blob: 9e97966952d550af4623e63fe6f09533e99cc86c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrAtlasGlyphCache_DEFINED
#define GrAtlasGlyphCache_DEFINED
#include "GrCaps.h"
#include "GrDrawOpAtlas.h"
#include "GrGlyph.h"
#include "SkGlyphCache.h"
#include "SkTDynamicHash.h"
#include "SkVarAlloc.h"
class GrAtlasGlyphCache;
class GrGpu;
* The GrAtlasTextStrike manages a pool of CPU backing memory for GrGlyphs. This backing memory
* is indexed by a PackedID and SkGlyphCache. The SkGlyphCache is what actually creates the mask.
* The GrAtlasTextStrike may outlive the generating SkGlyphCache. However, it retains a copy
* of it's SkDescriptor as a key to access (or regenerate) the SkGlyphCache. GrAtlasTextStrike are
* created by and owned by a GrAtlasGlyphCache.
class GrAtlasTextStrike : public SkNVRefCnt<GrAtlasTextStrike> {
/** Owner is the cache that owns this strike. */
GrAtlasTextStrike(GrAtlasGlyphCache* owner, const SkDescriptor& fontScalerKey);
inline GrGlyph* getGlyph(const SkGlyph& skGlyph, GrGlyph::PackedID packed,
SkGlyphCache* cache) {
GrGlyph* glyph = fCache.find(packed);
if (nullptr == glyph) {
glyph = this->generateGlyph(skGlyph, packed, cache);
return glyph;
// This variant of the above function is called by GrAtlasTextOp. At this point, it is possible
// that the maskformat of the glyph differs from what we expect. In these cases we will just
// draw a clear square.
// skbug:4143 crbug:510931
inline GrGlyph* getGlyph(GrGlyph::PackedID packed,
GrMaskFormat expectedMaskFormat,
SkGlyphCache* cache) {
GrGlyph* glyph = fCache.find(packed);
if (nullptr == glyph) {
// We could return this to the caller, but in practice it adds code complexity for
// potentially little benefit(ie, if the glyph is not in our font cache, then its not
// in the atlas and we're going to be doing a texture upload anyways).
const SkGlyph& skGlyph = GrToSkGlyph(cache, packed);
glyph = this->generateGlyph(skGlyph, packed, cache);
glyph->fMaskFormat = expectedMaskFormat;
return glyph;
// returns true if glyph successfully added to texture atlas, false otherwise. If the glyph's
// mask format has changed, then addGlyphToAtlas will draw a clear box. This will almost never
// happen.
// TODO we can handle some of these cases if we really want to, but the long term solution is to
// get the actual glyph image itself when we get the glyph metrics.
bool addGlyphToAtlas(GrDrawOp::Target*, GrGlyph*, SkGlyphCache*,
GrMaskFormat expectedMaskFormat);
// testing
int countGlyphs() const { return fCache.count(); }
// remove any references to this plot
void removeID(GrDrawOpAtlas::AtlasID);
// If a TextStrike is abandoned by the cache, then the caller must get a new strike
bool isAbandoned() const { return fIsAbandoned; }
static const SkDescriptor& GetKey(const GrAtlasTextStrike& ts) {
return *ts.fFontScalerKey.getDesc();
static uint32_t Hash(const SkDescriptor& desc) { return desc.getChecksum(); }
SkTDynamicHash<GrGlyph, GrGlyph::PackedID> fCache;
SkAutoDescriptor fFontScalerKey;
SkVarAlloc fPool;
GrAtlasGlyphCache* fAtlasGlyphCache;
int fAtlasedGlyphs;
bool fIsAbandoned;
static const SkGlyph& GrToSkGlyph(SkGlyphCache* cache, GrGlyph::PackedID id) {
return cache->getGlyphIDMetrics(GrGlyph::UnpackID(id),
GrGlyph* generateGlyph(const SkGlyph&, GrGlyph::PackedID, SkGlyphCache*);
friend class GrAtlasGlyphCache;
* GrAtlasGlyphCache manages strikes which are indexed by a SkGlyphCache. These strikes can then be
* used to generate individual Glyph Masks. The GrAtlasGlyphCache also manages GrDrawOpAtlases,
* though this is more or less transparent to the client(aside from atlasGeneration, described
* below).
class GrAtlasGlyphCache {
// The user of the cache may hold a long-lived ref to the returned strike. However, actions by
// another client of the cache may cause the strike to be purged while it is still reffed.
