blob: 2ec10aec66d2f626ea12d3f9f67eecc57f964e7b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrGpu_DEFINED
#define GrGpu_DEFINED
#include "GrDrawTarget.h"
#include "GrPathRenderer.h"
#include "GrRect.h"
#include "GrRefCnt.h"
#include "GrTexture.h"
class GrContext;
class GrIndexBufferAllocPool;
class GrResource;
class GrVertexBufferAllocPool;
* Gpu usage statistics.
struct GrGpuStats {
uint32_t fVertexCnt; //<! Number of vertices drawn
uint32_t fIndexCnt; //<! Number of indices drawn
uint32_t fDrawCnt; //<! Number of draws
uint32_t fProgChngCnt;//<! Number of program changes (N/A for fixed)
* Number of times the texture is set in 3D API
uint32_t fTextureChngCnt;
* Number of times the render target is set in 3D API
uint32_t fRenderTargetChngCnt;
* Number of textures created (includes textures that are rendertargets).
uint32_t fTextureCreateCnt;
* Number of rendertargets created.
uint32_t fRenderTargetCreateCnt;
class GrGpu : public GrDrawTarget {
* Additional blend coeffecients for dual source blending, not exposed
* through GrPaint/GrContext.
enum ExtendedBlendCoeffs {
// source 2 refers to second output color when
// using dual source blending.
kS2C_BlendCoeff = kPublicBlendCoeffCount,
* Create an instance of GrGpu that matches the specified Engine backend.
* If the requested engine is not supported (at compile-time or run-time)
* this returns NULL.
static GrGpu* Create(GrEngine, GrPlatform3DContext context3D);
virtual ~GrGpu();
// The GrContext sets itself as the owner of this Gpu object
void setContext(GrContext* context) {
GrAssert(NULL == fContext);
fContext = context;
GrContext* getContext() { return fContext; }
const GrContext* getContext() const { return fContext; }
* The GrGpu object normally assumes that no outsider is setting state
* within the underlying 3D API's context/device/whatever. This call informs
* the GrGpu that the state was modified and it shouldn't make assumptions
* about the state.
void markContextDirty() { fContextIsDirty = true; }
void unimpl(const char[]);
* Creates a texture object. If desc width or height is not a power of
* two but underlying API requires a power of two texture then srcData
* will be embedded in a power of two texture. The extra width and height
* is filled as though srcData were rendered clamped into the texture.
* If kRenderTarget_TextureFlag is specified the GrRenderTarget is
* accessible via GrTexture::asRenderTarget(). The texture will hold a ref
* on the render target until its releaseRenderTarget() is called or it is
* destroyed.
* @param desc describes the texture to be created.
* @param srcData texel data to load texture. Begins with full-size
* palette data for paletted textures. Contains width*
* height texels. If NULL texture data is uninitialized.
* @return The texture object if successful, otherwise NULL.
GrTexture* createTexture(const GrTextureDesc& desc,
const void* srcData, size_t rowBytes);
GrResource* createPlatformSurface(const GrPlatformSurfaceDesc& desc);
* Reads the current target object (e.g. FBO or IDirect3DSurface9*) and
* viewport state from the underlying 3D API and wraps it in a
* GrRenderTarget. The GrRenderTarget will not attempt to delete/destroy the
* underlying object in its destructor and it is up to caller to guarantee
* that it remains valid while the GrRenderTarget is used.
* @return the newly created GrRenderTarget
GrRenderTarget* createRenderTargetFrom3DApiState();
* Creates a vertex buffer.
* @param size size in bytes of the vertex buffer
* @param dynamic hints whether the data will be frequently changed
* by either GrVertexBuffer::lock or
* GrVertexBuffer::updateData.
* @return The vertex buffer if successful, otherwise NULL.
GrVertexBuffer* createVertexBuffer(uint32_t size, bool dynamic);
* Creates an index buffer.
* @param size size in bytes of the index buffer
* @param dynamic hints whether the data will be frequently changed
* by either GrIndexBuffer::lock or
* GrIndexBuffer::updateData.
