blob: f0cedf26ce1c6acd0564f5ed0f48f05c08d520eb [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import re
import subprocess
import sys
cflags = '-std=c++11 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer'.split()
hsw = '-mavx2 -mfma -mf16c'.split()
subprocess.check_call(['clang++'] + cflags + hsw +
['-c', 'src/splicer/SkSplicer_stages.cpp'] +
['-o', 'hsw.o'])
subprocess.check_call(['clang++'] + cflags + hsw +
['-c', 'src/splicer/SkSplicer_stages_lowp.cpp'] +
['-o', 'hsw_lowp.o'])
aarch64 = [
'--sysroot=' +
subprocess.check_call(['clang++'] + cflags + aarch64 +
['-c', 'src/splicer/SkSplicer_stages.cpp'] +
['-o', 'aarch64.o'])
subprocess.check_call(['clang++'] + cflags + aarch64 +
['-c', 'src/splicer/SkSplicer_stages_lowp.cpp'] +
['-o', 'aarch64_lowp.o'])
armv7 = [
'--sysroot=' +
subprocess.check_call(['clang++'] + cflags + armv7 +
['-c', 'src/splicer/SkSplicer_stages.cpp'] +
['-o', 'armv7.o'])
subprocess.check_call(['clang++'] + cflags + armv7 +
['-c', 'src/splicer/SkSplicer_stages_lowp.cpp'] +
['-o', 'armv7_lowp.o'])
def parse_object_file(dst, dot_o, array_type, done, target=None):
cmd = ['gobjdump', '-d', dot_o]
if target:
cmd += ['--target', target]
for line in subprocess.check_output(cmd).split('\n'):
line = line.strip()
if not line or line.startswith(dot_o) or line.startswith('Disassembly'):
# E.g. 00000000000003a4 <_load_f16>:
m = re.match('''[0-9a-f]+ <_?(.*)>:''', line)
if m:
print >>dst,'static const', array_type, 'kSplice_' + + '[] = {'
columns = line.split('\t')
code = columns[1]
if len(columns) >= 4:
inst = columns[2]
args = columns[3]
inst, args = columns[2].split(' ', 1)
code, inst, args = code.strip(), inst.strip(), args.strip()
# We can't splice code that uses ip-relative addressing.
for arg in args:
assert 'rip' not in arg # TODO: detect on aarch64 too
if code == done:
print >>dst,'};'
hexed = ''.join('0x'+x+',' for x in code.split(' '))
print >>dst,' ' + hexed + ' '*(44-len(hexed)) + \
'// ' + inst + ' '*(14-len(inst)) + args
for suffix in ['', '_lowp']:
with open('src/splicer/SkSplicer_generated%s.h' % suffix, 'w') as f:
print >>f,'''/*
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkSplicer_generated%s_DEFINED
#define SkSplicer_generated%s_DEFINED
// This file is generated semi-automatically with this command:
// $ src/splicer/
#if defined(__aarch64__)
''' % (suffix, suffix)
parse_object_file(f, 'aarch64%s.o' % suffix, 'unsigned int', '14000000')
print >>f,'\n#elif defined(__ARM_NEON__)\n'
parse_object_file(f, 'armv7%s.o' % suffix, 'unsigned int', 'eafffffe',
print >>f,'\n#else\n'
parse_object_file(f, 'hsw%s.o' % suffix, 'unsigned char', 'e9 00 00 00 00')
print >>f,'\n#endif\n'
print >>f,'#endif//SkSplicer_generated%s_DEFINED' % suffix