(sc.value())) {
return true;
return this->visitStatementPtr(sc.statement());
case Statement::Kind::kDo: {
auto& d = s.template as<DoStatement>();
return this->visitExpressionPtr(d.test()) || this->visitStatementPtr(d.statement());
case Statement::Kind::kExpression:
return this->visitExpressionPtr(s.template as<ExpressionStatement>().expression());
case Statement::Kind::kFor: {
auto& f = s.template as<ForStatement>();
return (f.initializer() && this->visitStatementPtr(f.initializer())) ||
(f.test() && this->visitExpressionPtr(f.test())) ||
( && this->visitExpressionPtr( ||
case Statement::Kind::kIf: {
auto& i = s.template as<IfStatement>();
return (i.test() && this->visitExpressionPtr(i.test())) ||
(i.ifTrue() && this->visitStatementPtr(i.ifTrue())) ||
(i.ifFalse() && this->visitStatementPtr(i.ifFalse()));
case Statement::Kind::kReturn: {
auto& r = s.template as<ReturnStatement>();
return r.expression() && this->visitExpressionPtr(r.expression());
case Statement::Kind::kSwitch: {
auto& sw = s.template as<SwitchStatement>();
if (this->visitExpressionPtr(sw.value())) {
return true;
for (auto& c : sw.cases()) {
if (this->visitStatementPtr(c)) {
return true;
return false;
case Statement::Kind::kVarDeclaration: {
auto& v = s.template as<VarDeclaration>();
return v.value() && this->visitExpressionPtr(v.value());
template <typename T> bool TProgramVisitor<T>::visitProgramElement(typename T::ProgramElement& pe) {
switch (pe.kind()) {
case ProgramElement::Kind::kExtension:
case ProgramElement::Kind::kFunctionPrototype:
case ProgramElement::Kind::kInterfaceBlock:
case ProgramElement::Kind::kModifiers:
case ProgramElement::Kind::kStructDefinition:
// Leaf program elements just return false by default
return false;
case ProgramElement::Kind::kFunction:
return this->visitStatementPtr(pe.template as<FunctionDefinition>().body());
case ProgramElement::Kind::kGlobalVar:
return this->visitStatementPtr(pe.template as<GlobalVarDeclaration>().declaration());
template class TProgramVisitor<ProgramVisitorTypes>;
template class TProgramVisitor<ProgramWriterTypes>;
} // namespace SkSL