blob: 66a20de9d55872dc601430c19067364e5f3cadff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
#include "include/core/SkBlurTypes.h"
#include "include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "include/core/SkFontMgr.h"
#include "include/core/SkPictureRecorder.h"
#include "modules/skparagraph/src/OneLineShaper.h"
#include "modules/skparagraph/src/ParagraphImpl.h"
#include "modules/skparagraph/src/Run.h"
#include "modules/skparagraph/src/TextWrapper.h"
#include "src/core/SkSpan.h"
#include "src/utils/SkUTF.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <unicode/ustring.h>
#include <queue>
namespace skia {
namespace textlayout {
namespace {
using ICUUText = std::unique_ptr<UText, SkFunctionWrapper<decltype(utext_close), utext_close>>;
using ICUBiDi = std::unique_ptr<UBiDi, SkFunctionWrapper<decltype(ubidi_close), ubidi_close>>;
SkScalar littleRound(SkScalar a) {
// This rounding is done to match Flutter tests. Must be removed..
return SkScalarRoundToScalar(a * 100.0)/100.0;
/** Replaces invalid utf-8 sequences with REPLACEMENT CHARACTER U+FFFD. */
static inline SkUnichar utf8_next(const char** ptr, const char* end) {
SkUnichar val = SkUTF::NextUTF8(ptr, end);
return val < 0 ? 0xFFFD : val;
TextRange operator*(const TextRange& a, const TextRange& b) {
if (a.start == b.start && a.end == b.end) return a;
auto begin = SkTMax(a.start, b.start);
auto end = SkTMin(a.end, b.end);
return end > begin ? TextRange(begin, end) : EMPTY_TEXT;
bool TextBreaker::initialize(SkSpan<const char> text, UBreakIteratorType type) {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
fIterator = nullptr;
fSize = text.size();
std::unique_ptr<UText, SkFunctionWrapper<decltype(utext_close), utext_close>> utf8UText(
utext_openUTF8(&sUtf8UText, text.begin(), text.size(), &status));
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
SkDEBUGF("Could not create utf8UText: %s", u_errorName(status));
return false;
fIterator.reset(ubrk_open(type, "en", nullptr, 0, &status));
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
SkDEBUGF("Could not create line break iterator: %s", u_errorName(status));
ubrk_setUText(fIterator.get(), utf8UText.get(), &status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
SkDEBUGF("Could not setText on break iterator: %s", u_errorName(status));
return false;
fInitialized = true;
fPos = 0;
return true;
ParagraphImpl::ParagraphImpl(const SkString& text,
ParagraphStyle style,
SkTArray<Block, true> blocks,
SkTArray<Placeholder, true> placeholders,
sk_sp<FontCollection> fonts)
: Paragraph(std::move(style), std::move(fonts))
, fTextStyles(std::move(blocks))
, fPlaceholders(std::move(placeholders))
, fText(text)
, fState(kUnknown)
, fUnresolvedGlyphs(0)
, fPicture(nullptr)
, fStrutMetrics(false)
, fOldWidth(0)
, fOldHeight(0)
, fOrigin(SkRect::MakeEmpty()) {
// TODO: extractStyles();
ParagraphImpl::ParagraphImpl(const std::u16string& utf16text,
ParagraphStyle style,
SkTArray<Block, true> blocks,
SkTArray<Placeholder, true> placeholders,
sk_sp<FontCollection> fonts)
: Paragraph(std::move(style), std::move(fonts))
, fTextStyles(std::move(blocks))
, fPlaceholders(std::move(placeholders))
, fState(kUnknown)
, fUnresolvedGlyphs(0)
, fPicture(nullptr)
, fStrutMetrics(false)
, fOldWidth(0)
, fOldHeight(0)
, fOrigin(SkRect::MakeEmpty()) {
icu::UnicodeString unicode((UChar*), SkToS32(utf16text.size()));
std::string str;
fText = SkString(, str.size());
// TODO: extractStyles();
ParagraphImpl::~ParagraphImpl() = default;
int32_t ParagraphImpl::unresolvedGlyphs() {
if (fState < kShaped) {
return -1;
return fUnresolvedGlyphs;
void ParagraphImpl::layout(SkScalar rawWidth) {
// TODO: This rounding is done to match Flutter tests. Must be removed...
