blob: dcb5d8bf894b22a309c441513b26e76e309c6468 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrContext_DEFINED
#define GrContext_DEFINED
#include "GrColor.h"
#include "GrAARectRenderer.h"
#include "GrClipData.h"
#include "GrMatrix.h"
#include "GrPaint.h"
// not strictly needed but requires WK change in LayerTextureUpdaterCanvas to
// remove.
#include "GrRenderTarget.h"
#include "GrRefCnt.h"
#include "GrTexture.h"
class GrAutoScratchTexture;
class GrCacheKey;
class GrDrawState;
class GrDrawTarget;
class GrEffect;
class GrFontCache;
class GrGpu;
class GrIndexBuffer;
class GrIndexBufferAllocPool;
class GrInOrderDrawBuffer;
class GrPathRenderer;
class GrPathRendererChain;
class GrResourceEntry;
class GrResourceCache;
class GrStencilBuffer;
class GrTextureParams;
class GrVertexBuffer;
class GrVertexBufferAllocPool;
class GrSoftwarePathRenderer;
class GR_API GrContext : public GrRefCnt {
* Creates a GrContext from within a 3D context.
static GrContext* Create(GrEngine engine,
GrPlatform3DContext context3D);
* Returns the number of GrContext instances for the current thread.
static int GetThreadInstanceCount();
virtual ~GrContext();
* The GrContext normally assumes that no outsider is setting state
* within the underlying 3D API's context/device/whatever. This call informs
* the context that the state was modified and it should resend. Shouldn't
* be called frequently for good performance.
void resetContext();
* Callback function to allow classes to cleanup on GrContext destruction.
* The 'info' field is filled in with the 'info' passed to addCleanUp.
typedef void (*PFCleanUpFunc)(const GrContext* context, void* info);
* Add a function to be called from within GrContext's destructor.
* This gives classes a chance to free resources held on a per context basis.
* The 'info' parameter will be stored and passed to the callback function.
void addCleanUp(PFCleanUpFunc cleanUp, void* info) {
CleanUpData* entry = fCleanUpData.push();
entry->fFunc = cleanUp;
entry->fInfo = info;
* Abandons all GPU resources, assumes 3D API state is unknown. Call this
* if you have lost the associated GPU context, and thus internal texture,
* buffer, etc. references/IDs are now invalid. Should be called even when
* GrContext is no longer going to be used for two reasons:
* 1) ~GrContext will not try to free the objects in the 3D API.
* 2) If you've created GrResources that outlive the GrContext they will
* be marked as invalid (GrResource::isValid()) and won't attempt to
* free their underlying resource in the 3D API.
* Content drawn since the last GrContext::flush() may be lost.
void contextLost();
* Similar to contextLost, but makes no attempt to reset state.
* Use this method when GrContext destruction is pending, but
* the graphics context is destroyed first.
void contextDestroyed();
* Frees GPU created by the context. Can be called to reduce GPU memory
* pressure.
void freeGpuResources();
* Returns the number of bytes of GPU memory hosted by the texture cache.
size_t getGpuTextureCacheBytes() const;
// Textures
* Create a new entry, based on the specified key and texture, and return
* a "locked" texture. Must call be balanced with an unlockTexture() call.
* @param params The texture params used to draw a texture may help determine
* the cache entry used. (e.g. different versions may exist
* for different wrap modes on GPUs with limited NPOT
* texture support). NULL implies clamp wrap modes.
* @param desc Description of the texture properties.
* @param cacheData Cache-specific properties (e.g., texture gen ID)
* @param srcData Pointer to the pixel values.
* @param rowBytes The number of bytes between rows of the texture. Zero
* implies tightly packed rows.
GrTexture* createTexture(const GrTextureParams* params,
const GrTextureDesc& desc,
const GrCacheData& cacheData,
void* srcData, size_t rowBytes);
* Look for a texture that matches 'key' in the cache. If not found,
* return NULL.
GrTexture* findTexture(const GrCacheKey& key);
* Search for an entry based on key and dimensions. If found,
* return it. The return value will be NULL if not found.
