blob: 79088137caa004519ddcd91d2ad13ad000f5ab40 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gl/builders/GrGLFragmentShaderBuilder.h"
#include "GrGLProgramDesc.h"
#include "GrBackendProcessorFactory.h"
#include "GrProcessor.h"
#include "GrGpuGL.h"
#include "GrOptDrawState.h"
#include "SkChecksum.h"
* The key for an individual coord transform is made up of a matrix type and a bit that
* indicates the source of the input coords.
enum {
kMatrixTypeKeyBits = 1,
kMatrixTypeKeyMask = (1 << kMatrixTypeKeyBits) - 1,
kPositionCoords_Flag = (1 << kMatrixTypeKeyBits),
kTransformKeyBits = kMatrixTypeKeyBits + 1,
* We specialize the vertex code for each of these matrix types.
enum MatrixType {
kNoPersp_MatrixType = 0,
kGeneral_MatrixType = 1,
* Do we need to either map r,g,b->a or a->r. configComponentMask indicates which channels are
* present in the texture's config. swizzleComponentMask indicates the channels present in the
* shader swizzle.
static bool swizzle_requires_alpha_remapping(const GrGLCaps& caps,
uint32_t configComponentMask,
uint32_t swizzleComponentMask) {
if (caps.textureSwizzleSupport()) {
// Any remapping is handled using texture swizzling not shader modifications.
return false;
// check if the texture is alpha-only
if (kA_GrColorComponentFlag == configComponentMask) {
if (caps.textureRedSupport() && (kA_GrColorComponentFlag & swizzleComponentMask)) {
// we must map the swizzle 'a's to 'r'.
return true;
if (kRGB_GrColorComponentFlags & swizzleComponentMask) {
// The 'r', 'g', and/or 'b's must be mapped to 'a' according to our semantics that
// alpha-only textures smear alpha across all four channels when read.
return true;
return false;
static uint32_t gen_attrib_key(const GrGeometryProcessor& proc) {
uint32_t key = 0;
const GrGeometryProcessor::VertexAttribArray& vars = proc.getVertexAttribs();
int numAttributes = vars.count();
SkASSERT(numAttributes <= 2);
for (int a = 0; a < numAttributes; ++a) {
uint32_t value = 1 << a;
key |= value;
return key;
static uint32_t gen_transform_key(const GrFragmentStage& effectStage,
bool useExplicitLocalCoords) {
uint32_t totalKey = 0;
int numTransforms = effectStage.getProcessor()->numTransforms();
for (int t = 0; t < numTransforms; ++t) {
uint32_t key = 0;
if (effectStage.isPerspectiveCoordTransform(t, useExplicitLocalCoords)) {
key |= kGeneral_MatrixType;
} else {
key |= kNoPersp_MatrixType;
const GrCoordTransform& coordTransform = effectStage.getProcessor()->coordTransform(t);
if (kLocal_GrCoordSet != coordTransform.sourceCoords() && useExplicitLocalCoords) {
key |= kPositionCoords_Flag;
key <<= kTransformKeyBits * t;
SkASSERT(0 == (totalKey & key)); // keys for each transform ought not to overlap
totalKey |= key;
return totalKey;
static uint32_t gen_texture_key(const GrProcessor& proc, const GrGLCaps& caps) {
uint32_t key = 0;
int numTextures = proc.numTextures();
for (int t = 0; t < numTextures; ++t) {
const GrTextureAccess& access = proc.textureAccess(t);
uint32_t configComponentMask = GrPixelConfigComponentMask(access.getTexture()->config());
if (swizzle_requires_alpha_remapping(caps, configComponentMask, access.swizzleMask())) {
key |= 1 << t;
return key;
* A function which emits a meta key into the key builder. This is required because shader code may
* be dependent on properties of the effect that the effect itself doesn't use
* in its key (e.g. the pixel format of textures used). So we create a meta-key for
* every effect using this function. It is also responsible for inserting the effect's class ID
* which must be different for every GrProcessor subclass. It can fail if an effect uses too many
* textures, transforms, etc, for the space allotted in the meta-key. NOTE, both FPs and GPs share
* this function because it is hairy, though FPs do not have attribs, and GPs do not have transforms
static bool get_meta_key(const GrProcessor& proc,
const GrGLCaps& caps,
uint32_t transformKey,
uint32_t attribKey,
GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b,
uint16_t* processorKeySize) {
const GrBackendProcessorFactory& factory = proc.getFactory();
factory.getGLProcessorKey(proc, caps, b);
size_t size = b->size();
if (size > SK_MaxU16) {
*processorKeySize = 0; // suppresses a warning.