auto floorWidth = SkScalarFloorToScalar(rawWidth);
if (fState < kShaped) {
// Layout marked as dirty for performance/testing reasons
} else if (fState >= kLineBroken && (fOldWidth != floorWidth || fOldHeight != fHeight)) {
// We can use the results from SkShaper but have to break lines again
fState = kShaped;
if (fState < kShaped) {
if (!this->shapeTextIntoEndlessLine()) {
// TODO: merge the two next calls - they always come together
// Set the important values that are not zero
fWidth = floorWidth;
fHeight = fEmptyMetrics.height();
if (fParagraphStyle.getStrutStyle().getStrutEnabled() &&
fParagraphStyle.getStrutStyle().getForceStrutHeight()) {
fHeight = fStrutMetrics.height();
fAlphabeticBaseline = fEmptyMetrics.alphabeticBaseline();
fIdeographicBaseline = fEmptyMetrics.ideographicBaseline();
fMinIntrinsicWidth = 0;
fMaxIntrinsicWidth = 0;
this->fOldWidth = floorWidth;
this->fOldHeight = this->fHeight;
if (fState < kShaped) {
fState = kShaped;
} else {
if (fState < kMarked) {
fState = kClusterized;
fState = kMarked;
// Add the paragraph to the cache
if (fState >= kLineBroken) {
if (fOldWidth != floorWidth || fOldHeight != fHeight) {
fState = kMarked;
if (fState < kLineBroken) {
fState = kLineBroken;
if (fState < kFormatted) {
// Build the picture lazily not until we actually have to paint (or never)
// We have to calculate the paragraph boundaries only after we format the lines
fState = kFormatted;
this->fOldWidth = floorWidth;
this->fOldHeight = this->fHeight;
// TODO: This rounding is done to match Flutter tests. Must be removed...
fMinIntrinsicWidth = littleRound(fMinIntrinsicWidth);
fMaxIntrinsicWidth = littleRound(fMaxIntrinsicWidth);
// TODO: This is strictly Flutter thing. Must be factored out into some flutter code
if (fParagraphStyle.getMaxLines() == 1 || (fParagraphStyle.unlimited_lines() && fParagraphStyle.ellipsized())) {
fMinIntrinsicWidth = fMaxIntrinsicWidth;
void ParagraphImpl::paint(SkCanvas* canvas, SkScalar x, SkScalar y) {
if (fState < kDrawn) {
// Record the picture anyway (but if we have some pieces in the cache they will be used)
fState = kDrawn;
SkMatrix matrix = SkMatrix::MakeTrans(x + fOrigin.fLeft, y + fOrigin.fTop);
canvas->drawPicture(fPicture, &matrix, nullptr);
void ParagraphImpl::resetContext() {
fAlphabeticBaseline = 0;
fHeight = 0;
fWidth = 0;
fIdeographicBaseline = 0;
fMaxIntrinsicWidth = 0;
fMinIntrinsicWidth = 0;
fLongestLine = 0;
fMaxWidthWithTrailingSpaces = 0;
fExceededMaxLines = false;
// Clusters in the order of the input text
void ParagraphImpl::buildClusterTable() {
// Walk through all the run in the direction of input text
for (RunIndex runIndex = 0; runIndex < fRuns.size(); ++runIndex) {
auto& run = fRuns[runIndex];
auto runStart = fClusters.size();
if (run.isPlaceholder()) {
// There are no glyphs but we want to have one cluster
SkSpan<const char> text = this->text(run.textRange());
if (!fClusters.empty()) {
auto& cluster = fClusters.emplace_back(this, runIndex, 0ul, 1ul, text, run.advance().fX,
} else {
fClusters.reserve(fClusters.size() + run.size());
// Walk through the glyph in the direction of input text
run.iterateThroughClustersInTextOrder([runIndex, this](size_t glyphStart,
size_t glyphEnd,
size_t charStart,
size_t charEnd,
SkScalar width,
SkScalar height) {
SkASSERT(charEnd >= charStart);
SkSpan<const char> text(fText.c_str() + charStart, charEnd - charStart);
auto& cluster = fClusters.emplace_back(this, runIndex, glyphStart, glyphEnd, text,
width, height);
run.setClusterRange(runStart, fClusters.size());
fMaxIntrinsicWidth += run.advance().fX;
void ParagraphImpl::markLineBreaks() {
// Find all possible (soft) line breaks
// This iterator is used only once for a paragraph so we don't have to keep it
TextBreaker breaker;
if (!breaker.initialize(this->text(), UBRK_LINE)) {
Cluster* current = fClusters.begin();
while (!breaker.eof() && current < fClusters.end()) {
size_t currentPos =;
while (current < fClusters.end()) {
if (current->textRange().end > currentPos) {
} else if (current->textRange().end == currentPos) {
current->setBreakType(breaker.status() == UBRK_LINE_HARD
? Cluster::BreakType::HardLineBreak
: Cluster::BreakType::SoftLineBreak);
// Walk through all the clusters in the direction of shaped text
