blob: 6435e6a2e2b0aa170e8a6fb5502283a9e13f8fa1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkHalf.h"
#include "SkPM4fPriv.h"
#include "SkUtils.h"
#include "SkXfermode.h"
static void sk_memset64(uint64_t dst[], uint64_t value, int count) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
dst[i] = value;
struct U64ProcPair {
SkXfermode::U64Proc1 fP1;
SkXfermode::U64ProcN fPN;
enum DstType {
static Sk4f lerp_by_coverage(const Sk4f& src, const Sk4f& dst, uint8_t srcCoverage) {
return dst + (src - dst) * Sk4f(srcCoverage * (1/255.0f));
template <DstType D> Sk4f unit_to_dst_bias(const Sk4f& x4) {
return (D == kU16_Dst) ? x4 * Sk4f(65535) : x4;
// returns value already biased by 65535
static Sk4f load_from_u16(uint64_t value) {
return SkNx_cast<float>(Sk4h::Load(&value));
// takes floats already biased by 65535
static uint64_t store_to_u16(const Sk4f& x4) {
uint64_t value;
SkNx_cast<uint16_t>(x4 + Sk4f(0.5f)).store(&value);
return value;
static Sk4f load_from_f16(uint64_t value) {
const uint16_t* u16 = reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(&value);
float f4[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
f4[i] = SkHalfToFloat(u16[i]);
return Sk4f::Load(f4);
static uint64_t store_to_f16(const Sk4f& x4) {
uint64_t value;
uint16_t* u16 = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(&value);
float f4[4];;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
u16[i] = SkFloatToHalf(f4[i]);
return value;
// Returns dst in its "natural" bias (either unit-float or 16bit int)
template <DstType D> Sk4f load_from_dst(uint64_t dst) {
return (D == kU16_Dst) ? load_from_u16(dst) : load_from_f16(dst);
// Assumes x4 is already in the "natural" bias (either unit-float or 16bit int)
template <DstType D> uint64_t store_to_dst(const Sk4f& x4) {
return (D == kU16_Dst) ? store_to_u16(x4) : store_to_f16(x4);
template <DstType D> void src_1(const SkXfermode::U64State& state, uint64_t dst[],
const SkPM4f& src, int count, const SkAlpha aa[]) {
const Sk4f s4 = unit_to_dst_bias<D>(Sk4f::Load(src.fVec));
if (aa) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
const Sk4f d4 = load_from_dst<D>(dst[i]);
dst[i] = store_to_dst<D>(lerp_by_coverage(s4, d4, aa[i]));
} else {
sk_memset64(dst, store_to_dst<D>(s4), count);
template <DstType D> void src_n(const SkXfermode::U64State& state, uint64_t dst[],
const SkPM4f src[], int count, const SkAlpha aa[]) {
if (aa) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
const Sk4f s4 = unit_to_dst_bias<D>(Sk4f::Load(src[i].fVec));
const Sk4f d4 = load_from_dst<D>(dst[i]);
dst[i] = store_to_dst<D>(lerp_by_coverage(s4, d4, aa[i]));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
const Sk4f s4 = unit_to_dst_bias<D>(Sk4f::Load(src[i].fVec));
dst[i] = store_to_dst<D>(s4);
const U64ProcPair gU64Procs_Src[] = {
{ src_1<kU16_Dst>, src_n<kU16_Dst> }, // U16 alpha
{ src_1<kU16_Dst>, src_n<kU16_Dst> }, // U16 opaque
{ src_1<kF16_Dst>, src_n<kF16_Dst> }, // F16 alpha
{ src_1<kF16_Dst>, src_n<kF16_Dst> }, // F16 opaque
template <DstType D> void srcover_1(const SkXfermode::U64State& state, uint64_t dst[],
const SkPM4f& src, int count, const SkAlpha aa[]) {
const Sk4f s4 = Sk4f::Load(src.fVec);
const Sk4f dst_scale = Sk4f(1 - get_alpha(s4));
const Sk4f s4bias = unit_to_dst_bias<D>(s4);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
const Sk4f d4bias = load_from_dst<D>(dst[i]);
const Sk4f r4bias = s4bias + d4bias * dst_scale;
if (aa) {
dst[i] = store_to_dst<D>(lerp_by_coverage(r4bias, d4bias, aa[i]));
} else {
dst[i] = store_to_dst<D>(r4bias);
template <DstType D> void srcover_n(const SkXfermode::U64State& state, uint64_t dst[],
const SkPM4f src[], int count, const SkAlpha aa[]) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
const Sk4f s4 = Sk4f::Load(src[i].fVec);
const Sk4f dst_scale = Sk4f(1 - get_alpha(s4));
const Sk4f s4bias = unit_to_dst_bias<D>(s4);
const Sk4f d4bias = load_from_dst<D>(dst[i]);
const Sk4f r4bias = s4bias + d4bias * dst_scale;
if (aa) {
dst[i] = store_to_dst<D>(lerp_by_coverage(r4bias, d4bias, aa[i]));
} else {
dst[i] = store_to_dst<D>(r4bias);
const U64ProcPair gU64Procs_SrcOver[] = {
{ srcover_1<kU16_Dst>, srcover_n<kU16_Dst> }, // U16 alpha
{ src_1<kU16_Dst>, src_n<kU16_Dst> }, // U16 opaque
{ srcover_1<kF16_Dst>, srcover_n<kF16_Dst> }, // F16 alpha
{ src_1<kF16_Dst>, src_n<kF16_Dst> }, // F16 opaque
static U64ProcPair find_procs(SkXfermode::Mode mode, uint32_t flags) {
SkASSERT(0 == (flags & ~3));
flags &= 3;
switch (mode) {
case SkXfermode::kSrc_Mode: return gU64Procs_Src[flags];
case SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode: return gU64Procs_SrcOver[flags];
return { nullptr, nullptr };
SkXfermode::U64Proc1 SkXfermode::GetU64Proc1(Mode mode, uint32_t flags) {
return find_procs(mode, flags).fP1;
SkXfermode::U64ProcN SkXfermode::GetU64ProcN(Mode mode, uint32_t flags) {
return find_procs(mode, flags).fPN;