blob: f1321c5f674704e4c0c88182f2089f13524e101a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstring>
#include <type_traits>
#include "GrClip.h"
#include "GrContext.h"
#include "GrContextPriv.h"
#include "GrRenderTargetContext.h"
#include "GrTexture.h"
#include "SkImage_Gpu.h"
#include "SkImage_GpuYUVA.h"
#include "effects/GrYUVtoRGBEffect.h"
SkImage_GpuYUVA::SkImage_GpuYUVA(sk_sp<GrContext> context, uint32_t uniqueID,
SkYUVColorSpace colorSpace, sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> proxies[],
const SkYUVAIndex yuvaIndices[4], SkISize size,
GrSurfaceOrigin origin, sk_sp<SkColorSpace> imageColorSpace,
SkBudgeted budgeted)
: INHERITED(std::move(context), size.width(), size.height(), uniqueID,
// If an alpha channel is present we always switch to kPremul. This is because,
// although the planar data is always un-premul, the final interleaved RGB image
// is/would-be premul.
-1 != yuvaIndices[SkYUVAIndex::kA_Index].fIndex ? kPremul_SkAlphaType
: kOpaque_SkAlphaType,
budgeted, imageColorSpace)
, fYUVColorSpace(colorSpace)
, fOrigin(origin) {
int maxIndex = yuvaIndices[0].fIndex;
for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) {
if (yuvaIndices[i].fIndex > maxIndex) {
maxIndex = yuvaIndices[i].fIndex;
for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndex; ++i) {
fProxies[i] = std::move(proxies[i]);
memcpy(fYUVAIndices, yuvaIndices, 4*sizeof(SkYUVAIndex));
SkImage_GpuYUVA::~SkImage_GpuYUVA() {}
SkImageInfo SkImage_GpuYUVA::onImageInfo() const {
// Note: this is the imageInfo for the flattened image, not the YUV planes
return SkImageInfo::Make(this->width(), this->height(), kRGBA_8888_SkColorType,
fAlphaType, fColorSpace);
sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> SkImage_GpuYUVA::asTextureProxyRef() const {
if (!fRGBProxy) {
sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> yProxy = fProxies[fYUVAIndices[SkYUVAIndex::kY_Index].fIndex];
sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> uProxy = fProxies[fYUVAIndices[SkYUVAIndex::kU_Index].fIndex];
sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> vProxy = fProxies[fYUVAIndices[SkYUVAIndex::kV_Index].fIndex];
if (!yProxy || !uProxy || !vProxy) {
return nullptr;
GrPaint paint;
// TODO: modify the YUVtoRGBEffect to do premul if fImageAlphaType is kPremul_AlphaType
paint.addColorFragmentProcessor(GrYUVtoRGBEffect::Make(fProxies, fYUVAIndices,
const SkRect rect = SkRect::MakeIWH(this->width(), this->height());
// Needs to create a render target in order to draw to it for the yuv->rgb conversion.
sk_sp<GrRenderTargetContext> renderTargetContext(
SkBackingFit::kExact, this->width(), this->height(), kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig,
std::move(fColorSpace), 1, GrMipMapped::kNo, fOrigin));
if (!renderTargetContext) {
return nullptr;
renderTargetContext->drawRect(GrNoClip(), std::move(paint), GrAA::kNo, SkMatrix::I(), rect);
if (!renderTargetContext->asSurfaceProxy()) {
return nullptr;
// DDL TODO: in the promise image version we must not flush here
fRGBProxy = renderTargetContext->asTextureProxyRef();
return fRGBProxy;
//*** bundle this into a helper function used by this and SkImage_Gpu?
sk_sp<SkImage> SkImage_GpuYUVA::MakeFromYUVATextures(GrContext* ctx,
SkYUVColorSpace colorSpace,
const GrBackendTexture yuvaTextures[],
const SkYUVAIndex yuvaIndices[4],
SkISize size,
GrSurfaceOrigin origin,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> imageColorSpace) {
GrProxyProvider* proxyProvider = ctx->contextPriv().proxyProvider();
// Right now this still only deals with YUV and NV12 formats. Assuming that YUV has different
// textures for U and V planes, while NV12 uses same texture for U and V planes.
bool nv12 = (yuvaIndices[SkYUVAIndex::kU_Index].fIndex ==
// We need to make a copy of the input backend textures because we need to preserve the result
// of validate_backend_texture.
GrBackendTexture yuvaTexturesCopy[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
// Validate that the yuvaIndices refer to valid backend textures.
const SkYUVAIndex& yuvaIndex = yuvaIndices[i];
if (SkYUVAIndex::kA_Index == i && yuvaIndex.fIndex == -1) {
// Meaning the A plane isn't passed in.
if (yuvaIndex.fIndex == -1 || yuvaIndex.fIndex > 3) {
// Y plane, U plane, and V plane must refer to image sources being passed in. There are
// at most 4 image sources being passed in, could not have a index more than 3.
return nullptr;
SkColorType ct = kUnknown_SkColorType;
if (SkYUVAIndex::kY_Index == i || SkYUVAIndex::kA_Index == i) {
// The Y and A planes are always kAlpha8 (for now)
ct = kAlpha_8_SkColorType;
} else {
// The UV planes can either be interleaved or planar
ct = nv12 ? kRGBA_8888_SkColorType : kAlpha_8_SkColorType;
if (!yuvaTexturesCopy[yuvaIndex.fIndex].isValid()) {
yuvaTexturesCopy[yuvaIndex.fIndex] = yuvaTextures[yuvaIndex.fIndex];
// TODO: Instead of using assumption about whether it is NV12 format to guess colorType,
// actually use channel information here.