// (we have to walk through the styles in the same order, too)
SkScalar shift = 0;
for (auto& run : fRuns) {
// Skip placeholder runs
if (run.isPlaceholder()) {
bool soFarWhitespacesOnly = true;
for (size_t index = 0; index != run.clusterRange().width(); ++index) {
auto correctIndex = run.leftToRight()
? index + run.clusterRange().start
: run.clusterRange().end - index - 1;
const auto cluster = &this->cluster(correctIndex);
// Shift the cluster (shift collected from the previous clusters)
run.shift(cluster, shift);
// Synchronize styles (one cluster can be covered by few styles)
Block* currentStyle = this->fTextStyles.begin();
while (!cluster->startsIn(currentStyle->fRange)) {
SkASSERT(currentStyle != this->fTextStyles.end());
// Process word spacing
if (currentStyle->fStyle.getWordSpacing() != 0) {
if (cluster->isWhitespaces() && cluster->isSoftBreak()) {
if (!soFarWhitespacesOnly) {
shift += run.addSpacesAtTheEnd(currentStyle->fStyle.getWordSpacing(), cluster);
// Process letter spacing
if (currentStyle->fStyle.getLetterSpacing() != 0) {
shift += run.addSpacesEvenly(currentStyle->fStyle.getLetterSpacing(), cluster);
if (soFarWhitespacesOnly && !cluster->isWhitespaces()) {
soFarWhitespacesOnly = false;
fClusters.emplace_back(this, EMPTY_RUN, 0, 0, SkSpan<const char>(), 0, 0);
bool ParagraphImpl::shapeTextIntoEndlessLine() {
if (fText.size() == 0) {
return false;
// Check the font-resolved text against the cache
if (fFontCollection->getParagraphCache()->findParagraph(this)) {
return true;
OneLineShaper oneLineShaper(this);
auto result = oneLineShaper.shape();
fUnresolvedGlyphs = oneLineShaper.unresolvedGlyphs();
if (!result) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
void ParagraphImpl::breakShapedTextIntoLines(SkScalar maxWidth) {
TextWrapper textWrapper;
[&](TextRange text,
TextRange textWithSpaces,
ClusterRange clusters,
ClusterRange clustersWithGhosts,
SkScalar widthWithSpaces,
size_t startPos,
size_t endPos,
SkVector offset,
SkVector advance,
InternalLineMetrics metrics,
bool addEllipsis) {
// TODO: Take in account clipped edges
auto& line = this->addLine(offset, advance, text, textWithSpaces, clusters, clustersWithGhosts, widthWithSpaces, metrics);
if (addEllipsis) {
line.createEllipsis(maxWidth, fParagraphStyle.getEllipsis(), true);
if (line.ellipsis() != nullptr) {
// Make sure the paragraph boundaries include its ellipsis
auto size = line.ellipsis()->advance();
auto offset = line.ellipsis()->offset();
SkRect boundaries = SkRect::MakeXYWH(offset.fX, offset.fY, size.fX, size.fY);
fLongestLine = SkTMax(fLongestLine, nearlyZero(advance.fX) ? widthWithSpaces : advance.fX);
fHeight = textWrapper.height();
fWidth = maxWidth;
fMaxIntrinsicWidth = textWrapper.maxIntrinsicWidth();
fMinIntrinsicWidth = textWrapper.minIntrinsicWidth();
fAlphabeticBaseline = fLines.empty() ? fEmptyMetrics.alphabeticBaseline() : fLines.front().alphabeticBaseline();
fIdeographicBaseline = fLines.empty() ? fEmptyMetrics.ideographicBaseline() : fLines.front().ideographicBaseline();
fExceededMaxLines = textWrapper.exceededMaxLines();
void ParagraphImpl::formatLines(SkScalar maxWidth) {
auto effectiveAlign = fParagraphStyle.effective_align();
if (!SkScalarIsFinite(maxWidth) && effectiveAlign != TextAlign::kLeft) {
// Special case: clean all text in case of maxWidth == INF & align != left
// We had to go through shaping though because we need all the measurement numbers
if (effectiveAlign == TextAlign::kJustify) {
for (auto& line : fLines) {
if (&line == &fLines.back() && effectiveAlign == TextAlign::kJustify) {
effectiveAlign = line.assumedTextAlign();
line.format(effectiveAlign, maxWidth);
void ParagraphImpl::paintLinesIntoPicture() {
SkPictureRecorder recorder;
SkCanvas* textCanvas = recorder.beginRecording(fOrigin.width(), fOrigin.height(), nullptr, 0);
textCanvas->translate(-fOrigin.fLeft, -fOrigin.fTop);
for (auto& line : fLines) {
fPicture = recorder.finishRecordingAsPicture();
void ParagraphImpl::resolveStrut() {
auto strutStyle = this->paragraphStyle().getStrutStyle();
if (!strutStyle.getStrutEnabled() || strutStyle.getFontSize() < 0) {
std::vector<sk_sp<SkTypeface>> typefaces = fFontCollection->findTypefaces(strutStyle.getFontFamilies(), strutStyle.getFontStyle());
if (typefaces.empty()) {
