blob: edf35a1a5c7cee1f3f1e85318d11f258a13893e3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrGLRenderTarget_DEFINED
#define GrGLRenderTarget_DEFINED
#include "GrGLIRect.h"
#include "GrRenderTarget.h"
#include "SkScalar.h"
class GrGLGpu;
class GrGLStencilAttachment;
class GrGLRenderTarget : public GrRenderTarget {
// set fTexFBOID to this value to indicate that it is multisampled but
// Gr doesn't know how to resolve it.
enum { kUnresolvableFBOID = 0 };
struct IDDesc {
GrBackendObjectOwnership fRTFBOOwnership;
GrGLuint fTexFBOID;
GrGLuint fMSColorRenderbufferID;
GrRenderTarget::SampleConfig fSampleConfig;
static GrGLRenderTarget* CreateWrapped(GrGLGpu*,
const GrSurfaceDesc&,
const IDDesc&,
int stencilBits);
void setViewport(const GrGLIRect& rect) { fViewport = rect; }
const GrGLIRect& getViewport() const { return fViewport; }
// The following two functions return the same ID when a
// texture/render target is multisampled, and different IDs when
// it is.
// FBO ID used to render into
GrGLuint renderFBOID() const { return fRTFBOID; }
// FBO ID that has texture ID attached.
GrGLuint textureFBOID() const { return fTexFBOID; }
// override of GrRenderTarget
ResolveType getResolveType() const override {
if (!this->isUnifiedMultisampled() ||
// catches FBO 0 and non MSAA case
return kAutoResolves_ResolveType;
} else if (kUnresolvableFBOID == fTexFBOID) {
return kCantResolve_ResolveType;
} else {
return kCanResolve_ResolveType;
GrBackendObject getRenderTargetHandle() const override { return fRTFBOID; }
bool canAttemptStencilAttachment() const override;
// GrGLRenderTarget overrides dumpMemoryStatistics so it can log its texture and renderbuffer
// components seperately.
void dumpMemoryStatistics(SkTraceMemoryDump* traceMemoryDump) const override;
// Constructor for subclasses.
GrGLRenderTarget(GrGLGpu*, const GrSurfaceDesc&, const IDDesc&);
void init(const GrSurfaceDesc&, const IDDesc&);
void onAbandon() override;
void onRelease() override;
// In protected because subclass GrGLTextureRenderTarget calls this version.
size_t onGpuMemorySize() const override;
// Constructor for instances wrapping backend objects.
GrGLRenderTarget(GrGLGpu*, const GrSurfaceDesc&, const IDDesc&, GrGLStencilAttachment*);
GrGLGpu* getGLGpu() const;
bool completeStencilAttachment() override;
// The total size of the resource (including all pixels) for a single sample.
size_t totalBytesPerSample() const;
int msaaSamples() const;
// The number total number of samples, including both MSAA and resolve texture samples.
int totalSamples() const;
GrGLuint fTexFBOID;
GrGLuint fMSColorRenderbufferID;
GrBackendObjectOwnership fRTFBOOwnership;
// when we switch to this render target we want to set the viewport to
// only render to content area (as opposed to the whole allocation) and
// we want the rendering to be at top left (GL has origin in bottom left)
GrGLIRect fViewport;
// onGpuMemorySize() needs to know the VRAM footprint of the FBO(s). However, abandon and
// release zero out the IDs and the cache needs to know the size even after those actions.
size_t fGpuMemorySize;
typedef GrRenderTarget INHERITED;