return false;
*processorKeySize = SkToU16(size);
uint32_t textureKey = gen_texture_key(proc, caps);
uint32_t classID = proc.getFactory().classID();
// Currently we allow 16 bits for each of the above portions of the meta-key. Fail if they
// don't fit.
static const uint32_t kMetaKeyInvalidMask = ~((uint32_t) SK_MaxU16);
if ((textureKey | transformKey | classID) & kMetaKeyInvalidMask) {
return false;
uint32_t* key = b->add32n(2);
key[0] = (textureKey << 16 | transformKey);
key[1] = (classID << 16);
return true;
struct GeometryProcessorKeyBuilder {
typedef GrGeometryProcessor StagedProcessor;
static bool GetProcessorKey(const GrGeometryProcessor& gp,
const GrGLCaps& caps,
GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b,
uint16_t* keySize) {
/* 0 because no transforms on a GP */
return get_meta_key(gp, caps, 0, gen_attrib_key(gp), b, keySize);
struct FragmentProcessorKeyBuilder {
typedef GrFragmentStage StagedProcessor;
static bool GetProcessorKey(const GrFragmentStage& fps,
const GrGLCaps& caps,
bool useLocalCoords,
GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b,
uint16_t* keySize) {
/* 0 because no attribs on a fP */
return get_meta_key(*fps.getProcessor(), caps, gen_transform_key(fps, useLocalCoords), 0,
b, keySize);
template <class ProcessorKeyBuilder>
GrGLProgramDesc::BuildStagedProcessorKey(const typename ProcessorKeyBuilder::StagedProcessor& stage,
const GrGLCaps& caps,
bool requiresLocalCoordAttrib,
GrGLProgramDesc* desc,
int* offsetAndSizeIndex) {
GrProcessorKeyBuilder b(&desc->fKey);
uint16_t processorKeySize;
uint32_t processorOffset = desc->fKey.count();
if (processorOffset > SK_MaxU16 ||
!ProcessorKeyBuilder::GetProcessorKey(stage, caps, requiresLocalCoordAttrib, &b,
return false;
uint16_t* offsetAndSize =
reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(desc->fKey.begin() + kEffectKeyOffsetsAndLengthOffset +
*offsetAndSizeIndex * 2 * sizeof(uint16_t));
offsetAndSize[0] = SkToU16(processorOffset);
offsetAndSize[1] = processorKeySize;
return true;
bool GrGLProgramDesc::Build(const GrOptDrawState& optState,
GrGpu::DrawType drawType,
GrGpuGL* gpu,
const GrDeviceCoordTexture* dstCopy,
GrGLProgramDesc* desc) {
bool inputColorIsUsed = optState.inputColorIsUsed();
bool inputCoverageIsUsed = optState.inputCoverageIsUsed();
// The descriptor is used as a cache key. Thus when a field of the
// descriptor will not affect program generation (because of the attribute
// bindings in use or other descriptor field settings) it should be set
// to a canonical value to avoid duplicate programs with different keys.
bool requiresLocalCoordAttrib = optState.requiresLocalCoordAttrib();
int numStages = optState.numTotalStages();
GR_STATIC_ASSERT(0 == kEffectKeyOffsetsAndLengthOffset % sizeof(uint32_t));
// Make room for everything up to and including the array of offsets to effect keys.
desc->fKey.push_back_n(kEffectKeyOffsetsAndLengthOffset + 2 * sizeof(uint16_t) * numStages);
int offsetAndSizeIndex = 0;
// We can only have one effect which touches the vertex shader
if (optState.hasGeometryProcessor()) {
if (!BuildStagedProcessorKey<GeometryProcessorKeyBuilder>(*optState.getGeometryProcessor(),
&offsetAndSizeIndex)) {
return false;
for (int s = 0; s < optState.numFragmentStages(); ++s) {
if (!BuildStagedProcessorKey<FragmentProcessorKeyBuilder>(optState.getFragmentStage(s),
&offsetAndSizeIndex)) {
return false;
// --------DO NOT MOVE HEADER ABOVE THIS LINE--------------------------------------------------
// Because header is a pointer into the dynamic array, we can't push any new data into the key
// below here.