SkDEBUGF("Could not resolve strut font\n");
SkFont font(typefaces.front(), strutStyle.getFontSize());
SkFontMetrics metrics;
if (strutStyle.getHeightOverride()) {
auto strutHeight = metrics.fDescent - metrics.fAscent;
auto strutMultiplier = strutStyle.getHeight() * strutStyle.getFontSize();
fStrutMetrics = InternalLineMetrics(
(metrics.fAscent / strutHeight) * strutMultiplier,
(metrics.fDescent / strutHeight) * strutMultiplier,
strutStyle.getLeading() < 0 ? 0 : strutStyle.getLeading() * strutStyle.getFontSize());
} else {
fStrutMetrics = InternalLineMetrics(
strutStyle.getLeading() < 0 ? 0
: strutStyle.getLeading() * strutStyle.getFontSize());
BlockRange ParagraphImpl::findAllBlocks(TextRange textRange) {
BlockIndex begin = EMPTY_BLOCK;
BlockIndex end = EMPTY_BLOCK;
for (size_t index = 0; index < fTextStyles.size(); ++index) {
auto& block = fTextStyles[index];
if (block.fRange.end <= textRange.start) {
if (block.fRange.start >= textRange.end) {
if (begin == EMPTY_BLOCK) {
begin = index;
end = index;
return { begin, end + 1 };
void ParagraphImpl::calculateBoundaries() {
for (auto& line : fLines) {
TextLine& ParagraphImpl::addLine(SkVector offset,
SkVector advance,
TextRange text,
TextRange textWithSpaces,
ClusterRange clusters,
ClusterRange clustersWithGhosts,
SkScalar widthWithSpaces,
InternalLineMetrics sizes) {
// Define a list of styles that covers the line
auto blocks = findAllBlocks(text);
return fLines.emplace_back(this, offset, advance, blocks, text, textWithSpaces, clusters, clustersWithGhosts, widthWithSpaces, sizes);
void ParagraphImpl::markGraphemes16() {
if (!fGraphemes16.empty()) {
// This breaker gets called only once for a paragraph so we don't have to keep it
TextBreaker breaker;
if (!breaker.initialize(this->text(), UBRK_CHARACTER)) {
auto ptr = fText.c_str();
auto end = fText.c_str() + fText.size();
while (ptr < end) {
size_t index = ptr - fText.c_str();
SkUnichar u = SkUTF::NextUTF8(&ptr, end);
uint16_t buffer[2];
size_t count = SkUTF::ToUTF16(u, buffer);
fCodePoints.emplace_back(EMPTY_INDEX, index, count > 1 ? 2 : 1);
if (count > 1) {
fCodePoints.emplace_back(EMPTY_INDEX, index, 1);
CodepointRange codepoints(0ul, 0ul);
size_t endPos = 0;
while (!breaker.eof()) {
auto startPos = endPos;
endPos =;
// Collect all the codepoints that belong to the grapheme
while (codepoints.end < fCodePoints.size() && fCodePoints[codepoints.end].fTextIndex < endPos) {
if (startPos == endPos) {
//SkDebugf("Grapheme #%d [%d:%d)\n", fGraphemes16.size(), startPos, endPos);
// Update all the codepoints that belong to this grapheme
for (auto i = codepoints.start; i < codepoints.end; ++i) {
//SkDebugf(" [%d] = %d + %d\n", i, fCodePoints[i].fTextIndex, fCodePoints[i].fIndex);
fCodePoints[i].fGrapheme = fGraphemes16.size();
fGraphemes16.emplace_back(codepoints, TextRange(startPos, endPos));
codepoints.start = codepoints.end;
void ParagraphImpl::markGraphemes() {
// This breaker gets called only once for a paragraph so we don't have to keep it
TextBreaker breaker;
if (!breaker.initialize(this->text(), UBRK_CHARACTER)) {
auto endPos = breaker.first();
while (!breaker.eof()) {
endPos =;
// Returns a vector of bounding boxes that enclose all text between
// start and end glyph indexes, including start and excluding end
std::vector<TextBox> ParagraphImpl::getRectsForRange(unsigned start,
unsigned end,
RectHeightStyle rectHeightStyle,
RectWidthStyle rectWidthStyle) {
std::vector<TextBox> results;
if (fText.isEmpty()) {
if (start == 0 && end > 0) {
// On account of implied "\n" that is always at the end of the text
results.emplace_back(SkRect::MakeXYWH(0, 0, 0, fHeight), fParagraphStyle.getTextDirection());
return results;
if (start >= end || start > fCodePoints.size() || end == 0) {
return results;
// Snap text edges to the code points/grapheme edges
TextRange text(fText.size(), fText.size());
if (start < fCodePoints.size()) {
auto startGrapheme = fGraphemes16[fCodePoints[start].fGrapheme];
auto lastGrapheme = fCodePoints[start].fGrapheme == fGraphemes16.size() - 1;
if (start > startGrapheme.fCodepointRange.start) {
if (end == startGrapheme.fCodepointRange.end &&
start == startGrapheme.fCodepointRange.end - 1) {
// This is a fix to make test GetRectsForRangeIncludeCombiningCharacter work
// Must be removed...
