blob: d465f5ebc6ba774f0b535b55876968c76f0cebcb [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
Rebaselines the given GM tests, on all bots and all configurations.
Must be run from the gm-expected directory. If run from a git or SVN
checkout, the files will be added to the staging area for commit.
import argparse
import os
import subprocess
import sys
# Mapping of gm-expectations subdir (under
# )
# to builder name (see list at )
class CommandFailedException(Exception):
class Rebaseliner(object):
# params:
# tests: list of tests to rebaseline
# configs: which configs to run for each test
# subdirs: which platform subdirectories to rebaseline; if an empty list,
# rebaseline all platform subdirectories
# dry_run: if True, instead of actually downloading files or adding
# files to checkout, display a list of operations that
# we would normally perform
def __init__(self, tests, configs=[], subdirs=[], dry_run=False):
if not tests:
raise Exception('at least one test must be specified')
self._tests = tests
self._configs = configs
if not subdirs:
self._subdirs = sorted(SUBDIR_MAPPING.keys())
self._subdirs = subdirs
self._dry_run = dry_run
self._is_svn_checkout = (
os.path.exists('.svn') or
os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.pardir, '.svn')))
self._is_git_checkout = (
os.path.exists('.git') or
os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.pardir, '.git')))
# If dry_run is False, execute
# If dry_run is True, print the command we would have otherwise run.
# Raises a CommandFailedException if the command fails.
def _Call(self, cmd):
if self._dry_run:
print '%s' % ' '.join(cmd)
if != 0:
raise CommandFailedException('error running command: ' +
' '.join(cmd))
# Download a single file, raising a CommandFailedException if it fails.
def _DownloadFile(self, source_url, dest_filename):
# Download into a temporary file and then rename it afterwards,
# so that we don't corrupt the existing file if it fails midway thru.
temp_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(dest_filename),
'.temp-' + os.path.basename(dest_filename))
# TODO(epoger): Replace calls to "curl"/"mv" (which will only work on
# Unix) with a Python HTTP library (which should work cross-platform)
self._Call([ 'curl', '--fail', '--silent', source_url,
'--output', temp_filename ])
self._Call([ 'mv', temp_filename, dest_filename ])
# Rebaseline a single file.
def _RebaselineOneFile(self, expectations_subdir, builder_name,
infilename, outfilename):
url = ('' +
expectations_subdir + '/' + builder_name + '/' +
expectations_subdir + '/' + infilename)
# Try to download this file, but if that fails, keep going...
# This not treated as a fatal failure because not all
# platforms generate all configs (e.g., Android does not
# generate PDF).
# We could tweak the list of configs within this tool to
# reflect which combinations the bots actually generate, and
# then fail if any of those expected combinations are
# missing... but then this tool would become useless every
# time someone tweaked the configs on the bots without
# updating this script.
self._DownloadFile(source_url=url, dest_filename=outfilename)
except CommandFailedException:
print '# Couldn\'t fetch ' + url
# Add this file to version control (if it isn't already).
if self._is_svn_checkout:
cmd = [ 'svn', 'add', '--quiet', outfilename ]
cmd = [ 'svn', 'propset', '--quiet', 'svn:mime-type', 'image/png',
outfilename ];
elif self._is_git_checkout:
cmd = [ 'git', 'add', outfilename ]
# Rebaseline the given configs for a single test.
# params:
# expectations_subdir
# builder_name
# test: a single test to rebaseline
def _RebaselineOneTest(self, expectations_subdir, builder_name, test):
if self._configs:
configs = self._configs
if (expectations_subdir == 'base-shuttle-win7-intel-angle'):
configs = [ 'angle', 'anglemsaa16' ]
configs = [ '565', '8888', 'gpu', 'pdf', 'mesa', 'msaa16',
'msaa4' ]
print '# ' + expectations_subdir + ':'
for config in configs:
infilename = test + '_' + config + '.png'
print '# ' + infilename
outfilename = os.path.join(expectations_subdir, infilename);
# Rebaseline all platforms/tests/types we specified in the constructor.
def RebaselineAll(self):
for test in self._tests:
for subdir in self._subdirs:
if not subdir in SUBDIR_MAPPING.keys():
raise Exception(('unrecognized platform subdir "%s"; ' +
'should be one of %s') % (
subdir, SUBDIR_MAPPING.keys()))
builder_name = SUBDIR_MAPPING[subdir]
# main...
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--configs', metavar='CONFIG', nargs='+',
help='which configurations to rebaseline, e.g. ' +
'"--configs 565 8888"; if unspecified, run a default ' +
'set of configs')
parser.add_argument('--dry_run', action='store_true',
help='instead of actually downloading files or adding ' +
'files to checkout, display a list of operations that ' +
'we would normally perform')
parser.add_argument('--subdirs', metavar='SUBDIR', nargs='+',
help='which platform subdirectories to rebaseline; ' +
'if unspecified, rebaseline all subdirs, same as ' +
'"--subdirs %s"' % ' '.join(sorted(SUBDIR_MAPPING.keys())))
parser.add_argument('--tests', metavar='TEST', nargs='+', required=True,
help='which tests to rebaseline, e.g. ' +
'"--tests aaclip bigmatrix"')
args = parser.parse_args()
rebaseliner = Rebaseliner(tests=args.tests, configs=args.configs,
subdirs=args.subdirs, dry_run=args.dry_run)