blob: 8be824ac1260f3e1cbde01001f51878cf8968bdd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/core/SkGpuBlurUtils.h"
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "include/private/GrRecordingContext.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrCaps.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrFixedClip.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrRecordingContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrRenderTargetContext.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrRenderTargetContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/effects/GrGaussianConvolutionFragmentProcessor.h"
#include "src/gpu/effects/GrMatrixConvolutionEffect.h"
#include "src/gpu/SkGr.h"
#define MAX_BLUR_SIGMA 4.0f
using Direction = GrGaussianConvolutionFragmentProcessor::Direction;
static void scale_irect_roundout(SkIRect* rect, float xScale, float yScale) {
rect->fLeft = SkScalarFloorToInt(rect->fLeft * xScale);
rect->fTop = SkScalarFloorToInt(rect->fTop * yScale);
rect->fRight = SkScalarCeilToInt(rect->fRight * xScale);
rect->fBottom = SkScalarCeilToInt(rect->fBottom * yScale);
static void scale_irect(SkIRect* rect, int xScale, int yScale) {
rect->fLeft *= xScale;
rect->fTop *= yScale;
rect->fRight *= xScale;
rect->fBottom *= yScale;
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
static inline int is_even(int x) { return !(x & 1); }
static void shrink_irect_by_2(SkIRect* rect, bool xAxis, bool yAxis) {
if (xAxis) {
SkASSERT(is_even(rect->fLeft) && is_even(rect->fRight));
rect->fLeft /= 2;
rect->fRight /= 2;
if (yAxis) {
SkASSERT(is_even(rect->fTop) && is_even(rect->fBottom));
rect->fTop /= 2;
rect->fBottom /= 2;
static float adjust_sigma(float sigma, int maxTextureSize, int *scaleFactor, int *radius) {
*scaleFactor = 1;
while (sigma > MAX_BLUR_SIGMA) {
*scaleFactor *= 2;
sigma *= 0.5f;
if (*scaleFactor > maxTextureSize) {
*scaleFactor = maxTextureSize;
*radius = static_cast<int>(ceilf(sigma * 3.0f));
SkASSERT(*radius <= GrGaussianConvolutionFragmentProcessor::kMaxKernelRadius);
return sigma;
* Draws 'rtcRect' into 'renderTargetContext' evaluating a 1D Gaussian over 'srcView'. The src rect
* is 'rtcRect' offset by 'rtcToSrcOffset'. 'mode' and 'bounds' are applied to the src coords.
static void convolve_gaussian_1d(GrRenderTargetContext* renderTargetContext,
GrSurfaceProxyView srcView,
SkIVector rtcToSrcOffset,
const SkIRect& rtcRect,
SkAlphaType srcAlphaType,
Direction direction,
int radius,
float sigma,
SkTileMode mode,
int bounds[2]) {
GrPaint paint;
auto wm = SkTileModeToWrapMode(mode);
auto subset = SkIRect::MakeSize(srcView.dimensions());
if (bounds) {
switch (direction) {
case Direction::kX: subset.fLeft = bounds[0]; subset.fRight = bounds[1]; break;
case Direction::kY: subset.fTop = bounds[0]; subset.fBottom = bounds[1]; break;
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> conv(GrGaussianConvolutionFragmentProcessor::Make(
std::move(srcView), srcAlphaType, direction, radius, sigma, wm, subset, nullptr,
auto srcRect = SkRect::Make(rtcRect.makeOffset(rtcToSrcOffset));
renderTargetContext->fillRectToRect(GrNoClip(), std::move(paint), GrAA::kNo, SkMatrix::I(),
SkRect::Make(rtcRect), srcRect);
static std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> convolve_gaussian_2d(GrRecordingContext* context,
GrSurfaceProxyView srcView,
GrColorType srcColorType,
const SkIRect& srcBounds,
const SkIRect& dstBounds,
int radiusX,
int radiusY,
SkScalar sigmaX,
SkScalar sigmaY,
SkTileMode mode,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> finalCS,
SkBackingFit dstFit) {
auto renderTargetContext = GrRenderTargetContext::Make(
context, srcColorType, std::move(finalCS), dstFit, dstBounds.size(), 1,
GrMipMapped::kNo, srcView.proxy()->isProtected(), srcView.origin());
if (!renderTargetContext) {
return nullptr;
SkISize size = SkISize::Make(2 * radiusX + 1, 2 * radiusY + 1);
SkIPoint kernelOffset = SkIPoint::Make(radiusX, radiusY);
GrPaint paint;
auto wm = SkTileModeToWrapMode(mode);
auto conv = GrMatrixConvolutionEffect::MakeGaussian(context, std::move(srcView), srcBounds,
size, 1.0, 0.0, kernelOffset, wm, true,
sigmaX, sigmaY,
// 'dstBounds' is actually in 'srcView' proxy space. It represents the blurred area from src
// space that we want to capture in the new RTC at {0, 0}. Hence, we use its size as the rect to
// draw and it directly as the local rect.