text.start = startGrapheme.fTextRange.start;
} else {
text.start = lastGrapheme && end >= fCodePoints.size()
? fCodePoints.back().fTextIndex
: startGrapheme.fTextRange.end;
} else {
text.start = startGrapheme.fTextRange.start;
if (end < fCodePoints.size()) {
auto codepoint = fCodePoints[end];
auto endGrapheme = fGraphemes16[fCodePoints[end].fGrapheme];
if (text.start == endGrapheme.fTextRange.start &&
end + codepoint.fIndex == fCodePoints.size()) {
text.end = endGrapheme.fTextRange.end;
} else {
text.end = endGrapheme.fTextRange.start;
for (auto& line : fLines) {
auto lineText = line.textWithSpaces();
auto intersect = lineText * text;
if (intersect.empty() && lineText.start != text.start) {
// Found a line that intersects with the text
auto firstBoxOnTheLine = results.size();
auto paragraphTextDirection = paragraphStyle().getTextDirection();
const Run* lastRun = nullptr;
[&](const Run* run, SkScalar runOffset, TextRange textRange, SkScalar* width) {
auto intersect = textRange * text;
if (intersect.empty() || textRange.empty()) {
auto context = line.measureTextInsideOneRun(textRange, run, runOffset, 0, true, false);
*width = context.clip.width();
if (textRange.width() > 0) {
return true;
} else {
intersect = textRange;
} else {
TextRange head;
if (run->leftToRight() && textRange.start != intersect.start) {
head = TextRange(textRange.start, intersect.start);
*width = line.measureTextInsideOneRun(head, run, runOffset, 0, true, false).clip.width();
} else if (!run->leftToRight() && textRange.end != intersect.end) {
head = TextRange(intersect.end, textRange.end);
*width = line.measureTextInsideOneRun(head, run, runOffset, 0, true, false).clip.width();
} else {
*width = 0;
auto runInLineWidth = line.measureTextInsideOneRun(textRange, run, runOffset, 0, true, false).clip.width();
runOffset += *width;
*width = runInLineWidth;
// Found a run that intersects with the text
auto context = line.measureTextInsideOneRun(intersect, run, runOffset, 0, true, true);
SkRect clip = context.clip;
if (rectHeightStyle == RectHeightStyle::kMax) {
// TODO: Change it once flutter rolls into google3
// (probably will break things if changed before)
clip.fBottom = line.height();
clip.fTop = line.sizes().delta();
} else if (rectHeightStyle == RectHeightStyle::kIncludeLineSpacingTop) {
if (&line != &fLines.front()) {
clip.fTop -= line.sizes().runTop(;
clip.fBottom -= line.sizes().runTop(;
} else if (rectHeightStyle == RectHeightStyle::kIncludeLineSpacingMiddle) {
if (&line != &fLines.front()) {
clip.fTop -= line.sizes().runTop( / 2;
if (&line == &fLines.back()) {
clip.fBottom -= line.sizes().runTop(;
} else {
clip.fBottom -= line.sizes().runTop( / 2;
} else if (rectHeightStyle == RectHeightStyle::kIncludeLineSpacingBottom) {
if (&line == &fLines.back()) {
clip.fBottom -= line.sizes().runTop(;
} else if (rectHeightStyle == RectHeightStyle::kStrut) {
auto strutStyle = this->paragraphStyle().getStrutStyle();
if (strutStyle.getStrutEnabled() && strutStyle.getFontSize() > 0) {
auto top = line.baseline();
clip.fTop = top + fStrutMetrics.ascent();
clip.fBottom = top + fStrutMetrics.descent();
// Separate trailing spaces and move them in the default order of the paragraph
// in case the run order and the paragraph order don't match
SkRect trailingSpaces = SkRect::MakeEmpty();
if (line.trimmedText().end < line.textWithSpaces().end && // Line has trailing spaces
line.textWithSpaces().end == intersect.end && // Range is at the end of the line
line.trimmedText().end > intersect.start) // Range has more than just spaces
auto delta = line.spacesWidth();
trailingSpaces = SkRect::MakeXYWH(0, 0, 0, 0);
// There are trailing spaces in this run
if (this->paragraphStyle().getTextAlign() == TextAlign::kJustify &&
&line != &fLines.back())
// TODO: this is just a patch. Make it right later (when it's clear what and how)
clip.fLeft = 0;
clip.fRight = line.width();
} else if (this->fParagraphStyle.getTextDirection() == TextDirection::kRtl &&
// Split
trailingSpaces = clip;
trailingSpaces.fLeft = - delta;
trailingSpaces.fRight = 0;
clip.fLeft += delta;
} else if (this->fParagraphStyle.getTextDirection() == TextDirection::kLtr &&
// Split
trailingSpaces = clip;
trailingSpaces.fLeft = line.width();
trailingSpaces.fRight = trailingSpaces.fLeft + delta;
clip.fRight -= delta;