* @return The index buffer if successful, otherwise NULL.
GrIndexBuffer* createIndexBuffer(uint32_t size, bool dynamic);
* Are 8 bit paletted textures supported.
* @return true if 8bit palette textures are supported, false otherwise
bool supports8BitPalette() const { return f8bitPaletteSupport; }
* returns true if two sided stenciling is supported. If false then only
* the front face values of the GrStencilSettings
* @return true if only a single stencil pass is needed.
bool supportsTwoSidedStencil() const
{ return fTwoSidedStencilSupport; }
* returns true if stencil wrap is supported. If false then
* kIncWrap_StencilOp and kDecWrap_StencilOp are treated as
* kIncClamp_StencilOp and kDecClamp_StencilOp, respectively.
* @return true if stencil wrap ops are supported.
bool supportsStencilWrapOps() const
{ return fStencilWrapOpsSupport; }
* Checks whether locking vertex and index buffers is supported.
* @return true if locking is supported.
bool supportsBufferLocking() const { return fBufferLockSupport; }
* Does the 3D API support anti-aliased lines. If so then line primitive
* types will use this functionality when the AA state flag is set.
bool supportsAALines() const { return fAALineSupport; }
* Does the subclass support GrSamplerState::k4x4Downsample_Filter
bool supports4x4DownsampleFilter() const { return f4X4DownsampleFilterSupport; }
* Does this instance support dual-source blending? Required for proper
* blending with partial coverage with certain blend modes (dst coeff is
* not 1, ISA, or ISC)
bool supportsDualSourceBlending() const {
return fDualSourceBlendingSupport;
* Gets the minimum width of a render target. If a texture/rt is created
* with a width less than this size the GrGpu object will clamp it to this
* value.
int minRenderTargetWidth() const { return fMinRenderTargetWidth; }
* Gets the minimum width of a render target. If a texture/rt is created
* with a height less than this size the GrGpu object will clamp it to this
* value.
int minRenderTargetHeight() const { return fMinRenderTargetHeight; }
* Reports whether full scene anti-aliasing is supported.
bool supportsFullsceneAA() const { return fFSAASupport; }
* Returns true if NPOT textures can be created
* @return true if NPOT textures can be created
bool npotTextureSupport() const { return fNPOTTextureSupport; }
* Returns true if NPOT textures can be repeat/mirror tiled.
* @return true if NPOT textures can be tiled
bool npotTextureTileSupport() const { return fNPOTTextureTileSupport; }
* Returns true if a NPOT texture can be a rendertarget
* @return the true if NPOT texture/rendertarget can be created.
bool npotRenderTargetSupport() const { return fNPOTRenderTargetSupport; }
* Gets the largest allowed width and height of a texture.
int maxTextureSize() const { return fMaxTextureSize; }
* Gets the largest allowed width and height of a render target.
int maxRenderTargetSize() const { return fMaxRenderTargetSize; }
virtual void clear(const GrIRect* rect, GrColor color);
* Installs a path renderer that will be used to draw paths that are
* part of the clip.
void setClipPathRenderer(GrPathRenderer* pathRenderer) {
GrSafeAssign(fClientPathRenderer, pathRenderer);
* Returns an index buffer that can be used to render quads.
* Six indices per quad: 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, etc.
* The max number of quads can be queried using GrIndexBuffer::maxQuads().
* Draw with kTriangles_PrimitiveType
* @ return the quad index buffer
const GrIndexBuffer* getQuadIndexBuffer() const;
* Returns a vertex buffer with four position-only vertices [(0,0), (1,0),
* (1,1), (0,1)].
* @ return unit square vertex buffer
const GrVertexBuffer* getUnitSquareVertexBuffer() const;
* Ensures that the current render target is actually set in the
* underlying 3D API. Used when client wants to use 3D API to directly
* render to the RT.
void forceRenderTargetFlush();
* Reads a rectangle of pixels from a render target.
* @param renderTarget the render target to read from. NULL means the
* current render target.
