blob: 0899690ba18d6a587f7cd0fdebb06835f6d5b253 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer.h"
#include "GrCaps.h"
#include "GrClip.h"
#include "GrProxyProvider.h"
#include "SkMakeUnique.h"
#include "SkPathOps.h"
#include "ccpr/GrCCClipProcessor.h"
#include "ccpr/GrCCDrawPathsOp.h"
#include "ccpr/GrCCPathCache.h"
using PathInstance = GrCCPathProcessor::Instance;
GrCCPerOpListPaths::~GrCCPerOpListPaths() {
// Ensure there are no surviving DrawPathsOps with a dangling pointer into this class.
if (!fDrawOps.isEmpty()) {
SK_ABORT("GrCCDrawPathsOp(s) not deleted during flush");
// Clip lazy proxies also reference this class from their callbacks, but those callbacks
// are only invoked at flush time while we are still alive. (Unlike DrawPathsOps, that
// unregister themselves upon destruction.) So it shouldn't matter if any clip proxies
// are still around.
bool GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::IsSupported(const GrCaps& caps) {
const GrShaderCaps& shaderCaps = *caps.shaderCaps();
return shaderCaps.integerSupport() && shaderCaps.flatInterpolationSupport() &&
caps.instanceAttribSupport() && GrCaps::kNone_MapFlags != caps.mapBufferFlags() &&
caps.isConfigTexturable(kAlpha_half_GrPixelConfig) &&
caps.isConfigRenderable(kAlpha_half_GrPixelConfig) &&
caps.isConfigTexturable(kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig) &&
caps.isConfigRenderable(kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig) &&
sk_sp<GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer> GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::CreateIfSupported(
const GrCaps& caps, AllowCaching allowCaching) {
return sk_sp<GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer>(
IsSupported(caps) ? new GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer(allowCaching) : nullptr);
GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer(AllowCaching allowCaching) {
if (AllowCaching::kYes == allowCaching) {
fPathCache = skstd::make_unique<GrCCPathCache>();
GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::~GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer() {
// Ensure callers are actually flushing paths they record, not causing us to leak memory.
GrCCPerOpListPaths* GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::lookupPendingPaths(uint32_t opListID) {
auto it = fPendingPaths.find(opListID);
if (fPendingPaths.end() == it) {
sk_sp<GrCCPerOpListPaths> paths = sk_make_sp<GrCCPerOpListPaths>();
it = fPendingPaths.insert(std::make_pair(opListID, std::move(paths))).first;
return it->second.get();
GrPathRenderer::CanDrawPath GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::onCanDrawPath(
const CanDrawPathArgs& args) const {
const GrShape& shape = *args.fShape;
if (GrAAType::kCoverage != args.fAAType || ||
args.fViewMatrix->hasPerspective() || shape.inverseFilled()) {
return CanDrawPath::kNo;
SkPath path;
switch ( {
case SkStrokeRec::kFill_Style: {
SkRect devBounds;
args.fViewMatrix->mapRect(&devBounds, path.getBounds());
SkIRect clippedIBounds;
if (!clippedIBounds.intersect(*args.fClipConservativeBounds)) {
// The path is completely clipped away. Our code will eventually notice this before
// doing any real work.
return CanDrawPath::kYes;
int64_t numPixels = sk_64_mul(clippedIBounds.height(), clippedIBounds.width());
if (path.countVerbs() > 1000 && path.countPoints() > numPixels) {
// This is a complicated path that has more vertices than pixels! Let's let the SW
// renderer have this one: It will probably be faster and a bitmap will require less
// total memory on the GPU than CCPR instance buffers would for the raw path data.
return CanDrawPath::kNo;
if (numPixels > 256 * 256) {
// Large paths can blow up the atlas fast. And they are not ideal for a two-pass
// rendering algorithm. Give the simpler direct renderers a chance before we commit
// to drawing it.