renderTargetContext->fillRectToRect(GrNoClip(), std::move(paint), GrAA::kNo, SkMatrix::I(),
SkRect::Make(dstBounds.size()), SkRect::Make(dstBounds));
return renderTargetContext;
static std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> convolve_gaussian(GrRecordingContext* context,
GrSurfaceProxyView srcView,
GrColorType srcColorType,
SkAlphaType srcAlphaType,
SkIRect* contentRect,
SkIRect dstBounds,
Direction direction,
int radius,
float sigma,
SkTileMode mode,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> finalCS,
SkBackingFit fit) {
// Logically we're creating an infinite blur of 'contentRect' of 'srcView' with 'mode' tiling
// and then capturing the 'dstBounds' portion in a new RTC where the top left of 'dstBounds' is
// at {0, 0} in the new RTC.
auto dstRenderTargetContext = GrRenderTargetContext::Make(
context, srcColorType, std::move(finalCS), fit, dstBounds.size(), 1, GrMipMapped::kNo,
srcView.proxy()->isProtected(), srcView.origin());
if (!dstRenderTargetContext) {
return nullptr;
// This represents the translation from 'dstRenderTargetContext' coords to 'srcView' coords.
auto rtcToSrcOffset = dstBounds.topLeft();
if (SkTileMode::kClamp == mode &&
contentRect->contains(SkIRect::MakeSize(srcView.proxy()->backingStoreDimensions()))) {
auto dstRect = SkIRect::MakeSize(dstBounds.size());
convolve_gaussian_1d(dstRenderTargetContext.get(), std::move(srcView), rtcToSrcOffset,
dstRect, srcAlphaType, direction, radius, sigma, SkTileMode::kClamp,
*contentRect = dstRect;
return dstRenderTargetContext;
// 'left' and 'right' are the sub rects of 'contentTect' where 'mode' must be enforced.
// 'mid' is the area where we can ignore the mode because the kernel does not reach to the
// edge of 'contentRect'. The names are derived from the Direction::kX case.
// TODO: When mode is kMirror or kRepeat it makes more sense to think of 'contentRect'
// as a tile and figure out the collection of mid/left/right rects that cover 'dstBounds'.
// Also if 'mid' is small and 'left' or 'right' is non-empty we should probably issue one
// draw that implements the mode in the shader rather than break it up in this fashion.
SkIRect mid, left, right;
// 'top' and 'bottom' are areas of 'dstBounds' that are entirely above/below
// 'contentRect'. These are areas that we can simply clear in the dst. If 'contentRect'
// straddles the top edge of 'dstBounds' then 'top' will be inverted and we will skip
// the clear. Similar for 'bottom'. The positional/directional labels above refer to the
// Direction::kX case and one should think of these as 'left' and 'right' for Direction::kY.