* @param left left edge of the rectangle to read (inclusive)
* @param top top edge of the rectangle to read (inclusive)
* @param width width of rectangle to read in pixels.
* @param height height of rectangle to read in pixels.
* @param config the pixel config of the destination buffer
* @param buffer memory to read the rectangle into.
* @return true if the read succeeded, false if not. The read can fail
* because of a unsupported pixel config or because no render
* target is currently set.
bool readPixels(GrRenderTarget* renderTarget,
int left, int top, int width, int height,
GrPixelConfig config, void* buffer);
const GrGpuStats& getStats() const;
void resetStats();
void printStats() const;
* Called to tell Gpu object that all GrResources have been lost and should
* be abandoned.
virtual void abandonResources();
* Called to tell Gpu object to release all GrResources.
void releaseResources();
* Add resource to list of resources. Should only be called by GrResource.
* @param resource the resource to add.
void insertResource(GrResource* resource);
* Remove resource from list of resources. Should only be called by
* GrResource.
* @param resource the resource to remove.
void removeResource(GrResource* resource);
enum PrivateStateBits {
kFirstBit = (kLastPublicStateBit << 1),
kModifyStencilClip_StateBit = kFirstBit, // allows draws to modify
// stencil bits used for
// clipping.
* Extensions to GrDrawTarget::StateBits to implement stencil clipping
struct ClipState {
bool fClipInStencil;
bool fClipIsDirty;
} fClipState;
// GrDrawTarget override
virtual void clipWillBeSet(const GrClip& newClip);
// prepares clip flushes gpu state before a draw
bool setupClipAndFlushState(GrPrimitiveType type);
// Functions used to map clip-respecting stencil tests into normal
// stencil funcs supported by GPUs.
static GrStencilFunc ConvertStencilFunc(bool stencilInClip,
GrStencilFunc func);
static void ConvertStencilFuncAndMask(GrStencilFunc func,
bool clipInStencil,
unsigned int clipBit,
unsigned int userBits,
unsigned int* ref,
unsigned int* mask);
// stencil settings to clip drawing when stencil clipping is in effect
// and the client isn't using the stencil test.
static const GrStencilSettings gClipStencilSettings;
// defaults to false, subclass can set true to support palleted textures
bool f8bitPaletteSupport;
// set by subclass
bool fNPOTTextureSupport;
bool fNPOTTextureTileSupport;
bool fNPOTRenderTargetSupport;
bool fTwoSidedStencilSupport;
bool fStencilWrapOpsSupport;
bool fAALineSupport;
bool fFSAASupport;
bool f4X4DownsampleFilterSupport; // supports GrSamplerState::k4x4Downsample_Filter
bool fDualSourceBlendingSupport;
// set by subclass to true if index and vertex buffers can be locked, false
// otherwise.
bool fBufferLockSupport;
// set by subclass
int fMinRenderTargetWidth;
int fMinRenderTargetHeight;
int fMaxRenderTargetSize;
int fMaxTextureSize;
GrGpuStats fStats;
struct GeometryPoolState {
const GrVertexBuffer* fPoolVertexBuffer;
int fPoolStartVertex;
const GrIndexBuffer* fPoolIndexBuffer;
int fPoolStartIndex;
const GeometryPoolState& getGeomPoolState() {
return fGeomPoolStateStack.back();
// GrDrawTarget overrides
virtual bool onReserveVertexSpace(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout,
int vertexCount,
void** vertices);
virtual bool onReserveIndexSpace(int indexCount, void** indices);
virtual void releaseReservedVertexSpace();
virtual void releaseReservedIndexSpace();
virtual void onSetVertexSourceToArray(const void* vertexArray,
int vertexCount);
virtual void onSetIndexSourceToArray(const void* indexArray,
int indexCount);
virtual void releaseVertexArray();
virtual void releaseIndexArray();
virtual void geometrySourceWillPush();
virtual void geometrySourceWillPop(const GeometrySrcState& restoredState);
// Helpers for setting up geometry state
void finalizeReservedVertices();
void finalizeReservedIndices();
// overridden by API-specific derived class to handle re-emitting 3D API
// preample and dirtying state cache.
