| # Simple makefile for skia library and test apps |
| |
| # setup our defaults |
| CC := gcc |
| C_INCLUDES := -Iinclude/core -Iinclude/effects -Iinclude/images -Iinclude/utils |
| CFLAGS := -O2 |
| LINKER_OPTS := -lpthread |
| HIDE = @ |
| |
| ifeq ($(SKIA_SCALAR),fixed) |
| else |
| endif |
| |
| ifeq ($(SKIA_DEBUG),true) |
| else |
| endif |
| |
| # start with the core (required) |
| include src/core/core_files.mk |
| SRC_LIST := $(addprefix src/core/, $(SOURCE)) |
| |
| # we usually need ports |
| include src/ports/ports_files.mk |
| SRC_LIST += $(addprefix src/ports/, $(SOURCE)) |
| |
| # do we want effects? |
| include src/effects/effects_files.mk |
| SRC_LIST += $(addprefix src/effects/, $(SOURCE)) |
| |
| # core image files |
| include src/images/images_files.mk |
| SRC_LIST += $(addprefix src/images/, $(SOURCE)) |
| |
| # conditional files based on our platform |
| ifeq ($(SKIA_BUILD_FOR),mac) |
| LINKER_OPTS += -framework Carbon |
| |
| C_INCLUDES += -Iinclude/utils/mac |
| SRC_LIST += src/ports/SkImageDecoder_CG.cpp |
| SRC_LIST += src/utils/mac/SkCreateCGImageRef.cpp |
| SRC_LIST += src/ports/SkFontHost_mac.cpp |
| else |
| LINKER_OPTS += -lpng |
| |
| # these are our registry-based factories |
| SRC_LIST += src/images/SkImageDecoder_Factory.cpp |
| SRC_LIST += src/images/SkImageEncoder_Factory.cpp |
| # support files |
| SRC_LIST += src/images/SkScaledBitmapSampler.cpp |
| endif |
| |
| out/%.o : %.cpp |
| @mkdir -p $(dir $@) |
| $(HIDE)$(CC) $(C_INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFINES) -c $< -o $@ |
| @echo "compiling $@" |
| |
| # now build out objects |
| OBJ_LIST := $(SRC_LIST:.cpp=.o) |
| OBJ_LIST := $(addprefix out/, $(OBJ_LIST)) |
| |
| out/libskia.a: Makefile $(OBJ_LIST) |
| $(HIDE)$(AR) ru $@ $(OBJ_LIST) |
| $(HIDE)ranlib $@ |
| |
| BENCH_SRCS := RectBench.cpp SkBenchmark.cpp main.cpp BitmapBench.cpp |
| BENCH_SRCS := $(addprefix bench/, $(BENCH_SRCS)) |
| |
| # add any optional codecs for this app |
| ifeq ($(SKIA_BUILD_FOR),mac) |
| # BENCH_SRCS += bench/TextBench.cpp |
| else |
| BENCH_SRCS += src/images/SkImageDecoder_libpng.cpp |
| endif |
| |
| BENCH_OBJS := $(BENCH_SRCS:.cpp=.o) |
| BENCH_OBJS := $(addprefix out/, $(BENCH_OBJS)) |
| |
| bench: $(BENCH_OBJS) out/libskia.a |
| @echo "linking bench..." |
| $(HIDE)g++ $(BENCH_OBJS) out/libskia.a -o out/bench/bench $(LINKER_OPTS) |
| |
| .PHONY: clean |
| clean: |
| $(HIDE)rm -rf out |
| |
| .PHONY: help |
| help: |
| @echo "Targets:" |
| @echo " <default>: out/libskia.a" |
| @echo " bench: out/bench/bench" |
| @echo " clean: removes entire out/ directory" |
| @echo " help: this text" |
| @echo "Options: (after make, or in bash shell)" |
| @echo " SKIA_DEBUG=true for debug build" |
| @echo " SKIA_SCALAR=fixed for fixed-point build" |
| @echo " SKIA_BUILD_FOR=mac for mac build (e.g. CG for image decoding)" |
| @echo "" |
| |