SkIRect top, bottom;
int bounds[2];
if (Direction::kX == direction) {
bounds[0] = contentRect->left();
bounds[1] = contentRect->right();
top = {dstBounds.left(), , dstBounds.right(), contentRect->top()};
bottom = {dstBounds.left(), contentRect->bottom(), dstBounds.right(), dstBounds.bottom()};
// Inset for sub-rect of 'contentRect' where the x-dir kernel doesn't reach the edges.
// TODO: Consider clipping mid/left/right to dstBounds to increase likelihood of doing
// fewer draws below.
mid = contentRect->makeInset(radius, 0);
left = {dstBounds.left(),, mid.left() , mid.bottom()};
right = {mid.right(),, dstBounds.right(), mid.bottom()};
// The new 'contentRect' when we're done will be the area between the clears in the dst.
*contentRect = {dstBounds.left(),
std::min(dstBounds.bottom(), contentRect->bottom())};
} else {
// This is the same as the x direction code if you turn your head 90 degrees CCW. Swap x and
// y and swap top/bottom with left/right.
bounds[0] = contentRect->top();
bounds[1] = contentRect->bottom();
top = {dstBounds.left(), , contentRect->left(), dstBounds.bottom()};
bottom = {contentRect->right(), , dstBounds.right() , dstBounds.bottom()};
mid = contentRect->makeInset(0, radius);
left = {mid.left(),, mid.right(), };
right = {mid.left(), mid.bottom() , mid.right(), dstBounds.bottom()};
*contentRect = {std::max(contentRect->left(), dstBounds.left()),,
std::min(contentRect->right(), dstBounds.right()),
// Move all the rects from 'srcView' coord system to 'dstRenderTargetContext' coord system.
mid .offset(-rtcToSrcOffset);
top .offset(-rtcToSrcOffset);
left .offset(-rtcToSrcOffset);
right .offset(-rtcToSrcOffset);
if (!top.isEmpty()) {
dstRenderTargetContext->priv().clearAtLeast(top, SK_PMColor4fTRANSPARENT);
if (!bottom.isEmpty()) {
dstRenderTargetContext->priv().clearAtLeast(bottom, SK_PMColor4fTRANSPARENT);
if (mid.isEmpty()) {
convolve_gaussian_1d(dstRenderTargetContext.get(), std::move(srcView), rtcToSrcOffset,
*contentRect, srcAlphaType, direction, radius, sigma, mode, bounds);
} else {
// Draw right and left margins with bounds; middle without.
convolve_gaussian_1d(dstRenderTargetContext.get(), srcView, rtcToSrcOffset, left,
srcAlphaType, direction, radius, sigma, mode, bounds);
convolve_gaussian_1d(dstRenderTargetContext.get(), srcView, rtcToSrcOffset, right,
srcAlphaType, direction, radius, sigma, mode, bounds);
convolve_gaussian_1d(dstRenderTargetContext.get(), std::move(srcView), rtcToSrcOffset, mid,
srcAlphaType, direction, radius, sigma, SkTileMode::kClamp, nullptr);
return dstRenderTargetContext;
// Returns a high quality scaled-down version of src. This is used to create an intermediate,
// shrunken version of the source image in the event that the requested blur sigma exceeds
static GrSurfaceProxyView decimate(GrRecordingContext* context,
GrSurfaceProxyView srcView,
GrColorType srcColorType,
SkAlphaType srcAlphaType,
SkIPoint srcOffset,
SkIRect* contentRect,
int scaleFactorX,
int scaleFactorY,
SkTileMode mode,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> finalCS) {
