blob: d314fe88ae8bb5799d8dc4b5f6d593925a1ec219 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "hs_cl.h"
// Inter-lane compare exchange
// default
#define HS_CMP_XCHG_V0(a,b) \
{ \
HS_KEY_TYPE const t = min(a,b); \
b = max(a,b); \
a = t; \
// super slow
#define HS_CMP_XCHG_V1(a,b) \
{ \
HS_KEY_TYPE const tmp = a; \
a = (a < b) ? a : b; \
b ^= a ^ tmp; \
// best
#define HS_CMP_XCHG_V2(a,b) \
if (a >= b) { \
HS_KEY_TYPE const t = a; \
a = b; \
b = t; \
// good
#define HS_CMP_XCHG_V3(a,b) \
{ \
int const ge = a >= b; \
HS_KEY_TYPE const t = a; \
a = ge ? b : a; \
b = ge ? t : b; \
#if (HS_KEY_WORDS == 1)
#define HS_CMP_XCHG(a,b) HS_CMP_XCHG_V0(a,b)
#elif (HS_KEY_WORDS == 2)
#define HS_CMP_XCHG(a,b) HS_CMP_XCHG_V2(a,b)
// Conditional inter-subgroup flip/half compare exchange
#define HS_CMP_FLIP(i,a,b) \
{ \
HS_KEY_TYPE const ta = intel_sub_group_shuffle(a,flip_lane_idx); \
HS_KEY_TYPE const tb = intel_sub_group_shuffle(b,flip_lane_idx); \
a = HS_COND_MIN_MAX(t_lt,a,tb); \
b = HS_COND_MIN_MAX(t_lt,b,ta); \
#define HS_CMP_HALF(i,a) \
{ \
HS_KEY_TYPE const ta = intel_sub_group_shuffle(a,half_lane_idx); \
a = HS_COND_MIN_MAX(t_lt,a,ta); \
// The device's comparison operator might return what we actually
// want. For example, it appears GEN 'cmp' returns {true:-1,false:0}.
// OpenCL requires a {true: +1, false: 0} scalar result
// (a < b) -> { +1, 0 } -> NEGATE -> { 0, 0xFFFFFFFF }
#define HS_LTE_TO_MASK(a,b) (HS_KEY_TYPE)(-(a <= b))
#define HS_CMP_TO_MASK(a) (HS_KEY_TYPE)(-a)
// However, OpenCL requires { -1, 0 } for vectors
// (a < b) -> { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0 }
#define HS_LTE_TO_MASK(a,b) (a <= b) // FIXME for uint64
#define HS_CMP_TO_MASK(a) (a)
// The flip/half comparisons rely on a "conditional min/max":
// - if the flag is false, return min(a,b)
// - otherwise, return max(a,b)
// What's a little surprising is that sequence (1) is faster than (2)
// for 32-bit keys.
// I suspect either a code generation problem or that the sequence
// maps well to the GEN instruction set.
// We mostly care about 64-bit keys and unsurprisingly sequence (2) is
// fastest for this wider type.
// this is what you would normally use
#define HS_COND_MIN_MAX_V0(lt,a,b) ((a <= b) ^ lt) ? b : a
// this seems to be faster for 32-bit keys
#define HS_COND_MIN_MAX_V1(lt,a,b) (lt ? b : a) ^ ((a ^ b) & HS_LTE_TO_MASK(a,b))
#if (HS_KEY_WORDS == 1)
#define HS_COND_MIN_MAX(lt,a,b) HS_COND_MIN_MAX_V1(lt,a,b)
#elif (HS_KEY_WORDS == 2)
#define HS_COND_MIN_MAX(lt,a,b) HS_COND_MIN_MAX_V0(lt,a,b)
// This snarl of macros is for transposing a "slab" of sorted elements
// into linear order.
// This can occur as the last step in hs_sort() or via a custom kernel
// that inspects the slab and then transposes and stores it to memory.
// The slab format can be inspected more efficiently than a linear
// arrangement.
// The prime example is detecting when adjacent keys (in sort order)
// have differing high order bits ("key changes"). The index of each
// change is recorded to an auxilary array.
// A post-processing step like this needs to be able to navigate the
// slab and eventually transpose and store the slab in linear order.
#define HS_TRANSPOSE_REG(prefix,row) prefix##row
#define HS_TRANSPOSE_DECL(prefix,row) HS_KEY_TYPE const HS_TRANSPOSE_REG(prefix,row)
#define HS_TRANSPOSE_DELTA(level) (HS_LANES_PER_WARP + (1 << (level-1)))
#define HS_TRANSPOSE_IF(level) ((get_sub_group_local_id() >> (level - 1)) & 1)
#define HS_TRANSPOSE_LL(level) HS_TRANSPOSE_IF(level) ? 0 : HS_TRANSPOSE_DELTA(level)
#define HS_TRANSPOSE_UR(level) HS_TRANSPOSE_IF(level) ? HS_TRANSPOSE_DELTA(level) : 0
#define HS_TRANSPOSE_DELTA_LL(level) delta_ll_##level
#define HS_TRANSPOSE_DELTA_UR(level) delta_ur_##level
#define HS_TRANSPOSE_STAGE(level) \
uint const HS_TRANSPOSE_DELTA_LL(level) = HS_TRANSPOSE_LL(level); \
uint const HS_TRANSPOSE_DELTA_UR(level) = HS_TRANSPOSE_UR(level);
#define HS_TRANSPOSE_BLEND(prefix_prev,prefix_curr,level,row_ll,row_ur) \
HS_TRANSPOSE_DECL(prefix_curr,row_ll) = \
intel_sub_group_shuffle_down(HS_TRANSPOSE_REG(prefix_prev,row_ll), \
HS_TRANSPOSE_REG(prefix_prev,row_ur), \
HS_TRANSPOSE_DECL(prefix_curr,row_ur) = \
intel_sub_group_shuffle_up(HS_TRANSPOSE_REG(prefix_prev,row_ll), \
HS_TRANSPOSE_REG(prefix_prev,row_ur), \
// #define HS_TRANSPOSE_LOAD(row) \
// HS_TRANSPOSE_DECL(0,row) = (vout + gmem_idx)[(row-1) << HS_LANES_PER_WARP_LOG2];
#define HS_TRANSPOSE_REMAP(prefix,row_from,row_to) \
(vout + gmem_idx)[(row_to-1) << HS_LANES_PER_WARP_LOG2] = \
// undefine these if you want to override