blob: 1ed00953c113d2d1db46003ffdc2821aac90b40a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef DMGpuSupport_DEFINED
#define DMGpuSupport_DEFINED
// Provides Ganesh to DM,
// or if it's not available, fakes it enough so most code doesn't have to know that.
#include "SkSurface.h"
// This should be safe to include even in no-gpu builds. Include by relative path so it
// can be found in non-gpu builds.
#include "../include/gpu/GrContextOptions.h"
// Ganesh is available. Yippee!
# include "GrContext.h"
# include "GrContextFactory.h"
namespace DM {
static const bool kGPUDisabled = false;
} // namespace DM
// Ganesh is not available. Fake it.
enum GrGLStandard {
static const int kGrGLStandardCnt = 3;
class GrContext {
void dumpCacheStats(SkString*) const {}
void dumpGpuStats(SkString*) const {}
class SkCommandLineConfigGpu {
enum class SurfType;
namespace sk_gpu_test {
class GrContextFactory {
GrContextFactory() {}
explicit GrContextFactory(const GrContextOptions&) {}
typedef int ContextType;
static const ContextType kANGLE_ContextType = 0,
kANGLE_GL_ContextType = 0,
kCommandBuffer_ContextType = 0,
kDebugGL_ContextType = 0,
kNVPR_ContextType = 0,
kNativeGL_ContextType = 0,
kGL_ContextType = 0,
kGLES_ContextType = 0,
kNullGL_ContextType = 0,
kVulkan_ContextType = 0,
kMetal_ContextType = 0;
static const int kContextTypeCnt = 1;
enum class ContextOverrides {};
void destroyContexts() {}
void abandonContexts() {}
void releaseResourcesAndAbandonContexts() {}
} // namespace sk_gpu_test
namespace DM {
static const bool kGPUDisabled = true;
} // namespace DM