SkASSERT(SkIsPow2(scaleFactorX) && SkIsPow2(scaleFactorY));
SkASSERT(scaleFactorX > 1 || scaleFactorY > 1);
SkIRect srcRect = contentRect->makeOffset(srcOffset);
scale_irect_roundout(&srcRect, 1.0f / scaleFactorX, 1.0f / scaleFactorY);
scale_irect(&srcRect, scaleFactorX, scaleFactorY);
SkIRect dstRect(srcRect);
std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> dstRenderTargetContext;
for (int i = 1; i < scaleFactorX || i < scaleFactorY; i *= 2) {
shrink_irect_by_2(&dstRect, i < scaleFactorX, i < scaleFactorY);
dstRenderTargetContext = GrRenderTargetContext::Make(
context, srcColorType, finalCS, SkBackingFit::kApprox,
{dstRect.fRight, dstRect.fBottom}, 1, GrMipMapped::kNo,
srcView.proxy()->isProtected(), srcView.origin());
if (!dstRenderTargetContext) {
return {};
GrPaint paint;
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> fp;
if (i == 1) {
GrSamplerState::WrapMode wrapMode = SkTileModeToWrapMode(mode);
const auto& caps = *context->priv().caps();
GrSamplerState sampler(wrapMode, GrSamplerState::Filter::kBilerp);
fp = GrTextureEffect::MakeSubset(std::move(srcView), srcAlphaType, SkMatrix::I(),
sampler, SkRect::Make(*contentRect), caps);
} else {
fp = GrTextureEffect::Make(std::move(srcView), srcAlphaType, SkMatrix::I(),
dstRenderTargetContext->fillRectToRect(GrFixedClip::Disabled(), std::move(paint), GrAA::kNo,
SkMatrix::I(), SkRect::Make(dstRect),
srcView = dstRenderTargetContext->readSurfaceView();
if (!srcView.asTextureProxy()) {
return {};
srcRect = dstRect;
*contentRect = dstRect;
SkASSERT(srcView == dstRenderTargetContext->readSurfaceView());
return srcView;
// Expand the contents of 'srcRenderTargetContext' to fit in 'dstII'. At this point, we are
// expanding an intermediate image, so there's no need to account for a proxy offset from the
// original input.
static std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> reexpand(GrRecordingContext* context,
std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> src,
const SkIRect& srcBounds,
int scaleFactorX,
int scaleFactorY,
SkISize dstSize,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace,
SkBackingFit fit) {
const SkIRect srcRect = SkIRect::MakeWH(src->width(), src->height());
GrSurfaceProxyView srcView = src->readSurfaceView();
if (!srcView.asTextureProxy()) {
return nullptr;
GrColorType srcColorType = src->colorInfo().colorType();
SkAlphaType srcAlphaType = src->colorInfo().alphaType();
src.reset(); // no longer needed
auto dstRenderTargetContext = GrRenderTargetContext::Make(
context, srcColorType, std::move(colorSpace), fit, dstSize, 1, GrMipMapped::kNo,
srcView.proxy()->isProtected(), srcView.origin());
if (!dstRenderTargetContext) {
return nullptr;
GrPaint paint;
const auto& caps = *context->priv().caps();
auto fp = GrTextureEffect::MakeSubset(std::move(srcView), srcAlphaType, SkMatrix::I(),
GrSamplerState::Filter::kBilerp, SkRect::Make(srcBounds),
GrFixedClip clip(SkIRect::MakeSize(dstSize));
// TODO: using dstII as dstRect results in some image diffs - why?
