blob: d89c3df3e7a546c8edfcd94b03d5a5f39c450c9f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkAshmemImageCache_DEFINED
#define SkAshmemImageCache_DEFINED
#include "SkImageCache.h"
#include "SkTDArray.h"
#include "SkTypes.h"
class SkAshmemImageCache : public SkImageCache {
* Get a pointer to the single global instance of SkAshmemImageCache.
static SkAshmemImageCache* GetAshmemImageCache();
virtual void* allocAndPinCache(size_t bytes, intptr_t* ID) SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual void* pinCache(intptr_t ID) SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual void releaseCache(intptr_t ID) SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual void throwAwayCache(intptr_t ID) SK_OVERRIDE;
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
SkImageCache::CacheStatus getCacheStatus(intptr_t ID) const SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual ~SkAshmemImageCache();
struct AshmemRec {
int fFD;
void* fAddr;
size_t fSize;
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
bool fPinned;
static int Compare(const AshmemRec*, const AshmemRec*);
* Constructor is private. The correct way to get this cache is through
* GetAshmemImageCache, so that all callers can get the single global.
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
// Stores a list of AshmemRecs to track deletion.
SkTDArray<AshmemRec*> fRecs;
* Debug only function to add an AshmemRec to the list.
void appendRec(AshmemRec*);
* Return the index of AshmemRec.
int findRec(const AshmemRec*) const;
* Deletes AshmemRec. In debug, also removes from the list.
void removeRec(AshmemRec*);
#endif // SkAshmemImageCache_DEFINED