return CanDrawPath::kAsBackup;
if (args.fShape->hasUnstyledKey() && path.countVerbs() > 50) {
// Complex paths do better cached in an SDF, if the renderer will accept them.
return CanDrawPath::kAsBackup;
return CanDrawPath::kYes;
case SkStrokeRec::kStroke_Style:
if (!args.fViewMatrix->isSimilarity()) {
// The stroker currently only supports rigid-body transfoms for the stroke lines
// themselves. This limitation doesn't affect hairlines since their stroke lines are
// defined relative to device space.
return CanDrawPath::kNo;
// fallthru
case SkStrokeRec::kHairline_Style:
// The stroker does not support conics yet.
return !SkPathPriv::ConicWeightCnt(path) ? CanDrawPath::kYes : CanDrawPath::kNo;
case SkStrokeRec::kStrokeAndFill_Style:
return CanDrawPath::kNo;
SK_ABORT("Invalid stroke style.");
return CanDrawPath::kNo;
bool GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::onDrawPath(const DrawPathArgs& args) {
SkIRect clipIBounds;
GrRenderTargetContext* rtc = args.fRenderTargetContext;
args.fClip->getConservativeBounds(rtc->width(), rtc->height(), &clipIBounds, nullptr);
auto op = GrCCDrawPathsOp::Make(args.fContext, clipIBounds, *args.fViewMatrix, *args.fShape,
this->recordOp(std::move(op), args);
return true;
void GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::recordOp(std::unique_ptr<GrCCDrawPathsOp> opHolder,
const DrawPathArgs& args) {
if (GrCCDrawPathsOp* op = opHolder.get()) {
GrRenderTargetContext* rtc = args.fRenderTargetContext;
if (uint32_t opListID = rtc->addDrawOp(*args.fClip, std::move(opHolder))) {
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::makeClipProcessor(
uint32_t opListID, const SkPath& deviceSpacePath, const SkIRect& accessRect, int rtWidth,
int rtHeight, const GrCaps& caps) {
using MustCheckBounds = GrCCClipProcessor::MustCheckBounds;
GrCCClipPath& clipPath =
if (!clipPath.isInitialized()) {
// This ClipPath was just created during lookup. Initialize it.
const SkRect& pathDevBounds = deviceSpacePath.getBounds();
if (SkTMax(pathDevBounds.height(), pathDevBounds.width()) > kPathCropThreshold) {
// The path is too large. Crop it or analytic AA can run out of fp32 precision.
SkPath croppedPath;
int maxRTSize = caps.maxRenderTargetSize();
CropPath(deviceSpacePath, SkIRect::MakeWH(maxRTSize, maxRTSize), &croppedPath);
clipPath.init(croppedPath, accessRect, rtWidth, rtHeight, caps);
} else {
clipPath.init(deviceSpacePath, accessRect, rtWidth, rtHeight, caps);
} else {
bool mustCheckBounds = !clipPath.pathDevIBounds().contains(accessRect);
return skstd::make_unique<GrCCClipProcessor>(&clipPath, MustCheckBounds(mustCheckBounds),
void GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::preFlush(GrOnFlushResourceProvider* onFlushRP,
const uint32_t* opListIDs, int numOpListIDs,
SkTArray<sk_sp<GrRenderTargetContext>>* out) {
using DoCopiesToCache = GrCCDrawPathsOp::DoCopiesToCache;
SkDEBUGCODE(fFlushing = true);
// Dig up the stashed atlas from the previous flush (if any) so we can attempt to copy any
// reusable paths out of it and into the resource cache. We also need to clear its unique key.
sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> stashedAtlasProxy;
if (fStashedAtlasKey.isValid()) {
stashedAtlasProxy = onFlushRP->findOrCreateProxyByUniqueKey(fStashedAtlasKey,
if (stashedAtlasProxy) {
// Instantiate the proxy so we can clear the underlying texture's unique key.
onFlushRP->removeUniqueKeyFromProxy(fStashedAtlasKey, stashedAtlasProxy.get());
} else {
fStashedAtlasKey.reset(); // Indicate there is no stashed atlas to copy from.
if (fPendingPaths.empty()) {
return; // Nothing to draw.
