blob: 46d443474f2fde881c22cdc9751f4e3f02a8e7ab [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
skia_enable_tools = !is_fuchsia && !is_component_build
skia_use_expat = true
skia_use_fontconfig = is_linux
skia_use_freetype = is_android || is_fuchsia || is_linux
skia_use_giflib = !is_fuchsia
skia_use_libjpeg_turbo = true
skia_use_libpng = true
skia_use_libwebp = !is_fuchsia
skia_use_sfntly = !is_fuchsia
skia_use_vulkan = false
skia_use_zlib = true
fontmgr_android_enabled = skia_use_expat && skia_use_freetype
skia_public_includes = [
# Skia public API, generally provided by :skia.
config("skia_public") {
include_dirs = skia_public_includes
defines = [ "SKIA_DLL" ]
if (is_linux) {
defines += [ "SK_SAMPLES_FOR_X" ]
# Skia internal APIs, used by Skia itself and a few test tools.
config("skia_private") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
include_dirs = [
defines = [ "SK_GAMMA_APPLY_TO_A8" ]
if (is_android) {
defines += [
if (is_official_build || is_android) {
# TODO(bsalomon): it'd be nice to make Android normal.
# Any code that's linked into Skia-the-library should use this config via += skia_library_configs.
config("skia_library") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
defines = [ "SKIA_IMPLEMENTATION=1" ]
skia_library_configs = [
# Use for CPU-specific Skia code that needs particular compiler flags.
template("opts") {
if (invoker.enabled) {
source_set(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
configs += skia_library_configs
} else {
# If not enabled, a phony empty target that swallows all otherwise unused variables.
source_set(target_name) {
is_x86 = current_cpu == "x64" || current_cpu == "x86"
opts("none") {
enabled = !is_x86 && current_cpu != "arm" && current_cpu != "arm64"
sources = skia_opts.none_sources
cflags = []
opts("armv7") {
enabled = current_cpu == "arm"
sources = skia_opts.armv7_sources + skia_opts.neon_sources
cflags = []
opts("arm64") {
enabled = current_cpu == "arm64"
sources = skia_opts.arm64_sources
cflags = []
opts("crc32") {
enabled = current_cpu == "arm64"
sources = skia_opts.crc32_sources
cflags = [ "-march=armv8-a+crc" ]
opts("sse2") {
enabled = is_x86
sources = skia_opts.sse2_sources
cflags = [ "-msse2" ]
opts("ssse3") {
enabled = is_x86
sources = skia_opts.ssse3_sources
cflags = [ "-mssse3" ]
opts("sse41") {
enabled = is_x86
sources = skia_opts.sse41_sources
cflags = [ "-msse4.1" ]
opts("sse42") {
enabled = is_x86
sources = skia_opts.sse42_sources
cflags = [ "-msse4.2" ]
opts("avx") {
enabled = is_x86
sources = skia_opts.avx_sources
cflags = [ "-mavx" ]
opts("dsp") {
enabled = current_cpu == "mipsel"
sources = skia_opts.mips_dsp_sources
cflags = []
# Any feature of Skia that requires third-party code should be optional and use this template.
template("optional") {
if (invoker.enabled) {
config(target_name + "_public") {
if (defined(invoker.public_defines)) {
defines = invoker.public_defines
source_set(target_name) {
all_dependent_configs = [ ":" + target_name + "_public" ]
configs += skia_library_configs
} else {
source_set(target_name) {
if (defined(invoker.sources_when_disabled)) {
sources = invoker.sources_when_disabled
configs += skia_library_configs
optional("fontmgr_android") {
enabled = fontmgr_android_enabled
deps = [
sources = [
optional("fontmgr_custom") {
enabled = is_linux && skia_use_freetype && !skia_use_fontconfig
deps = [
sources = [
optional("fontmgr_fontconfig") {
enabled = skia_use_freetype && skia_use_fontconfig
deps = [
sources = [
optional("fontmgr_fuchsia") {
enabled = is_fuchsia && skia_use_freetype
deps = [
sources = [
optional("gif") {
enabled = skia_use_giflib
public_defines = [ "SK_HAS_GIF_LIBRARY" ]
deps = [
sources = [
optional("jpeg") {
enabled = skia_use_libjpeg_turbo
public_defines = [ "SK_HAS_JPEG_LIBRARY" ]
deps = [
sources = [
optional("pdf") {
enabled = skia_use_zlib
deps = [
sources = skia_pdf_sources
sources_when_disabled = [ "src/pdf/SkDocument_PDF_None.cpp" ]
if (skia_use_sfntly) {
deps += [ "//third_party/sfntly" ]
public_defines = [ "SK_PDF_USE_SFNTLY" ]
optional("png") {
enabled = skia_use_libpng
public_defines = [ "SK_HAS_PNG_LIBRARY" ]
deps = [
sources = [
optional("typeface_freetype") {
enabled = skia_use_freetype
deps = [
sources = [
optional("vulkan") {
enabled = skia_use_vulkan
public_defines = [ "SK_VULKAN" ]
libs = [ "vulkan" ]
sources = skia_vk_sources
optional("webp") {
enabled = skia_use_libwebp
public_defines = [ "SK_HAS_WEBP_LIBRARY" ]
deps = [
sources = [
optional("xml") {
enabled = skia_use_expat
deps = [
sources = [
component("skia") {
public_configs = [ ":skia_public" ]
configs += skia_library_configs
deps = [
sources = []
