blob: 21bf7169d4dfa607bf627724612bb4cc9f85c675 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#define __NO_STD_VECTOR // Uses cl::vectpr instead of std::vectpr
#define __NO_STD_STRING // Uses cl::STRING_CLASS instead of std::string
#include <CL/cl.hpp>
#include "SkOSFile.h"
#include "SkStream.h"
#include "SkString.h"
#include "SkTArray.h"
#include "SkTDArray.h"
#include "SkImageDiffer.h"
#include "SkCLImageDiffer.h"
#include "skpdiff_util.h"
/// A callback for any OpenCL errors
CL_CALLBACK void error_notify(const char* errorInfo, const void* privateInfoSize, ::size_t cb, void* userData) {
SkDebugf("OpenCL error notify: %s\n", errorInfo);
/// Creates a device and context with OpenCL
static bool init_device_and_context(cl::Device* device, cl::Context* context) {
// Query for a platform
cl::vector<cl::Platform> platformList;
SkDebugf("The number of platforms is %u\n", platformList.size());
// Print some information about the platform for debugging
cl::Platform& platform = platformList[0];
cl::STRING_CLASS platformName;
platform.getInfo(CL_PLATFORM_NAME, &platformName);
SkDebugf("Platform index 0 is named %s\n", platformName.c_str());
// Query for a device
cl::vector<cl::Device> deviceList;
platform.getDevices(CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, &deviceList);
SkDebugf("The number of GPU devices is %u\n", deviceList.size());
// Print some information about the device for debugging
*device = deviceList[0];
cl::STRING_CLASS deviceName;
device->getInfo(CL_DEVICE_NAME, &deviceName);
SkDebugf("Device index 0 is named %s\n", deviceName.c_str());
// Create a CL context and check for all errors
cl_int contextErr = CL_SUCCESS;
*context = cl::Context(deviceList, NULL, error_notify, NULL, &contextErr);
if (contextErr != CL_SUCCESS) {
SkDebugf("Context creation failed: %s\n", cl_error_to_string(contextErr));
return false;
return true;
/// Compares two directories of images with the given differ
static void diff_directories(const char baselinePath[], const char testPath[], SkImageDiffer* differ) {
// Get the files in the baseline, we will then look for those inside the test path
SkTArray<SkString> baselineEntries;
if (!get_directory(baselinePath, &baselineEntries)) {
SkDebugf("Unable to open path \"%s\"\n", baselinePath);
SkTDArray<int> queuedDiffIDs;
for (int baselineIndex = 0; baselineIndex < baselineEntries.count(); baselineIndex++) {
const char* baseFilename = baselineEntries[baselineIndex].c_str();
SkDebugf("%s\n", baseFilename);
// Find the real location of each file to compare
SkString baselineFile = SkOSPath::SkPathJoin(baselinePath, baseFilename);
SkString testFile = SkOSPath::SkPathJoin(testPath, baseFilename);
// Check that the test file exists and is a file
if (sk_exists(testFile.c_str()) && !sk_isdir(testFile.c_str())) {
// Queue up the comparison with the differ
int diffID = differ->queueDiffOfFile(baselineFile.c_str(), testFile.c_str());
if (diffID >= 0) {
SkDebugf("Result: %f\n", differ->getResult(diffID));
} else {
SkDebugf("Baseline file \"%s\" has no corresponding test file\n", baselineFile.c_str());
static void print_help()
"Usage:\n" \
"skpdiff <baseline directory> <test directory>\n\n"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc != 3)
return 1;
// Setup OpenCL
cl::Device device;
cl::Context context;
if (!init_device_and_context(&device, &context)) {
return 1;
// Setup our differ of choice
SkCLImageDiffer* differ = SkNEW(SkDifferentPixelsImageDiffer);
if (!differ->init(device(), context())) {
return 1;
// Diff our folders
diff_directories(argv[1], argv[2], differ);
return 0;