if (trailingSpaces.width() > 0) {
// Check if we can merge two boxes instead of adding a new one
auto merge = [&lastRun, &context, &results](SkRect clip) {
bool mergedBoxes = false;
if (!results.empty() &&
lastRun != nullptr &&
lastRun->placeholderStyle() == nullptr &&>placeholderStyle() == nullptr &&
nearlyEqual(lastRun->lineHeight(),>lineHeight()) &&
lastRun->font() ==>font())
auto& lastBox = results.back();
if (nearlyEqual(lastBox.rect.fTop, clip.fTop) &&
nearlyEqual(lastBox.rect.fBottom, clip.fBottom) &&
(nearlyEqual(lastBox.rect.fLeft, clip.fRight) ||
nearlyEqual(lastBox.rect.fRight, clip.fLeft)))
lastBox.rect.fLeft = SkTMin(lastBox.rect.fLeft, clip.fLeft);
lastBox.rect.fRight = SkTMax(lastBox.rect.fRight, clip.fRight);
mergedBoxes = true;
lastRun =;
return mergedBoxes;
if (!merge(clip)) {
clip,>leftToRight() ? TextDirection::kLtr : TextDirection::kRtl);
if (!nearlyZero(trailingSpaces.width()) && !merge(trailingSpaces)) {
results.emplace_back(trailingSpaces, paragraphTextDirection);
return true;
if (rectWidthStyle == RectWidthStyle::kMax) {
// Align the very left/right box horizontally
auto lineStart = line.offset().fX;
auto lineEnd = line.offset().fX + line.width();
auto left = results.front();
auto right = results.back();
if (left.rect.fLeft > lineStart && left.direction == TextDirection::kRtl) {
left.rect.fRight = left.rect.fLeft;
left.rect.fLeft = 0;
results.insert(results.begin() + firstBoxOnTheLine + 1, left);
if (right.direction == TextDirection::kLtr &&
right.rect.fRight >= lineEnd && right.rect.fRight < this->fMaxWidthWithTrailingSpaces) {
right.rect.fLeft = right.rect.fRight;
right.rect.fRight = this->fMaxWidthWithTrailingSpaces;
for (auto& r : results) {
r.rect.fLeft = littleRound(r.rect.fLeft);
r.rect.fRight = littleRound(r.rect.fRight);
r.rect.fTop = littleRound(r.rect.fTop);
r.rect.fBottom = littleRound(r.rect.fBottom);
return results;
std::vector<TextBox> ParagraphImpl::getRectsForPlaceholders() {
std::vector<TextBox> boxes;
if (fText.isEmpty()) {
return boxes;
for (auto& line : fLines) {
[&boxes, &line](const Run* run, SkScalar runOffset, TextRange textRange,
SkScalar* width) {
auto context =
line.measureTextInsideOneRun(textRange, run, runOffset, 0, true, false);
*width = context.clip.width();
if (run->placeholderStyle() == nullptr) {
return true;
if (run->textRange().width() == 0) {
return true;
SkRect clip = context.clip;
clip.fLeft = littleRound(clip.fLeft);
clip.fRight = littleRound(clip.fRight);
clip.fTop = littleRound(clip.fTop);
clip.fBottom = littleRound(clip.fBottom);
clip, run->leftToRight() ? TextDirection::kLtr : TextDirection::kRtl);
return true;
return boxes;
// TODO: Deal with RTL here
PositionWithAffinity ParagraphImpl::getGlyphPositionAtCoordinate(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy) {
PositionWithAffinity result(0, Affinity::kDownstream);
if (fText.isEmpty()) {
return result;
for (auto& line : fLines) {
// Let's figure out if we can stop looking
auto offsetY = line.offset().fY;
if (dy >= offsetY + line.height() && &line != &fLines.back()) {
// This line is not good enough
// This is so far the the line vertically closest to our coordinates
// (or the first one, or the only one - all the same)
[this, &line, dx, &result]
(const Run* run, SkScalar runOffset, TextRange textRange, SkScalar* width) {
auto offsetX = line.offset().fX;
auto context = line.measureTextInsideOneRun(textRange, run, 0, 0, true, false);
if (dx < context.clip.fLeft + offsetX) {
// All the other runs are placed right of this one
result = { SkToS32(>fClusterIndexes[context.pos]), kDownstream };
return false;
if (dx >= context.clip.fRight + offsetX) {
// We have to keep looking but just in case keep the last one as the closes
// so far
auto index = context.pos + context.size;
if (index <>size()) {
result = { SkToS32(>fClusterIndexes[index]), kUpstream };
} else {
// Take the last cluster on that line
result = { SkToS32(line.clusters().end), kUpstream };
return true;
// So we found the run that contains our coordinates
// Find the glyph position in the run that is the closest left of our point
// TODO: binary search
size_t found = context.pos;
for (size_t i = context.pos; i < context.pos + context.size; ++i) {
// TODO: this rounding is done to match Flutter tests. Must be removed..
