blob: bacffd4375d4dac3cee2e50b19ba73ea560413f0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrMesh_DEFINED
#define GrMesh_DEFINED
#include "GrBuffer.h"
#include "GrPendingIOResource.h"
#include "GrGpuBuffer.h"
class GrPrimitiveProcessor;
* Used to communicate index and vertex buffers, counts, and offsets for a draw from GrOp to
* GrGpu. It also holds the primitive type for the draw. TODO: Consider moving ownership of this
* and draw-issuing responsibility to GrPrimitiveProcessor. The rest of the vertex info lives there
* already (stride, attribute mappings).
class GrMesh {
GrMesh(GrPrimitiveType primitiveType = GrPrimitiveType::kTriangles)
: fPrimitiveType(primitiveType), fBaseVertex(0) {
SkDEBUGCODE(fNonIndexNonInstanceData.fVertexCount = -1;)
void setPrimitiveType(GrPrimitiveType type) { fPrimitiveType = type; }
GrPrimitiveType primitiveType() const { return fPrimitiveType; }
bool isIndexed() const { return SkToBool(fIndexBuffer.get()); }
bool isInstanced() const { return SkToBool(fInstanceBuffer.get()); }
bool hasVertexData() const { return SkToBool(fVertexBuffer.get()); }
void setNonIndexedNonInstanced(int vertexCount);
void setIndexed(sk_sp<const GrBuffer> indexBuffer, int indexCount, int baseIndex,
uint16_t minIndexValue, uint16_t maxIndexValue, GrPrimitiveRestart);
void setIndexedPatterned(sk_sp<const GrBuffer> indexBuffer, int indexCount, int vertexCount,
int patternRepeatCount, int maxPatternRepetitionsInIndexBuffer);
void setInstanced(sk_sp<const GrBuffer> instanceBuffer, int instanceCount, int baseInstance,
int vertexCount);
void setIndexedInstanced(sk_sp<const GrBuffer> indexBuffer, int indexCount,
sk_sp<const GrBuffer> instanceBuffer, int instanceCount,
int baseInstance, GrPrimitiveRestart);
void setVertexData(sk_sp<const GrBuffer> vertexBuffer, int baseVertex = 0);
class SendToGpuImpl {
virtual void sendMeshToGpu(GrPrimitiveType, const GrBuffer* vertexBuffer, int vertexCount,
int baseVertex) = 0;
virtual void sendIndexedMeshToGpu(GrPrimitiveType, const GrBuffer* indexBuffer,
int indexCount, int baseIndex, uint16_t minIndexValue,
uint16_t maxIndexValue, const GrBuffer* vertexBuffer,
int baseVertex, GrPrimitiveRestart) = 0;
virtual void sendInstancedMeshToGpu(GrPrimitiveType, const GrBuffer* vertexBuffer,
int vertexCount, int baseVertex,
const GrBuffer* instanceBuffer, int instanceCount,
int baseInstance) = 0;
virtual void sendIndexedInstancedMeshToGpu(GrPrimitiveType, const GrBuffer* indexBuffer,
int indexCount, int baseIndex,
const GrBuffer* vertexBuffer, int baseVertex,
const GrBuffer* instanceBuffer,
int instanceCount, int baseInstance,
GrPrimitiveRestart) = 0;
virtual ~SendToGpuImpl() {}
void sendToGpu(SendToGpuImpl*) const;
GrPrimitiveType fPrimitiveType;
sk_sp<const GrBuffer> fIndexBuffer;
sk_sp<const GrBuffer> fInstanceBuffer;
sk_sp<const GrBuffer> fVertexBuffer;
int fBaseVertex;
GrPrimitiveRestart fPrimitiveRestart;
union {
struct { // When fIndexBuffer == nullptr and fInstanceBuffer == nullptr.
int fVertexCount;
} fNonIndexNonInstanceData;
struct { // When fIndexBuffer != nullptr and fInstanceBuffer == nullptr.
struct {
int fIndexCount;
int fPatternRepeatCount;
} fIndexData;
union {
struct { // When fPatternRepeatCount == 0.
int fBaseIndex;
uint16_t fMinIndexValue;
uint16_t fMaxIndexValue;
} fNonPatternIndexData;
struct { // When fPatternRepeatCount != 0.
int fVertexCount;
int fMaxPatternRepetitionsInIndexBuffer;
} fPatternData;
struct { // When fInstanceBuffer != nullptr.
struct {
int fInstanceCount;
int fBaseInstance;
} fInstanceData;
union { // When fIndexBuffer == nullptr.
struct {
int fVertexCount;
} fInstanceNonIndexData;
struct { // When fIndexBuffer != nullptr.
