1. bcdbbe6 by bsalomon@google.com · 14 years ago
  2. 9d18b78 This CL implements a tesselated path renderer, using GLU's libtess. All of the by senorblanco@chromium.org · 14 years ago
  3. 7f5875d Fix direct-to-stencil clippath rendering logic in GrGpu. by bsalomon@google.com · 14 years ago
  4. 5aaa69e Fixups for clipstack, convexity test for paths. by bsalomon@google.com · 14 years ago
  5. d302f14 Add support for clipstack to Gr. GrClip is now a list of rects and paths with set operations to combine them. The stencil buffer is used to perform the set operations to put the clip into the stencil buffer. Building Gr's clip from Skia's clipStack is currently disabled due to the fact that Skia's clipStack is relative to the root layer not the current layer. This will be fixed in a subsequent CL. by bsalomon@google.com · 14 years ago
  6. ffca400 Make a separate path renderer object. Move enum types to GrTypes.h by bsalomon@google.com · 14 years ago