auto index =>leftToRight() ? i : context.size - i;
auto end = littleRound(>positionX(index) + context.fTextShift + offsetX);
if ((>leftToRight() ? end > dx : dx > end)) {
found = index;
if (!>leftToRight()) {
auto glyphStart =>positionX(found) + context.fTextShift + offsetX;
auto glyphWidth =>positionX(found + 1) ->positionX(found);
auto clusterIndex8 =>fClusterIndexes[found];
// Find the grapheme positions in codepoints that contains the point
auto codepoint = std::lower_bound(
fCodePoints.begin(), fCodePoints.end(),
[](const Codepoint& lhs,size_t rhs) -> bool { return lhs.fTextIndex < rhs; });
auto codepointIndex = codepoint - fCodePoints.begin();
auto codepoints = fGraphemes16[codepoint->fGrapheme].fCodepointRange;
auto graphemeSize = codepoints.width();
// We only need to inspect one glyph (maybe not even the entire glyph)
SkScalar center;
if (graphemeSize > 1) {
auto averageCodepoint = glyphWidth / graphemeSize;
auto codepointStart = glyphStart + averageCodepoint * (codepointIndex - codepoints.start);
auto codepointEnd = codepointStart + averageCodepoint;
center = (codepointStart + codepointEnd) / 2;
} else {
SkASSERT(graphemeSize == 1);
center = glyphStart + glyphWidth / 2;
if ((dx < center) ==>leftToRight()) {
result = { SkToS32(codepointIndex), kDownstream };
} else {
result = { SkToS32(codepointIndex + 1), kUpstream };
// No need to continue
return false;
// SkDebugf("getGlyphPositionAtCoordinate(%f,%f) = %d\n", dx, dy, result.position);
return result;
// Finds the first and last glyphs that define a word containing
// the glyph at index offset.
// By "glyph" they mean a character index - indicated by Minikin's code
SkRange<size_t> ParagraphImpl::getWordBoundary(unsigned offset) {
if (fWords.empty()) {
auto unicode = icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8(fText.c_str());
UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
auto iter = ubrk_open(UBRK_WORD, icu::Locale().getName(), nullptr, 0, &errorCode);
if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
SkDEBUGF("Could not create line break iterator: %s", u_errorName(errorCode));
return { 0, 0 };
ICUUText utf16UText(utext_openUnicodeString(&sUtf16UText, &unicode, &errorCode));
if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
SkDEBUGF("Could not create utf8UText: %s", u_errorName(errorCode));
return { 0, 0 };
ubrk_setUText(iter, utf16UText.get(), &errorCode);
if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
SkDEBUGF("Could not setText on break iterator: %s", u_errorName(errorCode));
return { 0, 0 };
int32_t pos = ubrk_first(iter);
while (pos != icu::BreakIterator::DONE) {
pos = ubrk_next(iter);
int32_t start = 0;
int32_t end = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < fWords.size(); ++i) {
auto word = fWords[i];
if (word <= offset) {
start = word;
end = word;
} else if (word > offset) {
end = word;
return { SkToU32(start), SkToU32(end) };
void ParagraphImpl::getLineMetrics(std::vector<LineMetrics>& metrics) {
for (auto& line : fLines) {
SkSpan<const char> ParagraphImpl::text(TextRange textRange) {
SkASSERT(textRange.start <= fText.size() && textRange.end <= fText.size());
auto start = fText.c_str() + textRange.start;
return SkSpan<const char>(start, textRange.width());
SkSpan<Cluster> ParagraphImpl::clusters(ClusterRange clusterRange) {
SkASSERT(clusterRange.start < fClusters.size() && clusterRange.end <= fClusters.size());
return SkSpan<Cluster>(&fClusters[clusterRange.start], clusterRange.width());
Cluster& ParagraphImpl::cluster(ClusterIndex clusterIndex) {
SkASSERT(clusterIndex < fClusters.size());
return fClusters[clusterIndex];
Run& ParagraphImpl::run(RunIndex runIndex) {
SkASSERT(runIndex < fRuns.size());
return fRuns[runIndex];
Run& ParagraphImpl::runByCluster(ClusterIndex clusterIndex) {
auto start = cluster(clusterIndex);
return this->run(start.fRunIndex);
SkSpan<Block> ParagraphImpl::blocks(BlockRange blockRange) {
SkASSERT(blockRange.start < fTextStyles.size() && blockRange.end <= fTextStyles.size());
return SkSpan<Block>(&fTextStyles[blockRange.start], blockRange.width());
Block& ParagraphImpl::block(BlockIndex blockIndex) {
SkASSERT(blockIndex < fTextStyles.size());
return fTextStyles[blockIndex];
// TODO: Cache this information
void ParagraphImpl::resetRunShifts() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < fRuns.size(); ++i) {
fRunShifts[i].fShifts.push_back_n(fRuns[i].size() + 1, 0.0);