int fIndexCount;
} fInstanceIndexData;
inline void GrMesh::setNonIndexedNonInstanced(int vertexCount) {
fNonIndexNonInstanceData.fVertexCount = vertexCount;
fPrimitiveRestart = GrPrimitiveRestart::kNo;
inline void GrMesh::setIndexed(sk_sp<const GrBuffer> indexBuffer, int indexCount, int baseIndex,
uint16_t minIndexValue, uint16_t maxIndexValue,
GrPrimitiveRestart primitiveRestart) {
SkASSERT(indexCount >= 1);
SkASSERT(baseIndex >= 0);
SkASSERT(maxIndexValue >= minIndexValue);
fIndexBuffer = std::move(indexBuffer);
fIndexData.fIndexCount = indexCount;
fIndexData.fPatternRepeatCount = 0;
fNonPatternIndexData.fBaseIndex = baseIndex;
fNonPatternIndexData.fMinIndexValue = minIndexValue;
fNonPatternIndexData.fMaxIndexValue = maxIndexValue;
fPrimitiveRestart = primitiveRestart;
inline void GrMesh::setIndexedPatterned(sk_sp<const GrBuffer> indexBuffer, int indexCount,
int vertexCount, int patternRepeatCount,
int maxPatternRepetitionsInIndexBuffer) {
SkASSERT(indexCount >= 1);
SkASSERT(vertexCount >= 1);
SkASSERT(patternRepeatCount >= 1);
SkASSERT(maxPatternRepetitionsInIndexBuffer >= 1);
fIndexBuffer = std::move(indexBuffer);
fIndexData.fIndexCount = indexCount;
fIndexData.fPatternRepeatCount = patternRepeatCount;
fPatternData.fVertexCount = vertexCount;
fPatternData.fMaxPatternRepetitionsInIndexBuffer = maxPatternRepetitionsInIndexBuffer;
fPrimitiveRestart = GrPrimitiveRestart::kNo;
inline void GrMesh::setInstanced(sk_sp<const GrBuffer> instanceBuffer, int instanceCount,
int baseInstance, int vertexCount) {
SkASSERT(instanceCount >= 1);
SkASSERT(baseInstance >= 0);
fInstanceBuffer = std::move(instanceBuffer);
fInstanceData.fInstanceCount = instanceCount;
fInstanceData.fBaseInstance = baseInstance;
fInstanceNonIndexData.fVertexCount = vertexCount;
fPrimitiveRestart = GrPrimitiveRestart::kNo;
inline void GrMesh::setIndexedInstanced(sk_sp<const GrBuffer> indexBuffer, int indexCount,
sk_sp<const GrBuffer> instanceBuffer, int instanceCount,
int baseInstance, GrPrimitiveRestart primitiveRestart) {
SkASSERT(indexCount >= 1);
SkASSERT(instanceCount >= 1);
SkASSERT(baseInstance >= 0);
fIndexBuffer = std::move(indexBuffer);
fInstanceBuffer = std::move(instanceBuffer);
fInstanceData.fInstanceCount = instanceCount;
fInstanceData.fBaseInstance = baseInstance;
fInstanceIndexData.fIndexCount = indexCount;
fPrimitiveRestart = primitiveRestart;
inline void GrMesh::setVertexData(sk_sp<const GrBuffer> vertexBuffer, int baseVertex) {
SkASSERT(baseVertex >= 0);
fVertexBuffer = std::move(vertexBuffer);
fBaseVertex = baseVertex;
inline void GrMesh::sendToGpu(SendToGpuImpl* impl) const {
if (this->isInstanced()) {
if (!this->isIndexed()) {
impl->sendInstancedMeshToGpu(fPrimitiveType, fVertexBuffer.get(),
fInstanceNonIndexData.fVertexCount, fBaseVertex,
fInstanceBuffer.get(), fInstanceData.fInstanceCount,
} else {
fPrimitiveType, fIndexBuffer.get(), fInstanceIndexData.fIndexCount, 0,
fVertexBuffer.get(), fBaseVertex, fInstanceBuffer.get(),
fInstanceData.fInstanceCount, fInstanceData.fBaseInstance, fPrimitiveRestart);
if (!this->isIndexed()) {
SkASSERT(fNonIndexNonInstanceData.fVertexCount > 0);
impl->sendMeshToGpu(fPrimitiveType, fVertexBuffer.get(),
fNonIndexNonInstanceData.fVertexCount, fBaseVertex);
if (0 == fIndexData.fPatternRepeatCount) {
impl->sendIndexedMeshToGpu(fPrimitiveType, fIndexBuffer.get(), fIndexData.fIndexCount,
fNonPatternIndexData.fMaxIndexValue, fVertexBuffer.get(),
fBaseVertex, fPrimitiveRestart);
SkASSERT(fIndexData.fPatternRepeatCount > 0);
int baseRepetition = 0;
do {
int repeatCount = SkTMin(fPatternData.fMaxPatternRepetitionsInIndexBuffer,
fIndexData.fPatternRepeatCount - baseRepetition);
// A patterned index buffer must contain indices in the range [0..vertexCount].
int minIndexValue = 0;
int maxIndexValue = fPatternData.fVertexCount * repeatCount - 1;
SkASSERT(fPrimitiveRestart == GrPrimitiveRestart::kNo);
fPrimitiveType, fIndexBuffer.get(), fIndexData.fIndexCount * repeatCount, 0,
minIndexValue, maxIndexValue, fVertexBuffer.get(),
fBaseVertex + fPatternData.fVertexCount * baseRepetition, GrPrimitiveRestart::kNo);
baseRepetition += repeatCount;
} while (baseRepetition < fIndexData.fPatternRepeatCount);