GrCCPerFlushResourceSpecs specs;
int maxPreferredRTSize = onFlushRP->caps()->maxPreferredRenderTargetSize();
specs.fCopyAtlasSpecs.fMaxPreferredTextureSize = SkTMin(2048, maxPreferredRTSize);
SkASSERT(0 == specs.fCopyAtlasSpecs.fMinTextureSize);
specs.fRenderedAtlasSpecs.fMaxPreferredTextureSize = maxPreferredRTSize;
specs.fRenderedAtlasSpecs.fMinTextureSize = SkTMin(512, maxPreferredRTSize);
// Move the per-opList paths that are about to be flushed from fPendingPaths to fFlushingPaths,
// and count them up so we can preallocate buffers.
for (int i = 0; i < numOpListIDs; ++i) {
auto iter = fPendingPaths.find(opListIDs[i]);
if (fPendingPaths.end() == iter) {
continue; // No paths on this opList.
for (GrCCDrawPathsOp* op : fFlushingPaths.back()->fDrawOps) {
op->accountForOwnPaths(fPathCache.get(), onFlushRP, fStashedAtlasKey, &specs);
for (const auto& clipsIter : fFlushingPaths.back()->fClipPaths) {
if (specs.isEmpty()) {
return; // Nothing to draw.
// Determine if there are enough reusable paths from last flush for it to be worth our time to
// copy them to cached atlas(es).
int numCopies = specs.fNumCopiedPaths[GrCCPerFlushResourceSpecs::kFillIdx] +
DoCopiesToCache doCopies = DoCopiesToCache(numCopies > 100 ||
specs.fCopyAtlasSpecs.fApproxNumPixels > 256 * 256);
if (numCopies && DoCopiesToCache::kNo == doCopies) {
auto resources = sk_make_sp<GrCCPerFlushResources>(onFlushRP, specs);
if (!resources->isMapped()) {
return; // Some allocation failed.
// Layout the atlas(es) and parse paths.
for (const auto& flushingPaths : fFlushingPaths) {
for (GrCCDrawPathsOp* op : flushingPaths->fDrawOps) {
op->setupResources(onFlushRP, resources.get(), doCopies);
for (auto& clipsIter : flushingPaths->fClipPaths) {
clipsIter.second.renderPathInAtlas(resources.get(), onFlushRP);
// Allocate resources and then render the atlas(es).
if (!resources->finalize(onFlushRP, std::move(stashedAtlasProxy), out)) {
// Verify the stashed atlas got released so its texture could be recycled.
// Commit flushing paths to the resources once they are successfully completed.
for (auto& flushingPaths : fFlushingPaths) {
flushingPaths->fFlushResources = resources;
void GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::postFlush(GrDeferredUploadToken, const uint32_t* opListIDs,
int numOpListIDs) {
SkASSERT(!fStashedAtlasKey.isValid()); // Should have been cleared in preFlush().
if (!fFlushingPaths.empty()) {
// Note the stashed atlas's key for next flush, if any.
auto resources = fFlushingPaths.front()->fFlushResources.get();
if (resources && resources->hasStashedAtlas()) {
fStashedAtlasKey = resources->stashedAtlasKey();
// In DDL mode these aren't guaranteed to be deleted so we must clear out the perFlush
// resources manually.
for (auto& flushingPaths : fFlushingPaths) {
flushingPaths->fFlushResources = nullptr;
// We wait to erase these until after flush, once Ops and FPs are done accessing their data.
SkDEBUGCODE(fFlushing = false);
void GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::CropPath(const SkPath& path, const SkIRect& cropbox,
SkPath* out) {
SkPath cropboxPath;
if (!Op(cropboxPath, path, kIntersect_SkPathOp, out)) {
// This can fail if the PathOps encounter NaN or infinities.