void ParagraphImpl::setState(InternalState state) {
if (fState <= state) {
fState = state;
fState = state;
switch (fState) {
case kUnknown:
case kShaped:
case kClusterized:
case kMarked:
case kLineBroken:
case kFormatted:
fPicture = nullptr;
case kDrawn:
void ParagraphImpl::computeEmptyMetrics() {
auto defaultTextStyle = paragraphStyle().getTextStyle();
auto typefaces = fontCollection()->findTypefaces(
defaultTextStyle.getFontFamilies(), defaultTextStyle.getFontStyle());
auto typeface = typefaces.empty() ? nullptr : typefaces.front();
SkFont font(typeface, defaultTextStyle.getFontSize());
fEmptyMetrics = InternalLineMetrics(font, paragraphStyle().getStrutStyle().getForceStrutHeight());
if (!paragraphStyle().getStrutStyle().getForceStrutHeight() &&
defaultTextStyle.getHeightOverride()) {
auto multiplier =
defaultTextStyle.getHeight() * defaultTextStyle.getFontSize() / fEmptyMetrics.height();
fEmptyMetrics = InternalLineMetrics(fEmptyMetrics.ascent() * multiplier,
fEmptyMetrics.descent() * multiplier,
fEmptyMetrics.leading() * multiplier);
if (fParagraphStyle.getStrutStyle().getStrutEnabled()) {
void ParagraphImpl::updateText(size_t from, SkString text) {
fText.remove(from, from + text.size());
fText.insert(from, text);
fState = kUnknown;
fOldWidth = 0;
fOldHeight = 0;
void ParagraphImpl::updateFontSize(size_t from, size_t to, SkScalar fontSize) {
SkASSERT(from == 0 && to == fText.size());
auto defaultStyle = fParagraphStyle.getTextStyle();
for (auto& textStyle : fTextStyles) {
fState = kUnknown;
fOldWidth = 0;
fOldHeight = 0;
void ParagraphImpl::updateTextAlign(TextAlign textAlign) {
if (fState >= kLineBroken) {
fState = kLineBroken;
void ParagraphImpl::updateForegroundPaint(size_t from, size_t to, SkPaint paint) {
SkASSERT(from == 0 && to == fText.size());
auto defaultStyle = fParagraphStyle.getTextStyle();
for (auto& textStyle : fTextStyles) {
void ParagraphImpl::updateBackgroundPaint(size_t from, size_t to, SkPaint paint) {
SkASSERT(from == 0 && to == fText.size());
auto defaultStyle = fParagraphStyle.getTextStyle();
for (auto& textStyle : fTextStyles) {
bool ParagraphImpl::calculateBidiRegions(SkTArray<BidiRegion>* regions) {
// ubidi only accepts utf16 (though internally it basically works on utf32 chars).
// We want an ubidi_setPara(UBiDi*, UText*, UBiDiLevel, UBiDiLevel*, UErrorCode*);
size_t utf8Bytes = fText.size();
const char* utf8 = fText.c_str();
uint8_t bidiLevel = fParagraphStyle.getTextDirection() == TextDirection::kLtr
if (!SkTFitsIn<int32_t>(utf8Bytes)) {
SkDEBUGF("Bidi error: text too long");
return false;
// Getting the length like this seems to always set U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int32_t utf16Units;
u_strFromUTF8(nullptr, 0, &utf16Units, utf8, utf8Bytes, &status);
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
std::unique_ptr<UChar[]> utf16(new UChar[utf16Units]);
u_strFromUTF8(utf16.get(), utf16Units, nullptr, utf8, utf8Bytes, &status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
SkDEBUGF("Invalid utf8 input: %s", u_errorName(status));
return false;
ICUBiDi bidi(ubidi_openSized(utf16Units, 0, &status));
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
SkDEBUGF("Bidi error: %s", u_errorName(status));
return false;
// The required lifetime of utf16 isn't well documented.
// It appears it isn't used after ubidi_setPara except through ubidi_getText.
ubidi_setPara(bidi.get(), utf16.get(), utf16Units, bidiLevel, nullptr, &status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
SkDEBUGF("Bidi error: %s", u_errorName(status));
return false;
SkTArray<BidiRegion> bidiRegions;
const char* start8 = utf8;
const char* end8 = utf8 + utf8Bytes;
TextRange textRange(0, 0);
UBiDiLevel currentLevel = 0;
int32_t pos16 = 0;
int32_t end16 = ubidi_getLength(bidi.get());
while (pos16 < end16) {
auto level = ubidi_getLevelAt(bidi.get(), pos16);
if (pos16 == 0) {
currentLevel = level;
} else if (level != currentLevel) {
textRange.end = start8 - utf8;
regions->emplace_back(textRange.start, textRange.end, currentLevel);
currentLevel = level;
textRange = TextRange(textRange.end, textRange.end);
SkUnichar u = utf8_next(&start8, end8);
pos16 += SkUTF::ToUTF16(u);
textRange.end = start8 - utf8;
if (!textRange.empty()) {
regions->emplace_back(textRange.start, textRange.end, currentLevel);
return true;
} // namespace textlayout
} // namespace skia