* @param desc Description of the texture properties.
* @param cacheData Cache-specific properties (e.g., texture gen ID)
* @param params The texture params used to draw a texture may help determine
* the cache entry used. (e.g. different versions may exist
* for different wrap modes on GPUs with limited NPOT
* texture support). NULL implies clamp wrap modes.
GrTexture* findTexture(const GrTextureDesc& desc,
const GrCacheData& cacheData,
const GrTextureParams* params);
* Determines whether a texture is in the cache. If the texture is found it
* will not be locked or returned. This call does not affect the priority of
* the texture for deletion.
bool isTextureInCache(const GrTextureDesc& desc,
const GrCacheData& cacheData,
const GrTextureParams* params) const;
* Enum that determines how closely a returned scratch texture must match
* a provided GrTextureDesc.
enum ScratchTexMatch {
* Finds a texture that exactly matches the descriptor.
* Finds a texture that approximately matches the descriptor. Will be
* at least as large in width and height as desc specifies. If desc
* specifies that texture is a render target then result will be a
* render target. If desc specifies a render target and doesn't set the
* no stencil flag then result will have a stencil. Format and aa level
* will always match.
* Returns a texture matching the desc. It's contents are unknown. Subsequent
* requests with the same descriptor are not guaranteed to return the same
* texture. The same texture is guaranteed not be returned again until it is
* unlocked. Call must be balanced with an unlockTexture() call.
* Textures created by createAndLockTexture() hide the complications of
* tiling non-power-of-two textures on APIs that don't support this (e.g.
* unextended GLES2). Tiling a NPOT texture created by lockScratchTexture on
* such an API will create gaps in the tiling pattern. This includes clamp
* mode. (This may be addressed in a future update.)
GrTexture* lockScratchTexture(const GrTextureDesc& desc,
ScratchTexMatch match);
* When done with an entry, call unlockTexture(entry) on it, which returns
* it to the cache, where it may be purged.
void unlockScratchTexture(GrTexture* texture);
* This method should be called whenever a GrTexture is unreffed or
* switched from exclusive to non-exclusive. This
* gives the resource cache a chance to discard unneeded textures.
* Note: this entry point will be removed once totally ref-driven
* cache maintenance is implemented
void purgeCache();
* Creates a texture that is outside the cache. Does not count against
* cache's budget.
GrTexture* createUncachedTexture(const GrTextureDesc& desc,
void* srcData,
size_t rowBytes);
* Returns true if the specified use of an indexed texture is supported.
* Support may depend upon whether the texture params indicate that the
* texture will be tiled. Passing NULL for the texture params indicates
* clamp mode.
bool supportsIndex8PixelConfig(const GrTextureParams*,
int width,
int height) const;
* Return the current texture cache limits.
* @param maxTextures If non-null, returns maximum number of textures that
* can be held in the cache.
* @param maxTextureBytes If non-null, returns maximum number of bytes of
* texture memory that can be held in the cache.
void getTextureCacheLimits(int* maxTextures, size_t* maxTextureBytes) const;
* Specify the texture cache limits. If the current cache exceeds either
* of these, it will be purged (LRU) to keep the cache within these limits.
* @param maxTextures The maximum number of textures that can be held in
* the cache.
* @param maxTextureBytes The maximum number of bytes of texture memory
* that can be held in the cache.
void setTextureCacheLimits(int maxTextures, size_t maxTextureBytes);
* Return the max width or height of a texture supported by the current GPU.
int getMaxTextureSize() const;
* Return the max width or height of a render target supported by the
* current GPU.
int getMaxRenderTargetSize() const;
// Render targets
* Sets the render target.
* @param target the render target to set. (should not be NULL.)
void setRenderTarget(GrRenderTarget* target);
* Gets the current render target.
* @return the currently bound render target. Should never be NULL.
const GrRenderTarget* getRenderTarget() const;
GrRenderTarget* getRenderTarget();
GrAARectRenderer* getAARectRenderer() { return fAARectRenderer; }
* Can the provided configuration act as a color render target?
bool isConfigRenderable(GrPixelConfig config) const;
// Platform Surfaces
* Wraps an existing texture with a GrTexture object.