KeyHeader* header = desc->header();
// make sure any padding in the header is zeroed.
memset(header, 0, kHeaderSize);
header->fHasGeometryProcessor = optState.hasGeometryProcessor();
header->fEmitsPointSize = GrGpu::kDrawPoints_DrawType == drawType;
if (gpu->caps()->pathRenderingSupport() &&
GrGpu::IsPathRenderingDrawType(drawType) &&
gpu->glPathRendering()->texturingMode() == GrGLPathRendering::FixedFunction_TexturingMode) {
header->fUseFragShaderOnly = true;
} else {
header->fUseFragShaderOnly = false;
bool defaultToUniformInputs = GrGpu::IsPathRenderingDrawType(drawType) ||
if (!inputColorIsUsed) {
header->fColorInput = kAllOnes_ColorInput;
} else if (defaultToUniformInputs && !optState.hasColorVertexAttribute()) {
header->fColorInput = kUniform_ColorInput;
} else {
header->fColorInput = kAttribute_ColorInput;
bool covIsSolidWhite = !optState.hasCoverageVertexAttribute() &&
0xffffffff == optState.getCoverageColor();
if (covIsSolidWhite || !inputCoverageIsUsed) {
header->fCoverageInput = kAllOnes_ColorInput;
} else if (defaultToUniformInputs && !optState.hasCoverageVertexAttribute()) {
header->fCoverageInput = kUniform_ColorInput;
} else {
header->fCoverageInput = kAttribute_ColorInput;
if (optState.readsDst()) {
SkASSERT(dstCopy || gpu->caps()->dstReadInShaderSupport());
const GrTexture* dstCopyTexture = NULL;
if (dstCopy) {
dstCopyTexture = dstCopy->texture();
header->fDstReadKey = GrGLFragmentShaderBuilder::KeyForDstRead(dstCopyTexture,
SkASSERT(0 != header->fDstReadKey);
} else {
header->fDstReadKey = 0;
if (optState.readsFragPosition()) {
header->fFragPosKey =
} else {
header->fFragPosKey = 0;
// Record attribute indices
header->fPositionAttributeIndex = optState.positionAttributeIndex();
header->fLocalCoordAttributeIndex = optState.localCoordAttributeIndex();
// For constant color and coverage we need an attribute with an index beyond those already set
int availableAttributeIndex = optState.getVertexAttribCount();
if (optState.hasColorVertexAttribute()) {
header->fColorAttributeIndex = optState.colorVertexAttributeIndex();
} else if (GrGLProgramDesc::kAttribute_ColorInput == header->fColorInput) {
SkASSERT(availableAttributeIndex < GrDrawState::kMaxVertexAttribCnt);
header->fColorAttributeIndex = availableAttributeIndex;
} else {
header->fColorAttributeIndex = -1;
if (optState.hasCoverageVertexAttribute()) {
header->fCoverageAttributeIndex = optState.coverageVertexAttributeIndex();
} else if (GrGLProgramDesc::kAttribute_ColorInput == header->fCoverageInput) {
SkASSERT(availableAttributeIndex < GrDrawState::kMaxVertexAttribCnt);
header->fCoverageAttributeIndex = availableAttributeIndex;
} else {
header->fCoverageAttributeIndex = -1;
header->fPrimaryOutputType = optState.getPrimaryOutputType();
header->fSecondaryOutputType = optState.getSecondaryOutputType();
header->fColorEffectCnt = optState.numColorStages();
header->fCoverageEffectCnt = optState.numCoverageStages();
return true;
void GrGLProgramDesc::finalize() {
int keyLength = fKey.count();
SkASSERT(0 == (keyLength % 4));
*this->atOffset<uint32_t, kLengthOffset>() = SkToU32(keyLength);
uint32_t* checksum = this->atOffset<uint32_t, kChecksumOffset>();
*checksum = 0;
*checksum = SkChecksum::Compute(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(fKey.begin()), keyLength);
GrGLProgramDesc& GrGLProgramDesc::operator= (const GrGLProgramDesc& other) {
size_t keyLength = other.keyLength();
memcpy(fKey.begin(), other.fKey.begin(), keyLength);
return *this;