blob: 15e5ffd63bc8f5f79096ebe0edf448993d73d270 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrRenderTask_DEFINED
#define GrRenderTask_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/private/SkColorData.h"
#include "include/private/SkTDArray.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrSurfaceProxyView.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrTextureProxy.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrTextureResolveManager.h"
class GrOpFlushState;
class GrOpsTask;
class GrResourceAllocator;
class GrTextureResolveRenderTask;
// This class abstracts a task that targets a single GrSurfaceProxy, participates in the
// GrDrawingManager's DAG, and implements the onExecute method to modify its target proxy's
// contents. (e.g., an opsTask that executes a command buffer, a task to regenerate mipmaps, etc.)
class GrRenderTask : public SkRefCnt {
~GrRenderTask() override;
void makeClosed(const GrCaps&);
void prePrepare(GrRecordingContext* context) { this->onPrePrepare(context); }
// These two methods are only invoked at flush time
void prepare(GrOpFlushState* flushState);
bool execute(GrOpFlushState* flushState) { return this->onExecute(flushState); }
// Called when this class will survive a flush and needs to truncate its ops and start over.
// TODO: ultimately it should be invalid for an op list to survive a flush.
virtual void endFlush() {}
bool isClosed() const { return this->isSetFlag(kClosed_Flag); }
* Notify this GrRenderTask that it relies on the contents of 'dependedOn'
void addDependency(GrSurfaceProxy* dependedOn, GrMipMapped, GrTextureResolveManager,
const GrCaps& caps);
* Notify this GrRenderTask that it relies on the contents of all GrRenderTasks which otherTask
* depends on.
void addDependenciesFromOtherTask(GrRenderTask* otherTask);
* Does this renderTask depend on 'dependedOn'?
bool dependsOn(const GrRenderTask* dependedOn) const;
uint32_t uniqueID() const { return fUniqueID; }
* Safely cast this GrRenderTask to a GrOpsTask (if possible).
virtual GrOpsTask* asOpsTask() { return nullptr; }
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
* Dump out the GrRenderTask dependency DAG
virtual void dump(bool printDependencies) const;
virtual int numClips() const { return 0; }
virtual void visitProxies_debugOnly(const GrOp::VisitProxyFunc&) const = 0;
void visitTargetAndSrcProxies_debugOnly(const GrOp::VisitProxyFunc& fn) const {
if (fTargetView.proxy()) {
fn(fTargetView.proxy(), GrMipMapped::kNo);
// In addition to just the GrSurface being allocated, has the stencil buffer been allocated (if
// it is required)?
bool isInstantiated() const;
SkDEBUGCODE(bool deferredProxiesAreInstantiated() const;)
enum class ExpectedOutcome : bool {
// Performs any work to finalize this renderTask prior to execution. If returning
// ExpectedOutcome::kTargetDiry, the caller is also responsible to fill out the area it will
// modify in targetUpdateBounds.
// targetUpdateBounds must not extend beyond the proxy bounds.
virtual ExpectedOutcome onMakeClosed(const GrCaps&, SkIRect* targetUpdateBounds) = 0;
GrSurfaceProxyView fTargetView;
// List of texture proxies whose contents are being prepared on a worker thread
// TODO: this list exists so we can fire off the proper upload when an renderTask begins
// executing. Can this be replaced?
SkTArray<GrTextureProxy*, true> fDeferredProxies;
// for resetFlag, TopoSortTraits, gatherProxyIntervals, handleInternalAllocationFailure
friend class GrDrawingManager;
// Drops any pending operations that reference proxies that are not instantiated.
// NOTE: Derived classes don't need to check fTargetView. That is handled when the
// drawingManager calls isInstantiated.
virtual void handleInternalAllocationFailure() = 0;
virtual bool onIsUsed(GrSurfaceProxy*) const = 0;
bool isUsed(GrSurfaceProxy* proxy) const {
if (proxy == fTargetView.proxy()) {
return true;
return this->onIsUsed(proxy);
void addDependency(GrRenderTask* dependedOn);
void addDependent(GrRenderTask* dependent);
SkDEBUGCODE(bool isDependedent(const GrRenderTask* dependent) const;)
SkDEBUGCODE(void validate() const;)
void closeThoseWhoDependOnMe(const GrCaps&);
// Feed proxy usage intervals to the GrResourceAllocator class
virtual void gatherProxyIntervals(GrResourceAllocator*) const = 0;
static uint32_t CreateUniqueID();
enum Flags {
kClosed_Flag = 0x01, //!< This GrRenderTask can't accept any more dependencies.
kWasOutput_Flag = 0x02, //!< Flag for topological sorting
kTempMark_Flag = 0x04, //!< Flag for topological sorting
void setFlag(uint32_t flag) {
fFlags |= flag;
void resetFlag(uint32_t flag) {
fFlags &= ~flag;
bool isSetFlag(uint32_t flag) const {
return SkToBool(fFlags & flag);
struct TopoSortTraits {
static void Output(GrRenderTask* renderTask, int /* index */) {
static bool WasOutput(const GrRenderTask* renderTask) {
return renderTask->isSetFlag(kWasOutput_Flag);
static void SetTempMark(GrRenderTask* renderTask) {
static void ResetTempMark(GrRenderTask* renderTask) {
static bool IsTempMarked(const GrRenderTask* renderTask) {
return renderTask->isSetFlag(kTempMark_Flag);
static int NumDependencies(const GrRenderTask* renderTask) {
return renderTask->fDependencies.count();
static GrRenderTask* Dependency(GrRenderTask* renderTask, int index) {
return renderTask->fDependencies[index];
// Only the GrOpsTask currently overrides this virtual
virtual void onPrePrepare(GrRecordingContext*) {}
virtual void onPrepare(GrOpFlushState*) {} // Only the GrOpsTask overrides this virtual
virtual bool onExecute(GrOpFlushState* flushState) = 0;
const uint32_t fUniqueID;
uint32_t fFlags;
// 'this' GrRenderTask relies on the output of the GrRenderTasks in 'fDependencies'
SkSTArray<1, GrRenderTask*, true> fDependencies;
// 'this' GrRenderTask's output is relied on by the GrRenderTasks in 'fDependents'
SkSTArray<1, GrRenderTask*, true> fDependents;
// For performance reasons, we should perform texture resolves back-to-back as much as possible.
// ( To accomplish this, we make and reuse one single resolve task for
// each render task, then add it as a dependency during makeClosed().
GrTextureResolveRenderTask* fTextureResolveTask = nullptr;