* OpenGL: if the object is a texture Gr may change its GL texture params
* when it is drawn.
* @param desc description of the object to create.
* @return GrTexture object or NULL on failure.
GrTexture* createPlatformTexture(const GrPlatformTextureDesc& desc);
* Wraps an existing render target with a GrRenderTarget object. It is
* similar to createPlatformTexture but can be used to draw into surfaces
* that are not also textures (e.g. FBO 0 in OpenGL, or an MSAA buffer that
* the client will resolve to a texture).
* @param desc description of the object to create.
* @return GrTexture object or NULL on failure.
GrRenderTarget* createPlatformRenderTarget(
const GrPlatformRenderTargetDesc& desc);
// Matrix state
* Gets the current transformation matrix.
* @return the current matrix.
const GrMatrix& getMatrix() const;
* Sets the transformation matrix.
* @param m the matrix to set.
void setMatrix(const GrMatrix& m);
* Sets the current transformation matrix to identity.
void setIdentityMatrix();
* Concats the current matrix. The passed matrix is applied before the
* current matrix.
* @param m the matrix to concat.
void concatMatrix(const GrMatrix& m) const;
// Clip state
* Gets the current clip.
* @return the current clip.
const GrClipData* getClip() const;
* Sets the clip.
* @param clipData the clip to set.
void setClip(const GrClipData* clipData);
// Draws
* Clear the entire or rect of the render target, ignoring any clips.
* @param rect the rect to clear or the whole thing if rect is NULL.
* @param color the color to clear to.
* @param target if non-NULL, the render target to clear otherwise clear
* the current render target
void clear(const GrIRect* rect, GrColor color,
GrRenderTarget* target = NULL);
* Draw everywhere (respecting the clip) with the paint.
void drawPaint(const GrPaint& paint);
* Draw the rect using a paint.
* @param paint describes how to color pixels.
* @param strokeWidth If strokeWidth < 0, then the rect is filled, else
* the rect is mitered stroked based on strokeWidth. If
* strokeWidth == 0, then the stroke is always a single
* pixel thick.
* @param matrix Optional matrix applied to the rect. Applied before
* context's matrix or the paint's matrix.
* The rects coords are used to access the paint (through texture matrix)
void drawRect(const GrPaint& paint,
const GrRect&,
GrScalar strokeWidth = -1,
const GrMatrix* matrix = NULL);
* Maps a rect of paint coordinates onto the a rect of destination
* coordinates. Each rect can optionally be transformed. The srcRect
* is stretched over the dstRect. The dstRect is transformed by the
* context's matrix and the srcRect is transformed by the paint's matrix.
* Additional optional matrices can be provided by parameters.
* @param paint describes how to color pixels.
* @param dstRect the destination rect to draw.
* @param srcRect rect of paint coordinates to be mapped onto dstRect
* @param dstMatrix Optional matrix to transform dstRect. Applied before
* context's matrix.
* @param srcMatrix Optional matrix to transform srcRect Applied before
* paint's matrix.
void drawRectToRect(const GrPaint& paint,
const GrRect& dstRect,
const GrRect& srcRect,
const GrMatrix* dstMatrix = NULL,
const GrMatrix* srcMatrix = NULL);
* Draws a path.
* @param paint describes how to color pixels.
* @param path the path to draw
* @param fill the path filling rule to use.
* @param translate optional additional translation applied to the
* path.
void drawPath(const GrPaint& paint, const SkPath& path, GrPathFill fill);
* Draws vertices with a paint.
* @param paint describes how to color pixels.
* @param primitiveType primitives type to draw.
* @param vertexCount number of vertices.
* @param positions array of vertex positions, required.
* @param texCoords optional array of texture coordinates used
* to access the paint.
* @param colors optional array of per-vertex colors, supercedes
* the paint's color field.
* @param indices optional array of indices. If NULL vertices
* are drawn non-indexed.