SkIRect dstRect(srcRect);
scale_irect(&dstRect, scaleFactorX, scaleFactorY);
dstRenderTargetContext->fillRectToRect(clip, std::move(paint), GrAA::kNo, SkMatrix::I(),
SkRect::Make(dstRect), SkRect::Make(srcRect));
return dstRenderTargetContext;
static std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> two_pass_gaussian(GrRecordingContext* context,
GrSurfaceProxyView srcView,
GrColorType srcColorType,
SkAlphaType srcAlphaType,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace,
SkIRect* srcBounds,
SkIRect dstBounds,
float sigmaX,
float sigmaY,
int radiusX,
int radiusY,
SkTileMode mode,
SkBackingFit fit) {
std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> dstRenderTargetContext;
if (sigmaX > 0.0f) {
SkBackingFit xFit = sigmaY > 0 ? SkBackingFit::kApprox : fit;
dstRenderTargetContext = convolve_gaussian(
context, std::move(srcView), srcColorType, srcAlphaType, srcBounds, dstBounds,
Direction::kX, radiusX, sigmaX, mode, colorSpace, xFit);
if (!dstRenderTargetContext) {
return nullptr;
srcView = dstRenderTargetContext->readSurfaceView();
dstBounds = SkIRect::MakeSize(dstBounds.size());
if (sigmaY == 0.0f) {
return dstRenderTargetContext;
return convolve_gaussian(context, std::move(srcView), srcColorType, srcAlphaType, srcBounds,
dstBounds, Direction::kY, radiusY, sigmaY, mode, colorSpace, fit);
namespace SkGpuBlurUtils {
std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> LegacyGaussianBlur(GrRecordingContext* context,
GrSurfaceProxyView srcView,
GrColorType srcColorType,
SkAlphaType srcAlphaType,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace,
const SkIRect& dstBounds,
const SkIRect& srcBounds,
float sigmaX,
float sigmaY,
SkTileMode mode,
SkBackingFit fit) {
TRACE_EVENT2("skia.gpu", "GaussianBlur", "sigmaX", sigmaX, "sigmaY", sigmaY);
if (!srcView.asTextureProxy()) {
return nullptr;
int scaleFactorX, radiusX;
int scaleFactorY, radiusY;
int maxTextureSize = context->priv().caps()->maxTextureSize();
sigmaX = adjust_sigma(sigmaX, maxTextureSize, &scaleFactorX, &radiusX);
sigmaY = adjust_sigma(sigmaY, maxTextureSize, &scaleFactorY, &radiusY);
SkASSERT(sigmaX || sigmaY);
auto localSrcBounds = srcBounds;
if (scaleFactorX == 1 && scaleFactorY == 1) {
// For really small blurs (certainly no wider than 5x5 on desktop GPUs) it is faster to just
// launch a single non separable kernel vs two launches.
const int kernelSize = (2 * radiusX + 1) * (2 * radiusY + 1);
if (sigmaX > 0 && sigmaY > 0 && kernelSize <= GrMatrixConvolutionEffect::kMaxUniformSize) {
// Apply the proxy offset to src bounds and offset directly
return convolve_gaussian_2d(context, std::move(srcView), srcColorType, srcBounds,
dstBounds, radiusX, radiusY, sigmaX, sigmaY, mode,
colorSpace, fit);
return two_pass_gaussian(context, std::move(srcView), srcColorType, srcAlphaType,
std::move(colorSpace), &localSrcBounds, dstBounds, sigmaX, sigmaY,
radiusX, radiusY, mode, fit);
auto srcOffset = -dstBounds.topLeft();
srcView = decimate(context, std::move(srcView), srcColorType, srcAlphaType, srcOffset,
&localSrcBounds, scaleFactorX, scaleFactorY, mode, colorSpace);
if (!srcView.proxy()) {
return nullptr;
auto scaledDstBounds = SkIRect::MakeWH(sk_float_ceil(dstBounds.width() / (float)scaleFactorX),
sk_float_ceil(dstBounds.height() / (float)scaleFactorY));
auto rtc = two_pass_gaussian(context, std::move(srcView), srcColorType, srcAlphaType,
colorSpace, &localSrcBounds, scaledDstBounds, sigmaX, sigmaY,
radiusX, radiusY, mode, SkBackingFit::kApprox);
if (!rtc) {
return nullptr;
return reexpand(context, std::move(rtc), localSrcBounds, scaleFactorX, scaleFactorY,
dstBounds.size(), std::move(colorSpace), fit);