if (!ValidateBackendTexture(ctx, yuvaTexturesCopy[yuvaIndex.fIndex],
ct, kUnpremul_SkAlphaType, nullptr)) {
return nullptr;
// TODO: Check that for each plane, the channel actually exist in the image source we are
// reading from.
sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> tempTextureProxies[4]; // build from yuvaTextures
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
// Fill in tempTextureProxies to avoid duplicate texture proxies.
int textureIndex = yuvaIndices[i].fIndex;
// Safely ignore since this means we are missing the A plane.
if (textureIndex == -1) {
SkASSERT(SkYUVAIndex::kA_Index == i);
if (!tempTextureProxies[textureIndex]) {
tempTextureProxies[textureIndex] =
proxyProvider->wrapBackendTexture(yuvaTexturesCopy[textureIndex], origin);
if (!tempTextureProxies[textureIndex]) {
return nullptr;
return sk_make_sp<SkImage_GpuYUVA>(sk_ref_sp(ctx), kNeedNewImageUniqueID, colorSpace,
tempTextureProxies, yuvaIndices, size, origin,
imageColorSpace, SkBudgeted::kYes);
sk_sp<SkImage> SkImage_GpuYUVA::MakePromiseYUVATexture(GrContext* context,
SkYUVColorSpace yuvColorSpace,
const GrBackendFormat yuvaFormats[],
const SkISize yuvaSizes[],
const SkYUVAIndex yuvaIndices[4],
SkISize size,
GrSurfaceOrigin imageOrigin,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> imageColorSpace,
TextureFulfillProc textureFulfillProc,
TextureReleaseProc textureReleaseProc,
PromiseDoneProc promiseDoneProc,
TextureContext textureContexts[]) {
// The contract here is that if 'promiseDoneProc' is passed in it should always be called,
// even if creation of the SkImage fails.
if (!promiseDoneProc) {
return nullptr;
int numTextures;
bool valid = SkYUVAIndex::AreValidIndices(yuvaIndices, &numTextures);
// Set up promise helpers
SkPromiseImageHelper promiseHelpers[4];
for (int texIdx = 0; texIdx < numTextures; ++texIdx) {
promiseHelpers[texIdx].set(textureFulfillProc, textureReleaseProc, promiseDoneProc,
if (!valid) {
return nullptr;
if (!context) {
return nullptr;
if (size.width() <= 0 || size.height() <= 0) {
return nullptr;
if (!textureFulfillProc || !textureReleaseProc) {
return nullptr;
SkAlphaType at = (-1 != yuvaIndices[SkYUVAIndex::kA_Index].fIndex) ? kPremul_SkAlphaType
: kOpaque_SkAlphaType;
SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::Make(size.width(), size.height(), kRGBA_8888_SkColorType,
at, imageColorSpace);
if (!SkImageInfoIsValid(info)) {
return nullptr;
// Set up color types
SkColorType texColorTypes[4] = { kUnknown_SkColorType, kUnknown_SkColorType,
kUnknown_SkColorType, kUnknown_SkColorType };
for (int yuvIndex = 0; yuvIndex < 4; ++yuvIndex) {
int texIdx = yuvaIndices[yuvIndex].fIndex;
if (texIdx < 0) {
if (kUnknown_SkColorType == texColorTypes[texIdx]) {
texColorTypes[texIdx] = kAlpha_8_SkColorType;
} else {
texColorTypes[texIdx] = kRGBA_8888_SkColorType;
// If UV is interleaved, then Y will have RGBA color type
if (kRGBA_8888_SkColorType == texColorTypes[yuvaIndices[SkYUVAIndex::kU_Index].fIndex]) {
texColorTypes[yuvaIndices[SkYUVAIndex::kY_Index].fIndex] = kRGBA_8888_SkColorType;
// Get lazy proxies
GrProxyProvider* proxyProvider = context->contextPriv().proxyProvider();
sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> proxies[4];
for (int texIdx = 0; texIdx < numTextures; ++texIdx) {
// for each proxy we need to fill in
struct {
GrPixelConfig fConfig;
SkPromiseImageHelper fPromiseHelper;
} params;
if (!context->contextPriv().caps()->getConfigFromBackendFormat(yuvaFormats[texIdx],
&params.fConfig)) {
return nullptr;
params.fPromiseHelper = promiseHelpers[texIdx];
GrProxyProvider::LazyInstantiateCallback lazyInstCallback =
[params](GrResourceProvider* resourceProvider) mutable {
if (!resourceProvider || !params.fPromiseHelper.isValid()) {
if (params.fPromiseHelper.isValid()) {
return sk_sp<GrTexture>();
return params.fPromiseHelper.getTexture(resourceProvider, params.fConfig);
GrSurfaceDesc desc;
desc.fFlags = kNone_GrSurfaceFlags;
desc.fWidth = yuvaSizes[texIdx].width();
desc.fHeight = yuvaSizes[texIdx].height();
desc.fConfig = params.fConfig;
desc.fSampleCnt = 1;
proxies[texIdx] = proxyProvider->createLazyProxy(
std::move(lazyInstCallback), desc, imageOrigin, GrMipMapped::kNo,
GrTextureType::k2D, GrInternalSurfaceFlags::kNone,
SkBackingFit::kExact, SkBudgeted::kNo,
if (!proxies[texIdx]) {
return nullptr;
return sk_make_sp<SkImage_GpuYUVA>(sk_ref_sp(context), kNeedNewImageUniqueID, yuvColorSpace,
proxies, yuvaIndices, size, imageOrigin,
std::move(imageColorSpace), SkBudgeted::kNo);