sources += skia_core_sources
sources += skia_effects_sources
sources += skia_gpu_sources
sources += skia_sksl_sources
sources += skia_utils_sources
sources += [
# These paths need to be absolute to match the ones produced by
# shared_sources.gni, but this file may be used from different directory
# locations.
sources -= get_path_info([
libs = []
if (is_win) {
sources += [
sources -= [ "src/utils/SkThreadUtils_pthread.cpp" ]
} else {
sources += [
if (is_android) {
deps += [
sources += [
libs += [
if (is_linux) {
libs += [
sources += [
if (is_mac) {
sources += [
libs += [
if (is_fuchsia) {
sources += [
skia_h_headers = exec_script("gyp/",
[ "*.h" ] + rebase_path(skia_public_includes),
"list lines",
[]) -
action("skia.h") {
script = "gn/"
args = [ rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/skia.h", root_build_dir) ] +
rebase_path(skia_h_headers, target_gen_dir)
outputs = [
if (target_cpu == "x64") {
# Our bots only have 64-bit libOSMesa installed.
# TODO: worth fixing?
executable("fiddle") {
include_dirs = [ "$target_gen_dir" ]
libs = []
if (is_linux) {
libs += [ "OSMesa" ]
sources = [
deps = [
# Targets guarded by skia_enable_tools may use //third_party freely.
if (skia_enable_tools) {
template("test_lib") {
config(target_name + "_config") {
include_dirs = invoker.public_include_dirs
source_set(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", [ "public_include_dirs" ])
public_configs = [
":" + target_name + "_config",
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ ":skia" ]
testonly = true
test_lib("gpu_tool_utils") {
public_include_dirs = [ "tools/gpu" ]
sources = [
libs = []
if (is_android) {
sources += [ "tools/gpu/gl/egl/CreatePlatformGLTestContext_egl.cpp" ]
} else if (is_linux) {
sources += [ "tools/gpu/gl/glx/CreatePlatformGLTestContext_glx.cpp" ]
} else if (is_mac) {
sources += [ "tools/gpu/gl/mac/CreatePlatformGLTestContext_mac.cpp" ]
if (skia_use_vulkan) {
sources += [ "tools/gpu/vk/VkTestContext.cpp" ]
test_lib("flags") {
public_include_dirs = [ "tools/flags" ]
sources = [
deps = [
test_lib("tool_utils") {
public_include_dirs = [
sources = [
"src/utils/SkMultiPictureDocumentReader.cpp", # TODO(halcanary): move to tools?
deps = [
public_deps = [
gm_sources = exec_script("gyp/",
"list lines",
test_lib("gm") {
public_include_dirs = [ "gm" ]
sources = gm_sources
deps = [
tests_sources = exec_script("gyp/",
"list lines",
test_lib("tests") {
public_include_dirs = [ "tests" ]
sources = tests_sources - [
rebase_path("tests/PathOpsSkpClipTest.cpp"), # alternate main
rebase_path("tests/SkpSkGrTest.cpp"), # doesn't compile
rebase_path("tests/skia_test.cpp"), # alternate main
if (!fontmgr_android_enabled) {
sources -= [ rebase_path("tests/FontMgrAndroidParserTest.cpp") ]
deps = [
bench_sources = exec_script("gyp/",
"list lines",
test_lib("bench") {
public_include_dirs = [ "bench" ]
sources = bench_sources
sources -= [
deps = [
test_lib("experimental_svg_model") {
public_include_dirs = [ "experimental/svg/model" ]
sources = [
deps = [
executable("dm") {
sources = [
include_dirs = [ "tests" ]
deps = [
testonly = true
executable("monobench") {
sources = [
deps = [
testonly = true
executable("nanobench") {
sources = [
deps = [
testonly = true
if (current_cpu != "mipsel") { # Clang 3.8 crashes while compiling for mipsel.
executable("sktexttopdf-hb") {
sources = [
deps = [
testonly = true
executable("sktexttopdf") {
sources = [
deps = [
testonly = true