* @param indexCount if indices is non-null then this is the
* number of indices.
void drawVertices(const GrPaint& paint,
GrPrimitiveType primitiveType,
int vertexCount,
const GrPoint positions[],
const GrPoint texs[],
const GrColor colors[],
const uint16_t indices[],
int indexCount);
* Draws an oval.
* @param paint describes how to color pixels.
* @param rect the bounding rect of the oval.
* @param strokeWidth if strokeWidth < 0, then the oval is filled, else
* the rect is stroked based on strokeWidth. If
* strokeWidth == 0, then the stroke is always a single
* pixel thick.
void drawOval(const GrPaint& paint,
const GrRect& rect,
SkScalar strokeWidth);
// Misc.
* Flags that affect flush() behavior.
enum FlushBits {
* A client may want Gr to bind a GrRenderTarget in the 3D API so that
* it can be rendered to directly. However, Gr lazily sets state. Simply
* calling setRenderTarget() followed by flush() without flags may not
* bind the render target. This flag forces the context to bind the last
* set render target in the 3D API.
kForceCurrentRenderTarget_FlushBit = 0x1,
* A client may reach a point where it has partially rendered a frame
* through a GrContext that it knows the user will never see. This flag
* causes the flush to skip submission of deferred content to the 3D API
* during the flush.
kDiscard_FlushBit = 0x2,
* Call to ensure all drawing to the context has been issued to the
* underlying 3D API.
* @param flagsBitfield flags that control the flushing behavior. See
* FlushBits.
void flush(int flagsBitfield = 0);
* These flags can be used with the read/write pixels functions below.
enum PixelOpsFlags {
/** The GrContext will not be flushed. This means that the read or write may occur before
previous draws have executed. */
kDontFlush_PixelOpsFlag = 0x1,
/** The src for write or dst read is unpremultiplied. This is only respected if both the
config src and dst configs are an RGBA/BGRA 8888 format. */
kUnpremul_PixelOpsFlag = 0x2,
* Reads a rectangle of pixels from a render target.
* @param target the render target to read from. NULL means the current render target.
* @param left left edge of the rectangle to read (inclusive)
* @param top top edge of the rectangle to read (inclusive)
* @param width width of rectangle to read in pixels.
* @param height height of rectangle to read in pixels.
* @param config the pixel config of the destination buffer
* @param buffer memory to read the rectangle into.
* @param rowBytes number of bytes bewtween consecutive rows. Zero means rows are tightly
* packed.
* @param pixelOpsFlags see PixelOpsFlags enum above.
* @return true if the read succeeded, false if not. The read can fail because of an unsupported
* pixel config or because no render target is currently set and NULL was passed for
* target.
bool readRenderTargetPixels(GrRenderTarget* target,
int left, int top, int width, int height,
GrPixelConfig config, void* buffer,
size_t rowBytes = 0,
uint32_t pixelOpsFlags = 0);
* Copy the src pixels [buffer, row bytes, pixel config] into a render target at the specified
* rectangle.
* @param target the render target to write into. NULL means the current render target.
* @param left left edge of the rectangle to write (inclusive)
* @param top top edge of the rectangle to write (inclusive)
* @param width width of rectangle to write in pixels.
* @param height height of rectangle to write in pixels.
* @param config the pixel config of the source buffer
* @param buffer memory to read the rectangle from.
* @param rowBytes number of bytes between consecutive rows. Zero means rows are tightly
* packed.
* @param pixelOpsFlags see PixelOpsFlags enum above.
void writeRenderTargetPixels(GrRenderTarget* target,
int left, int top, int width, int height,
GrPixelConfig config, const void* buffer,
size_t rowBytes = 0,
uint32_t pixelOpsFlags = 0);
* Reads a rectangle of pixels from a texture.
* @param texture the texture to read from.
* @param left left edge of the rectangle to read (inclusive)
* @param top top edge of the rectangle to read (inclusive)
* @param width width of rectangle to read in pixels.
* @param height height of rectangle to read in pixels.
* @param config the pixel config of the destination buffer
* @param buffer memory to read the rectangle into.
* @param rowBytes number of bytes between consecutive rows. Zero means rows are tightly
* packed.