virtual void resetContext() = 0;
// overridden by API-specific derived class to create objects.
virtual GrTexture* onCreateTexture(const GrTextureDesc& desc,
const void* srcData,
size_t rowBytes) = 0;
virtual GrResource* onCreatePlatformSurface(const GrPlatformSurfaceDesc& desc) = 0;
virtual GrRenderTarget* onCreateRenderTargetFrom3DApiState() = 0;
virtual GrVertexBuffer* onCreateVertexBuffer(uint32_t size,
bool dynamic) = 0;
virtual GrIndexBuffer* onCreateIndexBuffer(uint32_t size,
bool dynamic) = 0;
// overridden by API-specific derivated class to perform the clear and
// clearRect. NULL rect means clear whole target.
virtual void onClear(const GrIRect* rect, GrColor color) = 0;
// overridden by API-specific derived class to perform the draw call.
virtual void onGpuDrawIndexed(GrPrimitiveType type,
uint32_t startVertex,
uint32_t startIndex,
uint32_t vertexCount,
uint32_t indexCount) = 0;
virtual void onGpuDrawNonIndexed(GrPrimitiveType type,
uint32_t vertexCount,
uint32_t numVertices) = 0;
// overridden by API-specific derived class to perform flush
virtual void onForceRenderTargetFlush() = 0;
// overridden by API-specific derived class to perform the read pixels.
virtual bool onReadPixels(GrRenderTarget* target,
int left, int top, int width, int height,
GrPixelConfig, void* buffer) = 0;
// called to program the vertex data, indexCount will be 0 if drawing non-
// indexed geometry. The subclass may adjust the startVertex and/or
// startIndex since it may have already accounted for these in the setup.
virtual void setupGeometry(int* startVertex,
int* startIndex,
int vertexCount,
int indexCount) = 0;
// The GrGpu typically records the clients requested state and then flushes
// deltas from previous state at draw time. This function does the
// API-specific flush of the state
// returns false if current state is unsupported.
virtual bool flushGraphicsState(GrPrimitiveType type) = 0;
// Sets the scissor rect, or disables if rect is NULL.
virtual void flushScissor(const GrIRect* rect) = 0;
// GrGpu subclass removes the clip from the stencil buffer
virtual void clearStencilClip(const GrIRect& rect) = 0;
GrContext* fContext; // not reffed (context refs gpu)
GrVertexBufferAllocPool* fVertexPool;
GrIndexBufferAllocPool* fIndexPool;
// counts number of uses of vertex/index pool in the geometry stack
int fVertexPoolUseCnt;
int fIndexPoolUseCnt;
enum {
kPreallocGeomPoolStateStackCnt = 4,
GeometryPoolState> fGeoSrcStateStackStorage;
GrTArray<GeometryPoolState, true> fGeomPoolStateStack;
mutable GrIndexBuffer* fQuadIndexBuffer; // mutable so it can be
// created on-demand
mutable GrVertexBuffer* fUnitSquareVertexBuffer; // mutable so it can be
// created on-demand
GrDefaultPathRenderer* fDefaultPathRenderer;
GrPathRenderer* fClientPathRenderer;
bool fContextIsDirty;
GrResource* fResourceHead;
// GrDrawTarget overrides
virtual void onDrawIndexed(GrPrimitiveType type,
int startVertex,
int startIndex,
int vertexCount,
int indexCount);
virtual void onDrawNonIndexed(GrPrimitiveType type,
int startVertex,
int vertexCount);
// readies the pools to provide vertex/index data.
void prepareVertexPool();
void prepareIndexPool();
// determines the path renderer used to draw a clip path element.
GrPathRenderer* getClipPathRenderer(const SkPath& path, GrPathFill fill);
void handleDirtyContext() {
if (fContextIsDirty) {
fContextIsDirty = false;
typedef GrDrawTarget INHERITED;