blob: f560afa0fd509ff4e47a6d2910941474c8bda955 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrResourceProvider_DEFINED
#define GrResourceProvider_DEFINED
#include "GrTextureProvider.h"
* An extension of the texture provider for arbitrary resource types. This class is intended for
* use within the Gr code base, not by clients or extensions (e.g. third party GrProcessor
* derivatives).
class GrResourceProvider : public GrTextureProvider {
GrResourceProvider(GrGpu* gpu, GrResourceCache* cache) : INHERITED(gpu, cache) {}
using GrTextureProvider::assignUniqueKeyToResource;
using GrTextureProvider::findAndRefResourceByUniqueKey;
using GrTextureProvider::abandon;
typedef GrTextureProvider INHERITED;