* @param pixelOpsFlags see PixelOpsFlags enum above.
* @return true if the read succeeded, false if not. The read can fail because of an unsupported
* pixel config.
bool readTexturePixels(GrTexture* texture,
int left, int top, int width, int height,
GrPixelConfig config, void* buffer,
size_t rowBytes = 0,
uint32_t pixelOpsFlags = 0);
* Writes a rectangle of pixels to a texture.
* @param texture the render target to read from.
* @param left left edge of the rectangle to write (inclusive)
* @param top top edge of the rectangle to write (inclusive)
* @param width width of rectangle to write in pixels.
* @param height height of rectangle to write in pixels.
* @param config the pixel config of the source buffer
* @param buffer memory to read pixels from
* @param rowBytes number of bytes between consecutive rows. Zero
* means rows are tightly packed.
* @param pixelOpsFlags see PixelOpsFlags enum above.
void writeTexturePixels(GrTexture* texture,
int left, int top, int width, int height,
GrPixelConfig config, const void* buffer,
size_t rowBytes,
uint32_t pixelOpsFlags = 0);
* Copies all texels from one texture to another.
* @param src the texture to copy from.
* @param dst the render target to copy to.
void copyTexture(GrTexture* src, GrRenderTarget* dst);
* Resolves a render target that has MSAA. The intermediate MSAA buffer is
* down-sampled to the associated GrTexture (accessible via
* GrRenderTarget::asTexture()). Any pending draws to the render target will
* be executed before the resolve.
* This is only necessary when a client wants to access the object directly
* using the underlying graphics API. GrContext will detect when it must
* perform a resolve to a GrTexture used as the source of a draw or before
* reading pixels back from a GrTexture or GrRenderTarget.
void resolveRenderTarget(GrRenderTarget* target);
* Applies a 2D Gaussian blur to a given texture.
* @param srcTexture The source texture to be blurred.
* @param canClobberSrc If true, srcTexture may be overwritten, and
* may be returned as the result.
* @param rect The destination rectangle.
* @param sigmaX The blur's standard deviation in X.
* @param sigmaY The blur's standard deviation in Y.
* @return the blurred texture, which may be srcTexture reffed, or a
* new texture. It is the caller's responsibility to unref this texture.
GrTexture* gaussianBlur(GrTexture* srcTexture,
bool canClobberSrc,
const SkRect& rect,
float sigmaX, float sigmaY);
* Zooms a subset of the texture to a larger size with a nice edge.
* The inner rectangle is a simple scaling of the texture by a factor of
* |zoom|. The outer |inset| pixels transition from the background texture
* to the zoomed coordinate system at a rate of
* (distance_to_edge / inset) ^2, producing a rounded lens effect.
* @param srcTexture The source texture to be zoomed.
* @param dstRect The destination rectangle.
* @param srcRect The source rectangle. Must be smaller than
* dstRect
* @param inset Number of pixels to blend along the edges.
* @return the zoomed texture, which is dstTexture.
GrTexture* zoom(GrTexture* srcTexture,
const SkRect& dstRect, const SkRect& srcRect, float inset);
// Helpers
class AutoRenderTarget : public ::GrNoncopyable {
AutoRenderTarget(GrContext* context, GrRenderTarget* target) {
fPrevTarget = context->getRenderTarget();
fContext = context;
AutoRenderTarget(GrContext* context) {
fPrevTarget = context->getRenderTarget();
fContext = context;
~AutoRenderTarget() {
if (NULL != fContext) {
GrContext* fContext;
GrRenderTarget* fPrevTarget;
* Save/restore the view-matrix in the context. It can optionally adjust a paint to account
* for a coordinate system change. Here is an example of how the paint param can be used:
* A GrPaint is setup with GrEffects. The stages will have access to the pre-matrix source
* geometry positions when the draw is executed. Later on a decision is made to transform the
* geometry to device space on the CPU. The effects now need to know that the space in which
* the geometry will be specified has changed.
