blob: 82dd967bb3c32ace572a5dfd366acef4746c3270 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrLayerHoister_DEFINED
#define GrLayerHoister_DEFINED
#include "SkPicture.h"
#include "SkTDArray.h"
class GrAccelData;
struct GrCachedLayer;
class GrReplacements;
struct SkRect;
class GrHoistedLayer {
const SkPicture* fPicture;
GrCachedLayer* fLayer;
SkIPoint fOffset;
SkMatrix fPreMat;
SkMatrix fLocalMat;
// This class collects the layer hoisting functionality in one place.
// For each picture rendering:
// FindLayersToHoist should be called once to collect the required layers
// DrawLayers should be called once to render them
// UnlockLayers should be called once to allow the texture resources to be recycled
class GrLayerHoister {
/** Find the layers in 'topLevelPicture' that can be atlased. Note that the discovered
layers can be inside nested sub-pictures.
@param context Owner of the layer cache (the source of new layers)
@param topLevelPicture The top-level picture that is about to be rendered
@param query The rectangle that is about to be drawn.
@param atlasedNeedRendering Out parameter storing the layers that
should be hoisted to the atlas
@param recycled Out parameter storing layers that are atlased but do not need rendering
static void FindLayersToAtlas(GrContext* context,
const SkPicture* topLevelPicture,
const SkRect& query,
SkTDArray<GrHoistedLayer>* atlasedNeedRendering,
SkTDArray<GrHoistedLayer>* recycled);
/** Find the layers in 'topLevelPicture' that need hoisting. Note that the discovered
layers can be inside nested sub-pictures.
@param context Owner of the layer cache (the source of new layers)
@param topLevelPicture The top-level picture that is about to be rendered
@param query The rectangle that is about to be drawn.
@param needRendering Out parameter storing the layers that need rendering.
This should never include atlased layers.
@param recycled Out parameter storing layers that need hoisting but not rendering
static void FindLayersToHoist(GrContext* context,
const SkPicture* topLevelPicture,
const SkRect& query,
SkTDArray<GrHoistedLayer>* needRendering,
SkTDArray<GrHoistedLayer>* recycled);
/** Draw the specified layers into the atlas.
@param context Owner of the layer cache (and thus the layers)
@param layers The layers to be drawn into the atlas
static void DrawLayersToAtlas(GrContext* context, const SkTDArray<GrHoistedLayer>& layers);
/** Draw the specified layers into their own individual textures.
@param context Owner of the layer cache (and thus the layers)
@param layers The layers to be drawn
static void DrawLayers(GrContext* context, const SkTDArray<GrHoistedLayer>& layers);
/** Convert all the layers in 'layers' into replacement objects in 'replacements'.
@param layers The hoisted layers
@param replacements Replacement object that will be used for a replacement draw
static void ConvertLayersToReplacements(const SkTDArray<GrHoistedLayer>& layers,
GrReplacements* replacements);
/** Unlock a group of layers in the layer cache.
@param context Owner of the layer cache (and thus the layers)
@param layers Unneeded layers in the atlas
static void UnlockLayers(GrContext* context, const SkTDArray<GrHoistedLayer>& layers);