// Therefore, the caller must check GrAtlasTextStrike::isAbandoned() if there are other
// interactions with the cache since the strike was received.
inline GrAtlasTextStrike* getStrike(const SkGlyphCache* cache) {
GrAtlasTextStrike* strike = fCache.find(cache->getDescriptor());
if (nullptr == strike) {
strike = this->generateStrike(cache);
return strike;
void freeAll();
// if getProxy returns nullptr, the client must not try to use other functions on the
// GrAtlasGlyphCache which use the atlas. This function *must* be called first, before other
// functions which use the atlas.
sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> getProxy(GrMaskFormat format) {
if (this->initAtlas(format)) {
return this->getAtlas(format)->getProxy();
return nullptr;
bool hasGlyph(GrGlyph* glyph) {
return this->getAtlas(glyph->fMaskFormat)->hasID(glyph->fID);
// To ensure the GrDrawOpAtlas does not evict the Glyph Mask from its texture backing store,
// the client must pass in the current op token along with the GrGlyph.
// A BulkUseTokenUpdater is used to manage bulk last use token updating in the Atlas.
// For convenience, this function will also set the use token for the current glyph if required
// NOTE: the bulk uploader is only valid if the subrun has a valid atlasGeneration
void addGlyphToBulkAndSetUseToken(GrDrawOpAtlas::BulkUseTokenUpdater* updater, GrGlyph* glyph,
GrDrawOpUploadToken token) {
this->getAtlas(glyph->fMaskFormat)->setLastUseToken(glyph->fID, token);
void setUseTokenBulk(const GrDrawOpAtlas::BulkUseTokenUpdater& updater,
GrDrawOpUploadToken token,
GrMaskFormat format) {
this->getAtlas(format)->setLastUseTokenBulk(updater, token);
// add to texture atlas that matches this format
bool addToAtlas(GrAtlasTextStrike* strike, GrDrawOpAtlas::AtlasID* id, GrDrawOp::Target* target,
GrMaskFormat format, int width, int height, const void* image,
SkIPoint16* loc) {
fPreserveStrike = strike;
return this->getAtlas(format)->addToAtlas(id, target, width, height, image, loc);
// Some clients may wish to verify the integrity of the texture backing store of the
// GrDrawOpAtlas. The atlasGeneration returned below is a monotonically increasing number which
// changes every time something is removed from the texture backing store.
uint64_t atlasGeneration(GrMaskFormat format) const {
return this->getAtlas(format)->atlasGeneration();
int log2Width(GrMaskFormat format) { return fAtlasConfigs[format].fLog2Width; }
int log2Height(GrMaskFormat format) { return fAtlasConfigs[format].fLog2Height; }
// Functions intended debug only
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
void dump() const;
void setAtlasSizes_ForTesting(const GrDrawOpAtlasConfig configs[3]);
GrContext* context() const { return fContext; }
static GrPixelConfig MaskFormatToPixelConfig(GrMaskFormat format, const GrCaps& caps) {
switch (format) {
case kA8_GrMaskFormat:
return kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig;
case kA565_GrMaskFormat:
return kRGB_565_GrPixelConfig;
case kARGB_GrMaskFormat:
return caps.srgbSupport() ? kSRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig : kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
SkDEBUGFAIL("unsupported GrMaskFormat");
return kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig;
// There is a 1:1 mapping between GrMaskFormats and atlas indices
static int MaskFormatToAtlasIndex(GrMaskFormat format) {
static const int sAtlasIndices[] = {
static_assert(SK_ARRAY_COUNT(sAtlasIndices) == kMaskFormatCount, "array_size_mismatch");
SkASSERT(sAtlasIndices[format] < kMaskFormatCount);
return sAtlasIndices[format];
bool initAtlas(GrMaskFormat);
GrAtlasTextStrike* generateStrike(const SkGlyphCache* cache) {
GrAtlasTextStrike* strike = new GrAtlasTextStrike(this, cache->getDescriptor());
return strike;
GrDrawOpAtlas* getAtlas(GrMaskFormat format) const {
int atlasIndex = MaskFormatToAtlasIndex(format);
return fAtlases[atlasIndex].get();
static void HandleEviction(GrDrawOpAtlas::AtlasID, void*);
using StrikeHash = SkTDynamicHash<GrAtlasTextStrike, SkDescriptor>;
GrContext* fContext;
StrikeHash fCache;
std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOpAtlas> fAtlases[kMaskFormatCount];
GrAtlasTextStrike* fPreserveStrike;
GrDrawOpAtlasConfig fAtlasConfigs[kMaskFormatCount];