blob: de0407d5cfab07fccf346cb4ff52bd17d1504ba3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkImage_Gpu_DEFINED
#define SkImage_Gpu_DEFINED
#include "GrContext.h"
#include "GrGpuResourcePriv.h"
#include "GrSurfaceProxyPriv.h"
#include "SkGr.h"
#include "SkImagePriv.h"
#include "SkImage_GpuBase.h"
class GrTexture;
class SkBitmap;
struct SkYUVAIndex;
class SkImage_Gpu : public SkImage_GpuBase {
SkImage_Gpu(sk_sp<GrContext>, uint32_t uniqueID, SkAlphaType, sk_sp<GrTextureProxy>,
~SkImage_Gpu() override;
SkImageInfo onImageInfo() const override;
GrTextureProxy* peekProxy() const override {
return fProxy.get();
sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> asTextureProxyRef() const override {
return fProxy;
virtual bool onIsTextureBacked() const override { return SkToBool(fProxy.get()); }
Create a new SkImage that is very similar to an SkImage created by MakeFromTexture. The main
difference is that the client doesn't have the backend texture on the gpu yet but they know
all the properties of the texture. So instead of passing in a GrBackendTexture the client
supplies a GrBackendFormat, width, height, and GrMipMapped state.
When we actually send the draw calls to the GPU, we will call the textureFulfillProc and
the client will return a GrBackendTexture to us. The properties of the GrBackendTexture must
match those set during the SkImage creation, and it must have a valid backend gpu texture.
The gpu texture supplied by the client must stay valid until we call the textureReleaseProc.
When we are done with the texture returned by the textureFulfillProc we will call the
textureReleaseProc passing in the textureContext. This is a signal to the client that they
are free to delete the underlying gpu texture. If future draws also use the same promise
image we will call the textureFulfillProc again if we've already called the
textureReleaseProc. We will always call textureFulfillProc and textureReleaseProc in pairs.
In other words we will never call textureFulfillProc or textureReleaseProc multiple times
for the same textureContext before calling the other.
We we call the promiseDoneProc when we will no longer call the textureFulfillProc again. We
also guarantee that there will be no outstanding textureReleaseProcs that still need to be
called when we call the textureDoneProc. Thus when the textureDoneProc gets called the
client is able to cleanup all GPU objects and meta data needed for the textureFulfill call.
@param context Gpu context
@param backendFormat format of promised gpu texture
@param width width of promised gpu texture
@param height height of promised gpu texture
@param mipMapped mip mapped state of promised gpu texture
@param origin one of: kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin, kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin
@param colorType one of: kUnknown_SkColorType, kAlpha_8_SkColorType,
kRGB_565_SkColorType, kARGB_4444_SkColorType,
kRGBA_8888_SkColorType, kBGRA_8888_SkColorType,
kGray_8_SkColorType, kRGBA_F16_SkColorType
@param alphaType one of: kUnknown_SkAlphaType, kOpaque_SkAlphaType,
kPremul_SkAlphaType, kUnpremul_SkAlphaType
@param colorSpace range of colors; may be nullptr
@param textureFulfillProc function called to get actual gpu texture
@param textureReleaseProc function called when texture can be released
@param promiseDoneProc function called when we will no longer call textureFulfillProc
@param textureContext state passed to textureFulfillProc and textureReleaseProc
@return created SkImage, or nullptr
static sk_sp<SkImage> MakePromiseTexture(GrContext* context,
const GrBackendFormat& backendFormat,
int width,
int height,
GrMipMapped mipMapped,
GrSurfaceOrigin origin,
SkColorType colorType,
SkAlphaType alphaType,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace,
TextureFulfillProc textureFulfillProc,
TextureReleaseProc textureReleaseProc,
PromiseDoneProc promiseDoneProc,
TextureContext textureContext);
static sk_sp<SkImage> ConvertYUVATexturesToRGB(GrContext*, SkYUVColorSpace yuvColorSpace,
const GrBackendTexture yuvaTextures[],
const SkYUVAIndex yuvaIndices[4],
SkISize imageSize, GrSurfaceOrigin imageOrigin,
sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> fProxy;
typedef SkImage_GpuBase INHERITED;