* Note that when restore is called (or in the destructor) the context's matrix will be
* restored. However, the paint will not be restored. The caller must make a copy of the
* paint if necessary. Hint: use SkTCopyOnFirstWrite if the AutoMatrix is conditionally
* initialized.
class AutoMatrix : GrNoncopyable {
AutoMatrix() : fContext(NULL) {}
~AutoMatrix() { this->restore(); }
* Initializes by pre-concat'ing the context's current matrix with the preConcat param.
void setPreConcat(GrContext* context, const GrMatrix& preConcat, GrPaint* paint = NULL) {
GrAssert(NULL != context);
fContext = context;
fMatrix = context->getMatrix();
this->preConcat(preConcat, paint);
* Sets the context's matrix to identity. Returns false if the inverse matrix is required to
* update a paint but the matrix cannot be inverted.
bool setIdentity(GrContext* context, GrPaint* paint = NULL) {
GrAssert(NULL != context);
if (NULL != paint) {
if (!paint->sourceCoordChangeByInverse(context->getMatrix())) {
return false;
fMatrix = context->getMatrix();
fContext = context;
return true;
* Replaces the context's matrix with a new matrix. Returns false if the inverse matrix is
* required to update a paint but the matrix cannot be inverted.
bool set(GrContext* context, const GrMatrix& newMatrix, GrPaint* paint = NULL) {
if (NULL != paint) {
if (!this->setIdentity(context, paint)) {
return false;
this->preConcat(newMatrix, paint);
} else {
fContext = context;
fMatrix = context->getMatrix();
return true;
* If this has been initialized then the context's matrix will be further updated by
* pre-concat'ing the preConcat param. The matrix that will be restored remains unchanged.
* The paint is assumed to be relative to the context's matrix at the time this call is
* made, not the matrix at the time AutoMatrix was first initialized. In other words, this
* performs an incremental update of the paint.
void preConcat(const GrMatrix& preConcat, GrPaint* paint = NULL) {
if (NULL != paint) {
* Returns false if never initialized or the inverse matrix was required to update a paint
* but the matrix could not be inverted.
bool succeeded() const { return NULL != fContext; }
* If this has been initialized then the context's original matrix is restored.
void restore() {
if (NULL != fContext) {
fContext = NULL;
GrContext* fContext;
GrMatrix fMatrix;
class AutoClip : GrNoncopyable {
// This enum exists to require a caller of the constructor to acknowledge that the clip will
// initially be wide open. It also could be extended if there are other desirable initial
// clip states.
enum InitialClip {
AutoClip(GrContext* context, InitialClip initialState)
: fContext(context) {
GrAssert(kWideOpen_InitialClip == initialState);
fNewClipData.fClipStack = &fNewClipStack;
fOldClip = context->getClip();
AutoClip(GrContext* context, const GrRect& newClipRect)
: fContext(context)
, fNewClipStack(newClipRect) {
fNewClipData.fClipStack = &fNewClipStack;
fOldClip = fContext->getClip();
~AutoClip() {
if (NULL != fContext) {
GrContext* fContext;
const GrClipData* fOldClip;
SkClipStack fNewClipStack;
GrClipData fNewClipData;
class AutoWideOpenIdentityDraw {
AutoWideOpenIdentityDraw(GrContext* ctx, GrRenderTarget* rt)
: fAutoClip(ctx, AutoClip::kWideOpen_InitialClip)
, fAutoRT(ctx, rt) {
// should never fail with no paint param.
AutoClip fAutoClip;
AutoRenderTarget fAutoRT;
AutoMatrix fAutoMatrix;
// Functions intended for internal use only.
GrGpu* getGpu() { return fGpu; }
const GrGpu* getGpu() const { return fGpu; }
GrFontCache* getFontCache() { return fFontCache; }
GrDrawTarget* getTextTarget(const GrPaint& paint);
const GrIndexBuffer* getQuadIndexBuffer() const;
* Stencil buffers add themselves to the cache using addStencilBuffer. findStencilBuffer is
* called to check the cache for a SB that matches an RT's criteria.
void addStencilBuffer(GrStencilBuffer* sb);
GrStencilBuffer* findStencilBuffer(int width, int height, int sampleCnt);
GrPathRenderer* getPathRenderer(const SkPath& path,
GrPathFill fill,
const GrDrawTarget* target,
bool antiAlias,
bool allowSW);
void printCacheStats() const;
// Used to indicate whether a draw should be performed immediately or queued in fDrawBuffer.
enum BufferedDraw {
BufferedDraw fLastDrawWasBuffered;
GrGpu* fGpu;
GrDrawState* fDrawState;
GrResourceCache* fTextureCache;
GrFontCache* fFontCache;
GrPathRendererChain* fPathRendererChain;
GrSoftwarePathRenderer* fSoftwarePathRenderer;
GrVertexBufferAllocPool* fDrawBufferVBAllocPool;
GrIndexBufferAllocPool* fDrawBufferIBAllocPool;
GrInOrderDrawBuffer* fDrawBuffer;
GrAARectRenderer* fAARectRenderer;
bool fDidTestPMConversions;
int fPMToUPMConversion;
int fUPMToPMConversion;
struct CleanUpData {
PFCleanUpFunc fFunc;
void* fInfo;
SkTDArray<CleanUpData> fCleanUpData;
GrContext(GrGpu* gpu);
void setupDrawBuffer();
void flushDrawBuffer();
/// Sets the paint and returns the target to draw into. The paint can be NULL in which case the
/// draw state is left unmodified.
GrDrawTarget* prepareToDraw(const GrPaint*, BufferedDraw);
void internalDrawPath(const GrPaint& paint, const SkPath& path, GrPathFill fill);
GrTexture* createResizedTexture(const GrTextureDesc& desc,
const GrCacheData& cacheData,
void* srcData,
size_t rowBytes,
bool needsFiltering);
// Needed so GrTexture's returnToCache helper function can call
// addExistingTextureToCache
friend class GrTexture;
// Add an existing texture to the texture cache. This is intended solely
// for use with textures released from an GrAutoScratchTexture.
void addExistingTextureToCache(GrTexture* texture);
GrEffect* createPMToUPMEffect(GrTexture* texture, bool swapRAndB);
GrEffect* createUPMToPMEffect(GrTexture* texture, bool swapRAndB);
typedef GrRefCnt INHERITED;
* Gets and locks a scratch texture from a descriptor using either exact or approximate criteria.
* Unlocks texture in the destructor.
class GrAutoScratchTexture : ::GrNoncopyable {
: fContext(NULL)
, fTexture(NULL) {
GrAutoScratchTexture(GrContext* context,
const GrTextureDesc& desc,
GrContext::ScratchTexMatch match =
: fContext(NULL)
, fTexture(NULL) {
this->set(context, desc, match);
~GrAutoScratchTexture() {
void reset() {
if (NULL != fContext && NULL != fTexture) {
fTexture = NULL;
* When detaching a texture we do not unlock it in the texture cache but
* we do set the returnToCache flag. In this way the texture remains
* "locked" in the texture cache until it is freed and recycled in
* GrTexture::internal_dispose. In reality, the texture has been removed
* from the cache (because this is in AutoScratchTexture) and by not
* calling unlockTexture we simply don't re-add it. It will be reattached
* in GrTexture::internal_dispose.
* Note that the caller is assumed to accept and manage the ref to the
* returned texture.
GrTexture* detach() {
GrTexture* temp = fTexture;
// Conceptually the texture's cache entry loses its ref to the
// texture while the caller of this method gets a ref.
GrAssert(NULL != temp->getCacheEntry());
fTexture = NULL;
temp->setFlag((GrTextureFlags) GrTexture::kReturnToCache_FlagBit);
return temp;
GrTexture* set(GrContext* context,
const GrTextureDesc& desc,
GrContext::ScratchTexMatch match =
GrContext::kApprox_ScratchTexMatch) {
fContext = context;
if (NULL != fContext) {
fTexture = fContext->lockScratchTexture(desc, match);
if (NULL == fTexture) {
fContext = NULL;
return fTexture;
} else {
return NULL;
GrTexture* texture() { return fTexture; }
GrContext* fContext;
GrTexture* fTexture;